コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a <paramref name="request "/>on the specified <paramref name="connector"/>
        /// and await a response
        /// </summary>
        public IGraphable SendReceive(ISendReceiveConnector connector, IGraphable request)
            // Ensure the connector is open
            if (!connector.IsOpen())

            // Send the request
            ISendResult sendResult = connector.Send(request);

            // Was the send successful?
            if (sendResult.Code != ResultCode.Accepted &&
                sendResult.Code != ResultCode.AcceptedNonConformant)

            // Await the response
            IReceiveResult receiveResult = connector.Receive(sendResult);

            // Debug information
            #if DEBUG
            foreach (var itm in receiveResult.Details)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1} @ {2}", itm.Type, itm.Message, itm.Location));
            // Structure
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Finishes an asynchronous send operation and retreive the result of the send.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="asyncResult">The instance of the callback pointer.</param>
 /// <returns>The result of the send operation.</returns>
 /// <example cref="BeginSend(MARC.Everest.Interfaces.IGraphable,AsyncCallback,object)">
 /// </example>
 public ISendResult EndSend(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
     //TODO: This should block until completed.
     if (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
         ISendResult result = asyncResults[asyncResult];
         lock (asyncResults) { asyncResults.Remove(asyncResult); }
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Begin an asynchronous receive event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="correlate">The result of the send method.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">A callback.</param>
        /// <param name="state">User state.</param>
        public IAsyncResult BeginReceive(ISendResult correlate, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            // Formatter check
            if (!IsOpen())
                throw new ConnectorException(ConnectorException.MSG_INVALID_STATE, ConnectorException.ReasonType.NotOpen);

            // Create the work that will perform the operations
            Worker w = new Worker();

            w.Formatter = (IXmlStructureFormatter)Formatter;
            w.Actions = this.m_actions;
            w.WcfConfiguration = wcfConfiguration;
            w.MessageVersion = wcfClient.Endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion;

            Message data = null;

            if (!results.TryGetValue(correlate, out data))

            // The asynchronous result, used to correlate results when EndReceive is called
            IAsyncResult result = new ReceiveResultAsyncResult(state, new AutoResetEvent(false));

            // Work
            w.Completed += new WaitCallback(delegate(object sender)
                lock (asyncResults)
                    asyncResults.Add(result, (sender as Worker).ReceiveResult);
                (result.AsyncWaitHandle as AutoResetEvent).Set();

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(w.WorkReceive, data);

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive the result from the connector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="correlate">The send result. Used to correlate the response with the request.</param>
        /// <returns>The receive result.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Performs a blocking receive operation. If you use this method after a BeginSend()
        /// this method will block and wait for a response.</remarks>
        public IReceiveResult Receive(ISendResult correlate)
            // Receive the result from the connector
            if (!IsOpen())
                throw new ConnectorException(ConnectorException.MSG_INVALID_STATE, ConnectorException.ReasonType.NotOpen);

            // wait for a message
            Message  responseMessage = null;
            DateTime startTime       = DateTime.Now;

            while (!results.TryGetValue(correlate, out responseMessage) && DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).CompareTo(wcfClient.Endpoint.Binding.ReceiveTimeout) == -1)
                //TODO: Should use a WaitHandle

            if (responseMessage == null)
                throw new TimeoutException("Receive() operation did not complete in specified amount of time");

            // process the message
            Worker w = new Worker();

            w.Formatter = (IXmlStructureFormatter)Formatter;
            w.Actions = this.m_actions;
            w.WcfConfiguration = wcfConfiguration;

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Begin an asynchronous receive event. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="correlate">The result of the send method.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">A callback.</param>
        /// <param name="state">User state.</param>
        public IAsyncResult BeginReceive(ISendResult correlate, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            // Formatter check
            if (!IsOpen())
                throw new ConnectorException(ConnectorException.MSG_INVALID_STATE, ConnectorException.ReasonType.NotOpen);

            // Create the work that will perform the operations
            Worker w = new Worker();
            w.Formatter = (IXmlStructureFormatter)Formatter;
            w.Actions = this.m_actions;
            w.WcfConfiguration = wcfConfiguration;
            w.MessageVersion = wcfClient.Endpoint.Binding.MessageVersion;

            Message data = null;

            if (!results.TryGetValue(correlate, out data))
                return null;

            // The asynchronous result, used to correlate results when EndReceive is called
            IAsyncResult result = new ReceiveResultAsyncResult(state, new AutoResetEvent(false));

