public override void Send(ISendContext context) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); LoopbackMessage message = null; try { message = new LoopbackMessage(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { message.ExpirationTime = context.ExpirationTime.Value; } context.SerializeTo(message.Body); message.ContentType = context.ContentType; lock (_messageLock) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); _messages.AddLast(message); } } catch { if(message != null) message.Dispose(); throw; } _messageReady.Set(); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { AddProducerBinding(); _connectionHandler.Use(connection => { try { IBasicProperties properties = _producer.CreateProperties(); properties.SetPersistent(context.DeliveryMode == DeliveryMode.Persistent); properties.MessageId = context.MessageId ?? properties.MessageId ?? NewId.Next().ToString(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; properties.Expiration = (value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now). TotalMilliseconds.ToString("F0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); properties.Headers = context.Headers.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key, entry => (object)entry.Value); properties.Headers["Content-Type"]=context.ContentType; #if NET40 var task = _producer.PublishAsync(_address.Name, properties, body.ToArray()); if(context.WaitForAck) task.Wait(); #else _producer.Publish(_address.Name, properties, body.ToArray()); #endif _address.LogSent(context.MessageId ?? properties.MessageId ?? "", context.MessageType); } } #if NET40 catch (AggregateException ex) { throw new TransportException(_address.Uri, "Publisher did not confirm message", ex.InnerException); } #endif catch (AlreadyClosedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was already closed", ex); } catch (EndOfStreamException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was closed", ex); } catch (OperationInterruptedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Operation was interrupted", ex); } }); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { AddProducerBinding(); _connectionHandler.Use(connection => { try { IBasicProperties properties = _producer.CreateProperties(); properties.SetPersistent(context.DeliveryMode == DeliveryMode.Persistent); properties.MessageId = context.MessageId ?? properties.MessageId ?? NewId.Next().ToString(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; properties.Expiration = (value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now). TotalMilliseconds.ToString("F0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); properties.Headers = context.Headers.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key, entry => (object)entry.Value); properties.Headers["Content-Type"] = context.ContentType; #if NET40 var task = _producer.PublishAsync(_address.Name, properties, body.ToArray()); task.Wait(); #else _producer.Publish(_address.Name, properties, body.ToArray()); #endif _address.LogSent(context.MessageId ?? properties.MessageId ?? "", context.MessageType); } } #if NET40 catch (AggregateException ex) { throw new TransportException(_address.Uri, "Publisher did not confirm message", ex.InnerException); } #endif catch (AlreadyClosedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was already closed", ex); } catch (EndOfStreamException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was closed", ex); } catch (OperationInterruptedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Operation was interrupted", ex); } }); }
// service bus best practices for performance: // public void Send(ISendContext context) { _connectionHandler .Use(connection => { // don't have too many outstanding at same time SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => _messagesInFlight < _settings.MaxOutstanding); using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); // the envelope is re-usable, so let's capture it in the below closure // as a value var envelope = new MessageEnvelope(body.ToArray()); var sending = Retries.Retry(FaultPolicies.FinalAzurePolicy, new Func <AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>((cb, state) => { return(SendMessage(connection, () => { var brokeredMessage = new BrokeredMessage(envelope); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.CorrelationId)) { brokeredMessage.CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.MessageId)) { brokeredMessage.MessageId = context.MessageId; } return brokeredMessage; }, 1, cb, state)); }), (IAsyncResult ar) => { var state = (StateHolder)ar.AsyncState; Interlocked.Decrement(ref _messagesInFlight); try { state.Sender.EndSend(ar); Address.LogEndSend(state.Message.MessageId); } finally { // always dispose the message; it's only good once state.Message.Dispose(); } }); sending.Wait(); } }); }
