private void OpenXML_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "TXT File|*.xml"; openFileDialog.Title = "XML opening"; openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (Library.TryOpenXml(openFileDialog.FileName)) { Library.FileName = openFileDialog.SafeFileName; Context context = new Context(); int method = DefineMethod(); ISearchStrategy concreteStrategy = Context.Strategies[method]; context.SetStrategy(concreteStrategy); Library.Books = context.GetBooks(); AddItemsToComboBox(); } } }
public Graph(IEdgeHandlerStrategy edgeHandlerStrategy, ISearchStrategy searchStrategy) { _edgeHandlerStrategy = edgeHandlerStrategy; _searchStrategy = searchStrategy; Vertexes = new List <Vertex>(); }
internal Solver(FactSet partialModel, Model source, CancellationToken cancel) { Contract.Requires(partialModel != null); Contract.Requires(source != null); this.cancel = cancel; Source = source; PartialModel = partialModel; //// Step 1. Create Z3 Context and Solver CreateContextAndSolver(); //// Step 2. Create type embedder CreateTypeEmbedder(); //// Step 3. Create cardinality system. Cardinalities = new CardSystem(partialModel); //// Step 4. Try to create the search strategy. if (!Cardinalities.IsUnsat) { Strategy = CreateStrategy(solverFlags); } var se = new SymExecuter(this); }
public static bool FindInList(this List <int> list, int number, ISearchStrategy searchStrategy = null) { if (searchStrategy == null) { return(list.BinarySearch(number) >= 1); } return(searchStrategy.Search(list, number)); }
public SimpleSearch(ISearchStrategy strategy, bool avoidRepetition = true) { Strategy = strategy; if (avoidRepetition) _closed = new List<IState>(); else _closed = null; }
public Dictionary <int, string> GetManualResult(string text, bool regexMode, bool ignoreCaseMode) { Dictionary <int, string> returnValue = new Dictionary <int, string>(); ISearchStrategy strategy = SearchStrategyFactory.Create(text, ignoreCaseMode, false, regexMode ? SearchMode.RegEx : SearchMode.Normal); GetSearchResult(ref returnValue, strategy); return(returnValue); }
public SearchRun(ISearchStrategy strategy, SearchableFileContentFinder fileFinder, IEnumerable <FileName> fileList, IProgressMonitor monitor) { this.strategy = strategy; this.fileFinder = fileFinder; this.fileList = fileList; this.monitor = monitor; this.cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); }
public PathFinder(int[,] grid, Location startLoc, Location goalLoc, ISearchStrategy searchStrategy) { _grid = grid; _startLoc = startLoc; _goalLoc = goalLoc; _searchStrategy = searchStrategy; }
public bool Equals(ISearchStrategy other) { var strategy = other as RegexSearchStrategy; return strategy != null && strategy.searchPattern.ToString() == searchPattern.ToString() && strategy.searchPattern.Options == searchPattern.Options && strategy.searchPattern.RightToLeft == searchPattern.RightToLeft; }
public bool Equals(ISearchStrategy other) { var strategy = other as RegexSearchStrategy; return(strategy != null && strategy.searchPattern.ToString() == searchPattern.ToString() && strategy.searchPattern.Options == searchPattern.Options && strategy.searchPattern.RightToLeft == searchPattern.RightToLeft); }
public void UpdateSearch() { // only reset as long as there are results // if no results are found, the "no matches found" message should not flicker. // if results are found by the next run, the message will be hidden inside DoSearch ... strategy = SearchStrategyFactory.Create(SearchPattern ?? "", true, false, SearchMode.Normal); OnSearchOptionsChanged(new SearchOptionsChangedEventArgs(SearchPattern, true, false, false)); DoSearch(true); }
public FishingMachine(IClicker clicker, IScreenCapture screenCapture, ISearchStrategy searchStrategy, CancellationToken mToken = default) { this.m_Clicker = clicker; this.m_ScreenCapture = screenCapture; this.m_SearchStrategy = searchStrategy; this.m_token = mToken; this._stateMachine = new StateMachine <State, Trigger>(State.LookingForHook); ConfigureStateMachine(); }
