コード例 #1
        public virtual void ProcessCDPResult(string command_result, CDPDataSet.DevicesRow parent_device, CDPDataSet ds)
            if (command_result.IndexOf("CDP is not enabled") >= 0)
                parent_device.CDP_status = false;
                string[] cdp_lines = command_result.Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                CDPDataSet.DevicesRow current_device = null; // As going through the CDP output lines, this is the actual neighbor
                string currentDeviceName             = "";
                string currentDeviceIP = "";
                CDPDataSet.NeighboursRow    new_neigbor    = null; // This is the neighbor created for current_device as a neighbor of parent_device
                PGTDataSet.ScriptSettingRow ScriptSettings = SettingsManager.GetCurrentScriptSettings();
                // As the ip address must be unique for each device, adding a device with ip address of nocdpip constant would fail for the second time
                // To overcome this issue, we do indexing for devices with no ip address (such as VMware ESX hosts)
                int nocdpip_index = 0;
                foreach (string line in cdp_lines)
                    DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : parsing cdp neighbor row [ {0} ]", line), DebugLevel.Full);
                        bool isVMWareESX = false;

                        #region Check for DeviceID line and set currentDeviceName accordingly
                        if (line.IndexOf(DeviceID()) >= 0)
                                if (new_neigbor != null)
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                // Depending on discovery list, under special circumstances it can happen that we try to add a new neighbor row
                                // with the same connection parameters (same parent, neighbor and interfaces) that will violate unique key constraint
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : Error storing neighbor row : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Warning);
                            new_neigbor = null;
                            string[] words = line.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            currentDeviceName = words[2].Trim();;
                            currentDeviceIP   = "";
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : CDPParser found a new neighbor : {0}", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Informational);

                        if (currentDeviceName == "")

                        #region Check for IPAddress line and set currentDeviceIP accordingly
                        if (line.IndexOf(IPAddress()) >= 0)
                            string[] words_in_line = line.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            currentDeviceIP = words_in_line[2].Trim();
                            if (currentDeviceIP == "")
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : cdp is not reporting ip address for neighbor {0}", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Debug);
                                currentDeviceIP = string.Format("{0}_{1}", nocdpip, nocdpip_index);

                        #region Check whether the Platform is VMware ESX
                        if (line.Trim().StartsWith("Platform:"))
                            string[] words = line.SplitByComma();
                            // words[0] should be PlatForm, words[1] is Capabilities
                            isVMWareESX = words[0].ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf("vmware esx") >= 0;
                            if (isVMWareESX)
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : neighbor {0} is an ESX host", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Debug);
                                currentDeviceIP = string.Format("{0}_{1}", nocdpip, nocdpip_index);

                        if (currentDeviceIP == "")

