コード例 #1
        private void PreconfigureDeviceInstance(PNPDriverINFFile pnpDriverInf, ISystemRegistryHive systemRegistryHive, string enumerator, string deviceID, string deviceInstanceID, BaseDeviceService deviceService)
            var driver           = pnpDriverInf.ClassGUID.ToUpper() + @"\" + _classInstanceID;
            var manufacturerName = pnpDriverInf.GetDeviceManufacturerName(HardwareID, _installation.ArchitectureIdentifier, _installation.MinorOSVersion, _installation.ProductType);

            var hardwareKeyName = @"Enum\" + enumerator + @"\" + deviceID + @"\" + deviceInstanceID;

            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(hardwareKeyName, "ClassGUID", RegistryValueKind.String, pnpDriverInf.ClassGUID);
            // The presence of DeviceDesc is critical for some reason, but any value can be used
            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(hardwareKeyName, "DeviceDesc", RegistryValueKind.String, deviceService.DeviceDescription);
            // "Driver" is used to help Windows determine which software key belong to this hardware key.
            // Note: When re-installing the driver, the software key to be used will be determined by this value as well.
            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(hardwareKeyName, "Driver", RegistryValueKind.String, driver);
            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(hardwareKeyName, "Service", RegistryValueKind.String, deviceService.ServiceName);

            // ConfigFlags is not related to the hardware, it's the status of the configuration of the device by Windows (CONFIGFLAG_FAILEDINSTALL etc.)
            // the presence of this value tells windows the device has driver installed
            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(hardwareKeyName, "ConfigFlags", RegistryValueKind.DWord, 0);

            if (PNPDriverINFFile.IsRootDevice(HardwareID))
                // Windows uses the "HardwareID" entry to determine if the hardware is already installed,
                // We don't have to add this value for physical devices, because Windows will get this value from the device,
                // but we must add this for virtual devices, or we will find ourselves with duplicity when re-installing (e.g. two Microsoft iScsi Initiators).
                systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(hardwareKeyName, "HardwareID", RegistryValueKind.MultiString,
                                                                   new[] { HardwareID });

            // not necessary:
            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(hardwareKeyName, "Mfg", RegistryValueKind.String, manufacturerName);
            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(hardwareKeyName, "Class", RegistryValueKind.String, pnpDriverInf.ClassName);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the registry, set TCP/IP related services to boot start
        /// </summary>
        private void SetRegistryToTCPIPBootStart(ISystemRegistryHive systemRegistryHive)
            const int serviceBootStart = 0;

            if (systemRegistryHive is SetupRegistryHiveFile)
                // text-mode:
                _installation.SetupRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("KSecDD", string.Empty, "Start", RegistryValueKind.DWord, serviceBootStart);
                _installation.SetupRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("KSecDD", string.Empty, "Group", RegistryValueKind.String, "Base");

                _installation.SetupRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("NDIS", string.Empty, "Start", RegistryValueKind.DWord, serviceBootStart);
                _installation.SetupRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("NDIS", string.Empty, "Group", RegistryValueKind.String, "NDIS Wrapper");
            // GUI-mode: KSecDD is already taken care of by default
            // GUI-mode: NDIS is already taken care of by default

            if (!_installation.IsWindows2000)             // Windows 2000 has an independent Tcpip service that does not require IPSec
                systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("IPSec", string.Empty, "Start", RegistryValueKind.DWord, serviceBootStart);
                systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("IPSec", string.Empty, "Group", RegistryValueKind.String, "PNP_TDI");       // this will be ignored, text-mode setup will assign Tcpip to 'SCSI Miniport' (because that's where we put it in txtsetup.sif)
                systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("IPSec", string.Empty, "Type", RegistryValueKind.DWord, 1);                 // SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER

            systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("Tcpip", string.Empty, "Start", RegistryValueKind.DWord, serviceBootStart);
            systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("Tcpip", string.Empty, "Group", RegistryValueKind.String, "PNP_TDI"); // this will be ignored, text-mode setup will assign IPSec to 'SCSI Miniport' (because that's where we put it in txtsetup.sif)
            systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("Tcpip", string.Empty, "Type", RegistryValueKind.DWord, 1);           // SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
            if (!_installation.IsWindows2000)                                                                              // Windows 2000 has an independent Tcpip service that does not require IPSec
            // not absolutely necessary apparently. however. it's still a good practice:
                systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("Tcpip", string.Empty, "DependOnService", RegistryValueKind.String, "IPSec");

