コード例 #1
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
				public async Task Setup()
					src = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 20);
					screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 4.6);
					await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src }, cancel);
					await screenBuffer.MoveToStreamsEnd(cancel);
コード例 #2
        public void Render(IScreenBuffer screen, PlayerInfo player)

            var center       = screen.Dimensions.DivideBy(2).ToVector2();
            var shortestSide = center.SmallestSide();

            var radius = 0.9f * shortestSide;

            const int numSegments  = 5;
            var       radianOffset = MathHelper.TwoPi / numSegments / 2;

            // This fixes jittering
            var pixelOffset = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

            foreach (var segment in Enumerable.Range(0, numSegments))
                var rotation  = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(segment * radianOffset + _angle);
                var direction = Vector2.Transform(Vector2.UnitX, rotation);

                var start = (center - direction * radius + pixelOffset).ToPoint();
                var end   = (center + direction * radius + pixelOffset).ToPoint();

                _drawLine(screen, start, end, Color.Red);
コード例 #3
        public static (bool shouldDraw, Point p0, Point p1) ClipToScreen(
            IScreenBuffer buffer,
            Point p0,
            Point p1)
            OutCode outCode0 = ComputeOutCode(p0, buffer.Dimensions);
            OutCode outCode1 = ComputeOutCode(p1, buffer.Dimensions);
            bool    accept   = false;

            while (true)
                if ((outCode0 | outCode1) == OutCode.Inside)
                    accept = true;
                if ((outCode0 & outCode1) != OutCode.Inside)

                int x = 0;
                int y = 0;

                OutCode outCodeOut = (outCode0 != OutCode.Inside) ? outCode0 : outCode1;

                if ((outCodeOut & OutCode.Top) == OutCode.Top)
                    x = (int)(p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * (buffer.Dimensions.Y - p0.Y) / ((double)p1.Y - p0.Y));
                    y = buffer.Dimensions.Y;
                else if ((outCodeOut & OutCode.Bottom) == OutCode.Bottom)
                    x = (int)(p0.X + (p1.X - p0.X) * -p0.Y / ((double)p1.Y - p0.Y));
                    y = 0;
                else if ((outCodeOut & OutCode.Right) == OutCode.Right)
                    y = (int)(p0.Y + (p1.Y - p0.Y) * (buffer.Dimensions.X - p0.X) / ((double)p1.X - p0.X));
                    x = buffer.Dimensions.X;
                else if ((outCodeOut & OutCode.Left) == OutCode.Left)
                    y = (int)(p0.Y + (p1.Y - p0.Y) * -p0.X / ((double)p1.X - p0.X));
                    x = 0;

                if (outCodeOut == outCode0)
                    p0       = new Point(x, y);
                    outCode0 = ComputeOutCode(p0, buffer.Dimensions);
                    p1       = new Point(x, y);
                    outCode1 = ComputeOutCode(p1, buffer.Dimensions);
            return(accept, p0, p1);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
				public async Task Setup()
					src1 = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 10, linesPerMessage: 3, messagesPrefix: "a");
					src2 = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 10, linesPerMessage: 2, messagesPrefix: "b");
					screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 4.4);
					await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src1, src2 }, cancel);
コード例 #5
        private static void PlotLineHigh(IScreenBuffer buffer, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Color color)
            int dx = x1 - x0;
            int dy = y1 - y0;
            int xi = 1;

            if (dx < 0)
                xi = -1;
                dx = -dx;

            int D = 2 * dx - dy;
            int x = x0;

            for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y++)
                buffer.DrawPixel(x, y, color);

                if (D > 0)
                    x = x + xi;
                    D = D - 2 * dy;
                D = D + 2 * dx;
コード例 #6
 public static void PlotLine(this IScreenBuffer buffer, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Color color)
     if (Abs(y1 - y0) < Abs(x1 - x0))
         if (x0 > x1)
             PlotLineLow(buffer, x1, y1, x0, y0, color);
             PlotLineLow(buffer, x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
         if (y0 > y1)
             PlotLineHigh(buffer, x1, y1, x0, y0, color);
             PlotLineHigh(buffer, x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
コード例 #7
        private static void PlotLineLow(IScreenBuffer buffer, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Color color)
            int dx = x1 - x0;
            int dy = y1 - y0;
            int yi = 1;

