コード例 #1
        public static string Unsubscribe()
            QBSessionManager sessMgr = default(QBSessionManager);

            sessMgr = new QBSessionManager();
            // Again, we're dealing with subscriptions, which are independent of the company
            // so there is no need to BeginSession, just open the connection.
            sessMgr.OpenConnection("", cAppName);

            // Set up the SubscriptionDel request
            Array array      = sessMgr.QBXMLVersionsForSubscription;
            short mjrVersion = (short)double.Parse(array.GetValue(array.Length - 1).ToString());
            short mnrVersion = 0;//double.Parse(array.GetValue(0).ToString());

            ISubscriptionMsgSetRequest submsg;

            submsg = sessMgr.CreateSubscriptionMsgSetRequest(mjrVersion, mnrVersion);
            ISubscriptionDel uiextend = default(ISubscriptionDel);

            uiextend = submsg.AppendSubscriptionDelRq();

            // Send the request
            ISubscriptionMsgSetResponse subresp = default(ISubscriptionMsgSetResponse);

            subresp = sessMgr.DoSubscriptionRequests(submsg);
            IResponse resp = default(IResponse);

            resp = subresp.ResponseList.GetAt(0);

            // Check the result and display an appropriate message to the user
            if ((resp.StatusCode == 0))
                //Interaction.MsgBox("Successfully removed from QuickBooks File menu, restart QuickBooks to see results");
                //Interaction.MsgBox("Could not remove from QuickBooks menu: " + resp.StatusMessage);
            message = resp.StatusMessage;
            // Close the connection with QuickBooks, we didn't Begin a session so there is
            // no need to EndSession.
            sessMgr = null;

コード例 #2
        public static string Subscribe()
            QBSessionManager sessMgr = new QBSessionManager();

            // For a subscription request we only need an OpenConnection, no session...
            sessMgr.OpenConnection(cAppID, cAppName);

            // Create a Subscription request

            Array array      = sessMgr.QBXMLVersionsForSubscription;
            short mjrVersion = (short)double.Parse(array.GetValue(array.Length - 1).ToString());
            short mnrVersion = 0;//double.Parse(array.GetValue(0).ToString());

            ISubscriptionMsgSetRequest subRq = default(ISubscriptionMsgSetRequest);

            subRq = sessMgr.CreateSubscriptionMsgSetRequest(mjrVersion, mnrVersion);

            // Add a UIExtension subscription to our request
            IUIExtensionSubscriptionAdd subAdd = default(IUIExtensionSubscriptionAdd);

            subAdd = subRq.AppendUIExtensionSubscriptionAddRq();

            // set up the subscription request with the required information, we're adding to
            // the file menu in this case, and just for fun, we're making it a cascading menu

            // For the cascade fun, we're just going to add items to the cascade menu...
            IMenuItem subMenu = default(IMenuItem);

            subMenu = subAdd.MenuExtensionSubscription.ORMenuSubmenu.Submenu.MenuItemList.Append();
            // this is the text that the user will see in QuickBooks:
            // this is the tag we'll get in our event handler to know which menu item was
            // selected:

            subMenu = subAdd.MenuExtensionSubscription.ORMenuSubmenu.Submenu.MenuItemList.Append();
            // this is the text that the user will see in QuickBooks:
            subMenu.MenuText.SetValue("Process Payment");
            // this is the tag we'll get in our event handler to know which menu item was
            // selected:
            subMenu.EventTag.SetValue("Process Payment");

            subMenu = subAdd.MenuExtensionSubscription.ORMenuSubmenu.Submenu.MenuItemList.Append();
            // this is the text that the user will see in QuickBooks:
            subMenu.MenuText.SetValue("Recurring Payments");
            // this is the tag we'll get in our event handler to know which menu item was
            // selected:
            subMenu.EventTag.SetValue("Recurring Payments");

            subMenu = subAdd.MenuExtensionSubscription.ORMenuSubmenu.Submenu.MenuItemList.Append();
            // this is the text that the user will see in QuickBooks:
            subMenu.MenuText.SetValue("Gateway Sync");
            // this is the tag we'll get in our event handler to know which menu item was
            // selected:
            subMenu.EventTag.SetValue("Gateway Sync");

            //subMenu = subAdd.MenuExtensionSubscription.ORMenuSubmenu.Submenu.MenuItemList.Append();
            //// this is the text that the user will see in QuickBooks:
            //subMenu.MenuText.SetValue("Transaction Logs");
            //// this is the tag we'll get in our event handler to know which menu item was
            //// selected:
            //subMenu.EventTag.SetValue("Transaction Logs");

