protected override void FileAction(string fileName, string rawLocation) { string directoryName = destination.ToString(); if (!FileValidator.IsNameCorrect(directoryName)) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); throw new CommandException("Action ignored! " + directoryName + " contains not allowed characters."); } string newFileName = newName.ToString(); if (!FileValidator.IsNameCorrect(newFileName)) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); throw new CommandException("Action ignored! " + newFileName + " contains not allowed characters."); } if (FileValidator.IsDirectory(newFileName)) { string extension = FileInnerVariable.GetExtension(fileName); newFileName += "." + extension; } string oldLocation = rawLocation + "//" + fileName; string newLocation = rawLocation + "//" + directoryName + "//" + newFileName; if (!Directory.Exists(rawLocation + "//" + directoryName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(rawLocation + "//" + directoryName); } try { if (forced && File.Exists(newLocation)) { File.Delete(@newLocation); } File.Move(@oldLocation, @newLocation); RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Success(); Logger.GetInstance().LogCommand("Move " + fileName + " to " + directoryName + " as " + newFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); if (ex is IOException || ex is UnauthorizedAccessException) { throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Access denied during moving " + fileName + " to " + directoryName + " as " + newFileName + "."); } else { throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Something went wrong during moving " + fileName + " to " + directoryName + " as " + newFileName + "."); } } }
protected override void FileAction(string oldFileName, string rawLocation) { string newFileName = destination.ToString(); if (!FileValidator.IsNameCorrect(newFileName)) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); throw new CommandException("Action ignored! " + newFileName + " contains not allowed characters."); } if (FileValidator.IsDirectory(newFileName)) { string extension = FileInnerVariable.GetExtension(oldFileName); newFileName += "." + extension; } if (oldFileName.Equals(newFileName)) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Old name and new name for " + newFileName + " are the same and renaming is unnecessary."); } string slocation = rawLocation + "//" + oldFileName; string nlocation = rawLocation + "//" + newFileName; try { if (forced && File.Exists(nlocation)) { File.Delete(@nlocation); } File.Move(@slocation, @nlocation); RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Success(); Logger.GetInstance().LogCommand("Rename " + oldFileName + " to " + newFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); if (ex is IOException || ex is UnauthorizedAccessException) { throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Access denied during renaming " + oldFileName + " to " + newFileName + "."); } else { throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Something went wrong during renaming " + oldFileName + " to " + newFileName + "."); } } }
public override string ToString() { string value; int number = (int)arg1.ToNumber(); if (arg0 is INumerable) { if ((arg0 as INumerable).ToNumber() % 1 == 0) { value = ((int)(arg0 as INumerable).ToNumber()).ToString(); } else { value = (arg0 as INumerable).ToNumber().ToString(); } } else { value = arg0.ToString(); } if (value.Length >= number) { return(value); } return(string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("0", number - value.Length)) + value); }
public override string ToString() { string source = arg0.ToString(); int arg1v = (int)arg1.ToNumber(); if (arg1v >= source.Length) { return(""); } int arg2v = (int)arg2.ToNumber(); if (arg2v < 1) { return(""); } if (arg1v + arg2v > source.Length) { arg2v -= arg1v + arg2v - source.Length; } return(source.Substring(arg1v, arg2v)); }
public override List <string> ToList() { List <string> result = new List <string>(); decimal oldIndex = RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().GetValueNumber("index"); string oldThis = RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().GetValueString("this"); RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Actualize("index", 0); foreach (string element in leftSide.ToList()) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Actualize("this", element); string value = rightSide.ToString(); if (unique) { if (!result.Contains(value)) { result.Add(value); } } else { result.Add(value); } RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().PlusPlus("index"); } RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Actualize("index", oldIndex); RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Actualize("this", oldThis); return(result); }
public override bool ToBool() { string leftValue = leftSide.ToString(); string rightValue = rightSide.ToString(); switch (type) { case ComparisonType.Equals: return(leftValue.Equals(rightValue) ? true : false); case ComparisonType.NotEquals: return(leftValue.Equals(rightValue) ? false : true); case ComparisonType.Bigger: return(leftValue.CompareTo(rightValue) == 1 ? true : false); case ComparisonType.Smaller: return(leftValue.CompareTo(rightValue) == -1 ? true : false); case ComparisonType.BiggerOrEquals: return(leftValue.CompareTo(rightValue) > -1 ? true : false); case ComparisonType.SmallerOrEquals: return(leftValue.CompareTo(rightValue) < 1 ? true : false); } return(false); }
public override decimal ToNumber() { StringBuilder stringb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char ch in arg0.ToString()) { if (Char.IsDigit(ch)) { stringb.Append(ch); } else { if (stringb.Length == 4) { return(Decimal.Parse(stringb.ToString())); } else { if (stringb.Length > 0) { stringb.Clear(); } } } } if (stringb.Length == 4) { return(Decimal.Parse(stringb.ToString())); } else { return(0); } }