                        #region Add current device as new device or select existing device from Devices table
                        // At this point we can identify the current device(cdp neighbor) by name and ip. This is also a new neighbor
                        // Two devices considered identical if :
                        // - have the same hostname, or
                        // - have the same IPAddress
                        string currentDeviceHostName = DottedNameSpace.TLD(currentDeviceName);
                        current_device = ds.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                   currentDeviceIP != nocdpip && d.IP_Address.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisIP => thisIP == currentDeviceIP) ||
                                                                   d.Name.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisName => DottedNameSpace.CompateTLD(thisName, currentDeviceHostName))
                        if (current_device == null)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : neighbor {0} is a new device, adding to devices data table", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Informational);
                            // This device is not yet known. Add to device list and also to list of devices in script
                            current_device = ds.Devices.NewDevicesRow();
                            //if (current_device.Name != currentDeviceName) current_device.Name += ";" + currentDeviceName;
                            current_device.Name = currentDeviceName;
                            if (current_device.IsIP_AddressNull() || current_device.IP_Address == "")
                                current_device.IP_Address = currentDeviceIP;
                            else if (current_device.IP_Address != currentDeviceIP)
                                current_device.IP_Address += ";" + currentDeviceIP;
                            // Add a new entry for discovered device if has a valid neighbor ip, Recursion is allowed
                            // and this ip is not defined as discovery boundary
                            if (_AllowRecursion && !currentDeviceIP.StartsWith(nocdpip))
                                var includedAddresses = (from addressdefinition in ds.DomainBoundary where addressdefinition.Action == BoundaryAddressAction.Include.ToString() select addressdefinition.IP_Address)?.ToList();
                                var excludedAddresses = (from addressdefinition in ds.DomainBoundary where addressdefinition.Action == BoundaryAddressAction.Exclude.ToString() select addressdefinition.IP_Address)?.ToList();
                                if (IPOperations.IsIPAddressInNetworks(currentDeviceIP, includedAddresses, true) && !IPOperations.IsIPAddressInNetworks(currentDeviceIP, excludedAddresses, false))
                                    string[] newScriptLine = _ConnectionInfo.ScriptLine.Split(ScriptSettings.CSVSeparator.ToCharArray());
                                    newScriptLine[2] = currentDeviceIP;
                                    newScriptLine[3] = currentDeviceName;
                                    _Executor.AddScriptEntry(string.Join(ScriptSettings.CSVSeparator, newScriptLine));
                                    string msg = string.Format("Added device <{0}> to discovery list.", currentDeviceIP);
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine(msg, DebugLevel.Informational);
                                    string msg = string.Format("Not adding device <{0}> to discovery list because it is either explicitly excluded or not included in discovery domain", currentDeviceIP);
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine(msg, DebugLevel.Full);
                                string msg = "Not adding device a new neighbor to discovery list because Active Discovery is not allowed or the neighbor does not have a valid ip address detected.";
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(msg, DebugLevel.Full);
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : neighbor {0} is already a known device", currentDeviceName), DebugLevel.Full);

                        if (current_device == null)

                        #region Create Neighbor for parent_device <-> current_device
                        if (new_neigbor == null)
                            new_neigbor             = ds.Neighbours.NewNeighboursRow();
                            new_neigbor.Neighbor_ID = current_device.ID;
                            new_neigbor.Parent_ID   = parent_device.ID;
                            new_neigbor.Name        = current_device.Name;
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : new neighbor {0} added for device {1}", currentDeviceName, parent_device.Name), DebugLevel.Full);

                        #region  Get Platform/Interfaces info and update the neighbor

                        if (line.Trim().StartsWith("Platform") && new_neigbor != null)
                            string[] words = line.SplitByComma();
                            // words[0] should be PlatForm, words[1] is Capabilities
                            string[] platformWords = words[0].SplitBySpace();
                            string[] capabilities  = words[1].SplitBySpace();
                            current_device.Platform = string.Join(" ", platformWords.SkipWhile((string l, int i) => i < 1));
                            if (current_device.Type != "VSS" && current_device.Type != "ASA" && !current_device.Type.StartsWith("Stack"))
                                current_device.Type = string.Join(";", capabilities.SkipWhile((s, i) => i < 1));
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : Platform of neighbor {0} identified as {1}. Device type was set to {2}", currentDeviceName, current_device.Platform, current_device.Type), DebugLevel.Full);

                        if (line.IndexOf("Interface") >= 0 && new_neigbor != null)
                            string[] words_in_line        = line.SplitBySpace();
                            int      words_length         = words_in_line.Length;
                            string   neighbour_interfaces = words_in_line[words_length - 1];
                            neighbour_interfaces = Common.ConvInt(neighbour_interfaces);

                            string local_interfaces = words_in_line[1].Replace(",", "");
                            local_interfaces = Common.ConvInt(local_interfaces);

                            new_neigbor.Neighbour_Interface = neighbour_interfaces;
                            new_neigbor.Local_Interface     = local_interfaces;
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : connected interface added {0}::{1} connects to  {2}::{3}", currentDeviceName, local_interfaces, parent_device.Name, neighbour_interfaces), DebugLevel.Full);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : Error while parsing cdp output line [{0}]. Error is : {1}", line, Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()));
                if (new_neigbor != null)
コード例 #2
        public bool DoCustomAction(IScriptExecutorBase Executor, DeviceConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo, out dynamic ActionResult, out bool ConnectionDropped, out bool BreakExecution)
            bool result = false;