            if (dy < 0)
                yi = -1;
                dy = -dy;

            int D = 2 * dy - dx;
            int y = y0;

            for (int x = x0; x <= x1; x++)
                buffer.DrawPixel(x, y, color);

                if (D > 0)
                    y = y + yi;
                    D = D - 2 * dx;
                D = D + 2 * dy;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
			public async Task Setup()
				src = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 10, linesPerMessage: 2, rawLinesPerMessage: 3);
				screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 3.3);
				await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src }, cancel);
				await screenBuffer.MoveToStreamsBegin(cancel);
コード例 #9
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
				public async Task Setup()
					src1 = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 20, messagesPrefix: "a:");
					src2 = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 18, timestampShiftMillis: 7, messagesPrefix: "b:");
					screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 6.3);
					await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src1, src2 }, cancel);
コード例 #10
ファイル: ScreenSnapshot.cs プロジェクト: Whitecaribou/KOS
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a screen snapshot of the current state of the screenbuffer.
 /// </summary>
 public ScreenSnapShot(IScreenBuffer fromScreen)
     Buffer = fromScreen.GetBuffer();
     TopRow = fromScreen.TopRow;
     CursorColumn = fromScreen.CursorColumnShow;
     CursorRow = fromScreen.CursorRowShow;
     RowCount = fromScreen.RowCount;
コード例 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a screen snapshot of the current state of the screenbuffer.
 /// </summary>
 public ScreenSnapShot(IScreenBuffer fromScreen)
     Buffer       = fromScreen.GetBuffer();
     TopRow       = fromScreen.TopRow;
     CursorColumn = fromScreen.CursorColumnShow;
     CursorRow    = fromScreen.CursorRowShow;
     RowCount     = fromScreen.RowCount;
コード例 #12
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
		static void VerifyMessages(IScreenBuffer screenBuffer, string expected, double? expectedTopLineScroll = null, bool verifyRaw = false)
			var actual = string.Join("\r\n",
				screenBuffer.Messages.Select(m => (verifyRaw ? m.Message.RawTextAsMultilineText : m.Message.TextAsMultilineText).GetNthTextLine(m.TextLineIndex)));
			Assert.AreEqual(StringUtils.NormalizeLinebreakes(expected.Replace("\t", "")), actual);
			if (expectedTopLineScroll != null)
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedTopLineScroll.Value, screenBuffer.TopLineScrollValue, 1e-3);
コード例 #13
        public void Render(IScreenBuffer screen, PlayerInfo player)

            // The screen has an origin in the top left.  Positive Y is DOWN
            // Maps have an origin in the bottom left.  Positive Y is UP

            var screenDimensionsV      = screen.Dimensions.ToVector2();
            var desiredMapScreenBounds = screenDimensionsV * DefaultMapToScreenRatio;

            var gameToScreenFactor = Math.Min(desiredMapScreenBounds.X / _map.Area.X, desiredMapScreenBounds.Y / _map.Area.Y);

            var screenAreaInMapCoords = screenDimensionsV / gameToScreenFactor;
            var mapCenteringOffset    = (screenAreaInMapCoords - _map.Area) / 2 - _map.BottomLeftCorner;

            // Transform all vertices
            for (int v = 0; v < _map.Vertices.Length; v++)
                _verticesInScreenCoords[v] = ToScreenCoords(_map.Vertices[v]);

            Point ToScreenCoords(Vector2 worldCoordinate)
                var shiftedWorldCoordinate = worldCoordinate + mapCenteringOffset;

                // This fixes jittering
                var pixelOffset = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

                return(((shiftedWorldCoordinate * gameToScreenFactor) + pixelOffset).ToPoint().InvertY(screen.Height));

            void DrawLineFromVertices(int v1, int v2, Color c) =>
            DrawLineFromScreenCoordinates(_verticesInScreenCoords[v1], _verticesInScreenCoords[v2], c);

            void DrawLineFromWorldCoordinates(Vector2 wc1, Vector2 wc2, Color c)
                var sc1 = ToScreenCoords(wc1);
                var sc2 = ToScreenCoords(wc2);

