コード例 #1
        public void ApplyRules(Fixture fixture, bool isRemovalDisabled)
            if (fixture == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fixture");

            if (fixture.Id != _fixtureId)
                throw new ArgumentException("MarketsRulesManager has been created for fixtureId=" + _fixtureId +
                                            " You cannot pass in fixtureId=" + fixture.Id);

            _logger.DebugFormat("Applying market rules on fixtureId={0}", fixture.Id);

            var oldstate = _stateProvider.GetObject(fixture.Id);

            BeginTransaction(oldstate, fixture);

            ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount

            // we create a temp dictionary so we can apply the rules in parallel
            // without accessing (writing to) any shared variables
            Dictionary <IMarketRule, IMarketRuleResultIntent> tmp = new Dictionary <IMarketRule, IMarketRuleResultIntent>();

            foreach (var rule in _rules)
                tmp[rule] = null;

            // a rule usually goes through the entire list of markets...if the fixture
            // comes from a full snapshot, it can have a lot of markets...
            Parallel.ForEach(tmp.Keys.ToList(), options, rule =>
                tmp[rule] = rule.Apply(fixture, oldstate, _currentTransaction);

            MergeIntents(fixture, tmp, isRemovalDisabled);


            _logger.DebugFormat("Finished applying market rules on fixtureId={0}", fixture.Id);