            ActionResult      = "Custom action not implemented";
            ConnectionDropped = false;
            BreakExecution    = false;
            IScriptableSession st = (IScriptableSession)Executor.Session;
            int DeviceID          = 0;

            if (ConnectionInfo.CustomActionID == "PGTNetworkDiscovery")
                if (ConnectionInfo.VendorName.ToLowerInvariant() == "cisco")
                    #region Cisco
                    ActionResult = "Error processing PGTNetworkDiscovery for Cisco";
                    string show_ver        = string.Empty;
                    string device_type     = "router";
                    string actual_hostname = string.Empty;
                    string show_inventory  = string.Empty;
                    string system_serial   = string.Empty;

                    #region SHOW VER, Virtual switch, Stacked switch

                    Executor.ShowActivity("Retrieving device information...");
                    show_ver        = st.ExecCommand("sh ver");
                    actual_hostname = st.GetHostName();

                    string virtualswitch = st.ExecCommand("sh switch virtual");
                    bool   isVSS         = false;
                        isVSS = virtualswitch.SplitByLine().First().Split(':')[1].ToLowerInvariant().Trim() == "virtual switch";
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error parsing \"sh virtual switch\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);
                    int    stackCount      = 0;
                    string stackedswitches = st.ExecCommand("sh switch");
                        if (stackedswitches.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("switch/stack"))
                            stackCount = stackedswitches.SplitByLine().Count(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt());
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error parsing \"sh switch\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);

                        #region Identify device
                        show_inventory = st.ExecCommand("show inventory");
                        // Indicates that we are connected to an ASA, using later for VLAN discovery
                        bool isASA = show_inventory.IndexOf("Adaptive Security Appliance") >= 0;
                        // some switches doe no support the "show inventory" command
                        bool exec_error = show_inventory.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => show_inventory.IndexOf(w) >= 0);
                        if (exec_error)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh inventory\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                            // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                                system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error searching serial number in \"sh version\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);
                            // This should return system serial most of the time
                                if (stackCount > 0)
                                    // if stackCount > 0 the switch supported the "show switch" command. Probably also understands "show module"
                                    string modules = st.ExecCommand("show module");
                                    // some switches who support the "show switch" command may still do not understand "show modules"
                                    exec_error = modules.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => modules.IndexOf(w) >= 0);
                                    if (exec_error)
                                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh module\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                                        // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                                        system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                                        // select lines starting with a number. These are assumed the be the switches in stack
                                        var switchList = modules.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt());
                                        // each line contains the serial number in th 4th column
                                        system_serial = string.Join(",", switchList.Select(m => m.SplitBySpace()[3]));
                                    system_serial = show_inventory.SplitByLine().First(l => l.StartsWith("PID:")).Split(',')[2].Split(':')[1].Trim();
                            catch (Exception Ex)
                                system_serial = "parsing error";
                                DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Error parsing serial number : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Error);

                        #region Add New Device to DB with inlist
                        // Two devices considered identical if :
                        // - have the same hostname, or
                        // - have the same IPAddress
                        CDPDataSet.DevicesRow device_row = local_dataset.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                                                d.IP_Address.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisIP => thisIP == ConnectionInfo.DeviceIP) ||
                                                                                                d.Name.SplitBySemicolon().Any(thisName => DottedNameSpace.CompateTLD(thisName, ConnectionInfo.HostName))
                        if (device_row == null) //If NOT found in the DB have to ADD as new
                            device_row = local_dataset.Devices.NewDevicesRow();
                            device_row.SystemSerial = system_serial;
                            device_row.IP_Address   = ConnectionInfo.DeviceIP;
                            device_row.Name         = actual_hostname;
                            device_row.VersionInfo  = show_ver;
                            device_row.Type         = isASA ? "ASA" : isVSS ? "VSS" : stackCount > 1 ? string.Format("Stack{0}", stackCount) : device_type;
                            device_row.Inventory    = show_inventory;
                            DeviceID = device_row.ID;
                        else //IF found in the existing DB have to update!
                            device_row.VersionInfo  = show_ver;
                            device_row.Inventory    = show_inventory;
                            device_row.SystemSerial = system_serial;
                            if (isASA)
                                device_row.Type = "ASA";
                            else if (isVSS)
                                device_row.Type = "VSS";
                            else if (stackCount > 1)
                                device_row.Type = string.Format("Stack{0}", stackCount);


