コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Grows all cohorts at a site for a specified number of years.
        /// Litter is decomposed following the Century model.
        /// </summary>
        public static ISiteCohorts Run(ActiveSite site,
                                       int years,
                                       bool isSuccessionTimeStep)
            ISiteCohorts siteCohorts = SiteVars.Cohorts[site];
            IEcoregion   ecoregion   = PlugIn.ModelCore.Ecoregion[site];

            for (int y = 0; y < years; ++y)
                Year = y + 1;

                if (Climate.Future_MonthlyData.ContainsKey(PlugIn.FutureClimateBaseYear + y + PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime - years))
                    ClimateRegionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion] = Climate.Future_MonthlyData[PlugIn.FutureClimateBaseYear + y - years + PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime][ecoregion.Index];


                if (y == 0 && SiteVars.FireSeverity != null && SiteVars.FireSeverity[site] > 0)
                    FireEffects.ReduceLayers(SiteVars.FireSeverity[site], site);

                // Next, Grow and Decompose each month
                int[] months = new int[12] {
                    6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

                if (OtherData.CalibrateMode)
                    //months = new int[12]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}; This output will not match normal mode due to differences in initialization
                    months = new int[12] {
                        6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

                PlugIn.AnnualWaterBalance = 0;

                for (MonthCnt = 0; MonthCnt < 12; MonthCnt++)
                    // Calculate mineral N fractions based on coarse root biomass.  Only need to do once per year.
                    if (MonthCnt == 0)

                    Month = months[MonthCnt];

                    SiteVars.MonthlyAGNPPcarbon[site][Month] = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyBGNPPcarbon[site][Month] = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month]         = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyResp[site][Month]        = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyStreamN[site][Month]     = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Carbon         = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.TotalWoodBiomass[site]          = Century.ComputeWoodBiomass(site);

                    double ppt = ClimateRegionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion].MonthlyPrecip[Century.Month];

                    double monthlyNdeposition;
                    if (PlugIn.AtmosNintercept != -1 && PlugIn.AtmosNslope != -1)
                        monthlyNdeposition = PlugIn.AtmosNintercept + (PlugIn.AtmosNslope * ppt);
                        monthlyNdeposition = ClimateRegionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion].MonthlyNDeposition[Century.Month];

                    ClimateRegionData.MonthlyNDeposition[ecoregion][Month] = monthlyNdeposition;
                    ClimateRegionData.AnnualNDeposition[ecoregion]        += monthlyNdeposition;
                    SiteVars.MineralN[site] += monthlyNdeposition;

                    double liveBiomass = (double)ComputeLivingBiomass(siteCohorts);
                    double baseFlow, stormFlow, AET;
                    SoilWater.Run(y, Month, liveBiomass, site, out baseFlow, out stormFlow, out AET);

                    PlugIn.AnnualWaterBalance += ppt - AET;

                    // Calculate N allocation for each cohort

                    if (MonthCnt == 11)
                        siteCohorts.Grow(site, (y == years && isSuccessionTimeStep), true);
                        siteCohorts.Grow(site, (y == years && isSuccessionTimeStep), false);


                    // Volatilization loss as a function of the mineral N which remains after uptake by plants.
                    // ML added a correction factor for wetlands since their denitrification rate is double that of wetlands
                    // based on a review paper by Seitziner 2006.

                    double volatilize = (SiteVars.MineralN[site] * PlugIn.DenitrificationRate);

                    SiteVars.MineralN[site]            -= volatilize;
                    SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Nitrogen += volatilize;
                    SiteVars.Nvol[site] += volatilize;

                    SoilWater.Leach(site, baseFlow, stormFlow);

                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] -= SiteVars.MonthlyAGNPPcarbon[site][Month];
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] -= SiteVars.MonthlyBGNPPcarbon[site][Month];
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] += SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Carbon;
                    SiteVars.FineFuels[site]          = (SiteVars.SurfaceStructural[site].Carbon + SiteVars.SurfaceMetabolic[site].Carbon) * 2.0;

            ComputeTotalCohortCN(site, siteCohorts);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Grows all cohorts at a site for a specified number of years.
        /// Litter is decomposed following growth.
        /// </summary>
        public static ISiteCohorts Run(ActiveSite site,
                                       int years,
                                       bool isSuccessionTimeStep)
            ISiteCohorts siteCohorts = SiteVars.Cohorts[site];
            IEcoregion   ecoregion   = PlugIn.ModelCore.Ecoregion[site];

            for (int y = 0; y < years; ++y)
                Year = y + 1;

                if (PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime > 0 && Climate.Future_MonthlyData.ContainsKey(PlugIn.FutureClimateBaseYear + y + PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime - years))
                    EcoregionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion] = Climate.Future_MonthlyData[PlugIn.FutureClimateBaseYear + y - years + PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime][ecoregion.Index];


                if (y == 0 && SiteVars.FireSeverity != null && SiteVars.FireSeverity[site] > 0)
                    FireEffects.ReduceLayers(SiteVars.FireSeverity[site], site);

