コード例 #1
 // This function is called when a object needs to be added to bin
 public void OnObjectAdded(ISpriteCollideable gameObject)
     // Add object to the object list
     // If this bin does not have multiple objects and the the number of
     // collideable objects are greater than 1. the bin adds itself the
     // managerslist of object bins to check
     if (!hasMultipleObjects && this.listOfCollideableObjects.Count > 1)
         // add this bin to a list of bins to check for collision
         hasMultipleObjects = true;
         //Debug.Print("Multiple Object in Bin: " + gridCoord.ToString() + " are true");
コード例 #2
 // This function is called when a object needs to be removed from a bin
 public void OnObjectRemoved(ISpriteCollideable gameObject)
     // Remove Object from the object list
     // If this bin has multiple objects and the the number of
     // collideable objects are less than 2. the bin removes itself from
     // the managerslist of object bins to check
     if (hasMultipleObjects && this.listOfCollideableObjects.Count < 2)
         // remove this bin from the list of bins to check for collision
         hasMultipleObjects = false;
         //Debug.Print("Multiple Object in Bin: " + gridCoord.ToString() + " are false");
 // Removes object from the corresponding object bins
 protected void OnRemoveObjectFromBin(ISpriteCollideable collideableObject, List<Point> listOfObjectBinCoord)
     // loop though the coordinates remove the object to the
     // coresponding grid space
     foreach (Point binCoord in listOfObjectBinCoord)
         // Check if the coordinate is within the grid space
         // Remove Object from the ObjectList of a Bin
         if (binCoord.X >= 0 && binCoord.X < gridWidth && binCoord.Y >= 0 && binCoord.Y < gridHeight)
             this.objectCollisionGrid[binCoord.X, binCoord.Y].OnObjectRemoved(collideableObject);
     // Remove from Object Look Up Table
 // Gets the Objects World Coordinates/Rectangle and transforms them into Bin Coordinates
 // Works by taking the topleft and the bottom right and interpolates to get all the
 // coordinates in between.
 protected List<Point> getObjectCollisionBinCoord(ISpriteCollideable collideableObject)
     Point p = WorldCoordToBinCoord(new Vector2(200, 200));
     List<Point> listOfBinCoord = new List<Point>();
     Point leftTop = WorldCoordToBinCoord(
         new Vector2(collideableObject.Rectangle.Left, collideableObject.Rectangle.Top));
     Point rightBottom = WorldCoordToBinCoord(
         new Vector2(collideableObject.Rectangle.Right, collideableObject.Rectangle.Bottom));
     // If the left top and right bottom are not equal
     // scan through the points
     if (!leftTop.Equals(rightBottom))
         for (int y = leftTop.Y; y <= rightBottom.Y; y++)
             for (int x = leftTop.X; x <= rightBottom.X; x++)
                 listOfBinCoord.Add(new Point(x, y));
     // if the left top and bottom right are equal add just the left top
     return listOfBinCoord;
 // Adds object to the coresponding object bins
 protected void OnAddObjectToBin(ISpriteCollideable collideableObject, List<Point> listOfObjectBinCoord)
     // loop though the coordinates add the object to the
     // coresponding grid space
     foreach (Point binCoord in listOfObjectBinCoord)
         // Add Object to Object Collision Grid
         if (binCoord.X >= 0 && binCoord.X < gridWidth && binCoord.Y >= 0 && binCoord.Y < gridHeight)
             this.objectCollisionGrid[binCoord.X, binCoord.Y].OnObjectAdded(collideableObject);
     // Update Look Up Table
     this.objBinLookupTable[collideableObject.IdNumber] = listOfObjectBinCoord;
 // Finds out if the object is in camera space
 protected Boolean findOutIfObjectIsInCameraSpace(ISpriteCollideable collideableObject)
     Rectangle objectRectangle = collideableObject.Rectangle;
     if ((objectRectangle.Left >= collisionSpaceRectangle.Left) &&
         (objectRectangle.Right < collisionSpaceRectangle.Right) &&
         (objectRectangle.Top >= collisionSpaceRectangle.Top) &&
         (objectRectangle.Bottom < collisionSpaceRectangle.Bottom))
         return true;
     return false;
        protected Boolean findOutIfObjectIsInGridSpace(ISpriteCollideable collideableObject)
            Rectangle gridObjectRectangle;