                DrawLineFromScreenCoordinates(sc1, sc2, c);

            void DrawLineFromScreenCoordinates(Point sc1, Point sc2, Color c)
                var result = LineClipping.ClipToScreen(screen, sc1, sc2);

                if (result.shouldDraw)
                    screen.PlotLineSmooth(result.p0, result.p1, c);

            foreach (var lineDef in _map.Map.LineDefs.Take((int)_linesToDraw))
                ref Vector2 vertex1 = ref _map.Vertices[lineDef.V1];
                ref Vector2 vertex2 = ref _map.Vertices[lineDef.V2];
コード例 #14
ファイル: TermWindow.cs プロジェクト: tfischer4765/KOS
        internal int NotifyOfScreenResize(IScreenBuffer sb)
            WindowRect = new Rect(WindowRect.xMin, WindowRect.yMin, sb.ColumnCount * CHARSIZE + 65, sb.RowCount * CHARSIZE + 100);

            foreach (TelnetSingletonServer telnet in telnets)
                ResizeAndRepaintTelnet(telnet, sb.ColumnCount, sb.RowCount, false);
コード例 #15
        public void Render(IScreenBuffer screen, PlayerInfo player)
            Interpreter.Settings = player.CameraSettings;

            void DrawLineFromScreenCoordinates(Point sc1, Point sc2, Color c)
                var result = LineClipping.ClipToScreen(screen, sc1, sc2);

                if (result.shouldDraw)
                    _drawLine(screen, result.p0, result.p1, c);

            foreach (SectorInfo sector in _map.Sectors)
                foreach (Line line in sector.Lines)
                    Vector3 cameraPosition = new Vector3(player.Position, player.VerticalPosition + player.ViewHeight);

                    _camera.Center            = cameraPosition;
                    _camera.RotationInRadians = player.Angle - MathHelper.PiOver2;

                    Vector3 topLeftConverted     = _camera.WorldToPerspective(new Vector3(line.Vertex1.X, line.Vertex1.Y, sector.Info.HeightCeiling));
                    Vector3 topRightConverted    = _camera.WorldToPerspective(new Vector3(line.Vertex2.X, line.Vertex2.Y, sector.Info.HeightCeiling));
                    Vector3 bottomLeftConverted  = _camera.WorldToPerspective(new Vector3(line.Vertex1.X, line.Vertex1.Y, sector.Info.HeightFloor));
                    Vector3 bottomRightConverted = _camera.WorldToPerspective(new Vector3(line.Vertex2.X, line.Vertex2.Y, sector.Info.HeightFloor));

                    var topLineResult = Interpreter.ConvertWorldLineToScreenPoints(screen, topLeftConverted, topRightConverted);
                    if (topLineResult.shouldDraw)
                        DrawLineFromScreenCoordinates(topLineResult.p1, topLineResult.p2, Color.Red);

                    var bottomLineResult = Interpreter.ConvertWorldLineToScreenPoints(screen, bottomLeftConverted, bottomRightConverted);
                    if (bottomLineResult.shouldDraw)
                        DrawLineFromScreenCoordinates(bottomLineResult.p1, bottomLineResult.p2, Color.Red);

                    var leftLineResult = Interpreter.ConvertWorldLineToScreenPoints(screen, topLeftConverted, bottomLeftConverted);
                    if (leftLineResult.shouldDraw)
                        DrawLineFromScreenCoordinates(leftLineResult.p1, leftLineResult.p2, Color.Red);

                    var rightLineResult = Interpreter.ConvertWorldLineToScreenPoints(screen, topRightConverted, bottomRightConverted);
                    if (rightLineResult.shouldDraw)
                        DrawLineFromScreenCoordinates(rightLineResult.p1, rightLineResult.p2, Color.Red);
コード例 #16
 private static void PlotCircleSegments(IScreenBuffer buffer, int xc, int yc, int x, int y, Color color)
     buffer.DrawPixel(xc + x, yc + y, color);
     buffer.DrawPixel(xc - x, yc + y, color);
     buffer.DrawPixel(xc + x, yc - y, color);
     buffer.DrawPixel(xc - x, yc - y, color);
     buffer.DrawPixel(xc + y, yc + x, color);
     buffer.DrawPixel(xc - y, yc + x, color);
     buffer.DrawPixel(xc + y, yc - x, color);
     buffer.DrawPixel(xc - y, yc - x, color);
コード例 #17
        => WindowRectangle = GetConsoleRect();     // fill the entire console with the root "desktop"

