コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates FluentMigration C# files based on the procedures found in <see cref="schemaDumper"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Defines how, what and where the migrations will be generated</param>
        /// <param name="schemaDumper">The platform specific schema dumper instance to get procedure information from</param>
        public void GenerateMigrations(SchemaMigrationContext context, ISchemaDumper schemaDumper)
            _announcer.Say("Reading procedures");
             var defs = schemaDumper.ReadProcedures();


             var migrations = 0;
             foreach (var procedure in defs)
            if ( context.ExcludeProcedures.Contains(procedure.Name))
               _announcer.Say("Excluding procedure " + procedure.Name);

            if (context.IncludeProcedures.Count != 0 && !context.IncludeProcedures.Contains(procedure.Name)) continue;


            var migrationsFolder = Path.Combine(context.WorkingDirectory, context.MigrationsDirectory);
            var csFilename = Path.Combine(migrationsFolder, context.MigrationProcedureClassNamer(context.MigrationIndex + migrations, procedure) + ".cs");

            _announcer.Say("Creating migration " + Path.GetFileName(csFilename));
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(csFilename))
               WriteToStream(context, procedure, context.MigrationIndex + migrations, writer);

             context.MigrationIndex += migrations;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates FluentMigration C# files based on the views found in <see cref="schemaDumper"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Defines how, what and where the migrations will be generated</param>
        /// <param name="schemaDumper">The platform specific schema dumper instance to get view information from</param>
        public void GenerateMigrations(SchemaMigrationContext context, ISchemaDumper schemaDumper)
            _announcer.Say("Reading views");
             var defs = schemaDumper.ReadViews();


             //TODO: Think about adding custom sort order for view definitions as there may be
             // dependancies between views.
             // if ( context.CustomViewSorter != null )
             //   defs = context.CustomViewSorter(defs);

             var migrations = 0;
             foreach (var view in defs)
            if ( context.ExcludeViews.Contains(view.Name))
               _announcer.Say("Excluding view " + view.Name);

            if (context.IncludeViews.Count != 0 && !context.IncludeViews.Contains(view.Name)) continue;


            var migrationsFolder = Path.Combine(context.WorkingDirectory, context.MigrationsDirectory);
            var csFilename = Path.Combine(migrationsFolder, context.MigrationViewClassNamer(context.MigrationIndex + migrations, view) + ".cs");

            _announcer.Say("Creating migration " + Path.GetFileName(csFilename));
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(csFilename))
               WriteToStream(context, view, context.MigrationIndex + migrations, writer);

             context.MigrationIndex += migrations;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates C# Migrations that Create tables Migrations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context that define how parts of the C# will be formatted</param>
        /// <param name="schemaDumper">The schema dump to use as the source of the schema migration</param>
        public void GenerateMigrations(SchemaMigrationContext context, ISchemaDumper schemaDumper)
            _announcer.Say("Reading database schema");
             var defs = schemaDumper.ReadDbSchema();

             if (context.PreMigrationTableUpdate != null)


             var migrations = 0;

             var foreignkeyTables = new List<TableDefinition>();

             foreach (var table in defs)
            // Check if we want to exclude this table
            if ( context.ExcludeTables.Contains(table.Name))
               _announcer.Say("Exluding table " + table.Name);

            if (context.MigrationRequired(MigrationType.Tables) || (context.MigrationRequired(MigrationType.Indexes) && table.Indexes.Count > 0))

               var migrationsFolder = Path.Combine(context.WorkingDirectory, context.MigrationsDirectory);
               var csFilename = Path.Combine(migrationsFolder, context.MigrationClassNamer(context.MigrationIndex + migrations, table) + ".cs");
               _announcer.Say("Creating migration " + Path.GetFileName(csFilename));
               using (var writer = new StreamWriter(csFilename))
                  WriteToStream(context, table, context.MigrationIndex + migrations, writer);

            if (context.MigrationRequired(MigrationType.Data))
               var data = schemaDumper.ReadTableData(table.SchemaName, table.Name);

               if (data != null && data.Tables.Count > 0 && data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                  var dataDirectory = Path.Combine(context.WorkingDirectory, context.DataDirectory);
                  if (!Directory.Exists(dataDirectory))
                  data.Tables[0].WriteXmlSchema(Path.Combine(dataDirectory, table.Name + ".xsd"));

                  using (var writer = new XmlTextWriter(Path.Combine(dataDirectory, table.Name + ".xml"), context.MigrationEncoding))


            if (context.MigrationRequired(MigrationType.ForeignKeys) && table.ForeignKeys.Count > 0)
               // Add to list of tables to apply foreign key
               // ... done as two part process as may me interdepdancies between tables


             context.MigrationIndex += migrations;

             if (context.MigrationRequired(MigrationType.ForeignKeys))
            GenerateForeignKeyMigrations(context, foreignkeyTables);