コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// retrieves the run logs for the test when the steps are not reported to Qc (like in ST)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentTest"></param>
        /// <returns>the test run log</returns>
        private string GetTestRunLog(ITSTest currentTest)
            string TestLog = "log\\vtd_user.log";

            IRun   lastrun = currentTest.LastRun as IRun;
            string retVal  = "";

            if (lastrun != null)
                    IExtendedStorage storage = lastrun.ExtendedStorage as IExtendedStorage;

                    List   list;
                    bool   wasFatalError;
                    var    path    = storage.LoadEx(TestLog, true, out list, out wasFatalError);
                    string logPath = Path.Combine(path, TestLog);

                    if (File.Exists(logPath))
                        retVal = File.ReadAllText(logPath).TrimEnd();
                    retVal = "";
            retVal = ConsoleWriter.FilterXmlProblematicChars(retVal);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// writes a summary of the test run after it's over
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prevTest"></param>
        private void WriteTestRunSummary(ITSTest prevTest)
            int prevRunId = ConsoleWriter.ActiveTestRun.PrevRunId;

            int runid = GetTestRunId(prevTest);

            if (runid > prevRunId)
                string stepsString = GetTestStepsDescFromQc(prevTest);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stepsString) && ConsoleWriter.ActiveTestRun.TestState != TestState.Error)
                    stepsString = GetTestRunLog(prevTest);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stepsString))

                string linkStr = GetTestRunLink(prevTest, runid);

                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine("\n" + string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerDisplayLink, linkStr));
            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString(Launcher.DateFormat) + " " + Resources.AlmRunnerTestCompleteCaption + " " + prevTest.Name +
                                    ((runid > prevRunId) ? ", " + Resources.AlmRunnerRunIdCaption + " " + runid : "")
                                    + "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
コード例 #3
        private void SetTestResults(ITSTest currentTest, IExecutionStatus executionStatus, ITestSet targetTestSet, TestRunResults activeTestDesc, TestSuiteRunResults runDesc, string testPath, string abortFilename)
            // write the status for each test
            for (int k = 1; k <= executionStatus.Count; ++k)
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(abortFilename))

                TestExecStatus testExecStatusObj = executionStatus[k];
                currentTest = targetTestSet.TSTestFactory[testExecStatusObj.TSTestId];

                if (currentTest == null)
                    ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format("currentTest is null for test.{0} after whole execution", k));

                activeTestDesc = UpdateTestStatus(runDesc, targetTestSet, testExecStatusObj, false);
                UpdateCounters(activeTestDesc, runDesc);

                activeTestDesc.TestPath = testPath;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// gets a link string for the test run in Qc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prevTest"></param>
        /// <param name="runid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetTestRunLink(ITSTest prevTest, int runid)
            bool     oldQc           = CheckIsOldQc();
            ITestSet set             = prevTest.TestSet;
            string   testRunLink     = "td://" + m_qcProject + "." + m_qcDomain + "." + m_qcServer.Replace("http://", "") + "/TestLabModule-000000003649890581?EntityType=IRun&EntityID=" + runid;
            string   testRunLinkQc10 = "td://" + m_qcProject + "." + m_qcDomain + "." + m_qcServer.Replace("http://", "") + "/Test%20Lab?Action=FindRun&TestSetID=" + set.ID + "&TestInstanceID=" + prevTest.ID + "&RunID=" + runid;
            string   linkStr         = (oldQc ? testRunLinkQc10 : testRunLink);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// gets the runId for the given test
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentTest">a test instance</param>
        /// <returns>the run id</returns>
        private static int GetTestRunId(ITSTest currentTest)
            int  runid   = -1;
            IRun lastrun = currentTest.LastRun as IRun;

            if (lastrun != null)
                runid = lastrun.ID;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// summerizes test steps after test has run
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="test"></param>
        /// <returns>a string containing descriptions of step states and messags</returns>
        string GetTestStepsDescFromQc(ITSTest test)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                //get runs for the test
                RunFactory rfactory = test.RunFactory;
                List       runs     = rfactory.NewList("");
                if (runs.Count == 0)

                //get steps from run
                StepFactory stepFact = runs[runs.Count].StepFactory;
                List        steps    = stepFact.NewList("");
                if (steps.Count == 0)