// Token: 0x060063D6 RID: 25558 RVA: 0x001531CC File Offset: 0x001513CC internal static string ToString(object obj) { IStringable stringable = obj as IStringable; if (stringable != null) { return(stringable.ToString()); } return(obj.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { if (AppDomain.IsAppXModel()) { IStringable stringable = this as IStringable; if (stringable != null) { return(stringable.ToString()); } } return(base.ToString()); }
public override bool ToBool() { string file = arg0.ToString(); string directory = arg1.ToString(); if (file.Equals("") || directory.Equals("")) { return(false); } return(FileInnerVariable.ExistInside(file, directory)); }
public override string ToString() { string source = arg0.ToString(); int arg1v = (int)arg1.ToNumber(); if (arg1v >= source.Length) { return(base.ToString()); } return(source.Substring(arg1v)); }
public override decimal ToNumber() { try { decimal value = Decimal.Parse(arg0.ToString()); return(value); } catch (Exception) { return(0); } }
internal static string ToString(object obj) { // Check whether the type implements IStringable. IStringable stringableType = obj as IStringable; if (stringableType != null) { return(stringableType.ToString()); } return(obj.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { int repeats = (int)arg1.ToNumber(); if (repeats <= 0) { return(""); } else { return(string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(arg0.ToString(), repeats))); } }
public override string ToString() { string value = arg0.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return(value); } else { return(new string(value.Where(char.IsLetter).ToArray())); } }
public override string ToString() { string text = arg0.ToString(); string phrase = arg1.ToString(); int index = text.IndexOf(phrase); if (index <= 0) { return(""); } return(text.Substring(0, index)); }
public override string ToString() { IStringable stringable = this as IStringable; if (stringable != null) { return(stringable.ToString()); } IntPtr redirectedToStringMd = this.GetRedirectedToStringMD(); if (redirectedToStringMd == IntPtr.Zero) { return(base.ToString()); } return(this.RedirectToString(redirectedToStringMd)); }
//==================================================================== // Overrides ToString() to make sure we call to IStringable if the // COM object implements it in the case of weakly typed RCWs //==================================================================== public override string ToString() { // // Only do the IStringable cast when running under AppX for better compat // Otherwise we could do a IStringable cast in classic apps which could introduce // a thread transition which would lead to deadlock // if (AppDomain.IsAppXModel()) { // Check whether the type implements IStringable. IStringable stringableType = this as IStringable; if (stringableType != null) { return(stringableType.ToString()); } } return(base.ToString()); }
internal static string ToString(object obj) { IGetProxyTarget proxy = obj as IGetProxyTarget; if (proxy != null) { obj = proxy.GetTarget(); } // Check whether the type implements IStringable. IStringable stringableType = obj as IStringable; if (stringableType != null) { return(stringableType.ToString()); } return(obj.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { // Check whether the type implements IStringable. IStringable stringableType = this as IStringable; if (stringableType != null) { return(stringableType.ToString()); } else { IntPtr pMD = GetRedirectedToStringMD(); if (pMD == IntPtr.Zero) { return(base.ToString()); } return(RedirectToString(pMD)); } }
public override decimal ToNumber() { string d = directory.ToString(); if (d.Trim().Equals("")) { return(0); } RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().ExpandLocation(d); if (!RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().WholeLocationExists()) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().RetreatLocation(); return(0); } decimal count = list.ToList().Count; RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().RetreatLocation(); return(count); }
protected override void FileAction(string fileName, string newLocation) { string source = from.ToString(); string sourceLocation = RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().GetValueString("location") + "//" + source; if (!FileValidator.IsNameCorrect(source)) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Source file name in creation of file " + fileName + " contains not allowed characters."); } if (!File.Exists(sourceLocation)) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Source file " + source + " do not exist."); } try { File.Copy(@sourceLocation, @newLocation); RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Success(); Logger.GetInstance().LogCommand("Create file " + fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Failure(); if (ex is IOException || ex is UnauthorizedAccessException) { throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Access denied during creating file " + fileName + "."); } else { throw new CommandException("Action ignored! Something went wrong during creating file " + fileName + "."); } } }
public override decimal ToNumber() { return(arg0.ToString().IndexOf(arg1.ToString())); }
public override string ToString() { string file = arg0.ToString(); return(FileInnerVariable.GetFullname(file)); }
public override DateTime ToTime() { string file = arg0.ToString(); return(FileInnerVariable.GetModification(file)); }
public void Run() { RuntimeVariables.GetInstance().Remove(name, value.ToString()); }
public override bool ToBool() { string file = arg0.ToString(); return(FileInnerVariable.Exist(file)); }
public override bool ToBool() { return(compared.ToList().Any(e => e.ToString().Equals(value.ToString()))); }
public override decimal ToNumber() { string file = arg0.ToString(); return(FileInnerVariable.GetSize(file)); }
public override string ToString() { return(condition.ToBool() ? leftValue.ToString() : rightValue.ToString()); }