            // Needed for stability
            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(@"Control\Session Manager\Memory Management", "DisablePagingExecutive", RegistryValueKind.DWord, 1);
            // not sure that's really necessary, but sanbootconf setup does it, so it seems like a good idea (1 by default for Server 2003)
            systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey("Tcpip", "Parameters", "DisableDHCPMediaSense", RegistryValueKind.DWord, 1);

            var bootServices = new List <string>(new[] { "NDIS Wrapper", "NDIS", "Base", "PNP_TDI" });

コード例 #3
        private void RegisterDeviceService(ISystemRegistryHive systemRegistryHive, PNPDriverINFFile pnpDriverInf, BaseDeviceService deviceService)
            // We ignore start type. if the user uses this program, she wants to boot something!
            const int startType = 0;
            // Note: using a different service registry key under CurrentControlSet\Services with an ImagePath entry referring to the .sys will not work in text mode setup!
            // Text-mode setup will always initialize services based on the values stored under Services\serviceName, where serviceName is the service file name without the .sys extension.

            // write all to registry:
            var serviceName = deviceService.ServiceName;

            if (deviceService.ServiceDisplayName != string.Empty)
            systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey(serviceName, string.Empty, "ErrorControl", RegistryValueKind.DWord, deviceService.ErrorControl);
            if (deviceService.ServiceGroup != string.Empty)
            systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey(serviceName, string.Empty, "Start", RegistryValueKind.DWord, startType);
            systemRegistryHive.SetServiceRegistryKey(serviceName, string.Empty, "Type", RegistryValueKind.DWord, deviceService.ServiceType);

            if (systemRegistryHive is HiveSystemINFFile)             // GUI Mode registry

            // Note that software key will stick from text-mode:
            var softwareKeyName = @"Control\Class\" + pnpDriverInf.ClassGUID + @"\" + _classInstanceID;

            var service = deviceService as NetworkDeviceService;

            if (service != null)
                var netCfgInstanceID = service.NetCfgInstanceID;
                // - sanbootconf and iScsiBP use this value, but it's not necessary for successful boot, static IP can be used instead.
                // - the presence of this value will stick and stay for the GUI mode
                // - the presence of this value during GUI Mode will prevent the IP settings from being resetted
                // - the presence of this value will cause Windows 2000 \ XP x86 to hang after the NIC driver installation (there is no problem with Windows Server 2003)
                // - the presence of this value will cause Windows XP x64 to hang during the "Installing Network" phase (there is no problem with Windows Server 2003)

                // we will set this value so sanbootconf / iScsiBP could use it, and if necessary, delete it before the NIC driver installation (using hal.inf)
                systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "NetCfgInstanceId", RegistryValueKind.String, netCfgInstanceID);
                if (!_installation.IsWindowsServer2003)
                    // delete the NetCfgInstanceId registry value during the beginning of GUI-mode setup

                // The Linkage subkey is critical, and is used to bind the network adapter to TCP/IP:
                // - The NetCfgInstanceId here is the one Windows actually uses for TCP/IP configuration.
                // - The first component in one entry corresponds to the first component in the other entries:
                systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "Linkage", "Export", RegistryValueKind.MultiString, new[] { @"\Device\" + netCfgInstanceID });
                systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "Linkage", "RootDevice", RegistryValueKind.MultiString, new[] { netCfgInstanceID });                 // Windows can still provide TCP/IP without this entry
                systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "Linkage", "UpperBind", RegistryValueKind.MultiString, new[] { "Tcpip" });

            // We need to make sure the software key is created, otherwise two devices can end up using the same software key

            // Note for network adapters:
            // "MatchingDeviceId" is not critical for successfull boot or devices which are not network adapters, but it's critical for NICBootConf in case it's being used
            // Note: Windows will store the hardwareID as it appears in the driver, including &REV
            systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "MatchingDeviceId", RegistryValueKind.String, HardwareID.ToLower());

            // not necessary. in addition, it will also be performed by GUI-mode setup
            if (deviceService.DeviceDescription != string.Empty)
                systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "DriverDesc", RegistryValueKind.String,
            if (pnpDriverInf.DriverVersion != string.Empty)
                systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "DriverVersion", RegistryValueKind.String,
            if (pnpDriverInf.Provider != string.Empty)
                systemRegistryHive.SetCurrentControlSetRegistryKey(softwareKeyName, "ProviderName", RegistryValueKind.String,