                //go over steps and format a string
                foreach (IStep step in steps)
                    sb.Append("Step: " + step.Name);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(step.Status))
                        sb.Append(", Status: " + step.Status);

                    string desc = step["ST_DESCRIPTION"] as string;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc))
                        desc = "\n\t" + desc.Trim().Replace("\n", "\t").Replace("\r", "");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desc))
            catch (Exception ex)
                sb.AppendLine("Exception while reading step data: " + ex.Message);

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// updates the test status in our list of tests
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetTestSet"></param>
        /// <param name="testExecStatusObj"></param>
        private TestRunResults UpdateTestStatus(TestSuiteRunResults runResults, ITestSet targetTestSet, TestExecStatus testExecStatusObj, bool onlyUpdateState)
            TestRunResults qTest       = null;
            ITSTest        currentTest = null;

                //find the test for the given status object
                currentTest = targetTestSet.TSTestFactory[testExecStatusObj.TSTestId];

                //find the test in our list
                int testIndex = GetIdxByTestName(currentTest.Name, runResults);
                qTest = runResults.TestRuns[testIndex];

                if (qTest.TestType == null)
                    qTest.TestType = GetTestType(currentTest);

                //update the state
                qTest.PrevTestState = qTest.TestState;
                qTest.TestState     = GetTsStateFromQcState(testExecStatusObj.Status);

                if (!onlyUpdateState)
                        //duration and status are updated according to the run
                        qTest.Runtime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(currentTest.LastRun.Field("RN_DURATION"));
                        //a problem getting duration, maybe the test isn't done yet - don't stop the flow..

                    switch (qTest.TestState)
                    case TestState.Failed:
                        qTest.FailureDesc = GenerateFailedLog(currentTest.LastRun);

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qTest.FailureDesc))
                            qTest.FailureDesc = testExecStatusObj.Status + " : " + testExecStatusObj.Message;

                    case TestState.Error:
                        qTest.ErrorDesc = testExecStatusObj.Status + " : " + testExecStatusObj.Message;


                    //check qc version for link type
                    bool oldQc = CheckIsOldQc();

                    //string testLink = "<a href=\"testdirector:mydtqc01.isr.hp.com:8080/qcbin," + m_qcProject + "," + m_qcDomain + "," + targetTestSet.Name+ ";test-instance:" + testExecStatusObj.TestInstance + "\"> Alm link</a>";
                    string serverURl = m_qcServer.TrimEnd("/".ToCharArray());
                    if (serverURl.ToLower().StartsWith("http://"))
                        serverURl = serverURl.Substring(7);

                    //string testLinkInLabQc10 = "td://" + m_qcProject + "." + m_qcDomain + "." + m_qcServer.Replace("http://", "") + "/Test%20Lab?Action=FindTestInstance&TestSetID=" + targetTestSet.ID + "&TestInstanceID=" + testExecStatusObj.TSTestId;
                    //string testLinkInLab = "td://" + m_qcProject + "." + m_qcDomain + "." + m_qcServer.Replace("http://", "") + "/TestLabModule-000000003649890581?EntityType=ITestInstance&EntityID=" + testExecStatusObj.TSTestId;

                    int    runid   = GetTestRunId(currentTest);
                    string linkStr = GetTestRunLink(currentTest, runid);

                    string statusString = GetTsStateFromQcState(testExecStatusObj.Status as string).ToString();
                    ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerTestStat, currentTest.Name, statusString, testExecStatusObj.Message, linkStr));
                    runResults.TestRuns[testIndex] = qTest;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerErrorGettingStat, currentTest.Name, ex.Message));

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// runs a test set with given parameters (and a valid connection to the QC server)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tsFolderName">testSet folder name</param>
        /// <param name="tsName">testSet name</param>
        /// <param name="timeout">-1 for unlimited, or number of miliseconds</param>
        /// <param name="runMode">run on LocalMachine or remote</param>
        /// <param name="runHost">if run on remote machine - remote machine name</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TestSuiteRunResults RunTestSet(string tsFolderName, string tsName, double timeout, QcRunMode runMode, string runHost)
            string currentTestSetInstances     = "";
            TestSuiteRunResults runDesc        = new TestSuiteRunResults();
            TestRunResults      activeTestDesc = null;

            var            tsFactory     = tdConnection.TestSetFactory;
            var            tsTreeManager = (ITestSetTreeManager)tdConnection.TestSetTreeManager;
            List           tsList        = null;
            string         tsPath        = "Root\\" + tsFolderName;
            ITestSetFolder tsFolder      = null;

                tsFolder = (ITestSetFolder)tsTreeManager.get_NodeByPath(tsPath);
            catch (COMException ex)
                //not found
                tsFolder = null;

            if (tsFolder == null)
                //node wasn't found, folder = null
                ConsoleWriter.WriteErrLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerNoSuchFolder, tsFolder));