public override void Send(ISendContext context) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); var msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body.ToArray()); StompClient.Send(Address.Uri.PathAndQuery, msg); } }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { _connectionHandler .Use(connection => { using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); var msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body.ToArray()); connection.Send(Address.Uri.PathAndQuery, msg); } }); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); LoopbackMessage message = null; try { message = new LoopbackMessage(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { message.ExpirationTime = context.ExpirationTime.Value; } context.SerializeTo(message.Body); message.ContentType = context.ContentType; message.OriginalMessageId = context.OriginalMessageId; if (!Monitor.TryEnter(_messageWriteLock, _deadlockTimeout)) { throw new Exception("Deadlock detected!"); } try { GuardAgainstDisposed(); _messages.AddLast(message); } finally { Monitor.Exit(_messageWriteLock); } Address.LogSent(message.MessageId, context.MessageType); } catch { if (message != null) { message.Dispose(); } throw; } _messageReady.Set(); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { AddProducerBinding(); _connectionHandler.Use(connection => { try { IBasicProperties properties = _producer.CreateProperties(); properties.SetPersistent(true); properties.MessageId = context.MessageId ?? properties.MessageId ?? NewId.Next().ToString(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; properties.Expiration = (value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now). TotalMilliseconds.ToString(); } using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); properties.Headers = new Hashtable { { "Content-Type", context.ContentType } }; _producer.Publish(_address.Name, properties, body.ToArray()); _address.LogSent(context.MessageId ?? "", context.MessageType); } } catch (AlreadyClosedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was already closed", ex); } catch (EndOfStreamException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was closed", ex); } catch (OperationInterruptedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Operation was interrupted", ex); } }); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { AddProducerBinding(); _connectionHandler.Use(connection => { try { IBasicProperties properties = _producer.CreateProperties(); properties.SetPersistent(true); properties.MessageId = context.MessageId ?? properties.MessageId ?? NewId.Next().ToString(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; properties.Expiration = (value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now). TotalMilliseconds.ToString("F0", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); properties.Headers = context.Headers.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key, entry => entry.Value); properties.Headers["Content-Type"]=context.ContentType; _producer.Publish(_address.Name, properties, body.ToArray()); _address.LogSent(context.MessageId ?? "", context.MessageType); } } catch (AlreadyClosedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was already closed", ex); } catch (EndOfStreamException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was closed", ex); } catch (OperationInterruptedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Operation was interrupted", ex); } }); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { using (var message = new Message()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.MessageType)) { message.Label = context.MessageType.Length > 250 ? context.MessageType.Substring(0, 250) : context.MessageType; } message.Recoverable = _address.IsRecoverable; message.UseDeadLetterQueue = true; // in case lack of permission message will be redirected to dead letter if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; message.TimeToBeReceived = value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now; } context.SerializeTo(message.BodyStream); var headers = new TransportMessageHeaders(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ContentType)) { headers.Add("Content-Type", context.ContentType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.OriginalMessageId)) { headers.Add("Original-Message-Id", context.OriginalMessageId); } message.Extension = headers.GetBytes(); try { _connectionHandler.Use(connection => SendMessage(connection.Queue, message)); _address.LogSent(message.Id, context.MessageType); } catch (MessageQueueException ex) { HandleOutboundMessageQueueException(ex); } } }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); LoopbackMessage message = null; try { message = new LoopbackMessage(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { message.ExpirationTime = context.ExpirationTime.Value; } context.SerializeTo(message.Body); message.ContentType = context.ContentType; lock (_messageLock) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); _messages.AddLast(message); } if (SpecialLoggers.Messages.IsInfoEnabled) { SpecialLoggers.Messages.InfoFormat("SEND:{0}:{1}:{2}", Address, context.MessageType, message.MessageId); } } catch { if (message != null) { message.Dispose(); } throw; } _messageReady.Set(); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { using (var message = new Message()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.MessageType)) { message.Label = context.MessageType.Length > 250 ? context.MessageType.Substring(0, 250) : context.MessageType; } message.Recoverable = true; if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; message.TimeToBeReceived = value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now; } context.SerializeTo(message.BodyStream); if (context.ContentType != null) { var headers = new TransportMessageHeaders(); headers.Add("Content-Type", context.ContentType); message.Extension = headers.GetBytes(); } try { _connectionHandler.Use(connection => SendMessage(connection.Queue, message)); if (_messageLog.IsDebugEnabled) { _messageLog.DebugFormat("SEND:{0}:{1}:{2}", _address.OutboundFormatName, message.Label, message.Id); } } catch (MessageQueueException ex) { HandleOutboundMessageQueueException(ex); } } }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { using (var message = new Message()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.MessageType)) message.Label = context.MessageType.Length > 250 ? context.MessageType.Substring(0, 