                        #region SHOW CDP NEIGHBOUR
                        if (!isASA)
                            Executor.ShowActivity("Checking for CDP neighbors...");
                            string cdpResult = st.ExecCommand("sh cdp neighbors detail");

                            CDPParser thisParser;
                            if (show_ver.IndexOf("NX-OS") >= 0)
                                thisParser = new NXOS_CDPParser(Executor, ConnectionInfo, AllowRecursion);
                                thisParser.ProcessCDPResult(cdpResult, device_row, local_dataset);
                                thisParser = new IOS_CDPParser(Executor, ConnectionInfo, AllowRecursion);
                                thisParser.ProcessCDPResult(cdpResult, device_row, local_dataset);


                        #region Collect interface configuration details for CDP connected interfaces
                        Executor.ShowActivity("Collecting CDP connected interface information...");
                        var query_local_interfaces = from device in local_dataset.Devices
                                                     where (device.ID == device_row.ID)
                                                     join neigh in local_dataset.Neighbours on device.ID equals neigh.Parent_ID
                                                     select new
                            local_int = neigh.Local_Interface,
                            ID        = device.ID,
                        foreach (var thisInterface in query_local_interfaces)
                            CDP2VISIO.CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow interface_row = null;
                            interface_row = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow();

                            string command = "sh run interface " + thisInterface.local_int;

                            string commandResult = st.ExecCommand(command);
                            commandResult = commandResult.ToLower();

                            string[] lines_in_commandresult = commandResult.Split("\r\n".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            string   interface_config       = string.Empty;
                            bool     addtoconfig            = false;
                            foreach (var line in lines_in_commandresult)
                                if (line.IndexOf(RevConvInt(thisInterface.local_int)) >= 0)
                                    addtoconfig = true;
                                if (addtoconfig)
                                    interface_config = interface_config + line + "\r\n";

                            interface_row.ID             = thisInterface.ID;
                            interface_row.Name           = thisInterface.local_int;
                            interface_row.Running_config = interface_config;



                        #region Collect overall interface status information
                        if (Options.Default.DisplayConnected && !isASA)
                            Executor.ShowActivity("Checking interface status...");
                            string[] ifDesc = st.ExecCommand("show interface description").SplitByLine();
                            foreach (string thisIfDescription in ifDesc.SkipWhile((string s, int i) => i < 1))
                                string[] ifDescrWords = thisIfDescription.SplitBySpace();
                                string   IFName       = Common.ConvInt(ifDescrWords[0]);
                                if (!IFName.StartsWith("vl")) // Don't care vlan interfaces here
                                    string IFStatus      = string.Format("{0}/{1}", ifDescrWords[1], ifDescrWords[2]);
                                    string IFDescription = string.Join(" ", ifDescrWords.SkipWhile((string s, int i) => i < 3));
                                    var    foundIF       = from thisIF in local_dataset.Interfaces where thisIF.ID == device_row.ID && thisIF.Name == IFName select thisIF;
                                    if (foundIF.Count() == 1)
                                        // Update existing IF data
                                        foundIF.ElementAt(0).Status      = IFStatus;
                                        foundIF.ElementAt(0).Description = IFDescription;
                                        // Add as new IF
                                        CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow thisIF = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow();
                                        thisIF.ID          = device_row.ID;
                                        thisIF.Name        = IFName;
                                        thisIF.Status      = IFStatus;
                                        thisIF.Description = IFDescription;

