コード例 #1
ファイル: Submit.cs プロジェクト: martindevans/Yolol-Ladder
        private async Task SubmitAndReply(Success verification, Solution submission, bool save)
            var previous = await _solutions.GetSolution(Context.User.Id, submission.ChallengeId);

            var avgIters = verification.Iterations / (float)verification.TotalTests;
            var reply    = $"You score {verification.Score} points using {verification.Length} chars and {avgIters:0.###} ticks per test case ({verification.Iterations} total ticks).";

            // Handle submitting something that scores worse than your existing solution
            if (previous.HasValue && previous.Value.Score > submission.Score)
                await ReplyAsync($"{reply} Less than your current best of {previous.Value.Score}");

                if (verification.Hint != null)
                    await ReplyAsync(verification.Hint);

            // This submission was better than previous, but saving is not enabled (i.e. submitting to an old competition). Reply with score and early out.
            if (!save)
                await ReplyAsync(reply);

                if (verification.Hint != null)
                    await ReplyAsync(verification.Hint);

            // Submission was better than previous and saving is enabled.
            // We might need to do a rank alert!

            // Get the current top solution(s)
            var topSolutionsBefore = await _solutions.GetTopRank(submission.ChallengeId).Select(a => a.Solution).ToListAsync();

            var topUsersBefore = topSolutionsBefore.Select(a => a.UserId).ToList();

            // Save this solution and reply to user with result
            await _solutions.SetSolution(submission);

            var rank = await _solutions.GetRank(submission.ChallengeId, Context.User.Id);

            await ReplyAsync($"{reply} You are currently rank {rank?.Rank} for this challenge.");

            if (verification.Hint != null)
                await ReplyAsync(verification.Hint);

            // There should always be a rank after the call to `SetSolution`. if there isn't just early out here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
            if (!rank.HasValue)

            // If this is not the top ranking score, or there was no top ranking score before there is no need to put out a rank alert.
            if (rank.Value.Rank != 1 || topUsersBefore.Count == 0)
            var topScoreBefore = topSolutionsBefore[0].Score;

            // There are three possible rank alerts:
            // 1) User moved from below to above: "X takes rank #1 from Y"
            // 2) User moved from below to tie: "X ties for rank #1"
            // 3) User moved from tie to above: "X breaks a tie to take #1 from Y"

            // Create the embed to fill in with details of the rank alert later
            var embed = new EmbedBuilder {
                Title = "Rank Alert", Color = Color.Gold, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText("A Cylon Project")
            var self = await _client.GetUserName(Context.User.Id);

            // Case #1/#2
            if (!topUsersBefore.Contains(Context.User.Id) && submission.Score >= topScoreBefore)
                var prev = (await topUsersBefore.ToAsyncEnumerable().SelectAwait(async a => await _client.GetUserName(a)).ToArrayAsync()).Humanize("&");

                if (submission.Score > topScoreBefore)
                    embed.Description = $"{self} takes rank #1 from {prev}!";
                else if (submission.Score == topScoreBefore)
                    embed.Description = $"{self} ties for rank #1";
            else if (topUsersBefore.Contains(Context.User.Id) && topUsersBefore.Count > 1 && submission.Score > topScoreBefore)
                var prev = (await topUsersBefore.ToAsyncEnumerable().SelectAwait(async a => await _client.GetUserName(a)).ToArrayAsync()).Humanize("&");

                embed.Description = $"{self} breaks a tie to take #1 from {prev}!";

            // Broadcast embed out to all subscribed channels
            await _broadcast.Broadcast(embed.Build()).LastAsync();
コード例 #2
ファイル: Submit.cs プロジェクト: BlackDragonIX/Yolol-Ladder
        public async Task SubmitSolution([Remainder] string input)
            var code = input.ExtractYololCodeBlock();

            if (code == null)
                await ReplyAsync(@"Failed to parse a yolol program from message - ensure you have enclosed your solution in triple backticks \`\`\`like this\`\`\`");


            var challenge = await _challenges.GetCurrentChallenge();

            if (challenge == null)
                await ReplyAsync("There is no currently running challenge!");


            var(success, failure) = await _verification.Verify(challenge, code);

            if (failure != null)
                var message = failure.Type switch {
                    FailureType.ParseFailed => $"Code is not valid Yolol code: {failure.Hint}",
                    FailureType.RuntimeTooLong => "Program took too long to produce a result",
                    FailureType.IncorrectResult => $"Program produced an incorrect value! {failure.Hint}",
                    FailureType.ProgramTooLarge => "Program is too large - it must be 20 lines by 70 characters per line",
                    _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException()

                await ReplyAsync($"Verification failed! {message}.");
            else if (success != null)
                var solution = await _solutions.GetSolution(Context.User.Id, challenge.Id);

                if (solution.HasValue && success.Score < solution.Value.Score)
                    await ReplyAsync($"Verification complete! You score {success.Score} points. Less than your current best of {solution.Value.Score}");
                    // Get the current top solution
                    var topBefore = await _solutions.GetTopRank(challenge.Id).ToArrayAsync();

                    // Submit this solution
                    await _solutions.SetSolution(new Solution(challenge.Id, Context.User.Id, success.Score, code));

                    var rank = await _solutions.GetRank(challenge.Id, Context.User.Id);

                    var rankNum = uint.MaxValue;
                    if (rank.HasValue)
                        rankNum = rank.Value.Rank;
                    await ReplyAsync($"Verification complete! You scored {success.Score} points. You are currently rank {rankNum} for this challenge.");

                    // If this is the top ranking score, and there was a top ranking score before, and it wasn't this user: alert everyone
                    if (rankNum == 1 && topBefore.Length > 0 && topBefore.All(a => a.Solution.UserId != Context.User.Id))
                        var embed = new EmbedBuilder {
                            Title  = "Rank Alert",
                            Color  = Color.Gold,
                            Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText("A Cylon Project")

                        var self = await _client.GetUserName(Context.User.Id);

                        var prev = (await topBefore.ToAsyncEnumerable().SelectAwait(async a => await _client.GetUserName(a.Solution.UserId)).ToArrayAsync()).Humanize("&");

                        embed.Description = success.Score == topBefore[0].Solution.Score
                            ? $"{self} ties for rank #1"
                            : $"{self} takes rank #1 from {prev}!";

                        await _broadcast.Broadcast(embed.Build());
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to verify solution (this is a bug, please contact @Martin#2468)");