private void SearchReservations() { int campgroundIdNumber = CLIHelper.GetInteger("Please Select a Campground: "); newCampground.Campground_Id = campgroundIdNumber; DateTime StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 5, 1); DateTime SeaWallClose = new DateTime(2019, 9, 30); DateTime SchoodicClose = new DateTime(2019, 10, 31); DateTime UapcClose = new DateTime(2019, 11, 30); if (campgroundId.Contains(newCampground.Campground_Id) == false) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please select a valid campground."); Console.WriteLine(); SearchReservations(); } DateTime FromDate = CLIHelper.GetDateTime("What is the arrival date? YYYY-MM-DD"); if (newCampground.Campground_Id == 2 || newCampground.Campground_Id == 3 || newCampground.Campground_Id == 7) { if (FromDate < StartDate && FromDate != StartDate) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The campground is closed."); Console.WriteLine(); SearchReservations(); } } DateTime ToDate = CLIHelper.GetDateTime("What is the depature date? YYYY-MM-DD"); if (newCampground.Campground_Id == 2) { if (ToDate > SeaWallClose && ToDate != SeaWallClose) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The campground closes on September 30th."); Console.WriteLine(); SearchReservations(); } } if (newCampground.Campground_Id == 3) { if (ToDate > SchoodicClose && ToDate != SchoodicClose) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The campground closes on October 31st."); Console.WriteLine(); SearchReservations(); } } if (newCampground.Campground_Id == 7) { if (ToDate > SchoodicClose && ToDate != SchoodicClose) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The campground closes on November 30th."); Console.WriteLine(); SearchReservations(); } } Console.Clear(); newCampground.Daily_Fee = Convert.ToDecimal(campgroundDAO.GetDailyFee(newCampground.Campground_Id)); newReservation.From_Date = FromDate; newReservation.To_Date = ToDate; int numberOfDays = (ToDate - FromDate).Days; IList <Site> siteReservations = siteDAO.SearchReservations(newCampground.Campground_Id, FromDate, ToDate); if (siteReservations.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Results Matching Your Search Criteria"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("SiteID".PadRight(11) + "Max Occupancy".PadRight(15) + "Is Accesible".PadRight(15) + "Max RV Length".PadRight(15) + "Utilities".PadRight(14) + "Total Cost".PadRight(15)); foreach (Site detail in siteReservations) { string accessible; siteIdList.Add(detail.Site_Id); if (detail.Accessible == true) { accessible = "Yes"; Console.WriteLine(detail.Site_Id.ToString().PadRight(11) + detail.Max_Occupancy.ToString().PadRight(15) + accessible.PadRight(15) + detail.Max_Rv_Length.ToString().PadRight(15) + Utilities[detail.Utilities].PadRight(15) + ("$" + (numberOfDays * newCampground.Daily_Fee).ToString("0.00").PadRight(20))); } else if (detail.Accessible == false) { accessible = "No"; Console.WriteLine(detail.Site_Id.ToString().PadRight(11) + detail.Max_Occupancy.ToString().PadRight(15) + accessible.PadRight(15) + detail.Max_Rv_Length.ToString().PadRight(15) + Utilities[detail.Utilities].PadRight(15) + "$" + (numberOfDays * newCampground.Daily_Fee).ToString("0.00").PadRight(20)); } } ReserveSiteMenu(); Console.ReadLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("**** NO RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE ****"); } }