        public override void Draw(IScreenBuffer screenBuffer)

            var clientRect = ClientRectangle;
            var y          = 0;

            screenBuffer.Draw(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y + y++, "F1 - List animals");
            screenBuffer.Draw(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y + y++, "F2 - Advance week");
            screenBuffer.Draw(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y + y++, "F3 - Show this weeks food requirement");
            screenBuffer.Draw(clientRect.X, clientRect.Y + y++, "F4 - Wipe and restart database");
コード例 #18
        public override void Draw(IScreenBuffer screenBuffer)

            var rc = ClientRectangle;

            var text1 = "Do you want to reset database?";
            var text2 = "Press Y for yes or Escape to cancel.";

            screenBuffer.Draw(rc.X + rc.Width / 2 - text1.Length / 2, rc.Y, text1);
            screenBuffer.Draw(rc.X + rc.Width / 2 - text2.Length / 2, rc.Y + 1, text2);
コード例 #19
ファイル: ScreenSnapshot.cs プロジェクト: Whitecaribou/KOS
 /// <summary>
 /// A factory that constructs an empty screen buffer of a correct size for the fromScreen
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fromScreen">The screen - only used to determine the needed width/height</param>
 /// <returns>An empty snapshot buffer</returns>
 public static ScreenSnapShot EmptyScreen(IScreenBuffer fromScreen)
     ScreenSnapShot newThing = new ScreenSnapShot();
     newThing.TopRow = fromScreen.TopRow;
     newThing.CursorColumn = fromScreen.CursorColumnShow;
     newThing.CursorRow = fromScreen.CursorRowShow;
     newThing.RowCount = fromScreen.RowCount;
     newThing.Buffer = new List<IScreenBufferLine>();
     for (int i = 0; i < newThing.RowCount ; ++i)
         newThing.Buffer.Add(new ScreenBufferLine(fromScreen.ColumnCount));
     return newThing;
コード例 #20
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
				public async Task ShouldLoadNothingIsViewSizeIsZero()
					src = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 20);
					screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 0);
					await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src }, cancel);

					await screenBuffer.MoveToBookmark(
						bmks.CreateBookmark(src.messages.Items[5], 0), BookmarkLookupMode.ExactMatch, cancel);
					Assert.AreEqual(0, screenBuffer.Messages.Count);

					await screenBuffer.MoveToStreamsEnd(cancel);
					Assert.AreEqual(0, screenBuffer.Messages.Count);
コード例 #21
            public void Draw(IScreenBuffer screenBuffer, Point location)
                screenBuffer.Draw(location.X, location.Y, Title, ConsoleColor.Magenta);

                screenBuffer.EnableUnderline = true;

                    location.Y + 1,
                    Value.ToString().PadRight(MaxLength, ' '),

                screenBuffer.EnableUnderline = false;
コード例 #22
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
				public async Task CanLoadExactMessageWhenViewIsLargerThanLogg_WithScrollingToTopMiddleOfScreen()
					src = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 2, linesPerMessage: 3);
					screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 8.2);
					await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src }, cancel);

					Assert.IsTrue(await screenBuffer.MoveToBookmark(bmks.CreateBookmark(src.messages.Items[1], 2), BookmarkLookupMode.ExactMatch | BookmarkLookupMode.MoveBookmarkToMiddleOfScreen, cancel));
						1-ln_2", 0);
コード例 #23
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
				public async Task Setup()
					src = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 5, linesPerMessage: 10);
					screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 6.8);
					await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src }, cancel);
					await screenBuffer.MoveToStreamsEnd(cancel);
						4-ln_9", 0.2);
コード例 #24
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
				public async Task Setup()
					src = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 20);
					screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 6.8);
					await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src }, cancel);
					await screenBuffer.MoveToStreamsEnd(cancel);
						19-ln_0", 0.2);
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// A factory that constructs an empty screen buffer of a correct size for the fromScreen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromScreen">The screen - only used to determine the needed width/height</param>
        /// <returns>An empty snapshot buffer</returns>
        public static ScreenSnapShot EmptyScreen(IScreenBuffer fromScreen)
            ScreenSnapShot newThing = new ScreenSnapShot();