                // Next, Grow and Decompose each month
                int[] months = new int[12] {
                    6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

                if (OtherData.CalibrateMode)
                    months = new int[12] {
                        6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

                for (MonthCnt = 0; MonthCnt < 12; MonthCnt++)
                    // Calculate mineral N fractions based on coarse root biomass
                    if (MonthCnt == 0)
                    //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("SiteVars.MineralN = {0:0.00}, month = {1}.", SiteVars.MineralN[site], i);

                    Month = months[MonthCnt];

                    SiteVars.MonthlyAGNPPcarbon[site][Month] = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyBGNPPcarbon[site][Month] = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month]         = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyResp[site][Month]        = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyStreamN[site][Month]     = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Carbon         = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.TotalWoodBiomass[site]          = Main.ComputeWoodBiomass((ActiveSite)site);
                    //SiteVars.LAI[site] = Main.ComputeLAI((ActiveSite)site);

                    double ppt = EcoregionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion].MonthlyPrecip[Main.Month];

                    double monthlyNdeposition;
                    if (EcoregionData.AtmosNintercept[ecoregion] != -1 && EcoregionData.AtmosNslope[ecoregion] != -1)
                        monthlyNdeposition = EcoregionData.AtmosNintercept[ecoregion] + (EcoregionData.AtmosNslope[ecoregion] * ppt);
                        monthlyNdeposition = EcoregionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion].MonthlyNDeposition[Main.Month];

                    if (monthlyNdeposition < 0)
                        throw new System.ApplicationException("Error: Nitrogen deposition input data are not present in climate library");

                    EcoregionData.MonthlyNDeposition[ecoregion][Month] = monthlyNdeposition;
                    EcoregionData.AnnualNDeposition[ecoregion]        += monthlyNdeposition;
                    SiteVars.MineralN[site] += monthlyNdeposition;
                    //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("Ndeposition={0},MineralN={1:0.00}.", monthlyNdeposition, SiteVars.MineralN[site]);

                    double liveBiomass = (double)ComputeLivingBiomass(siteCohorts);
                    double baseFlow, stormFlow;
                    SoilWater.Run(y, Month, liveBiomass, site, out baseFlow, out stormFlow);

                    // Calculate N allocation for each cohort

                    if (MonthCnt == 11)
                        siteCohorts.Grow(site, (y == years && isSuccessionTimeStep), true);
                        siteCohorts.Grow(site, (y == years && isSuccessionTimeStep), false);


                    //...Volatilization loss as a function of the mineral n which
                    //     remains after uptake by plants.  ML added a correction factor for wetlands since their denitrification rate is double that of wetlands
                    //based on a review paper by Seitziner 2006.

                    double volatilize = (SiteVars.MineralN[site] * EcoregionData.Denitrif[ecoregion]); // monthly value

                    //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("BeforeVol.  MineralN={0:0.00}.", SiteVars.MineralN[site]);

                    SiteVars.MineralN[site]            -= volatilize;
                    SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Nitrogen += volatilize;
                    SiteVars.Nvol[site] += volatilize;

                    SoilWater.Leach(site, baseFlow, stormFlow);

                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] -= SiteVars.MonthlyAGNPPcarbon[site][Month];
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] -= SiteVars.MonthlyBGNPPcarbon[site][Month];
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] += SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Carbon;

            ComputeTotalCohortCN(site, siteCohorts);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Grows all cohorts at a site for a specified number of years.
        /// Litter is decomposed following the Century model.
        /// </summary>
        public static ISiteCohorts Run(ActiveSite site,
                                       int years,
                                       bool isSuccessionTimeStep)
            ISiteCohorts siteCohorts = SiteVars.Cohorts[site];
            IEcoregion   ecoregion   = PlugIn.ModelCore.Ecoregion[site];

            for (int y = 0; y < years; ++y)
                Year = y + 1;

                if (Climate.Future_MonthlyData.ContainsKey(PlugIn.FutureClimateBaseYear + y + PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime - years))
                    ClimateRegionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion] = Climate.Future_MonthlyData[PlugIn.FutureClimateBaseYear + y - years + PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime][ecoregion.Index];