                //this will make sure run will fail at the end. (since there was an error)
                Launcher.ExitCode = Launcher.ExitCodeEnum.Failed;
                tsList = tsFolder.FindTestSets(tsName);
            if (tsList == null)
                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerCantFindTest, tsName));

                //this will make sure run will fail at the end. (since there was an error)
                Launcher.ExitCode = Launcher.ExitCodeEnum.Failed;
            ITestSet targetTestSet = null;

            foreach (ITestSet ts in tsList)
                if (ts.Name.Equals(tsName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    targetTestSet = ts;

            if (targetTestSet == null)
                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerCantFindTest, tsName));

                //this will make sure run will fail at the end. (since there was an error)
                Launcher.ExitCode = Launcher.ExitCodeEnum.Failed;

            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerDisplayTest, tsName, targetTestSet.ID));

            ITSScheduler Scheduler = null;

                //need to run this to install everyhting needed http://AlmServer:8080/qcbin/start_a.jsp?common=true
                //start the scheduler
                Scheduler = targetTestSet.StartExecution("");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Scheduler = null;
                currentTestSetInstances = GetTestInstancesString(targetTestSet);
            catch (Exception ex)

            if (Scheduler == null)

                //proceeding with program execution is tasteless, since nothing will run without a properly installed QC.

            TSTestFactory tsTestFactory = targetTestSet.TSTestFactory;
            ITDFilter2    tdFilter      = tsTestFactory.Filter;

            tdFilter["TC_CYCLE_ID"] = targetTestSet.ID.ToString();

            IList tList = tsTestFactory.NewList(tdFilter.Text);

                //set up for the run depending on where the test instances are to execute
                switch (runMode)
                case QcRunMode.RUN_LOCAL:
                    // run all tests on the local machine
                    Scheduler.RunAllLocally = true;

                case QcRunMode.RUN_REMOTE:
                    // run tests on a specified remote machine
                    Scheduler.TdHostName = runHost;

                // RunAllLocally must not be set for remote invocation of tests. As such, do not do this: Scheduler.RunAllLocally = False
                case QcRunMode.RUN_PLANNED_HOST:
                    // run on the hosts as planned in the test set
                    Scheduler.RunAllLocally = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerProblemWithHost, ex.Message));

            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(Resources.AlmRunnerNumTests + tList.Count);

            int i = 1;

            foreach (ITSTest3 test in tList)
                string runOnHost = runHost;
                if (runMode == QcRunMode.RUN_PLANNED_HOST)
                    runOnHost = test.HostName;

                //if host isn't taken from QC (PLANNED) and not from the test definition (REMOTE), take it from LOCAL (machineName)
                string hostName = runOnHost;
                if (runMode == QcRunMode.RUN_LOCAL)
                    hostName = Environment.MachineName;
                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerDisplayTestRunOnHost, i, test.Name, hostName));

                Scheduler.RunOnHost[test.ID] = runOnHost;

                var testResults = new TestRunResults();
                testResults.TestName = test.Name;

                i = i + 1;

            Stopwatch sw     = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            Stopwatch testSw = null;

                //tests are actually run
            catch (Exception ex)
                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(Resources.AlmRunnerRunError + ex.Message);

            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(Resources.AlmRunnerSchedStarted + DateTime.Now.ToString(Launcher.DateFormat));
            IExecutionStatus executionStatus     = Scheduler.ExecutionStatus;
            bool             tsExecutionFinished = false;
            ITSTest          prevTest            = null;
            ITSTest          currentTest         = null;
            string           abortFilename       = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\stop" + Launcher.UniqueTimeStamp + ".txt";

            //wait for the tests to end ("normally" or because of the timeout)
            while ((tsExecutionFinished == false) && (timeout == -1 || sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < timeout))
                executionStatus.RefreshExecStatusInfo("all", true);
                tsExecutionFinished = executionStatus.Finished;