            newThing.TopRow       = fromScreen.TopRow;
            newThing.CursorColumn = fromScreen.CursorColumnShow;
            newThing.CursorRow    = fromScreen.CursorRowShow;
            newThing.RowCount     = fromScreen.RowCount;
            newThing.Buffer       = new List <IScreenBufferLine>();
            for (int i = 0; i < newThing.RowCount; ++i)
                newThing.Buffer.Add(new ScreenBufferLine(fromScreen.ColumnCount));
コード例 #26
        /// <summary>Whenever the terminal resizes, resize the progress bar,</summary>
        /// <param name="sb">The method operates on self (this), and the parameter sb would
        /// be unnecessary if it wasn't required by AddResizeNotifyer().</parm>
        private int CreateProgressBarSubBuffer(IScreenBuffer sb)
            if (progressBarSubBuffer == null)
                progressBarSubBuffer = new SubBuffer();
                progressBarSubBuffer.WillTruncate = true;
            progressBarSubBuffer.SetSize(3, ColumnCount);
            progressBarSubBuffer.Fixed       = true;
            progressBarSubBuffer.PositionRow = RowCount - progressBarSubBuffer.RowCount;
            var separator = new string('-', progressBarSubBuffer.ColumnCount);

            progressBarSubBuffer.Buffer[0].ArrayCopyFrom(separator.ToCharArray(), 0, 0);
コード例 #27
        public override void Draw(IScreenBuffer screenBuffer)

            var y = ClientRectangle.Y;

            foreach (var component in _components)
                component.Draw(screenBuffer, new Point(ClientRectangle.X, y));

                if (component == _components[_focusedComponentIndex])
                    screenBuffer.Draw(ClientRectangle.X + component.Value.Length, y + 1, ' ', ConsoleColor.Gray, ConsoleColor.Gray);

                y += 3;
コード例 #28
 public SelectionManager(
     IView view,
     IScreenBuffer screenBuffer,
     LJTraceSource tracer,
     IPresentationDataAccess presentationDataAccess,
     IClipboardAccess clipboard,
     IScreenBufferFactory screenBufferFactory,
     IBookmarksFactory bookmarksFactory
     this.view                   = view;
     this.screenBuffer           = screenBuffer;
     this.clipboard              = clipboard;
     this.presentationDataAccess = presentationDataAccess;
     this.tracer                 = tracer;
     this.screenBufferFactory    = screenBufferFactory;
     this.bookmarksFactory       = bookmarksFactory;
コード例 #29
        public (bool shouldDraw, Point p1, Point p2) ConvertWorldLineToScreenPoints(
            IScreenBuffer buffer,
            Vector3 vector1,
            Vector3 vector2)
            var point1Result = ConvertWorldPointToScreenDegrees(vector1);
            var point2Result = ConvertWorldPointToScreenDegrees(vector2);

            var point1HorizontalDegrees = point1Result.horizontalDegrees;
            var point1VerticalDegrees   = point1Result.verticalDegrees;
            var point2HorizontalDegrees = point2Result.horizontalDegrees;
            var point2VerticalDegrees   = point2Result.verticalDegrees;

            if (point1Result.isFacing && point1Result.isInView && !point2Result.isInView && !point2Result.isFacing && vector2.X < 0)
                point2HorizontalDegrees += 360;
            if (point2Result.isFacing && point2Result.isInView && !point1Result.isInView && !point1Result.isFacing && vector1.X > 0)
                point1HorizontalDegrees -= 360;

            var point1 = new Point(
                (int)(((point1HorizontalDegrees / _settings.FieldOfView) + 0.5f) * buffer.Width),
                (int)(((-point1VerticalDegrees / _settings.FieldOfView) + 0.5f) * buffer.Height));
            var point2 = new Point(
                (int)(((point2HorizontalDegrees / _settings.FieldOfView) + 0.5f) * buffer.Width),
                (int)(((-point2VerticalDegrees / _settings.FieldOfView) + 0.5f) * buffer.Height));

            float cameraDistanceTo1 = vector1.Length();
            float cameraDistanceTo2 = vector2.Length();

            bool isCloseEnough = Math.Min(cameraDistanceTo1, cameraDistanceTo2) < _settings.MaxClippingDistance;
            bool isFarEnough   = Math.Min(cameraDistanceTo1, cameraDistanceTo2) > _settings.MinClippingDistance;