                        #region Collect VLAN interface information
                        if (isASA)
                            Executor.ShowActivity("Gathering VLAN information...");
                            // Contains the L3 information : interface names, interface ip, network, mask
                            List <string> VLANInfo = new List <string>();
                            string        asaIFs   = st.ExecCommand("sh int ip brief");
                            device_row.L3InterfaceInformation = asaIFs;
                            foreach (string thisInterface in asaIFs.SplitByLine().SkipWhile(l => l.StartsWith("Interface")))
                                string[] ifWords      = thisInterface.SplitBySpace();
                                string   asaIFName    = ifWords[0];
                                string   nameIF       = "";
                                string   secLevel     = "";
                                string   vlanIPAddr   = "";
                                string   vlanNetMask  = "";
                                string   netaddress   = "";
                                int      maskLength   = 0;
                                int      vlanID       = 0;
                                string   thisIFConfig = st.ExecCommand(string.Format("sh run int {0}", asaIFName));
                                foreach (string thisConfigLine in thisIFConfig.SplitByLine().Select(s => s.Trim()))
                                    if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("vlan"))
                                        int.TryParse(thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1], out vlanID);
                                    else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("nameif"))
                                        nameIF = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1];
                                    else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("security-level"))
                                        secLevel = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace()[1];
                                    else if (thisConfigLine.StartsWith("ip address"))
                                        string[] lineWords = thisConfigLine.SplitBySpace();
                                        vlanIPAddr  = lineWords[2];
                                        vlanNetMask = lineWords[3];
                                        maskLength  = IPOperations.GetMaskLength(vlanNetMask);
                                        netaddress  = IPOperations.GetNetworkAddress(vlanIPAddr, maskLength);
                                string networkAddressPrint = "";
                                if (maskLength > 0)
                                    networkAddressPrint = string.Format("{0}/{1}", netaddress, maskLength);
                                string reportedIFName = string.Format("{0} name: {1} security-level: {2}", asaIFName, nameIF, secLevel);
                                VLANInfo.Add(string.Join(";", new string[] { vlanID == 0 ? "routed" : vlanID.ToString(), reportedIFName, vlanIPAddr, vlanNetMask, networkAddressPrint }));

                                #region Add ASA interface to inventory database
                                string IFStatus = "n/a";
                                if (ifWords.Length == 6)
                                    IFStatus = string.Format("{0}/{1}", ifWords[4], ifWords[5]);
                                else if (ifWords.Length == 7)
                                    IFStatus = string.Format("{0} {1}/{2}", ifWords[4], ifWords[5], ifWords[6]);
                                var foundIF = from thisIF in local_dataset.Interfaces where thisIF.ID == device_row.ID && thisIF.Name == asaIFName select thisIF;
                                if (foundIF.Count() == 1)
                                    // Update existing IF data
                                    foundIF.ElementAt(0).Status      = IFStatus;
                                    foundIF.ElementAt(0).Description = reportedIFName;
                                    // Add as new IF
                                    CDPDataSet.InterfacesRow thisIF = local_dataset.Interfaces.NewInterfacesRow();
                                    thisIF.ID          = device_row.ID;
                                    thisIF.Name        = asaIFName;
                                    thisIF.Status      = IFStatus;
                                    thisIF.Description = reportedIFName;
                            device_row.VLANInformation = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, VLANInfo);
                            Executor.ShowActivity("Gathering VLAN interface information...");
                            // TODO : for routers, also include "sh ip int brief"
                            string vlanIFs = st.ExecCommand("sh ip int brief | i [Vv]lan");
                            device_row.L3InterfaceInformation = vlanIFs;

