コード例 #1
 public static IEnumerable <IEnumerable <T> > ExecuteQuery <T, T1, T2>(this IStatementRunner ext, Func <qu.IQueryBuilder, string> query, Func <T, T1, T2, T> map, params object[] param)
     where T : class
     where T1 : class
     where T2 : class
     return(ext.ExecuteQuery <T, T1, T2>(query(new qu.QueryBuilder()), map, param));
コード例 #2
        public static T AddOrUpdateNode <T>(this IStatementRunner ext, T entity, Expression <Func <T, object> > propMatch = null) where T : class
            ext    = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext));
            entity = entity ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entity));
            IEnumerable <string> keyOn = propMatch?.ToPropertyNameCollection() ?? new string[0];

            if (keyOn.Count() > 0)
                foreach (string name in keyOn)
                    PropertyInfo pinfo = typeof(T).GetProperty(name);
                    if (ObjectExtensions.Configuration.Get(pinfo, entity) == pinfo.PropertyType.GetDefault())
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Every selection matching property must be set. '{name}' has its default type value.");

            Symbol s = new Symbol();
            Node   n = new Node(s, typeof(T), entity.SelectProperties(keyOn));

            n.Parametrize(prefix: "value.");

            return(ext.ExecuteQuery <T>(
                       $"MERGE {n} " +
                       $"ON CREATE SET {s}+=$value,{s}.{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}=id({s}) " +
                       $"ON MATCH SET {s}+=$value,{s}.{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}=id({s}) " +
                       $"RETURN {s}",
                       new { value = entity.SelectMatchingTypesProperties(p => p.IsPrimitive() || p.IsOfGenericType(typeof(IEnumerable <>), t => t.Type.IsPrimitive())) }).FirstOrDefault());
コード例 #3
        public override IEnumerable <IOgmConnection> UpdateRels(IStatementRunner runner, IEnumerable <Tuple <IOgmConnection, IEnumerable <string> > > entities)
            runner   = runner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(runner));
            entities = entities ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));

            entities = entities.Where(p => p?.Item1?.EntityId != null);

            if (entities.Count() == 0)

            IGraphManagedStatementRunner mgr = (runner as IGraphManagedStatementRunner) ?? throw new ArgumentException("The statement must be decorated.", nameof(runner));

            using (ManagerAccess.Manager.ScopeOMnG())
                Symbol row = new Symbol();
                Symbol m   = new Symbol();

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                sb.Append($"UNWIND $batch AS {row} ");
                sb.Append($"MATCH ()-[{m} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}}}]->()");
                sb.Append($"SET {m}+={row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)} ");
                sb.Append($"RETURN {m}");

                return(runner.ExecuteQuery <IOgmEntity>(sb.ToString(), new { batch = entities.Select(p => new RelEntity(p.Item1, -1, -1, excludePorperties: p.Item2).ToPropDictionary()).ToList() }).ToList().Select(p => p as IOgmConnection));
コード例 #4
        public override IEnumerable <IOgmConnection> CreateRels(IStatementRunner runner, IEnumerable <Tuple <IOgmConnection, IEnumerable <string> > > entities)
            runner   = runner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(runner));
            entities = entities ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));

            entities = entities.Where(p => p?.Item1 != null);

            if (entities.Count() == 0)

            IGraphManagedStatementRunner mgr = (runner as IGraphManagedStatementRunner) ?? throw new ArgumentException("The statement must be decorated.", nameof(runner));

            using (ManagerAccess.Manager.ScopeOMnG())
                Symbol row = new Symbol();
                Symbol m   = new Symbol();
                Symbol s   = new Symbol();
                Symbol d   = new Symbol();

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                sb.Append($"UNWIND $batch AS {row} ");
                sb.Append($"MATCH ({s} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.SourceId)}}})");
                sb.Append($"MATCH ({d} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.DestinationId)}}})");
                sb.Append($"CALL apoc.create.relationship({s}, {row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Label)}, {row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)}, {d}) yield rel AS {m} ");
                sb.Append($"SET {m}.{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}=id({m}) ");
                sb.Append($"RETURN {m}");

                return(runner.ExecuteQuery <IOgmEntity>(sb.ToString(), new { batch = entities.Select(p => new RelEntity(p.Item1, p.Item1.Source.EntityId.Value, p.Item1.Destination.EntityId.Value, false, excludePorperties: p.Item2).ToPropDictionary()).ToList() }).ToList().Select(p => p as IOgmConnection));
コード例 #5
        public override IEnumerable <IOgmEntity> CreateNodes(IStatementRunner runner, IEnumerable <Tuple <IOgmEntity, IEnumerable <string> > > entities)
            runner   = runner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(runner));
            entities = entities ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));

            entities = entities.Where(p => p != null);

            if (entities.Count() == 0)