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(abortFilename))

                for (int j = 1; j <= executionStatus.Count; ++j)
                    TestExecStatus testExecStatusObj = executionStatus[j];

                    activeTestDesc = UpdateTestStatus(runDesc, targetTestSet, testExecStatusObj, true);

                    if (activeTestDesc.PrevTestState != activeTestDesc.TestState)
                        TestState tstate = activeTestDesc.TestState;
                        if (tstate == TestState.Running)
                            currentTest = targetTestSet.TSTestFactory[testExecStatusObj.TSTestId];
                            int testIndex = GetIdxByTestName(currentTest.Name, runDesc);

                            int prevRunId = GetTestRunId(currentTest);
                            runDesc.TestRuns[testIndex].PrevRunId = prevRunId;

                            //closing previous test
                            if (prevTest != null)

                            //starting new test
                            prevTest = currentTest;

                            //assign the new test the consol writer so it will gather the output

                            ConsoleWriter.ActiveTestRun = runDesc.TestRuns[testIndex];

                            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString(Launcher.DateFormat) + " Running: " + currentTest.Name);

                            //tell user that the test is running
                            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString(Launcher.DateFormat) + " Running test: " + activeTestDesc.TestName + ", Test id: " + testExecStatusObj.TestId + ", Test instance id: " + testExecStatusObj.TSTestId);

                            //start timing the new test run
                            string         foldername = "";
                            ITestSetFolder folder     = targetTestSet.TestSetFolder as ITestSetFolder;

                            if (folder != null)
                                foldername = folder.Name.Replace(".", "_");

                            //the test group is it's test set. (dots are problematic since jenkins parses them as seperators between packadge and class)
                            activeTestDesc.TestGroup = foldername + "\\" + targetTestSet.Name;
                            activeTestDesc.TestGroup = activeTestDesc.TestGroup.Replace(".", "_");

                        TestState enmState     = GetTsStateFromQcState(testExecStatusObj.Status as string);
                        string    statusString = enmState.ToString();

                        if (enmState == TestState.Running)
                            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerStat, activeTestDesc.TestName, testExecStatusObj.TSTestId, statusString));
                        else if (enmState != TestState.Waiting)
                            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerStatWithMessage, activeTestDesc.TestName, testExecStatusObj.TSTestId, statusString, testExecStatusObj.Message));
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(abortFilename))

                //wait 0.2 seconds

                //check for abortion
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(abortFilename))
                    _blnRunCancelled = true;


                    //stop all test instances in this testSet.


                    //stop working

            //check status for each test
            if (timeout == -1 || sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < timeout)
                //close last test
                if (prevTest != null)

                //done with all tests, stop collecting output in the testRun object.
                ConsoleWriter.ActiveTestRun = null;
                for (int k = 1; k <= executionStatus.Count; ++k)
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(abortFilename))

                    TestExecStatus testExecStatusObj = executionStatus[k];
                    activeTestDesc = UpdateTestStatus(runDesc, targetTestSet, testExecStatusObj, false);

                    UpdateCounters(activeTestDesc, runDesc);

                    currentTest = targetTestSet.TSTestFactory[testExecStatusObj.TSTestId];

                    string testPath = "Root\\" + tsFolderName + "\\" + tsName + "\\" + activeTestDesc.TestName;

                    activeTestDesc.TestPath = testPath;

                //update the total runtime
                runDesc.TotalRunTime = sw.Elapsed;

                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerTestsetDone, tsName, DateTime.Now.ToString(Launcher.DateFormat)));
                _blnRunCancelled = true;
                Launcher.ExitCode = Launcher.ExitCodeEnum.Aborted;

コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TestCaseInstance"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="test">The test<see cref="ITSTest"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="buildNumber"> The build number for this test run. </param>
 /// <param name="environment"> The environmnet the test is run on.</param>
 public TestCaseInstance(ITSTest test, string environment, string buildNumber)
     this.Test = test;
     this.Name = test.Name.Substring(test.Name.LastIndexOf("]") + 1); // remove the test case instance number
     this.StartTestRun(environment, buildNumber);
        /// <summary>
        /// summerizes test steps after test has run
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="test"></param>
        /// <returns>a string containing descriptions of step states and messags</returns>
        string GetTestStepsDescFromQc(ITSTest test)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                //get runs for the test
                RunFactory rfactory = test.RunFactory;
                List runs = rfactory.NewList("");
                if (runs.Count == 0)
                    return "";