                            #region Collect network details for VLANs
                            // Contains the list of VLAN interface names
                            List <string> VLANInterfaces = Regex.Matches(vlanIFs, "^Vlan(\\d+)", RegexOptions.Multiline).Cast <Match>().Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant()).ToList();
                            // Contains the L3 information : interface names, interface ip, network, mask
                            List <string> VLANInfo        = new List <string>();
                            string        vlans           = st.ExecCommand("sh vlan");
                            bool          addLineToOutput = false;
                            foreach (string line in vlans.SplitByLine())
                                if (line.StartsWith("---"))
                                    addLineToOutput = !addLineToOutput;
                                    if (!addLineToOutput)
                                else if (addLineToOutput)
                                    string[] words  = line.SplitBySpace();
                                    int      vlanID = -1;
                                    if (int.TryParse(words[0], out vlanID))
                                        string vlanName    = words[1];
                                        string vlanIPAddr  = "";
                                        string vlanNetMask = "";
                                        string netaddress  = "";
                                        int    maskLength  = 0;
                                        // Check if current VLAN has a corresponding VLAN interface definition
                                        if (VLANInterfaces.Contains(string.Format("vlan{0}", vlanID)))
                                            string vlanIntConfig = st.ExecCommand(string.Format("sh run int vlan{0}", vlanID));
                                            string ipAddressLine = vlanIntConfig.SplitByLine().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith("ip address"));
                                            if (ipAddressLine != null)
                                                string[] addr = ipAddressLine.SplitBySpace();
                                                vlanIPAddr  = addr[2];
                                                vlanNetMask = addr[3];
                                                maskLength  = IPOperations.GetMaskLength(vlanNetMask);
                                                netaddress  = IPOperations.GetNetworkAddress(vlanIPAddr, maskLength);
                                                ipAddressLine = vlanIntConfig.SplitByLine().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Trim().StartsWith("no ip address"));
                                                if (ipAddressLine != null)
                                                    vlanIPAddr = "no ip address";
                                        string networkAddressPrint = "";
                                        if (maskLength > 0)
                                            networkAddressPrint = string.Format("{0}/{1}", netaddress, maskLength);
                                        VLANInfo.Add(string.Join(";", new string[] { vlanID.ToString(), vlanName, vlanIPAddr, vlanNetMask, networkAddressPrint }));
                            device_row.VLANInformation = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, VLANInfo);

                        result       = true;
                        ActionResult = "Discovery information processing finished successfully.";
                        if (system_serial == "")
                            ActionResult += "Warning : Could not identify system serial number.";
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        ActionResult = string.Format("Unexpected processing error : {0} {1}", Ex.Message, Ex.InnerException?.Message);
                else if (ConnectionInfo.VendorName.ToLowerInvariant() == "junos")
                    #region JunOS
                    // http://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos11.1/topics/task/configuration/802-1x-lldp-cli.html
                    ActionResult = "Error processing PGTNetworkDiscovery for JunOS";
                    string show_ver        = string.Empty;
                    string device_type     = "router";
                    string actual_hostname = string.Empty;
                    string show_inventory  = string.Empty;
                    string system_serial   = string.Empty;
                    int    stackCount      = 0;

                    #region Identify device
                    show_inventory = st.ExecCommand("show chassis hardware");
                    // Indicates that we are connected to an ASA, using later for VLAN discovery
                    bool isASA = show_inventory.IndexOf("Adaptive Security Appliance") >= 0;
                    // some switches doe no support the "show inventory" command
                    bool exec_error = show_inventory.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => show_inventory.IndexOf(w) >= 0);
                    if (exec_error)
                        DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh inventory\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                        // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                            system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                        catch (Exception Ex)
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : error searching serial number in \"sh version\" output : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Debug);
                        // This should return system serial most of the time
                            if (stackCount > 0)
                                // if stackCount > 0 the switch supported the "show switch" command. Probably also understands "show module"
                                string modules = st.ExecCommand("show module");
                                // some switches who support the "show switch" command may still do not understand "show modules"
                                exec_error = modules.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("invalid input detected") || ScriptSettings.FailedCommandPattern.SplitBySemicolon().Any(w => modules.IndexOf(w) >= 0);
                                if (exec_error)
                                    DebugEx.WriteLine(String.Format("CDP2VISIO : switch does not support \"sh module\" command, parsing version information"), DebugLevel.Debug);
                                    // try to parse sh_version to get system serial numbers
                                    system_serial = string.Join(",", show_ver.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.StartsWith("System serial number")).Select(l => l.Split(':')[1].Trim()));
                                    // select lines starting with a number. These are assumed the be the switches in stack
                                    var switchList = modules.SplitByLine().Where(l => l.SplitBySpace()[0].Trim('*').IsInt());
                                    // each line contains the serial number in th 4th column
                                    system_serial = string.Join(",", switchList.Select(m => m.SplitBySpace()[3]));
                                system_serial = show_inventory.SplitByLine().First(l => l.StartsWith("PID:")).Split(',')[2].Split(':')[1].Trim();
                        catch (Exception Ex)
                            system_serial = "parsing error";
                            DebugEx.WriteLine(string.Format("Error parsing serial number : {0}", Ex.InnerExceptionsMessage()), DebugLevel.Error);
