/// <summary>
        /// Creates and returns an <see cref="TContextData"/> instance based on the supplied resource.
        /// </summary>
        public TContextData GetContextData(IStudentTransportation resource)
            if (resource == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("resource", "The 'studentTransportation' resource for obtaining authorization context data cannot be null.");

            var entity = resource as StudentTransportation;

            dynamic contextData = new TContextData();

            contextData.SchoolId   = entity.SchoolId == default(int) ? null as int? : entity.SchoolId;     // Primary key property, Only Education Organization Id present
            contextData.StudentUSI = entity.StudentUSI == default(int) ? null as int? : entity.StudentUSI; // Primary key property, USI
        public static bool SynchronizeTo(this IStudentTransportation source, IStudentTransportation target)
            bool isModified = false;

            var sourceSupport = source as IStudentTransportationSynchronizationSourceSupport;

            // Back synch non-reference portion of PK (PK properties cannot be changed, therefore they can be omitted in the resource payload, but we need them for proper comparisons for persistence)
            if (source.AMBusNumber != target.AMBusNumber)
                source.AMBusNumber = target.AMBusNumber;
            if (source.PMBusNumber != target.PMBusNumber)
                source.PMBusNumber = target.PMBusNumber;
            if (source.SchoolId != target.SchoolId)
                source.SchoolId = target.SchoolId;
            if (source.StudentUniqueId != target.StudentUniqueId)
                source.StudentUniqueId = target.StudentUniqueId;

            // Copy non-PK properties

            if ((sourceSupport == null || sourceSupport.IsEstimatedMilesFromSchoolSupported) &&
                target.EstimatedMilesFromSchool != source.EstimatedMilesFromSchool)
                target.EstimatedMilesFromSchool = source.EstimatedMilesFromSchool;
                isModified = true;

            // Sync lists

        public static void MapTo(this IStudentTransportation source, IStudentTransportation target, Action <IStudentTransportation, IStudentTransportation> onMapped)
            var sourceSynchSupport = source as IStudentTransportationSynchronizationSourceSupport;
            var targetSynchSupport = target as IStudentTransportationSynchronizationSourceSupport;

            // Copy resource Id
            target.Id = source.Id;

            // Copy contextual primary key values
            target.AMBusNumber     = source.AMBusNumber;
            target.PMBusNumber     = source.PMBusNumber;
            target.SchoolId        = source.SchoolId;
            target.StudentUniqueId = source.StudentUniqueId;

            // Copy non-PK properties

            if (sourceSynchSupport.IsEstimatedMilesFromSchoolSupported)
                target.EstimatedMilesFromSchool = source.EstimatedMilesFromSchool;
                targetSynchSupport.IsEstimatedMilesFromSchoolSupported = false;

            // Copy Aggregate Reference Data
            if (GeneratedArtifactStaticDependencies.AuthorizationContextProvider == null ||
                GeneratedArtifactStaticDependencies.AuthorizationContextProvider.GetAction() == RequestActions.ReadActionUri)
                target.SchoolResourceId     = source.SchoolResourceId;
                target.StudentResourceId    = source.StudentResourceId;
                target.StudentDiscriminator = source.StudentDiscriminator;

            // ----------------------------------
            //   Map One-to-one relationships
            // ----------------------------------

            // Map lists

            var eTagProvider = new ETagProvider();

            // Convert value to ETag, if appropriate
            var entityWithETag = target as IHasETag;

            if (entityWithETag != null)
                entityWithETag.ETag = eTagProvider.GetETag(source);

            // Convert value to LastModifiedDate, if appropriate
            var dateVersionedEntity = target as IDateVersionedEntity;
            var etagSource          = source as IHasETag;

            if (dateVersionedEntity != null && etagSource != null)
                dateVersionedEntity.LastModifiedDate = eTagProvider.GetDateTime(etagSource.ETag);