                //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("PlugIn_FutureClimateBaseYear={0}, y={1}, ModelCore_CurrentTime={2}, CenturyTimeStep = {3}, SimulatedYear = {4}.", PlugIn.FutureClimateBaseYear, y, PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime, years, (PlugIn.FutureClimateBaseYear + y - years + PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime));


                // Next, Grow and Decompose each month
                int[] months = new int[12] {
                    6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

                if (OtherData.CalibrateMode)
                    //months = new int[12]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}; This output will not match normal mode due to differences in initialization
                    months = new int[12] {
                        6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

                PlugIn.AnnualWaterBalance = 0;

                for (MonthCnt = 0; MonthCnt < 12; MonthCnt++)
                    // Calculate mineral N fractions based on coarse root biomass.  Only need to do once per year.
                    if (MonthCnt == 0)
                    //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("SiteVars.MineralN = {0:0.00}, month = {1}.", SiteVars.MineralN[site], i);

                    Month = months[MonthCnt];

                    SiteVars.MonthlyAGNPPcarbon[site][Month] = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyBGNPPcarbon[site][Month] = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month]         = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyResp[site][Month]        = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyStreamN[site][Month]     = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.MonthlyLAI[site][Month]         = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Carbon         = 0.0;
                    SiteVars.TotalWoodBiomass[site]          = Main.ComputeWoodBiomass((ActiveSite)site);
                    //SiteVars.LAI[site] = Century.ComputeLAI((ActiveSite)site);

                    double ppt = ClimateRegionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion].MonthlyPrecip[Main.Month];

                    double monthlyNdeposition;
                    if (PlugIn.Parameters.AtmosNintercept != -1 && PlugIn.Parameters.AtmosNslope != -1)
                        monthlyNdeposition = PlugIn.Parameters.AtmosNintercept + (PlugIn.Parameters.AtmosNslope * ppt);
                        monthlyNdeposition = ClimateRegionData.AnnualWeather[ecoregion].MonthlyNDeposition[Main.Month];

                    if (monthlyNdeposition < 0)
                        throw new System.ApplicationException("Error: Nitrogen deposition less than zero.");

                    ClimateRegionData.MonthlyNDeposition[ecoregion][Month] = monthlyNdeposition;
                    ClimateRegionData.AnnualNDeposition[ecoregion]        += monthlyNdeposition;
                    SiteVars.MineralN[site] += monthlyNdeposition;
                    //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("Ndeposition={0},MineralN={1:0.00}.", monthlyNdeposition, SiteVars.MineralN[site]);

                    double liveBiomass = (double)ComputeLivingBiomass(siteCohorts);
                    double baseFlow, stormFlow, AET;

                    //    SoilWaterHenne.Run(y, Month, liveBiomass, site, out baseFlow, out stormFlow, out AET);
                    SoilWater.Run(y, Month, liveBiomass, site, out baseFlow, out stormFlow, out AET);

                    PlugIn.AnnualWaterBalance += ppt - AET;

                    // Calculate N allocation for each cohort

                    if (MonthCnt == 11)
                        siteCohorts.Grow(site, (y == years && isSuccessionTimeStep), true);
                        siteCohorts.Grow(site, (y == years && isSuccessionTimeStep), false);


                    // Volatilization loss as a function of the mineral N which remains after uptake by plants.
                    // ML added a correction factor for wetlands since their denitrification rate is double that of wetlands
                    // based on a review paper by Seitziner 2006.

                    double volatilize = (SiteVars.MineralN[site] * PlugIn.Parameters.DenitrificationRate);

                    //PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("BeforeVol.  MineralN={0:0.00}.", SiteVars.MineralN[site]);

                    SiteVars.MineralN[site]            -= volatilize;
                    SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Nitrogen += volatilize;
                    SiteVars.Nvol[site] += volatilize;

                    if (OtherData.Henne_WaterMode)
                        SoilWaterHenne.Leach(site, baseFlow, stormFlow);
                        SoilWater.Leach(site, baseFlow, stormFlow);

                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] -= SiteVars.MonthlyAGNPPcarbon[site][Month];
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] -= SiteVars.MonthlyBGNPPcarbon[site][Month];
                    SiteVars.MonthlyNEE[site][Month] += SiteVars.SourceSink[site].Carbon;
                    SiteVars.FineFuels[site]          = (SiteVars.SurfaceStructural[site].Carbon + SiteVars.SurfaceMetabolic[site].Carbon) * 2.0;
                    //SiteVars.FineFuels[site] = (System.Math.Min(1.0, (double) (PlugIn.ModelCore.CurrentTime - SiteVars.HarvestTime[site]) * 0.1));

            ComputeTotalCohortCN(site, siteCohorts);