public static IEnumerable <SearchedFile> FindAll(ISearchStrategy strategy, SearchLocation location, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { currentSearchRegion = null; SearchableFileContentFinder fileFinder = new SearchableFileContentFinder(); return(new SearchRun(strategy, fileFinder, location.GenerateFileList(), progressMonitor) { Target = location.Target, Selection = location.Selection }.GetResults()); }
SearchRegion(FileName[] files, ISearchStrategy strategy, SearchLocation location) { if (files == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("files"); } this.files = files; this.strategy = strategy; this.location = location; }
public async Task <List <Book> > GetSearchedBooks(string filter, string radioFilter) { ISearchStrategy searchStrategy = _searchStrategyFactory.GetSearchStrategy(radioFilter); if (searchStrategy != null) { return(await searchStrategy.GetSearchedBook(filter)); } return(null); }
public static SearchRegion CreateSearchRegion(FileName[] files, ISearchStrategy strategy, SearchLocation location) { ITextEditor editor = GetActiveTextEditor(); if (editor != null) { return(new SearchRegion(files, strategy, location)); } return(null); }
void UpdateSearch() { // only reset as long as there are results // if no results are found, the "no matches found" message should not flicker. // if results are found by the next run, the message will be hidden inside DoSearch ... if (renderer.CurrentResults.Any()) { messageView.IsOpen = false; } strategy = SearchStrategyFactory.Create(SearchPattern ?? "", !MatchCase, WholeWords, UseRegex ? SearchMode.RegEx : SearchMode.Normal); DoSearch(true); }
public SimpleSearch(ISearchStrategy strategy, bool avoidRepetition = true) { Strategy = strategy; if (avoidRepetition) { _closed = new List <IState>(); } else { _closed = null; } }
private void UpdateSearch() { try { this._strategy = SearchFactory.Create(txtFind.Text ?? "" , !mniMatchCase.Checked, false, _mode); this.DoSearch(true); } catch (SearchPatternException) { // Eat any regex parse errors } }
void UpdateSearch() { // only reset as long as there are results // if no results are found, the "no matches found" message should not flicker. // if results are found by the next run, the message will be hidden inside DoSearch ... if (renderer.CurrentResults.Any()) { messageView.IsOpen = false; } strategy = SearchStrategyFactory.Create(SearchPattern ?? "", !MatchCase, WholeWords, GetSearchMode()); OnSearchOptionsChanged(new SearchOptionsChangedEventArgs(SearchPattern, MatchCase, UseWildCards, UseRegex, WholeWords)); DoSearch(true); }
private static ISearchStrategy _isearchstrategy = null; //搜索策略 #endregion Fields #region Constructors static BSPSearch() { try { string[] fileNameList = Directory.GetFiles(System.Web.HttpRuntime.BinDirectory, "BrnShop.SearchStrategy.*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); _isearchstrategy = (ISearchStrategy)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(string.Format("BrnShop.SearchStrategy.{0}.SearchStrategy, BrnShop.SearchStrategy.{0}", fileNameList[0].Substring(fileNameList[0].IndexOf("SearchStrategy.") + 15).Replace(".dll", "")), false, true)); } catch { throw new BSPException("创建'搜索策略对象'失败,可能存在的原因:未将'搜索策略对象'添加到bin目录中;'搜索策略对象'文件名不符合'BrnShop.SearchStrategy.{策略名称}.dll'格式"); } }
private static ISearchStrategy _isearchstrategy = null;//搜索策略 static BMASearch() { try { string[] fileNameList = Directory.GetFiles(System.Web.HttpRuntime.BinDirectory, "BrnMall.SearchStrategy.*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); _isearchstrategy = (ISearchStrategy)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(string.Format("BrnMall.SearchStrategy.{0}.SearchStrategy, BrnMall.SearchStrategy.{0}", fileNameList[0].Substring(fileNameList[0].IndexOf("SearchStrategy.") + 15).Replace(".dll", "")), false, true)); } catch { throw new BMAException("创建'搜索策略对象'失败,可能存在的原因:未将'搜索策略对象'添加到bin目录中;'搜索策略对象'文件名不符合'BrnMall.SearchStrategy.{策略名称}.dll'格式"); } }
