//Use the below code from cshtml view to get the submit button //@Html.OpMgrSubmitButton("submitButton", "my submit button label", new { onclick = "alert('abc');", @class = "btn btn-primary", id="myId" }) public static MvcHtmlString OpMgrSubmitButton(this HtmlHelper helper, string name, string label, object htmlAttributes) { string controlText = helper.TextBox(name, label, htmlAttributes).ToString(); controlText = controlText.Replace("type=\"text\"", "type=\"submit\""); if (htmlAttributes != null) { object objId = GetPropValue(htmlAttributes, "id"); if (objId != null) { string id = objId.ToString(); OpMgr.Common.DTOs.SessionDTO session = _sessionSvc.GetUserSession(); var disabledControl = session.ActionList.FirstOrDefault(a => string.Equals(a.DisabledControlId, id) && string.Equals(a.ParentAction.ActionLink, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Path)); var hiddenControl = session.ActionList.FirstOrDefault(a => string.Equals(a.HiddenControlId, id) && string.Equals(a.ParentAction.ActionLink, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Path)); if (hiddenControl != null) { return(new MvcHtmlString("")); } if (disabledControl != null) { var editorField = new TagBuilder("span"); editorField.AddCssClass("disabledDiv"); editorField.InnerHtml += controlText; return(MvcHtmlString.Create(editorField.ToString())); } } } return(MvcHtmlString.Create(controlText)); }
public ActionResult Login(UserMasterDTO data) { List <EntitlementDTO> lstEntitleMent = new List <EntitlementDTO>(); List <ActionDTO> lstAction = new List <ActionDTO>(); string unencryptedPass = data.Password; string pass = encrypt.encryption(data.Password); data.Password = pass; StatusDTO <UserMasterDTO> status = _userSvc.Login(data, out lstEntitleMent, out lstAction); if (status.IsSuccess) { if (data.RememberMe) { HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("userDetails"); cookie["uid"] = data.UserName; cookie["pwd"] = unencryptedPass; cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); if (Request.Cookies["userDetails"] != null) { Response.Cookies.Set(cookie); } else { Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); } } else { Response.Cookies.Remove("userDetails"); } SessionDTO session = new SessionDTO(); session.UserMasterId = status.ReturnObj.UserMasterId; session.UserName = status.ReturnObj.UserName; session.FName = status.ReturnObj.FName; session.MName = status.ReturnObj.MName; session.LName = status.ReturnObj.LName; session.ActionList = lstAction; session.EntitleMentList = lstEntitleMent; _sessionSvc.SetUserSession(session); SessionDTO sessionRet = _sessionSvc.GetUserSession(); } else { data.LoginFailedMsg = status.FailureReason; return(View(data)); } return(RedirectToAction("Landing", "Login", new { area = "Login" }));; }
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) { SessionDTO session = _sessionSvc.GetUserSession(); if (session == null) { return(false); } var url = session.ActionList.FirstOrDefault(al => httpContext.Request.Path.ToUpper().Contains(al.ActionLink.ToUpper())); if (url != null) { return(true); } return(false); }
public ActionResult PromotionBatch(StudentVM studView) { bool isSuccess = false; int loggedInUser; DateTime date; string status;// right now hard coded if (studView != null) { SessionDTO sessionRet = _sessionSvc.GetUserSession();//Get Data from User Seesion status = "Promotion Confirmed"; loggedInUser = sessionRet.UserMasterId; if (status != null && loggedInUser != 0) { isSuccess = _studSvc.UpdatePromotedStudents(loggedInUser, status); if (isSuccess) { date = DateTime.Now; studView.SuccessOrFailureMessage = "The students of all classes have been promoted for academic year" + (int)(date.Year - 1) + "/" + (date.Year); studView.MsgColor = "green"; } else { studView.SuccessOrFailureMessage = "All students have not been Promoted yet"; studView.MsgColor = "red"; } } } return(View(studView)); }