250) : context.MessageType; message.Recoverable = _address.IsRecoverable; message.UseDeadLetterQueue = true; // in case lack of permission message will be redirected to dead letter if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; message.TimeToBeReceived = value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now; } context.SerializeTo(message.BodyStream); var headers = new TransportMessageHeaders(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ContentType)) headers.Add("Content-Type", context.ContentType); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.OriginalMessageId)) headers.Add("Original-Message-Id", context.OriginalMessageId); message.Extension = headers.GetBytes(); try { _connectionHandler.Use(connection => SendMessage(connection.Queue, message)); _address.LogSent(message.Id, context.MessageType); } catch (MessageQueueException ex) { HandleOutboundMessageQueueException(ex); } } }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); LoopbackMessage message = null; try { message = new LoopbackMessage(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { message.ExpirationTime = context.ExpirationTime.Value; } context.SerializeTo(message.Body); message.ContentType = context.ContentType; message.OriginalMessageId = context.OriginalMessageId; lock (_messageLock) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); _messages.AddLast(message); } Address.LogSent(message.MessageId, context.MessageType); } catch { if (message != null) { message.Dispose(); } throw; } _messageReady.Set(); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { AddProducerBinding(); _connectionHandler.Use(connection => { try { IBasicProperties properties = _producer.Channel.CreateBasicProperties(); properties.SetPersistent(true); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; properties.Expiration = (value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now). ToString(); } using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); properties.Headers = new Hashtable {{"Content-Type", context.ContentType}}; _producer.Channel.BasicPublish(_address.Name, "", properties, body.ToArray()); _address.LogSent("", context.MessageType); } } catch (EndOfStreamException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Connection was closed", ex); } catch (OperationInterruptedException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Operation was interrupted", ex); } }); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { using (var message = new Message()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.MessageType)) message.Label = context.MessageType.Length > 250 ? context.MessageType.Substring(0, 250) : context.MessageType; message.Recoverable = true; if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; message.TimeToBeReceived = value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now; } context.SerializeTo(message.BodyStream); if (context.ContentType != null) { var headers = new TransportMessageHeaders(); headers.Add("Content-Type", context.ContentType); message.Extension = headers.GetBytes(); } try { _connectionHandler.Use(connection => SendMessage(connection.Queue, message)); if (_messageLog.IsDebugEnabled) _messageLog.DebugFormat("SEND:{0}:{1}:{2}", _address.OutboundFormatName, message.Label, message.Id); } catch (MessageQueueException ex) { HandleOutboundMessageQueueException(ex); } } }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { _connectionHandler.Use(connection => { var message = new SqlMessage { Label = context.MessageType }; if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; message.TimeToBeReceived = value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now; } var bodyStream = new MemoryStream(); context.SerializeTo(bodyStream); message.Body = bodyStream.ToArray(); var headers = new TransportMessageHeaders(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ContentType)) { headers.Add("Content-Type", context.ContentType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.OriginalMessageId)) { headers.Add("Original-Message-Id", context.OriginalMessageId); } message.Extension = headers.GetBytes(); connection.Queue.Enqueue(message); Console.WriteLine("{3} Sendt message: Label {1} Size {2}".FormatWith(message.Id, message.Label, message.Body.Length, Address.Uri)); }); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); LoopbackMessage message = null; try { message = new LoopbackMessage(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { message.ExpirationTime = context.ExpirationTime.Value; } context.SerializeTo(message.Body); message.ContentType = context.ContentType; lock (_messageLock) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); _messages.AddLast(message); } if (SpecialLoggers.Messages.IsInfoEnabled) SpecialLoggers.Messages.InfoFormat("SEND:{0}:{1}:{2}", Address, context.MessageType, message.MessageId); } catch { if (message != null) message.Dispose(); throw; } _messageReady.Set(); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { DeclareBindings(); IBasicProperties properties = _channel.CreateBasicProperties(); properties.SetPersistent(true); if(context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { var value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; properties.Expiration = (value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - SystemUtil.UtcNow : value - SystemUtil.Now).ToString(); } using(var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); properties.Headers = new Hashtable {{"Content-Type", context.ContentType}}; _channel.BasicPublish(_address.Name, "", properties, body.ToArray()); if (SpecialLoggers.Messages.IsInfoEnabled) SpecialLoggers.Messages.InfoFormat("SEND:{0}:{1}", Address, context.MessageId); } }
