コード例 #1
        public byte[] Encrypt(string value)
            // when encrypting, you need a 'nonce' - 'number once'. By changing this on each encryption, you end up with different output each time
            // without it you apply identical encryption for each key which would be a vulnerability. It's like seeding a random number generator.
            byte[] nonce = new byte[12];

            // shouldn't use this, not random enough, but its good enough for this demo
            new Random().NextBytes(nonce);

            // initialise the algorithm with the key (password) and nonce
            _streamCipher.SetState(_key, nonce);

            // convert our string to a byte array
            byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);

            // encrypt it

            // now return the nonce (first 12 bytes) and the encrypted data as one array