private void InstallLibraries(IStatusListener listener) { listener.Log ("Installing libraries..."); listener.SetProgress(0); var libraries = VersionParameters.Libraries.Where (x => x.AppliesHere).Where (x => x.RequiredForClient).ToList (); // Install missing libraries int progress = 0; int totalCount = libraries.Count (); foreach (var lib in libraries) { var libUrl = lib.Url; var libJar = lib.GetPath(this); var libDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(libJar); Directory.CreateDirectory(libDir); // Download the library if it does not already exist in the libraries directory if (!File.Exists (libJar)) Downloader.Single(libUrl, libJar, listener); // Ugh, apply the extract rules. I hope I do this right. // If Extract is present, that means we extract it. Otherwise, the jar just sits there... right?? if (lib.Extract != null) { ZipUtility.Extract(libJar, Path.Combine (GameLocation, "bin", "natives"), "-META-INF"); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine (GameLocation, "bin")); File.Copy (libJar, Path.Combine (GameLocation, "bin", lib.JarName)); } ++progress; listener.SetStatus(string.Format ("Installed {0} / {1} libraries", progress, totalCount)); listener.SetProgress((double)progress / totalCount); } listener.SetProgress(1); }
private void InstallAssets(IStatusListener listener) { listener.SetTitle("Installing Minecraft assets..."); listener.SetProgress(0); listener.Log ("Installing assets..."); var manifest = AssetManifest; listener.Log ("Found {0} assets in manifest...", manifest.Objects.Count); //var toInstall = manifest.Objects.Where (x => !x.IsInstalled(AssetsLocation)); var toInstall = manifest.Objects; listener.Log ("Need to get {0} assets from", toInstall.Count ()); int progress = 0; int total = toInstall.Sum (x => x.Size); int count = 0; int totalCount = toInstall.ToList().Count; foreach (var obj in toInstall) { obj.Install (manifest, AssetsLocation, listener); progress += obj.Size; count += 1; listener.SetProgress((double)progress / (double)total); listener.SetStatus( string.Format ( "Installed {0} / {1} assets. Downloaded {2} / {3} MB", count, totalCount, Math.Round(progress / 1024.0 / 1024.0 * 100.0) / 100.0, Math.Round (total / 1024.0 / 1024.0 * 100.0) / 100.0)); Thread.Sleep(5); } listener.Log("Successfully installed all assets!"); listener.SetProgress(1); }
public void Sync(IStatusListener listener) { listener.SetTitle("Synchronizing with server"); listener.SetStatus("Please wait..."); listener.SetProgress(0); listener.Log("Retrieving server-side instance description..."); InstanceDescription fromServer = null; try { fromServer = FetchServerInstanceDescription(); } catch (FailedDownloadException e) { listener.Log ("An error occurred fetching server-side instance description: {0}", e.Message); listener.Log ("Exception: {0}", e); return; } if (fromServer == null) { listener.Log ("Sync failed: Could not retrieve server-side instance description"); return; } if (Description.StartRam == null) Description.StartRam = fromServer.StartRam; if (Description.MaxRam == null) Description.StartRam = fromServer.MaxRam; listener.SetStatus("Received server-side instance description..."); listener.Log("Successfully retrieved server-side instance description"); listener.Log("Checking for changes to instance configuration..."); var oldDescription = Description; Description = fromServer; // Query for mods which have been removed listener.Log ("Checking for removed mods..."); listener.SetStatus("Checking for removed mods..."); var removedMods = oldDescription.Mods .Where (x => !Description.Mods.Any (newMod => newMod.ArtifactId == x.ArtifactId)); // Query for mods which have been added listener.Log ("Checking for newly installed mods..."); listener.SetStatus("Checking for newly installed mods..."); var addedMods = Description.Mods.Where (x => !oldDescription.Mods.Any (oldMod => oldMod.ArtifactId == x.ArtifactId)); int count = 0; int total = removedMods.Count () + addedMods.Count (); foreach (var removedMod in removedMods) { listener.SetStatus(string.Format ("Removing {0} version {1}", removedMod.Name, removedMod.Version)); listener.Log ("Server removed mod {0}: removing...", removedMod.ArtifactId); new Mod (removedMod).Remove (this.GameFolder); listener.SetProgress((double)count / (double)total); ++count; } foreach (var addedMod in addedMods) { listener.SetStatus(string.Format ("Installing {0} version {1}", addedMod.Name, addedMod.Version)); listener.Log ("Server added mod {0}: installing...", addedMod.ArtifactId); new Mod (addedMod).Install (this.ModsStoreFolder, this.GameFolder, listener); listener.SetProgress((double)count / (double)total); ++count; } // Download new configuration files... listener.Log ("Checking configuration version.."); listener.Log ("Local: {0} Remote: {1}", oldDescription.ConfigVersion, Description.ConfigVersion); if (oldDescription.ConfigVersion < Description.ConfigVersion) { listener.Log (" * Need to update configuration from server..."); UpdateConfigFiles (listener); // A change is needed... } else { listener.Log(" - Up to date"); } listener.SetStatus("Writing updated instance description..."); using (var sw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine (GameFolder, "craftalyst-instance.json"))) sw.Write(Description.ToJson()); SaveDescription(); listener.SetProgress(1); }
void UpdateConfigFiles(IStatusListener listener) { listener.SetTitle("Syncing client configuration from server..."); listener.Log("Updating configuration files from the server..."); listener.SetStatus("Please wait..."); listener.SetProgress(0); List<string> configFiles = new List<string>(); foreach (var list in Description.Mods.Select (x => x.ConfigFiles).Where (x => x != null)) configFiles.AddRange(list); configFiles.AddRange(Description.SyncConfigs); int total = configFiles.Count(); int count = 0; foreach (string configFile in configFiles) { string localFile = Path.Combine(GameFolder, "config", configFile); if (File.Exists(localFile)) File.Delete(localFile); listener.SetStatus(string.Format ("Pulling {0}", configFile)); Downloader.Single(string.Format("{0}/config/{1}", Description.SyncUrl, configFile), localFile); listener.SetProgress((double)count / (double)total); ++count; } listener.SetProgress(1); }
public void Install(IStatusListener listener) { Directory.CreateDirectory(GameFolder); Directory.CreateDirectory(AssetsFolder); Directory.CreateDirectory(VersionsFolder); Directory.CreateDirectory(LibraryFolder); listener.Log(""); listener.Log(""); listener.Log("Installing Minecraft..."); var mc = CreateMinecraft(); mc.Install(listener); // Install mods... listener.Log(""); listener.Log(""); listener.Log("Installing mods..."); listener.SetTitle("Installing mods..."); int count = 0; int total = Description.Mods.Count (); foreach (var addedMod in Description.Mods) { listener.Log("Installing mod {0}", addedMod.ArtifactId); listener.SetStatus(string.Format ("Installing mod {0} {1}...", addedMod.Name, addedMod.Version)); new Mod(addedMod).Install(this.ModsStoreFolder, this.GameFolder, listener); listener.SetProgress((double)count / (double)total); } listener.Log("Saving instance description..."); listener.SetTitle("Saving instance..."); listener.SetStatus("Just a bit longer!"); SaveDescription(); // Install configuration files... UpdateConfigFiles(listener); listener.Log("Performing synchronization with server..."); // Update to latest from server Sync (listener); listener.SetTitle("All is done!"); listener.SetProgress(1); }