コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Asign the Bitmaps to a ColorMath object from a ComboBox.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab">The gui calling this</param>
        /// <param name="layer"></param>Which layer the screenshot will be used on.
        /// <param name="math">The ColorMath that will get the images assigned to it.</param>
        /// <param name="Selector">The ComboBox containing BitmapCollection objects.</param>
        /// <param name="setColor"><c>True</c> will overwrite the FixedColor property of the ColorMath with the one from the BitmapCollection.</param>
        public static void AsignLayers(ITab tab, int layer, EffectClasses.ColorMath math, object Selector, bool setColor)
            //remove image of current tab from screenshot collection.
            int index   = tab.GetTabControl().SelectedIndex;
            var tabAsSS = tab as IScreenshotUser;

            if (tabAsSS != null)
                if (tabAsSS.ScreenshotsImages[index] != null)
                tabAsSS.ScreenshotsImages[index] = null;

            //The first Object is the option to use a screenshot.
            if (((ComboBox)Selector).SelectedIndex == 0)
                if (tab is IScreenshotUser)
                    var screenshot = FetchScreenshot();
                    if (screenshot == null)
                        ((ComboBox)Selector).SelectedIndex = 1;
                        tabAsSS.ScreenshotsImages[index] = screenshot;
                        math.OBJ = new Bitmap(256, 224);

                        math.BG1 = (layer == 1) ? screenshot : new Bitmap(256, 224);
                        math.BG2 = (layer == 2) ? screenshot : new Bitmap(256, 224);
                        math.BG3 = (layer == 3) ? screenshot : new Bitmap(256, 224);
                        math.BG4 = (layer == 4) ? screenshot : new Bitmap(256, 224);
                    MessageBox.Show("This tab is not supporting the use of screenshots.", "Not Implemented", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    ((ComboBox)Selector).SelectedIndex = 1;
                EffectClasses.BitmapCollection bc = (EffectClasses.BitmapCollection)((ComboBox)Selector).SelectedItem;
                math.Collection = bc;
                if (setColor)
                    if (bc.FixedColor == null)
                        bc.FixedColor = Color.Transparent;
                    math.FixedColor = EffectClasses.BitmapEffects.FromColor(bc.FixedColor, bc.BG1.Size);