            IGraphManagedStatementRunner mgr = (runner as IGraphManagedStatementRunner) ?? throw new ArgumentException("The statement must be decorated.", nameof(runner));

            using (ManagerAccess.Manager.ScopeOMnG())
                Symbol row = new Symbol();
                Symbol m   = new Symbol();

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                sb.Append($"UNWIND $batch AS {row} ");
                sb.Append($"CALL apoc.create.node({row}.{nameof(NodeEntity.Labels)}, {row}.{nameof(NodeEntity.Properties)}) yield node AS {m} ");
                sb.Append($"SET {m}.{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}=id({m}) ");
                sb.Append($"RETURN {m}");

                return(runner.ExecuteQuery <IOgmEntity>(sb.ToString(), new { batch = entities.Select(p => new NodeEntity(p.Item1, false, excludePorperties: p.Item2).ToPropDictionary()).ToList() }).ToList());
コード例 #6
        public static IQueryable <T> GetQueryableNodeSet <T>(this IStatementRunner ext) where T : class
            ext = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext));

            Symbol s = new Symbol();
            Node   n = new Node(s, typeof(T));

            return(ext.ExecuteQuery <T>(
                       $"MATCH {n.BuildForQuery()} " +
                       $"RETURN {s}"));
コード例 #7
        public override IEnumerable <IOgmConnection> CreateRels(IStatementRunner runner, IEnumerable <Tuple <IOgmConnection, IEnumerable <string> > > entities)
            runner   = runner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(runner));
            entities = entities ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));

            entities = entities.Where(p => p?.Item1 != null);

            if (entities.Count() == 0)

            IGraphManagedStatementRunner mgr = (runner as IGraphManagedStatementRunner) ?? throw new ArgumentException("The statement must be decorated.", nameof(runner));

            List <IGrouping <Type, Tuple <int, Type, RelEntity> > > sets = entities
                                                                           .Select((p, i) =>
                                                                                   new Tuple <int, Type, RelEntity>(
                                                                                       new RelEntity(p.Item1, p.Item1.Source.EntityId.Value, p.Item1.Destination.EntityId.Value, false, p.Item2)))
                                                                           .GroupBy(p => p.Item2).ToList();

            List <Tuple <int, IOgmEntity> > results = new List <Tuple <int, IOgmEntity> >();

            using (ManagerAccess.Manager.ScopeOMnG())
                foreach (var set in sets)
                    List <Tuple <int, Type, RelEntity> > items = set.ToList();

                    Symbol row = new Symbol();
                    Symbol m   = new Symbol();
                    Symbol s   = new Symbol();
                    Symbol d   = new Symbol();

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                    sb.Append($"UNWIND $batch AS {row} ");
                    sb.Append($"MATCH ({s} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.SourceId)}}}) ");
                    sb.Append($"MATCH ({d} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.DestinationId)}}}) ");
                    sb.Append($"CREATE ({s})-{new Rel(m, set.Key)}->({d}) ");
                    sb.Append($"SET {m}+={row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)},{m}.{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}=id({m}) ");
                    sb.Append($"RETURN {m}");

                                     .ExecuteQuery <IOgmEntity>(sb.ToString(), new { batch = items.Select(p => p.Item3.ToPropDictionary()).ToList() })
                                     .Select((p, i) => new Tuple <int, IOgmEntity>(items[i].Item1, p)));

                return(results.OrderBy(p => p.Item1).Select(p => p.Item2 as IOgmConnection).ToList());
コード例 #8
        public static IEnumerable <IEnumerable <T> > ExecuteQuery <T, T1>(this IStatementRunner ext, string query, Func <T, T1, T> map, params object[] param)
            where T : class
            where T1 : class
            if (param == null || param.Length == 0)
                yield break;

            foreach (object item in param)
                yield return(ext.ExecuteQuery <T, T1>(query, map, item));
コード例 #9
        public static IEnumerable <IEnumerable <T> > ExecuteQuery <T>(this IStatementRunner ext, string query, params object[] param)
            where T : class
            ext   = ext ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ext));
            query = query ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));

