public LiteConnectionManager( ILiteDownloadService liteDownloadService, IGetLiteReresourcesService getLiteReresourcesService, IRegisterWithEGSService registerWithEGSService, ILiteConnectionPurgeService purgeService, ILiteUploadService liteUploadService, ILitePingService litePingService, IProfileStorage profileStorage, ILiteConfigService liteConfigService, IRoutedItemManager routedItemManager, IRoutedItemLoader routedItemLoader, IRulesManager rulesManager, ISendToAllHubsService sendToAllHubsService, IConnectionFinder connectionFinder, ILITETask taskManager, ILogger <LiteConnectionManager> logger, IUtil util) : base(profileStorage, liteConfigService, routedItemManager, routedItemLoader, rulesManager, taskManager, logger, util) { _liteUploadService = liteUploadService; _liteDownloadService = liteDownloadService; _purgeService = purgeService; _registerWithEGSService = registerWithEGSService; _getLiteReresourcesService = getLiteReresourcesService; _litePingService = litePingService; _sendToAllHubsService = sendToAllHubsService; _connectionFinder = connectionFinder; hubMessages.CollectionChanged += HubMessagesCollectionChanged; }
public async Task Upload(int taskID, LITEConnection connection, SemaphoreSlim toEGSSignal, ISendToAllHubsService sendToAllHubsService) { Connection = connection; ToEGSSignal = toEGSSignal; SendToAllHubsService = sendToAllHubsService; var taskInfo = $"task: {taskID} connection: {}"; _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Entering Upload"); try { await UploadImpl(taskID); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Task was canceled."); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"Wait Operation Canceled. Exiting Upload"); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogFullException(e, taskInfo); _logger.Log(LogLevel.Critical, $"{taskInfo} Exiting Upload"); } finally { _taskManager.Stop($"{}.Upload"); } }
public async Task PresentAsResource(List <RoutedItem> batch, int taskID, LITEConnection connection, ISendToAllHubsService sendToAllHubs) { Connection = connection; try { var path = Connection.resourcePath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Resource" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "batch" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + System.Guid.NewGuid(); Directory.CreateDirectory(path); //Move all files in batch to separate folder foreach (var ri in batch) { File.Move(ri.sourceFileName, path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ri.sourceFileName.Substring(ri.sourceFileName.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))); ri.sourceFileName = path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ri.sourceFileName.Substring(ri.sourceFileName.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)); } var file = path + ".zip"; //zip up files and meta ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(path, file); //protect the file //var protected file = Crypto.Protect(file) //let EGGS know it's available, or when we convert udt to .net core then perhaps push so no open socket required on client. await sendToAllHubs.SendToAllHubs(X509CertificateService.ServicePointName, file); //Dequeue foreach (var ri in batch) { _routedItemManager.Init(ri); _routedItemManager.Dequeue(Connection, Connection.toEGS, nameof(Connection.toEGS), error: false); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Task was canceled."); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogFullException(e); } }
public async Task SendToEGS(int taskID, LITEConnection connection, ISendToAllHubsService sendToAllHubs) { Connection = connection; //2018-02-02 shb RoutedItem does not necessarily have an open stream at this point any more var taskInfo = $"task: {taskID} connection: {}"; _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"{taskInfo} toEGS: {(Connection.toEGS == null ? 0 : Connection.toEGS.Count)} items to send."); Dictionary <string, List <RoutedItem> > shareSet = new Dictionary <string, List <RoutedItem> >(); //I need a set for each sharing dest set List <List <RoutedItem> > sizeSet = new List <List <RoutedItem> >(); //I need a set for each minEGSBatchSize try { Task.WaitAll(_taskManager.FindByType($"{}.PresentAsResource")); Task.WaitAll(_taskManager.FindByType($"{}.Store")); int retryDelayed = 0; if (Connection.toEGS.Count > 0) { var toEGSTemp = Connection.toEGS.ToArray(); //remove the toCloud item if it has exceeded maxAttempts foreach (var routedItem in toEGSTemp) { if (_taskManager.cts.