            var showBoth = isCloseEnough && isFarEnough && (
                point1Result.isInView ||
                point2Result.isInView || (point1Result.isFacing && point2Result.isFacing));

            return(showBoth, point1, point2);
コード例 #30
ファイル: ScreenBufferTests.cs プロジェクト: cxsun/logjoint
				public async Task CanLoadBookmarkWhenManyMessagesShareTheTimestamp()
					src1 = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 20, linesPerMessage: 1, messagesPrefix: "a", messagesPerTimestamp: 10);
					src2 = CreateTestSource(messagesCount: 20, linesPerMessage: 1, messagesPrefix: "b", messagesPerTimestamp: 10);
					screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer(changeNotification, 3);
					await screenBuffer.SetSources(new[] { src1, src2 }, cancel);

					await screenBuffer.MoveToBookmark(
						bmks.CreateBookmark(src1.messages.Items[5], 0), BookmarkLookupMode.ExactMatch, cancel);
						a7-ln_0", 0);

					await screenBuffer.MoveToBookmark(
						bmks.CreateBookmark(src2.messages.Items[0], 0), BookmarkLookupMode.ExactMatch | BookmarkLookupMode.MoveBookmarkToMiddleOfScreen, cancel);
						b1-ln_0", 0);
コード例 #31
        public static void PlotCircle(this IScreenBuffer buffer, int xCenter, int yCenter, int radius, Color color)
            int x = 0, y = radius;
            int d = 3 - 2 * radius;

            PlotCircleSegments(buffer, xCenter, yCenter, x, y, color);
            while (y >= x)

                if (d > 0)
                    d = d + 4 * (x - y) + 10;
                    d = d + 4 * x + 6;
                PlotCircleSegments(buffer, xCenter, yCenter, x, y, color);
コード例 #32
        public override void Draw(IScreenBuffer screenBuffer)

            if (_database == null)

            screenBuffer.Draw(ClientRectangle.X, ClientRectangle.Y, "Species");
            screenBuffer.Draw(ClientRectangle.X + 10, ClientRectangle.Y, "Name");
            screenBuffer.Draw(ClientRectangle.X + 30, ClientRectangle.Y, "Age");

            int index = 0;

            int y = ClientRectangle.Y + 2;

            foreach (var animal in _database.Animals)
                var line = $"{animal.Species.PadRight(10)}{animal.Name.Clip(19).PadRight(20)}{animal.Age.ToBirthdayFormat()}";

                var foreground = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                var background = ConsoleColor.Black;

                if (index == _selectedIndex)
                    background = ConsoleColor.Blue;

                screenBuffer.Draw(ClientRectangle.X, y, line, foreground, background);

                if (++y >= ClientRectangle.Bottom)

コード例 #33
ファイル: TermWindow.cs プロジェクト: KSP-KOS/KOS
        internal int NotifyOfScreenResize(IScreenBuffer sb)
            WindowRect = new Rect(WindowRect.xMin, WindowRect.yMin, sb.ColumnCount*sb.CharacterPixelWidth + 65, sb.RowCount*sb.CharacterPixelHeight + 100);

            foreach (TelnetSingletonServer telnet in telnets)
                ResizeAndRepaintTelnet(telnet, sb.ColumnCount, sb.RowCount, false);
            return 0;
コード例 #34
ファイル: SubBuffer.cs プロジェクト: Whitecaribou/KOS
 /// <summary>
 /// The default behavior is to resize the subbuffer's width to match the parent
 /// screenbuffer's width, but to leave the height alone as-is.  All the subbuffers
 /// in kOS as of this writing need that behavior (they're used to edit the command line).
 /// The way is being left open for other subclasses of subbuffer to override this
 /// method later.  (i.e. you might want a subbuffer of fixed size that won't change
 /// when the parent resizes. If we start using subbuffers to enable curses-like
 /// overlay zones in script displays we'd want that.)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sb">the parent screen buffer that is being resized</param>
 /// <returns>number of lines the parent should probably be shifted down because the subbuffer is now more lines.</returns>
 public virtual int NotifyOfParentResize(IScreenBuffer sb)
     ColumnCount = sb.ColumnCount;
     return ResizeBuffer();