private void GetSearchResult(ref Dictionary <int, string> privateObject, ISearchStrategy searchStrategy) { foreach (ISearchResult result in searchStrategy.FindAll(document, 0, document.TextLength)) { ISegment segment = result as ISegment; DocumentLine docLine = document.GetLineByOffset(segment.Offset); int lineNumber = docLine.LineNumber; string lineText = document.GetText(docLine.Offset, docLine.Length); if (!privateObject.ContainsKey(lineNumber)) { privateObject.Add(lineNumber, lineText); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new SearchContext. /// </summary> /// <param name="domain"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Domain"/></param> /// <param name="source"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Source"/></param> /// <param name="target"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Target"/></param> /// <param name="subject"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Subject"/></param> /// <param name="solution"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Solution"/></param> /// <param name="status"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Status"/></param> /// <param name="startNode"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.StartNode"/></param> /// <param name="search"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Search"/></param> /// <param name="expansion"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Expansion"/></param> /// <param name="application"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Application"/></param> /// <param name="evaluation"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Evaluation"/></param> /// <param name="goal"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Goal"/></param> /// <param name="cloner"><see cref="SearchContext{D, P, A, S, Sol, N}.Cloner"/></param> public SearchContext(D domain, P source, P target, S subject, Sol solution, SearchStatus status, SearchNode <P, A> startNode, ISearchStrategy <D, P, A, S, Sol> search, IExpansionStrategy <D, P, A, S, Sol, A> expansion, IApplicationStrategy <D, P, A, S, Sol> application, IEvaluationStrategy <D, P, A, S, Sol> evaluation, IGoalStrategy <D, P, A, S, Sol> goal, ICloneStrategy <P> cloner) { Domain = domain; Source = source?.Copy(); Target = target?.Copy(); Subject = subject; Solution = solution; Status = status; StartNode = startNode?.Copy(); Search = search; Expansion = expansion; Application = application; Evaluation = evaluation; Goal = goal; Cloner = cloner; }
private void ChangeSearchStrategy(ISearchStrategy searchStrategy) { runViewModel.SearchStrategy = searchStrategy; searchStrategy.OnItterationComplete += ItterationCompleteHandler; if (searchStrategy != null) { searchStrategy.OnItterationComplete += ItterationCompleteHandler; } ReadyToComputeCheck(); void ItterationCompleteHandler(ISearchStrategy sender, Log log) { //TODO console runViewModel.Add(log.timeToCompute, log.bestRouteCost);; pltPlot.InvalidatePlot(true); } }
private IEnumerable <FindResult> GetResults(ISearchStrategy strategy, ISourceFile file) { using (var fileStream = file.OpenText()) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileStream)) { var document = new TextDocument(reader.ReadToEnd()); var results = strategy.FindAll(document, 0, document.TextLength); foreach (var result in results.GroupBy(sr => document.GetLineByOffset(sr.Offset).LineNumber).Select(group => group.First())) { var line = document.GetLineByOffset(result.Offset); yield return(new FindResult(file, result.Offset, result.Length, line.LineNumber, line.Offset, document.GetText(line))); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Causes the background renderer to draw. /// </summary> /// <param name="textView"></param> /// <param name="drawingContext"></param> public void Draw(TextView textView, DrawingContext drawingContext) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(editor.SelectedText) || !editor.SelectedText.All(Char.IsLetterOrDigit)) { return; } ISearchStrategy strategy = SearchStrategyFactory.Create(editor.SelectedText, false, true, SearchMode.Normal); foreach (ISearchResult result in strategy.FindAll(textView.Document, 0, textView.Document.TextLength)) { BackgroundGeometryBuilder builder = new BackgroundGeometryBuilder() { CornerRadius = 1 }; builder.AddSegment(textView, result); drawingContext.DrawGeometry(BrushStyle, PenStyle, builder.CreateGeometry()); } }