            if (param == null || param.Length == 0)
                yield break;

            foreach (object item in param)
                yield return(ext.ExecuteQuery <T>(query, item));
コード例 #10
 public static IQueryable <T> ExecuteQuery <T>(this IStatementRunner ext, Func <qu.IQueryBuilder, string> query, object param = null)
     where T : class
     return(ext.ExecuteQuery <T>(query(new qu.QueryBuilder()), param));
コード例 #11
        public override IEnumerable <IOgmConnection> MergeConnections(IStatementRunner runner, IEnumerable <Tuple <IOgmConnection, IEnumerable <string> > > entities)
            runner   = runner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(runner));
            entities = entities ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entities));

            entities = entities.Where(p => p?.Item1 != null);

            if (entities.Count() == 0)

            IGraphManagedStatementRunner mgr = (runner as IGraphManagedStatementRunner) ?? throw new ArgumentException("The statement must be decorated.", nameof(runner));

            using (ManagerAccess.Manager.ScopeOMnG())
                long version = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();

                List <IGrouping <string, Tuple <int, ConnectionEntity> > > sets = entities
                                                                                  .Select((p, i) => new Tuple <int, ConnectionEntity>(i, new ConnectionEntity(p.Item1, p.Item1.Source.EntityId.Value, p.Item1.Destination.EntityId.Value, version, excludePorperties: p.Item2)))
                                                                                  .GroupBy(p => p.Item2.Label).ToList();

                Symbol row = new Symbol();
                Symbol s   = new Symbol();
                Symbol d   = new Symbol();
                Symbol r   = new Symbol();

                List <Tuple <int, IOgmEntity> > results = new List <Tuple <int, IOgmEntity> >();

                foreach (var set in sets)
                    List <Tuple <int, ConnectionEntity> > items = set.ToList();

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                    sb.Append($"UNWIND $batch AS {row} ");
                    sb.Append($"MATCH ({s} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.SourceId)}}}) ");
                    sb.Append($"MATCH ({d} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.DestinationId)}}}) ");
                    sb.Append($"MERGE ({s})-");
                    sb.Append($"[{r}:`{set.Key}` {{" +
                              $"{nameof(OgmConnection.SourcePropertyName)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)}.{nameof(OgmConnection.SourcePropertyName)}," +
                              $"{nameof(OgmConnection.DestinationPropertyName)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)}.{nameof(OgmConnection.DestinationPropertyName)}," +
                              $"{nameof(OgmConnection.Order)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)}.{nameof(OgmConnection.Order)}" +
                    sb.Append($"->({d}) ");
                    sb.Append($"ON CREATE SET {r}+={row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)},{r}.{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}=id({r}) ");
                    sb.Append($"ON MATCH SET {r}+={row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)},{r}.{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}=id({r}) ");
                    sb.Append($"RETURN {r}");

                    object batch = new { batch = set.Select(p => p.Item2.ToPropDictionary()).ToList() };

                                     .ExecuteQuery <IOgmEntity>(sb.ToString(), batch).ToList()
                                     .Select((p, i) => new Tuple <int, IOgmEntity>(items[i].Item1, p)));


                    sb.Append($"UNWIND $batch AS {row} ");
                    sb.Append($"MATCH ({s} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.SourceId)}}}) ");
                    sb.Append($"MATCH ({d} {{{nameof(IOgmEntity.EntityId)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.DestinationId)}}}) ");
                    sb.Append($"MATCH ({s})-");
                    sb.Append($"[{r}:`{set.Key}` {{" +
                              $"{nameof(OgmConnection.SourcePropertyName)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)}.{nameof(OgmConnection.SourcePropertyName)}," +
                              $"{nameof(OgmConnection.DestinationPropertyName)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)}.{nameof(OgmConnection.DestinationPropertyName)}," +
                              $"{nameof(OgmConnection.Order)}:{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)}.{nameof(OgmConnection.Order)}" +
                    sb.Append($"->({d}) ");
                    sb.Append($"WHERE EXISTS({r}.{nameof(OgmConnection.Version)}) AND {r}.{nameof(OgmConnection.Version)}<>{row}.{nameof(RelEntity.Properties)}.{nameof(OgmConnection.Version)} ");
                    sb.Append($"DELETE {r}");

                    runner.Execute(sb.ToString(), batch);

                return(results.OrderBy(p => p.Item1).Select(p => p.Item2 as IOgmConnection).ToList());