            // Send the request and get the response, since we're sending only one request there
            // will be only one response in the response list
            ISubscriptionMsgSetResponse subRs = default(ISubscriptionMsgSetResponse);

            subRs = sessMgr.DoSubscriptionRequests(subRq);
            IResponse resp = default(IResponse);

            // Check the response and display an appropriate message to the user.
            resp = subRs.ResponseList.GetAt(0);
            if ((resp.StatusCode == 0))
                //Interaction.MsgBox("Successfully added Prism Pay Plugin to QuickBooks Customer  menu, restart QuickBooks to see results");
                //	Interaction.MsgBox("Could not add to QuickBooks menu: " + resp.StatusMessage);

            message = resp.StatusMessage;
            sessMgr = null;

            //' Subscribe to events...

            //' Create the outer subscription request XML "envelope"
            //Dim inputXMLDoc As New XmlDocument()
            //inputXMLDoc.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", Nothing, Nothing))
            //inputXMLDoc.AppendChild(inputXMLDoc.CreateProcessingInstruction("qbxml", "version=""3.0"""))
            //Dim qbXML As XmlElement = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("QBXML")
            //Dim SubReq As XmlElement = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("QBXMLSubscriptionMsgsRq")

            //' Now create the Data Event subscription to find out about customer changes
            //' Note that we will get notifications indirectly if the customer balance changes, etc.
            //' when an invoice is created...
            //Dim DataSubReq As XmlElement = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("UIExtensionSubscriptionAddRq")
            //Dim DataSubAdd As XmlElement
            //DataSubAdd = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("UIExtensionSubscriptionAdd")

            //' Note that our SubscriberID is the same as the DataEventApp uses for
            //' the OwnerID of data extensions.  this isn't necessary but it is convenient...
            //AddSimpleElement(inputXMLDoc, DataSubAdd, "SubscriberID", cSubscriberID)

            //' Set up the COMCallback information
            //Dim COMCallback As XmlElement
            //COMCallback = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("COMCallbackInfo")
            //AddSimpleElement(inputXMLDoc, COMCallback, "AppName", cCallbackAppName)

            //' We supply the ProgID, this is the most convenient way to supply callback
            //' information for a COM class written in visual basic which does it's best to
            //' hide information like CLSIDs from the programmer.
            //AddSimpleElement(inputXMLDoc, COMCallback, "ProgID", cCallbackProgID)

            //' We set to DeliverAlways just to show how we can have a fine granularity of
            //' whether to process events or not by implementing an application-specific event
            //' queue.  This could easily be changed to DeliverOnlyIfRunning and then as soon
            //' as the QBDataEventApp creates an instance of the QBDateEventHandler class to
            //' start tracking events QuickBooks will start delivering the events...
            //Dim AddMenu As XmlElement
            //AddMenu = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("MenuExtensionSubscription")
            //AddSimpleElement(inputXMLDoc, AddMenu, "AddToMenu", "File")
            //Dim MenuItem As XmlElement
            //MenuItem = inputXMLDoc.CreateElement("MenuItem")
            //AddSimpleElement(inputXMLDoc, MenuItem, "MenuText", "TestDOTNETMenuItem")
            //AddSimpleElement(inputXMLDoc, MenuItem, "EventTag", "TestDOTNETMenuItem")

            //'Finally, send the subscription request to QuickBooks
            //Dim subXML As String
            //subXML = inputXMLDoc.OuterXml

            //Dim RP As Interop.QBXMLRP2.RequestProcessor2
            //Dim connectionOpened As Boolean = False
            //    ' Get the RequestProcessor and open a connection.
            //    RP = New Interop.QBXMLRP2.RequestProcessor2()
            //    RP.OpenConnection(cAppID, cAppName)
            //    connectionOpened = True

            //    Dim resp As String
            //    resp = RP.ProcessSubscription(subXML)

            //    ' We'll just show the response.  Note that if we try to subscribe again we'll get
            //    ' an error.  We're not doing anything else with the response...
            //    MsgBox(Prompt:=resp, Title:="Subscribe Complete")
            //    MessageBox.Show("Error", Err.Description)

            //    If connectionOpened Then
            //        RP.CloseConnection()
            //    End If
            //End Try