public static SearchResultMatch FindNext(ISearchStrategy strategy, SearchLocation location) { var files = location.GenerateFileList().ToArray(); if (files.Length == 0) { return(null); } if (currentSearchRegion == null || !currentSearchRegion.IsSameState(files, strategy, location)) { currentSearchRegion = SearchRegion.CreateSearchRegion(files, strategy, location); } if (currentSearchRegion == null) { return(null); } var result = currentSearchRegion.FindNext(); if (result == null) { currentSearchRegion = null; } return(result); }
public SearchAgent( ISearchStrategy <ProblemState <T>, ProblemAction> searchStrategy) : base(searchStrategy) { }
private static void ItterationEventHandler(ISearchStrategy s, Log log) { Console.WriteLine(log.ToString()); }
void UpdateSearch() { // only reset as long as there are results // if no results are found, the "no matches found" message should not flicker. // if results are found by the next run, the message will be hidden inside DoSearch ... if (renderer.CurrentResults.Any()) messageView.IsOpen = false; ISearchStrategy result = SearchStrategyFactory.Create(SearchPattern ?? "", !MatchCase, WholeWords, UseRegex ? SearchMode.RegEx : SearchMode.Normal); if (result == null) return; else strategy = result; OnSearchOptionsChanged(new SearchOptionsChangedEventArgs(SearchPattern, MatchCase, UseRegex, WholeWords)); DoSearch(true); }
/// <summary> /// Searches the specified value. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The value.</param> /// <param name="searchStrategy">The search strategy.</param> /// <param name="startAge">The start age.</param> /// <param name="endAge">The end age.</param> /// <param name="sortExpression">The sort expression.</param> /// <param name="sortDirection">The sort direction.</param> public static List<Resume> Search(string value, ISearchStrategy searchStrategy, int startAge, int endAge, string sortExpression, string sortDirection) { if (searchStrategy == null) throw new CustomException("Invalid search","Search arguments were lost"); searchStrategy.SetContext = Context; var result = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? GetResumes().ToList() : searchStrategy.Search(value); result=Sort(result,sortExpression, sortDirection); result = FindByAge(result, startAge, endAge); return result; }
public RecursiveBestFirstSearch(ISearchStrategy <A, S, T, C> search, Func <IQueue <T> > fringe) : base(search, fringe) { }
protected SimpleProblemSolvingAgentBase(ISearchStrategy <TState, TAction> searchStrategy) { SearchStrategy = searchStrategy; }
private void InitSearch() { this.Search = new SearchElement(); }
void UpdateSearch() { messageView.IsOpen = false; strategy = SearchStrategyFactory.Create(searchPattern ?? "", !MatchCase, UseRegex, WholeWords); DoSearch(true); }
void UpdateSearch() { // only reset as long as there are results // if no results are found, the "no matches found" message should not flicker. // if results are found by the next run, the message will be hidden inside DoSearch ... if (renderer.CurrentResults.Any()) messageView.IsOpen = false; strategy = SearchStrategyFactory.Create(SearchPattern ?? "", !MatchCase, WholeWords, UseRegex ? SearchMode.RegEx : SearchMode.Normal); DoSearch(true); }
public void ChangeText() { fStrategy = new SearchStrategy(fWorkWindow, fView.SearchPattern.Text); }
public bool Equals(ISearchStrategy other) { return other == this; }
public bool Equals(ISearchStrategy other) { var xPath = other as XPathSearchStrategy; return xPath != null && xPath._xPath == this._xPath; }
public void Build(ISearchStrategy strategy, ITextIterator it, SearchOptions options) { int startPos = it.Position; it.Reset (); ISearchResult res = strategy.FindNext (it, options, false); while (res != null) { matches.Add (res); res = strategy.FindNext (it, options, false); } it.Position = startPos; }