コード例 #1
        private async Task <IStreamReliabilityTestGrain[]> Do_AddConsumerGrains(long baseId, int numGrains)
            logger.Info("Initializing: BaseId={0} NumGrains={1}", baseId, numGrains);

            var grains = new IStreamReliabilityTestGrain <int> [numGrains];
            var grains = new IStreamReliabilityTestGrain[numGrains];
            List <Task> promises = new List <Task>(numGrains);
            for (int i = 0; i < numGrains; i++)
                grains[i] = GetGrain(i + baseId);

            await Task.WhenAll(promises);

            logger.Info("AddConsumer: StreamId={0} Provider={1}", _streamId, _streamProviderName);
            await Task.WhenAll(grains.Select(g => g.AddConsumer(_streamId, _streamProviderName)));

コード例 #2
        protected async Task CheckConsumerCounts(string when, IStreamReliabilityTestGrain consumerGrain, int expectedConsumerCount)
            int consumerCount = await consumerGrain.GetConsumerCount();

            StreamTestUtils.Assert_AreEqual(output, expectedConsumerCount, consumerCount, "ConsumerCount for stream {0} {1}", _streamId, when);
コード例 #3
        protected async Task CheckReceivedCounts(string when, IStreamReliabilityTestGrain consumerGrain, int expectedReceivedCount, int expectedErrorsCount)
            long pk = consumerGrain.GetPrimaryKeyLong();

            int receivedCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                receivedCount = await consumerGrain.GetReceivedCount();

                output.WriteLine("After {0}s ReceivedCount={1} for grain {2}", i, receivedCount, pk);

                if (receivedCount == expectedReceivedCount)

            StreamTestUtils.Assert_AreEqual(output, expectedReceivedCount, receivedCount,
                                            "ReceivedCount for stream {0} for grain {1} {2}", _streamId, pk, when);

            int errorsCount = await consumerGrain.GetErrorsCount();

            StreamTestUtils.Assert_AreEqual(output, expectedErrorsCount, errorsCount, "ErrorsCount for stream {0} for grain {1} {2}", _streamId, pk, when);
コード例 #4
        private async Task Test_AllSilosRestart_PubSubCounts(string testName, string streamProviderName)
            _streamId           = Guid.NewGuid();
            _streamProviderName = streamProviderName;

            StreamTestUtils.LogStartTest(testName, _streamId, _streamProviderName, logger, HostedCluster);

            long consumerGrainId = random.Next();
            long producerGrainId = random.Next();

            IStreamReliabilityTestGrain <int> producerGrain =
            IStreamReliabilityTestGrain producerGrain =
                await Do_BaselineTest(consumerGrainId, producerGrainId);

            string when = "Before restart all silos";
            await StreamTestUtils.CheckPubSubCounts(this.InternalClient, output, when, 1, 1, _streamId, _streamProviderName, StreamTestsConstants.StreamReliabilityNamespace);

            // Restart silos

            when = "After restart all silos";
            CheckSilosRunning(when, numExpectedSilos);
            // Note: It is not guaranteed that the list of producers will not get modified / cleaned up during silo shutdown, so can't assume count will be 1 here.
            // Expected == -1 means don't care.
            await StreamTestUtils.CheckPubSubCounts(this.InternalClient, output, when, -1, 1, _streamId, _streamProviderName, StreamTestsConstants.StreamReliabilityNamespace);

            await producerGrain.SendItem(1);

            when = "After SendItem";

            await StreamTestUtils.CheckPubSubCounts(this.InternalClient, output, when, 1, 1, _streamId, _streamProviderName, StreamTestsConstants.StreamReliabilityNamespace);

            var consumerGrain = GetGrain(consumerGrainId);
            await CheckReceivedCounts(when, consumerGrain, 1, 0);

            StreamTestUtils.LogEndTest(testName, logger);
コード例 #5
        private async Task Test_SiloJoins(string testName, string streamProviderName)
            _streamId           = Guid.NewGuid();
            _streamProviderName = streamProviderName;

            const int numLoops = 3;

            StreamTestUtils.LogStartTest(testName, _streamId, _streamProviderName, logger, HostedCluster);

            long consumerGrainId = random.Next();
            long producerGrainId = random.Next();

            var         producerGrain    = GetGrain(producerGrainId);
            SiloAddress producerLocation = await producerGrain.GetLocation();

            var         consumerGrain    = GetGrain(consumerGrainId);
            SiloAddress consumerLocation = await consumerGrain.GetLocation();

            output.WriteLine("Grain silo locations: Producer={0} Consumer={1}", producerLocation, consumerLocation);

            // Note: This does first SendItem
            await Do_BaselineTest(consumerGrainId, producerGrainId);

            int expectedReceived = 1;

            string when = "SendItem-2";

            for (int i = 0; i < numLoops; i++)
                await producerGrain.SendItem(2);
            expectedReceived += numLoops;
            await CheckConsumerProducerStatus(when, producerGrainId, consumerGrainId, true, true);
            await CheckReceivedCounts(when, consumerGrain, expectedReceived, 0);

            // Add new silo
            //SiloHandle newSilo = StartAdditionalOrleans();
            SiloHandle newSilo = this.HostedCluster.StartAdditionalSilo();

            await this.HostedCluster.WaitForLivenessToStabilizeAsync();

            when = "After starting additonal silo " + newSilo;
            CheckSilosRunning(when, numExpectedSilos + 1);

            //when = "SendItem-3";
            //for (int i = 0; i < numLoops; i++)
            //    await producerGrain.SendItem(3);
            //expectedReceived += numLoops;
            //await CheckConsumerProducerStatus(when, producerGrainId, consumerGrainId, true, true);
            //await CheckReceivedCounts(when, consumerGrain, expectedReceived, 0);

            // Find a Consumer Grain on the new silo
            IStreamReliabilityTestGrain newConsumer = CreateGrainOnSilo(newSilo.SiloAddress);
            await newConsumer.AddConsumer(_streamId, _streamProviderName);

            output.WriteLine("Grain silo locations: Producer={0} OldConsumer={1} NewConsumer={2}", producerLocation, consumerLocation, newSilo.SiloAddress);


            when = "SendItem-4";
            for (int i = 0; i < numLoops; i++)
                await producerGrain.SendItem(4);
            expectedReceived += numLoops;
            // Old consumer received the newly published messages
            await CheckReceivedCounts(when + "-Old", consumerGrain, expectedReceived, 0);

            // New consumer received the newly published messages
            await CheckReceivedCounts(when + "-New", newConsumer, numLoops, 0);

            StreamTestUtils.LogEndTest(testName, logger);
コード例 #6
 protected async Task CheckConsumerCounts <T>(string when, IStreamReliabilityTestGrain <T> consumerGrain, int expectedConsumerCount)
コード例 #7
 protected async Task CheckReceivedCounts <T>(string when, IStreamReliabilityTestGrain <T> consumerGrain, int expectedReceivedCount, int expectedErrorsCount)