            // Work
            w.Completed += new WaitCallback(delegate(object sender)
                lock (asyncResults)
                    asyncResults.Add(result, (sender as Worker).ReceiveResult);
                (result.AsyncWaitHandle as AutoResetEvent).Set();

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(w.WorkReceive, data);

            return result;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Receive the result from the connector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="correlate">The send result. Used to correlate the response with the request.</param>
        /// <returns>The receive result.</returns>
        /// <remarks>Performs a blocking receive operation. If you use this method after a BeginSend()
        /// this method will block and wait for a response.</remarks>
        public IReceiveResult Receive(ISendResult correlate)
            // Receive the result from the connector
            if (!IsOpen())
                throw new ConnectorException(ConnectorException.MSG_INVALID_STATE, ConnectorException.ReasonType.NotOpen);

            // wait for a message
            Message responseMessage = null;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            while (!results.TryGetValue(correlate, out responseMessage) && DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).CompareTo(wcfClient.Endpoint.Binding.ReceiveTimeout) == -1)
                //TODO: Should use a WaitHandle

            if (responseMessage == null)
                throw new TimeoutException("Receive() operation did not complete in specified amount of time");

            // process the message 
            Worker w = new Worker();
            w.Formatter = (IXmlStructureFormatter)Formatter;
            w.Actions = this.m_actions;
            w.WcfConfiguration = wcfConfiguration;

            return w.ReceiveResult;
コード例 #7
            public void Work(object state)
                // Prepare stream
                Stream                s       = null;
                FileSendResult        result  = new FileSendResult();
                IGraphable            data    = (IGraphable)state;
                IFormatterGraphResult fResult = null;

                    // Graph the object.
                    //We graph to a memory stream and transfer to a file stream on success because
                    //the state of the stream is unknown if the result code is not accepted. This
                    //could cause a process which is listening to new files to read an invalid or
                    //non-conformant message from the publish service. In this model, we graph,
                    //verify and finally commit.
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    fResult        = Formatter.Graph(ms, data);
                    result.Code    = fResult.Code;
                    result.Details = fResult.Details;

                    // Did the operation succeed?
                    if (result.Code == ResultCode.Accepted ||
                        result.Code == ResultCode.AcceptedNonConformant)
                        //TODO: Should transfer in chunks instead of all at once.
                        s = System.IO.File.Create(TargetFile);
                catch (MessageValidationException e)
                    result.Code = ResultCode.Rejected;
                    List <IResultDetail> dtl = new List <IResultDetail>(new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) });
                    dtl.AddRange(fResult.Details ?? new IResultDetail[0]);
                    result.Details = dtl.ToArray();
                catch (FormatException e)
                    result.Code    = ResultCode.Rejected;
                    result.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) };
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e)
                    result.Code    = ResultCode.NotAvailable;
                    result.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) };
                catch (IOException e)
                    result.Code    = ResultCode.Error;
                    result.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) };
                catch (Exception e)
                    result.Code    = ResultCode.Error;
                    result.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) };
                    if (s != null)
                    if (result.Code != ResultCode.Accepted)

                this.Result = result;

                // Fire completed event
                if (Completed != null)
コード例 #8
            public void Work(object state)
                // Prepare stream
                Stream s = null;
                FileSendResult result = new FileSendResult();
                IGraphable data = (IGraphable)state;
                IFormatterGraphResult fResult = null;

                    // Graph the object.
                    //We graph to a memory stream and transfer to a file stream on success because
                    //the state of the stream is unknown if the result code is not accepted. This
                    //could cause a process which is listening to new files to read an invalid or
                    //non-conformant message from the publish service. In this model, we graph,
                    //verify and finally commit.
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    fResult = Formatter.Graph(ms, data);
                    result.Code = fResult.Code;
                        result.Details = fResult.Details;
                    // Did the operation succeed?
                    if (result.Code == ResultCode.Accepted || 
                        result.Code == ResultCode.AcceptedNonConformant)
                        //TODO: Should transfer in chunks instead of all at once.
                        s = System.IO.File.Create(TargetFile);

                catch (MessageValidationException e)
                    result.Code = ResultCode.Rejected;
                    List<IResultDetail> dtl = new List<IResultDetail>(new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) });
                    dtl.AddRange(fResult.Details ?? new IResultDetail[0]);
                    result.Details = dtl.ToArray();
                catch (FormatException e)
                    result.Code = ResultCode.Rejected;
                    result.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) };
                catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e)
                    result.Code = ResultCode.NotAvailable;
                    result.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) };
                catch (IOException e)
                    result.Code = ResultCode.Error;
                    result.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) };
                catch (Exception e)
                    result.Code = ResultCode.Error;
                    result.Details = new IResultDetail[] { new FileResultDetail(ResultDetailType.Error, e.Message, TargetFile, e) };
                    if (s != null) s.Close();
                    if (result.Code != ResultCode.Accepted)

                this.Result = result;

