コード例 #1
        public static void Main()
            const string stmt0 = "RETURN \"Hello World\"";
            const string stmt1 = "CREATE path=(acme:Company {name:\"Acme Corporation\"})" +
                                 " -[:owns]-> " +
                                 "(tesla:Car {make: 'tesla', model: 'modelX'})" +
                                 "RETURN path, acme, tesla, 7890, 1.2, ['a', 'b', 'c'] AS abc ";

            const string stmt3 = "MATCH path=(co:Company)-[r:owns]->(car:Car) RETURN path, co, r, car, " +
                                 "5678, 1.4, timestamp() AS unixepoctime, ['a', 'b', 'c'] AS abc LIMIT 5";
            const string stmt4 = "MATCH (n:Car) RETURN n.make LIMIT 5";
            const string stmt5 = "MATCH (n:Car) RETURN 1234 LIMIT 5";
            const string stmt6 = "MATCH (n) RETURN DISTINCT labels(n)";
            const string stmt7 = "MATCH (n) RETURN DISTINCT labels(n), count(*) AS NumofNodes, " +
                                 "avg(size(keys(n))) AS AvgNumOfPropPerNode, min(size(keys(n))) AS MinNumPropPerNode, max(size(keys(n))) AS MaxNumPropPerNode, " +
                                 "avg(size((n)-[]-())) AS AvgNumOfRelationships, min(size((n)-[]-())) AS MinNumOfRelationships, max(size((n)-[]-())) AS MaxNumOfRelationships ";
            const string stmt8  = "CALL db.labels() YIELD label RETURN label, timestamp() AS unixepoctime";
            const string stmt9  = "RETURN ['a', 'b', 'c'] AS abc, ['d', 123, 456.5] AS def";
            const string stmt10 = "RETURN 1 <> 0";
            const string stmta  = "CREATE (co:Company {name:\"Able Corporation\"}) RETURN co";
            const string stmtb  = "CREATE (co:Company {name:\"Baker Corporation\"}) RETURN co";
            const string stmtc  = "CREATE (co:Company {name:\"Charlie Corporation\"}) RETURN co";
            const string stmtd  = "CREATE (co:Company {name:\"Delta Corporation\"}) RETURN co";

            const string stmtd0 = "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n RETURN Count(*)";
            const string stmtd1 = "MATCH (n:Car) DETACH DELETE n RETURN Count(*)";
            const string stmtd2 = "MATCH (n:Company) DETACH DELETE n RETURN Count(*)";

            //_driver = GraphDatabase.Driver("bolt://", AuthTokens.Basic("neo4j", "gun-november-trips"));
            _driver = GraphDatabase.Driver("bolt://localhost:7687");

            using (var session = _driver.Session())
                IStatementResult resultRecords0 = session.Run(stmtd0);

                IStatementResult resultRecords = session.Run(stmt1);

                List <string> entityKeys = (List <string>)resultRecords.Keys; // variable names & constants in RETURN clause
                var           recordList = resultRecords.ToList <IRecord>();

                foreach (IRecord record in recordList) // for each match in the Cypher statement
                    ProcessRecord(record, entityKeys);

                using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
                    resultRecords = tx.Run(stmta);
                    resultRecords = tx.Run(stmtb);
                    resultRecords = tx.Run(stmtc);
                    resultRecords = tx.Run(stmtd);

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit...");
コード例 #2
ファイル: DriverDecorator.cs プロジェクト: gcanossa/N4pper
        public DriverDecorator(IDriver driver, N4pperManager manager) : base(driver)
            Manager = manager;

            using (ISession session = base.Session().WithGraphManager(Manager, this))
                IStatementResult res = session.Run("CALL dbms.procedures() YIELD name WITH name WHERE name STARTS WITH 'apoc.' RETURN count(*)");
                IsApocAvailable = res != null && ((long)res.ToList().First().Values.First().Value) > 0;
コード例 #3
        public static void Main()
            _driver = GraphDatabase.Driver("bolt://", AuthTokens.Basic("neo4j", "gun-november-trips"));

            using (var session = _driver.Session())
                string stmt0 = "RETURN \"Hello World\"";

                IStatementResult resultRecords = session.Run(stmt0);

                var     recordList = resultRecords.ToList <IRecord>();
                IRecord record     = recordList[0];
                IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> entities = record.Values;
                KeyValuePair <string, object>        entity   = entities.First();
                string key   = entity.Key;
                string value = entity.Value.ToString();
                Console.WriteLine("key: " + key + "\nvalue: " + value);
コード例 #4
ファイル: CypherQueryContext.cs プロジェクト: gcanossa/N4pper
        internal static object Execute <TResult>(IStatementRunner runner, Statement statement, Func <IRecord, Type, object> mapper, Expression expression)
            bool IsEnumerable = typeof(TResult).IsEnumerable();
            Type typeResult;

            QueryTranslator tranaslator = new QueryTranslator();

            expression = Evaluator.PartialEval(expression);

            string statementText          = Regex.Replace(statement.Text, "RETURN", "WITH", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            PipeVariableRewriter rewriter = new PipeVariableRewriter();

            statementText = rewriter.Tokenize(statementText).Rebuild();

            (string firstVar, IEnumerable <string> otherVars) = GetFirstCypherVariableName(statementText);

            string queryText = tranaslator.Translate(expression, out MethodCallExpression terminal, out int?countFromBegin, out typeResult, firstVar, otherVars);

            queryText = Regex.Replace($"{statementText} {queryText}", "RETURN", "WITH", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            queryText = rewriter.Tokenize(queryText).Rebuild();
            queryText = Regex.Replace(queryText, "WITH(.+?)$", "RETURN$1", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.RightToLeft);

            IStatementResult result = runner.Run(queryText, statement.Parameters);

            IQueryable <IRecord> records = result.ToList().AsQueryable();

            if (terminal != null)
                IRecord r = records.FirstOrDefault();

                if (terminal.Method.Name.StartsWith("First"))
                    if (r == null)
                        if (terminal.Method.Name.EndsWith("Default"))
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(records), "The collection is empty");

                    return(mapper(r, typeResult));
                    return(Convert.ChangeType(r.Values[r.Keys[0]], terminal.Type));//can only be an aggregate numeric value
                System.Collections.IList lst = (System.Collections.IList) typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(typeResult).GetInstanceOf(null);
                foreach (object item in records.Select(p => mapper(p, typeResult)))

                IQueryable lstQ = lst.AsQueryable();
                if (countFromBegin == null)
                    ExpressionInitialModifier treeCopier = new ExpressionInitialModifier(lstQ, countFromBegin.Value);
                    Expression newExpressionTree         = treeCopier.Visit(expression);

                    // This step creates an IQueryable that executes by replacing Queryable methods with Enumerable methods.
                    if (IsEnumerable)