コード例 #1
        public void RemoveFilteredRange()
            var people = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new Person("P" + i, i)).ToArray();

            _results.Data.Count.Should().Be(0, "Should be 0 people in the cache");
            _filter.OnNext(p => p.Age > 5);
            _results.Data.Count.Should().Be(5, "Should be 5 people in the cache");

            _source.RemoveRange(5, 5);

            _results.Data.Count.Should().Be(0, "Should be 0 people in the cache");
コード例 #2
        public void RemoveRange()
            var frientofchild1   = new PersonWithRelations("Friend1", 10);
            var child1           = new PersonWithRelations("Child1", 10, new[] { frientofchild1 });
            var child2           = new PersonWithRelations("Child2", 8);
            var child3           = new PersonWithRelations("Child3", 8);
            var mother           = new PersonWithRelations("Mother", 35, new[] { child1, child2, child3 });
            var child4           = new PersonWithRelations("Child4", 1);
            var child5           = new PersonWithRelations("Child5", 2);
            var anotherRelative1 = new PersonWithRelations("Another1", 2, new[] { child4, child5 });
            var child6           = new PersonWithRelations("Child6", 1);
            var child7           = new PersonWithRelations("Child7", 2);
            var anotherRelative2 = new PersonWithRelations("Another2", 2, new[] { child6, child7 });

            _source.AddRange(new[] { mother, anotherRelative1, anotherRelative2 });

            _source.RemoveRange(0, 2);
            _results.Data.Items.ShouldAllBeEquivalentTo(new[] { child6, child7 });
コード例 #3
        public void FormNewListFromChanges()

            _source.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, 100));

            // Collect preview messages about even numbers only
            var aggregator = _source.Preview(i => i % 2 == 0).AsAggregator();

            _source.RemoveRange(10, 5);
            // Trigger changes

            Assert.True(aggregator.Messages.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(aggregator.Messages[0].Count == 1);
            Assert.True(aggregator.Messages[0].First().Item.Current == 2);
            Assert.True(aggregator.Messages[0].First().Reason == ListChangeReason.Add);

            // Cleanup
コード例 #4
 public void RemoveRange()
     _source.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, 5));
     _source.RemoveRange(1, 3);
     _results.Data.Items.ShouldAllBeEquivalentTo(new[] { 5, 1 });
コード例 #5
ファイル: ReverseFixture.cs プロジェクト: kangkot/DynamicData
 public void RemoveRange()
     _source.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(1, 5));
     _source.RemoveRange(1, 3);
     CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 5, 1 }, _results.Data.Items);