                //get steps from run
                StepFactory stepFact = runs[runs.Count].StepFactory;
                List steps = stepFact.NewList("");
                if (steps.Count == 0)
                    return "";

                //go over steps and format a string
                foreach (IStep step in steps)
                    sb.Append("Step: " + step.Name);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(step.Status))
                        sb.Append(", Status: " + step.Status);

                    string desc = step["ST_DESCRIPTION"] as string;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc))
                        desc = "\n\t" + desc.Trim().Replace("\n", "\t").Replace("\r", "");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desc))
            catch (Exception ex)
                sb.AppendLine("Exception while reading step data: " + ex.Message);
            return sb.ToString().TrimEnd();
        /// <summary>
        /// retrieves the run logs for the test when the steps are not reported to Qc (like in ST)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentTest"></param>
        /// <returns>the test run log</returns>
        private string GetTestRunLog(ITSTest currentTest)
            string TestLog = "log\\vtd_user.log";

            IRun lastrun = currentTest.LastRun as IRun;
            string retVal = "";
            if (lastrun != null)
                    IExtendedStorage storage = lastrun.ExtendedStorage as IExtendedStorage;

                    List list;
                    bool wasFatalError;
                    var path = storage.LoadEx(TestLog, true, out list, out wasFatalError);
                    string logPath = Path.Combine(path, TestLog);

                    if (File.Exists(logPath))
                        retVal = File.ReadAllText(logPath).TrimEnd();
                    retVal = "";
            retVal = ConsoleWriter.FilterXmlProblematicChars(retVal);
            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        /// gets a link string for the test run in Qc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prevTest"></param>
        /// <param name="runid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetTestRunLink(ITSTest prevTest, int runid)
            bool oldQc = CheckIsOldQc();
            bool useSSL = (m_qcServer.Contains("https://"));

            ITestSet set = prevTest.TestSet;
            string testRunLink = useSSL ? ("tds://" + m_qcProject + "." + m_qcDomain + "." + m_qcServer.Replace("https://", "") + "/TestLabModule-000000003649890581?EntityType=IRun&EntityID=" + runid)
                : ("td://" + m_qcProject + "." + m_qcDomain + "." + m_qcServer.Replace("http://", "") + "/TestLabModule-000000003649890581?EntityType=IRun&EntityID=" + runid);
            string testRunLinkQc10 = useSSL ? ("tds://" + m_qcProject + "." + m_qcDomain + "." + m_qcServer.Replace("https://", "") + "/Test%20Lab?Action=FindRun&TestSetID=" + set.ID + "&TestInstanceID=" + prevTest.ID + "&RunID=" + runid)
                : ("td://" + m_qcProject + "." + m_qcDomain + "." + m_qcServer.Replace("http://", "") + "/Test%20Lab?Action=FindRun&TestSetID=" + set.ID + "&TestInstanceID=" + prevTest.ID + "&RunID=" + runid);
            string linkStr = (oldQc ? testRunLinkQc10 : testRunLink);
            return linkStr;
 /// <summary>
 /// gets the runId for the given test
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentTest">a test instance</param>
 /// <returns>the run id</returns>
 private static int GetTestRunId(ITSTest currentTest)
     int runid = -1;
     IRun lastrun = currentTest.LastRun as IRun;
     if (lastrun != null)
         runid = lastrun.ID;
     return runid;
        /// <summary>
        /// writes a summary of the test run after it's over
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prevTest"></param>
        private void WriteTestRunSummary(ITSTest prevTest)
            int prevRunId = ConsoleWriter.ActiveTestRun.PrevRunId;

            int runid = GetTestRunId(prevTest);
            if (runid > prevRunId)
                string stepsString = GetTestStepsDescFromQc(prevTest);

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stepsString) && ConsoleWriter.ActiveTestRun.TestState != TestState.Error)
                    stepsString = GetTestRunLog(prevTest);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stepsString))

                string linkStr = GetTestRunLink(prevTest, runid);

                ConsoleWriter.WriteLine("\n" + string.Format(Resources.AlmRunnerDisplayLink, linkStr));
            ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString(Launcher.DateFormat) + " " + Resources.AlmRunnerTestCompleteCaption + " " + prevTest.Name +
                ((runid > prevRunId) ? ", " + Resources.AlmRunnerRunIdCaption + " " + runid : "")
                + "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");