                // Fire completed event
                if (Completed != null) Completed(this);

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Fired whenever a message is available for processing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        void connector_MessageAvailable(object sender, UnsolicitedDataEventArgs e)
            // Audit service
            IAuditorService auditService = Context.GetService(typeof(IAuditorService)) as IAuditorService;

            #region Setup Audit
            AuditData audit = new AuditData(
                DateTime.Now, ActionType.Execute,
                new AuditCode("GEN", null)
            audit.Actors.Add(new AuditActorData()
                NetworkAccessPointId   = Environment.MachineName,
                NetworkAccessPointType = NetworkAccessPointType.MachineName,
                UserIdentifier         = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", Environment.UserDomainName, Environment.UserName)
            audit.Actors.Add(new AuditActorData()
                UserIsRequestor        = true,
                NetworkAccessPointId   = e.SolicitorEndpoint.ToString(),
                NetworkAccessPointType = NetworkAccessPointType.IPAddress,
                UserIdentifier         = e.SolicitorEndpoint.ToString()
            audit.AuditableObjects.Add(new AuditableObject()
                IDTypeCode    = AuditableObjectIdType.Uri,
                LifecycleType = AuditableObjectLifecycle.Access,
                Role          = AuditableObjectRole.DataRepository,
                ObjectId      = e.ReceiveEndpoint.ToString(),
                Type          = AuditableObjectType.SystemObject

                // Find a receiver capable of processing this
                var            wcfConnector = (sender as IListenWaitConnector);
                IReceiveResult rcvResult    = wcfConnector.Receive();

                // get the persistence service from the context
                IMessagePersistenceService persistenceService = Context.GetService(typeof(IMessagePersistenceService)) as IMessagePersistenceService;

                // Were we able to process the message
                Assembly messageTypeAssembly = null;
                if (rcvResult.Structure != null)
                    messageTypeAssembly = rcvResult.Structure.GetType().Assembly;

                // Find the configuration section that handles the specified revision
                var curRevision = m_configuration.Revisions.Find(o => o.Listeners.Exists(l => l.ConnectionString == wcfConnector.ConnectionString));
                if (curRevision == null)
                    Trace.TraceError("This service does not seem to have support for the version of message being used");
                    throw new UninterpretableMessageException("This service doesn't support this standard", rcvResult);

                // Do we have a handler for this message interaction? Cast as an interaction
                // and attempt to find the handler configuration
                IInteraction interactionStructure          = rcvResult.Structure as IInteraction;
                MessageHandlerConfiguration receiverConfig = null;
                if (interactionStructure != null && interactionStructure.InteractionId != null &&
                    receiverConfig = curRevision.MessageHandlers.Find(o => o.Interactions.Exists(i => i.Id == interactionStructure.InteractionId.Extension));
                    Trace.TraceWarning("Interaction is missing InteractionId attribute! Assuming default");
                    // Set interaction id
                    var intId = interactionStructure.GetType().GetMethod("GetInteractionId", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
                    if (intId == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find the GetInteractionId method, cannot determine interaction");
                    interactionStructure.InteractionId = intId.Invoke(null, null) as II;

                // Message identifier missing?
                if (interactionStructure.Id == null)
                    interactionStructure.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                    Trace.TraceWarning("Interaction is missing id. Generated token {0}...", interactionStructure.Id.Root);

                IEverestMessageReceiver currentHandler = null, defaultHandler = null;

                var defaultHandlerConfig = curRevision.MessageHandlers.Find(o => o.Interactions.Exists(i => i.Id == "*"));
                receiverConfig = receiverConfig ?? defaultHandlerConfig; // find a handler

                // Receiver configuration
                if (receiverConfig == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot find appropriate handler this message");
                    var          messageState = Core.Services.MessageState.New;
                    IInteraction response     = null;