// service bus best practices for performance: // public void Send(ISendContext context) { AddProducerBinding(); _connectionHandler.Use(connection => { try { // don't have too many outstanding at same time // SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => _messagesInFlight < _settings.MaxOutstanding); using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // TODO put transient handling logic in here for retry var brokeredMessage = new BrokeredMessage(body, false); brokeredMessage.MessageId = context.MessageId ?? brokeredMessage.MessageId ?? NewId.Next().ToString(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; brokeredMessage.TimeToLive = (value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - DateTime.UtcNow : value - DateTime.Now); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.CorrelationId)) brokeredMessage.CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId; foreach (var header in context.Headers) brokeredMessage.Properties.Add(header.Key, header.Value); brokeredMessage.ContentType = context.ContentType; _producer.Send(brokeredMessage); } } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Send operation timed out", ex); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Operation was cancelled", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Send threw an exception", ex); } }); }
// service bus best practices for performance: // public void Send(ISendContext context) { _connectionHandler .Use(connection => { // don't have too many outstanding at same time SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => _messagesInFlight < _settings.MaxOutstanding); using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); // the envelope is re-usable, so let's capture it in the below closure // as a value var envelope = new MessageEnvelope(body.ToArray()); TrySendMessage(connection, () => { var brokeredMessage = new BrokeredMessage(envelope); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.CorrelationId)) brokeredMessage.CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.MessageId)) brokeredMessage.MessageId = context.MessageId; return brokeredMessage; }, 1); } }); }
// service bus best practices for performance: // public void Send(ISendContext context) { AddProducerBinding(); _connectionHandler.Use(connection => { try { // don't have too many outstanding at same time // SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => _messagesInFlight < _settings.MaxOutstanding); using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // TODO put transient handling logic in here for retry var brokeredMessage = new BrokeredMessage(body, false); brokeredMessage.MessageId = context.MessageId ?? brokeredMessage.MessageId ?? NewId.Next().ToString(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { DateTime value = context.ExpirationTime.Value; brokeredMessage.TimeToLive = (value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc ? value - DateTime.UtcNow : value - DateTime.Now); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.CorrelationId)) { brokeredMessage.CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId; } foreach (var header in context.Headers) { brokeredMessage.Properties.Add(header.Key, header.Value); } brokeredMessage.ContentType = context.ContentType; _producer.Send(brokeredMessage); } } catch (TimeoutException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Send operation timed out", ex); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Operation was cancelled", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidConnectionException(_address.Uri, "Send threw an exception", ex); } }); }
// service bus best practices for performance: // public void Send(ISendContext context) { _connectionHandler .Use(connection => { // don't have too many outstanding at same time SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => _messagesInFlight < _settings.MaxOutstanding); using (var body = new MemoryStream()) { context.SerializeTo(body); // the envelope is re-usable, so let's capture it in the below closure // as a value var envelope = new MessageEnvelope(body.ToArray()); var sending = Retries.Retry(FaultPolicies.FinalAzurePolicy, new Func<AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>((cb, state) => { return SendMessage(connection, () => { var brokeredMessage = new BrokeredMessage(envelope); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.CorrelationId)) brokeredMessage.CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.MessageId)) brokeredMessage.MessageId = context.MessageId; return brokeredMessage; }, 1, cb, state); }), (IAsyncResult ar) => { var state = (StateHolder)ar.AsyncState; Interlocked.Decrement(ref _messagesInFlight); try { state.Sender.EndSend(ar); Address.LogEndSend(state.Message.MessageId); } finally { // always dispose the message; it's only good once state.Message.Dispose(); } }); sending.Wait(); } }); }
public void Send(ISendContext context) { GuardAgainstDisposed(); LoopbackMessage message = null; try { message = new LoopbackMessage(); if (context.ExpirationTime.HasValue) { message.ExpirationTime = context.ExpirationTime.Value; } context.SerializeTo(message.Body); message.ContentType = context.ContentType; message.OriginalMessageId = context.OriginalMessageId; if (!Monitor.TryEnter(_messageWriteLock, _deadlockTimeout)) throw new Exception("Deadlock detected!"); try { GuardAgainstDisposed(); _messages.AddLast(message); } finally { Monitor.Exit(_messageWriteLock); } Address.LogSent(message.MessageId, context.MessageType); } catch { if (message != null) message.Dispose(); throw; } _messageReady.Set(); }