public ActionResult MyTransactions(Models.TransactionViewModel trVM) { SessionDTO session = _sessionSvc.GetUserSession(); trVM.User = new UserMasterDTO(); trVM.User.UserMasterId = session.UserMasterId; StatusDTO <List <TransactionLogDTO> > status = _transactionLog.Select(trVM); if (status.IsSuccess) { trVM.SearchResult = new List <Models.TransactionViewModel>(); if (status.ReturnObj != null && status.ReturnObj.Count > 0) { Models.TransactionViewModel trSR = null; for (int i = 0; i < status.ReturnObj.Count; i++) { trSR = new Models.TransactionViewModel(); trSR.User = new UserMasterDTO(); trSR.User.FName = status.ReturnObj[i].User.FName; trSR.User.MName = status.ReturnObj[i].User.MName; trSR.User.LName = status.ReturnObj[i].User.LName; trSR.TransactionLogId = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionLogId; trSR.TransactionDate = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionDate; trSR.TransactionDueDate = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionDueDate; trSR.ParentTransactionLogId = status.ReturnObj[i].ParentTransactionLogId; trSR.IsCompleted = status.ReturnObj[i].IsCompleted; trSR.CompletedOn = status.ReturnObj[i].CompletedOn; trSR.AmountImposed = status.ReturnObj[i].AmountImposed; trSR.AmountGiven = status.ReturnObj[i].AmountGiven; trSR.DueAmount = status.ReturnObj[i].DueAmount; trSR.TransferMode = status.ReturnObj[i].TransferMode; trSR.Location = status.ReturnObj[i].Location; trSR.TransactionType = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionType; trSR.HasPenalty = status.ReturnObj[i].HasPenalty; trSR.OriginalTransLog = status.ReturnObj[i].OriginalTransLog; trSR.TransactionRule = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionRule; trVM.SearchResult.Add(trSR); } } else { trVM.Message = new MvcHtmlString("No related transaction record found."); } } else { trVM.SearchResult = null; trVM.Message = new MvcHtmlString("Query returned with error."); } Helpers.UIDropDownRepo uiDDLRepo = new Helpers.UIDropDownRepo(_ddlRepo); trVM.StandardSectionList = uiDDLRepo.getStandardSectionDropDown(); trVM.TransactionTypeList = uiDDLRepo.getTransactionTypes(); return(View(trVM)); }
public List <MenuModel> GetMenuItems(ISessionSvc sessionSvc) { SessionDTO sessionDto = sessionSvc.GetUserSession(); List <ActionDTO> actions = new List <ActionDTO>(); actions = sessionDto.ActionList; List <MenuModel> lstMenu = null; if (actions != null) { lstMenu = new List <MenuModel>(); MenuModel menu; for (int i = 0; i < actions.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actions[i].ActionLink) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(actions[i].MenuText) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(actions[i].HiddenControlId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(actions[i].DisabledControlId)) { string menuText = OpMgr.Resources.Common.MenuResource.ResourceManager.GetString(actions[i].MenuText); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actions[i].GroupName)) { menu = lstMenu.FirstOrDefault(m => string.Equals(m.MenuCode, actions[i].MenuText)); if (menu == null) { menu = new MenuModel(); menu.MenuImage = actions[i].MenuImage; menu.MenuText = menuText; menu.IsSelfRedirectable = true; menu.ChildItems = null; menu.UrlToRedirect = actions[i].ActionLink; menu.MenuCode = actions[i].MenuText; if (string.Equals(menu.UrlToRedirect, HttpContext.Current.Request.Path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { menu.IsSelected = true; } lstMenu.Add(menu); } } else { menu = new MenuModel(); menu.MenuImage = actions[i].MenuImage; menu.MenuText = menuText; menu.IsSelfRedirectable = true; menu.ChildItems = null; menu.UrlToRedirect = actions[i].ActionLink; menu.MenuCode = actions[i].MenuText; if (string.Equals(menu.UrlToRedirect, HttpContext.Current.Request.Path, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { menu.IsSelected = true; } string groupName = OpMgr.Resources.Common.MenuResource.ResourceManager.GetString(actions[i].GroupName); MenuModel addedRoot = lstMenu.FirstOrDefault(m => string.Equals(m.MenuCode, actions[i].GroupName)); if (addedRoot == null) { addedRoot = new MenuModel(); addedRoot.ChildItems = null; addedRoot.IsSelfRedirectable = false; addedRoot.MenuText = groupName; addedRoot.UrlToRedirect = string.Empty; addedRoot.MenuCode = actions[i].GroupName; lstMenu.Add(addedRoot); } if (addedRoot.ChildItems == null) { addedRoot.ChildItems = new List <MenuModel>(); addedRoot.ChildItems.Add(menu); } else { if (addedRoot.ChildItems.FirstOrDefault(m => string.Equals(m.MenuCode, actions[i].MenuText)) == null) { addedRoot.ChildItems.Add(menu); } } } } } } return(lstMenu); }