            return false;
 // Adds an object to the registered object list
 // (Adds a object to a bin on the next update because the
 // camera may not have been created yet)
 public void addObjectToRegisteredObjectList(ISpriteCollideable collideableObject)
     // Registers a Collideable Object
     // assigns a id number to object
     collideableObject.IdNumber = this.IDNumberCounter;
     // increment the idnumberCounter
     //Debug.Print("Object Added to Registered List: " + collideableObject.IdNumber);
 // Removes an object from the registered object list
 // the object is removed on the next update
 public void removeObjectFromRegisteredObjectList(ISpriteCollideable collideableObject)
     // Removes the object from the registered object list
     collideableObject.removeFromRegistrationList = true;
     // Debug.Print("Object Removed from Registered List: " + collideableObject.IdNumber);
コード例 #10
 Boolean BoundingBox(ISpriteCollideable collideableObjectA, ISpriteCollideable collideableObjectB)
     return collideableObjectA.Rectangle.Intersects(collideableObjectB.Rectangle);
コード例 #11
        public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable characterCollidedWith)
            IDamageable damage = characterCollidedWith as IDamageable;

            if (damage != null && damage.TakesDamageFrom != this.DoesDamageTo)
                // we hit
               /* this.gameScreen.World.SpriteCollisionManager.removeObjectFromRegisteredObjectList(this);
                this.Dispose(); */
コード例 #12
 public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable objectCollidedWith)
     IDamaging damagingObject = objectCollidedWith as IDamaging;
     if (damagingObject != null)
コード例 #13
 // Activated on sprite collision.
 public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable objectCollidedWith)
     if (objectCollidedWith == World.Player)
         playerCollided = true;
コード例 #14
 public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable objectCollidedWith)
     if (objectCollidedWith == World.Player)
         if (!playerColliding)
             playerColliding = true;
             StoryboardScreen sbs = new StoryboardScreen("Test", "Game", @"StoryboardXML\TitleScreenStoryboard");
             ScreenTransition st = new ScreenTransition("Game", "Test", 0.2f, 0.2f, false, false);
             World.Paused = true;
コード例 #15
        public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable objectCollidedWith)
            if (objectCollidedWith is IDamaging)

            if (objectCollidedWith is IPhysical)
                Vector2 force = ((IPhysical)objectCollidedWith).Position - Position;
                float force_amount = 8.0f;
                force /= force.Length(); // Normalize vector to merely be directional.
                force *= force_amount;
                //((IPhysical)objectCollidedWith).NetForce += force;
                //this.NetForce -= force;
コード例 #16
        public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable characterCollidedWith)
            #if !XBOX && DEBUG
            //Debug.Print("Player Hit By: " + characterCollidedWith.IdNumber);
            IDamaging damage = characterCollidedWith as IDamaging;

            if (!currentState.Contains("Hit") && !currentState.Contains("Dead"))
                if (damage != null)
コード例 #17
        public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable objectCollidedWith)
            if (objectCollidedWith is IPhysical)
                Vector2 force = ((IPhysical)objectCollidedWith).Position - Position;
                force /= force.Length(); // Normalize vector to merely be directional.
                force *= FORCE_AMOUNT;
                ((IPhysical)objectCollidedWith).NetForce += force;

            if (objectCollidedWith is IDamageable)
コード例 #18
        public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable characterCollidedWith)
            IDamaging damage = characterCollidedWith as IDamaging;

            if (damage != null)
コード例 #19
 public void OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable characterCollidedWith)
     // Do nothing :)
     if(characterCollidedWith is Explosion)
         this.removeFromCollisionRegistration = true;
コード例 #20
 void ISpriteCollideable.OnSpriteCollision(ISpriteCollideable characterCollidedWith)
     // Nothing happens to the cactus on collisions.