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } if (routedItem.lastAttempt != null && routedItem.lastAttempt < DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-Connection.retryDelayMinutes)) //not attempted lately { routedItem.attempts++; if (routedItem.attempts > 1) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} {routedItem.sourceFileName} second attempt."); } routedItem.lastAttempt = DateTime.Now; if (routedItem.attempts > Connection.maxAttempts) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"{taskInfo} {routedItem.sourceFileName} has exceeded maxAttempts of {Connection.maxAttempts}. Will move to errors and not try again."); routedItem.Error = "Exceeded maxAttempts"; _routedItemManager.Init(routedItem); _routedItemManager.Dequeue(Connection, Connection.toEGS, nameof(Connection.toEGS), error: true); } else { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"{taskInfo} {routedItem.sourceFileName} attempts: {routedItem.attempts}"); } //inspect the sharing headers and batch by set string shareString = ""; if (Connection.shareDestinations != null) { foreach (var connectionSet in routedItem.toConnections.FindAll(e => e.connectionName.Equals( { if (connectionSet.shareDestinations != null) { foreach (var shareDestination in connectionSet.shareDestinations) { shareString += shareDestination.boxUuid; } } } } if (shareSet.ContainsKey(shareString)) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Adding {routedItem.sourceFileName} to shareString: {shareString}"); shareSet.GetValueOrDefault(shareString).Add(routedItem); } else { var list = new List <RoutedItem> { routedItem }; _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Adding {routedItem.sourceFileName} to shareString: {shareString}"); shareSet.Add(shareString, list); } } else { retryDelayed++; } } //Now that each key in the Dictionary is to a single set of sharing destinations, let's break it up further by minEGSBatchSize //What we want is a big enough upload to solve the small file problem, but small enough so the upload makes forward progress. //If this is not the first attempt, then disable batching and send individually. foreach (var share in shareSet.Values) { if (_taskManager.cts.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } var batch = new List <RoutedItem>(); long bytes = 0; foreach (var element in share) { if (File.Exists(element.sourceFileName)) { try { element.length = new FileInfo(element.sourceFileName).Length; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"{taskInfo} {e.Message} {e.StackTrace}"); continue; } catch (IOException e) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, $"{taskInfo} {e.Message} {e.StackTrace}"); //condition may be transient like file in use so skip for the moment continue; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogFullException(e, taskInfo); //condition may be transient like file so skip for the moment continue; } } else { element.Error = $"File {element.sourceFileName} does not exist"; _routedItemManager.Init(element); _routedItemManager.Dequeue(Connection, Connection.toEGS, nameof(Connection.toEGS), true); } //If this is not the first attempt, then disable batching and send individually. if (element.length < Connection.minEGSBatchSize && bytes < Connection.minEGSBatchSize && element.attempts == 1) { bytes += element.length; _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Adding {element.sourceFileName} to batch..."); batch.Add(element); } else { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Batch is full with count: {batch.Count} size: {bytes} attempts: {element.attempts} {(element.attempts > 1 ? "items are sent individually after 1st attempt!" : "")}"); sizeSet.Add(batch); batch = new List <RoutedItem>(); bytes = element.length; batch.Add(element); } } if (!sizeSet.Contains(batch) && batch.Count > 0) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, $"{taskInfo} Add final batch to set with count: {batch.Count} size: {bytes}"); sizeSet.Add(batch); } } int tempcount = 0; foreach (var batch in sizeSet) { tempcount += batch.Count; } _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"{taskInfo} {sizeSet.Count} batches to send, selected: {tempcount}/{toEGSTemp.Length} retry delayed: {retryDelayed}"); foreach (var batch in sizeSet) { if (_taskManager.cts.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } //if (loginNeeded) break; if (batch.Count > 0) { switch (Connection.PushPull) { case PushPullEnum.pull: switch (Connection.protocol) { case Protocol.Http: case Protocol.UDT: var newTaskID = _taskManager.NewTaskID(); Task task = new Task(new Action(async() => await _presentAsResourceService.PresentAsResource(batch, newTaskID, connection, sendToAllHubs))); await _taskManager.Start(newTaskID, task, $"{}.PresentAsResource", $"{}.PresentAsResource batch {batch.Count}", isLongRunning : false); break; } break; case PushPullEnum.push: switch (Connection.protocol) { case Protocol.Http: var newTaskID2 = _taskManager.NewTaskID(); Task task2 = new Task(new Action(async() => await, newTaskID2, connection))); await _taskManager.Start(newTaskID2, task2, $"{}.Store", $"{}.Store batch {batch.Count}", isLongRunning : false); break; case Protocol.UDT: break; } break; case PushPullEnum.both: //since each method dequeues it's own work we would need a separate queue before we can do both, like toEGSPull toEGSPush. break; } } } } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, $"Task was canceled."); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogFullException(e, taskInfo); } }