                    InteractionConfiguration interactionConfig = receiverConfig.Interactions.Find(o => o.Id == interactionStructure.InteractionId.Extension);
                    if (interactionConfig != null && interactionConfig.Disclosure)
                        persistenceService = null;

                    // check with persistence
                    if (persistenceService != null)
                        messageState = persistenceService.GetMessageState(String.Format(curRevision.MessageIdentifierFormat, interactionStructure.Id.Root, interactionStructure.Id.Extension));

                    switch (messageState)
                    case Core.Services.MessageState.New:

                        // Persist the message
                        if (persistenceService != null)
                            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                                WriteMessageToStream(sender as IFormattedConnector, interactionStructure, ms);
                                persistenceService.PersistMessage(String.Format(curRevision.MessageIdentifierFormat, interactionStructure.Id.Root, interactionStructure.Id.Extension), ms);

                        currentHandler = receiverConfig.Handler;
                        defaultHandler = defaultHandlerConfig.Handler;
                        response       = currentHandler.HandleMessageReceived(sender, e, rcvResult) as IInteraction;
                        if (persistenceService != null)
                            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                                WriteMessageToStream(sender as IFormattedConnector, response, ms);
                                persistenceService.PersistResultMessage(String.Format(curRevision.MessageIdentifierFormat, response.Id.Root, response.Id.Extension), String.Format(curRevision.MessageIdentifierFormat, interactionStructure.Id.Root, interactionStructure.Id.Extension), ms);


                    case Core.Services.MessageState.Complete:
                        var rms         = persistenceService.GetMessageResponseMessage(String.Format(curRevision.MessageIdentifierFormat, interactionStructure.Id.Root, interactionStructure.Id.Extension));
                        var parseResult = (sender as IFormattedConnector).Formatter.Parse(rms);
                        response = parseResult.Structure as IInteraction;

                    case Core.Services.MessageState.Active:
                        throw new ApplicationException("Message is already being processed");
                    // Send back
                    IListenWaitRespondConnector ilwConnector = sender as IListenWaitRespondConnector;
                    if (ilwConnector == null) // no need to send something back
                        // Invalid message delegate
                        var invalidMessageDelegate = new EventHandler <MessageEventArgs>(delegate(object sndr, MessageEventArgs mea)
                            audit.Outcome            = OutcomeIndicator.MinorFail;
                            InvalidMessageResult res = new InvalidMessageResult()
                                Code      = mea.Code,
                                Details   = mea.Details,
                                Structure = rcvResult.Structure
                            if (defaultHandler != null)
                                mea.Alternate = response;
                            Trace.TraceWarning("Returning a default message because Everest was unable to serialize the response correctly. Error was {0}", mea.Code);
                            foreach (IResultDetail dtl in mea.Details)
                                Trace.TraceWarning("{0} : {1} : {2}", dtl.Type, dtl.Message, dtl.Location);
                            mea.Alternate = response;
                        ilwConnector.InvalidResponse += invalidMessageDelegate;

                            // Create headers
                            var wcfResult = rcvResult as WcfReceiveResult;
                            if (wcfResult != null && wcfResult.Headers != null)
                                var rcvrInfo = receiverConfig.Interactions.Find(o => o.Id == interactionStructure.InteractionId.Extension);
                                if (rcvrInfo != null)
                                    wcfResult.ResponseHeaders = CreateResponseHeaders(rcvrInfo.ResponseHeaders, wcfResult.Headers.MessageVersion);
                                if (wcfResult.ResponseHeaders != null)
                                    wcfResult.ResponseHeaders.RelatesTo = wcfResult.Headers.MessageId;
                            ISendResult sndResult = ilwConnector.Send(response, rcvResult);
                            if (sndResult.Code != ResultCode.Accepted &&
                                sndResult.Code != ResultCode.AcceptedNonConformant)
                                Trace.TraceError("Cannot send response back to the solicitor : {0}", sndResult.Code);
                                foreach (IResultDetail dtl in sndResult.Details ?? new IResultDetail[0])
                                    Trace.TraceError("{0}: {1} : {2}", dtl.Type, dtl.Message, dtl.Location);
                            if (auditService != null)
                            // Remove the invalid message delegate
                            ilwConnector.InvalidResponse -= invalidMessageDelegate;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                #region Audit Failure
                audit.Outcome = OutcomeIndicator.EpicFail;

                if (auditService != null)
