public AssemblyFile(ISchemaBase parent, AssemblyFile assemblyFile, Enums.ObjectStatusType status) : base(parent, Enums.ObjectType.AssemblyFile) { this.Name = assemblyFile.Name; this.content = assemblyFile.content; this.Status = status; }
public static string FormatAlter(string ObjectType, string body, ISchemaBase item, Boolean quitSchemaBinding) { string prevText = null; try { prevText = (string)body.Clone(); SearchItem sitem = FindCreate(ObjectType, item, prevText); Regex regAlter = new Regex("CREATE"); if (!quitSchemaBinding) return regAlter.Replace(sitem.Body, "ALTER", 1, sitem.FindPosition); //return prevText.Substring(0, iFind) + "ALTER " + sitem.ObjectType + " " + prevText.Substring(iFind + sitem.ObjectType.Length + 7, prevText.Length - (iFind + sitem.ObjectType.Length + 7)).TrimStart(); else { string text = regAlter.Replace(sitem.Body, "ALTER", 1, sitem.FindPosition); Regex regex = new Regex("WITH SCHEMABINDING", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); return regex.Replace(text, ""); } //return ""; } catch { return prevText; } }
public CLRFunction(ISchemaBase parent) : base(parent, Enums.ObjectType.CLRFunction, Enums.ScripActionType.AddFunction, Enums.ScripActionType.DropFunction) { parameters = new List<Parameter>(); returnType = new Parameter(); isAggrFunc = false; }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Index index = new Index(parent) { AllowPageLocks = this.AllowPageLocks, AllowRowLocks = this.AllowRowLocks, Columns = this.Columns.Clone(), FillFactor = this.FillFactor, FileGroup = this.FileGroup, Id = this.Id, IgnoreDupKey = this.IgnoreDupKey, IsAutoStatistics = this.IsAutoStatistics, IsDisabled = this.IsDisabled, IsPadded = this.IsPadded, IsPrimaryKey = this.IsPrimaryKey, IsUniqueKey = this.IsUniqueKey, Name = this.Name, SortInTempDb = this.SortInTempDb, Status = this.Status, Type = this.Type, Owner = this.Owner, FilterDefintion = this.FilterDefintion }; ExtendedProperties.ForEach(item => index.ExtendedProperties.Add(item)); return index; }
public UserDataType(ISchemaBase parent) : base(parent, Enums.ObjectType.UserDataType) { Default = new Default(this); Rule = new Rule(this); Dependencys = new List<ObjectDependency>(); }
public View(ISchemaBase parent) : base(parent, Enums.ObjectType.View, Enums.ScripActionType.AddView, Enums.ScripActionType.DropView) { Indexes = new SchemaList<Index, View>(this, ((Database)parent).AllObjects); Triggers = new SchemaList<Trigger, View>(this, ((Database)parent).AllObjects); CLRTriggers = new SchemaList<CLRTrigger, View>(this, ((Database)parent).AllObjects); }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { TableOption option = new TableOption(parent); option.Name = this.Name; option.Status = this.Status; option.Value = this.Value; return option; }
public new Default Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Default item = new Default(parent); item.Id = this.Id; item.Name = this.Name; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Value = this.Value; return item; }
public void Add(Database database, int objectId, ISchemaBase objectSchema) { Dependency dependency = new Dependency(); dependency.ObjectId = objectId; dependency.FullName = objectSchema.FullName; dependency.Type = objectSchema.ObjectType; this.Database = database; base.Add(dependency); }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Synonym item = new Synonym(parent); item.Id = this.Id; item.Name = this.Name; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Value = this.Value; item.Guid = this.Guid; return item; }
public void Add(int tableId, int columnId, int ownerTableId, ISchemaBase constraint) { ConstraintDependence depends = new ConstraintDependence(); depends.ColumnId = columnId; depends.TableId = tableId; depends.OwnerTableId = ownerTableId; depends.ObjectConstraint = constraint; //SE COMENTO SIMPLEMENTE QUE QUE SIGA, HAY QUE ARREGLARLO!!! base.Add(depends); }
public Default Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Default item = new Default(parent); item.Id = this.Id; item.Name = this.Name; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Value = this.Value; return(item); }
public void Add(Database database, int objectId, ISchemaBase objectSchema) { Dependence depends = new Dependence(); depends.ObjectId = objectId; depends.FullName = objectSchema.FullName; depends.Type = objectSchema.ObjectType; this.database = database; base.Add(depends); }
public Rule Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Rule item = new Rule(parent); item.Id = this.Id; item.Name = this.Name; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Text = this.Text; item.Guid = this.Guid; return item; }
public SqlAction(ISchemaBase item) { if ((item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Column) || (item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Index) || (item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Constraint)) = item.Name; else = item.FullName; this.action = item.Status; this.type = item.ObjectType; childs = new List<SqlAction>(); }
public void FillCheck(Database database, string connectionString) { int parentId = 0; ISchemaBase table = null; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(ConstraintSQLCommand.GetCheck(database.Info.Version), conn)) { root.RaiseOnReading(new ProgressEventArgs("Reading constraint...", Constants.READING_CONSTRAINTS)); conn.Open(); command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { Constraint item = null; while (reader.Read()) { root.RaiseOnReadingOne(reader["Name"]); if (parentId != (int)reader["parent_object_id"]) { parentId = (int)reader["parent_object_id"]; if (reader["ObjectType"].ToString().Trim().Equals("U")) { table = database.Tables.Find(parentId); } else { table = database.TablesTypes.Find(parentId); } } item = new Constraint(table); item.Id = (int)reader["id"]; item.Name = reader["Name"].ToString(); item.Type = Constraint.ConstraintType.Check; item.Definition = reader["Definition"].ToString(); item.WithNoCheck = (bool)reader["WithCheck"]; item.IsDisabled = (bool)reader["is_disabled"]; item.Owner = reader["Owner"].ToString(); if (database.Options.Ignore.FilterNotForReplication) { item.NotForReplication = (bool)reader["is_not_for_replication"]; } if (reader["ObjectType"].ToString().Trim().Equals("U")) { ((Table)table).Constraints.Add(item); } else { ((TableType)table).Constraints.Add(item); } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Busca la primer entrada con el nombre completo dentro de una funcion, store, vista, trigger o rule. /// Ignora los comentarios. /// </summary> private static SearchItem FindCreate(string ObjectType, ISchemaBase item, string prevText) { SearchItem sitem = new SearchItem(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"((/\*)(\w|\s|\d|\[|\]|\.)*(\*/))|((\-\-)(.)*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex reg2 = new Regex(@"CREATE( )+" + ObjectType + @"(\s|\r|\n|\t|\w|\/|\*|-|@|_|&|#)*((\[)?" + item.Owner + @"(\])?((\s)*)?\.)?((\s)*)?(\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", (RegexOptions)((int)RegexOptions.IgnoreCase + (int)RegexOptions.Multiline)); //Regex reg2_1 = new Regex(@"CREATE( )+" + ObjectType + @"(\s|\r|\n|\t|\w|\/|\*|-|@|_|&|#)*((\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", (RegexOptions)((int)RegexOptions.IgnoreCase + (int)RegexOptions.Multiline)); Regex reg3 = new Regex(@"((\[)?" + item.Owner + @"(\])?\.)?((\s)+\.)?(\s)*(\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex reg4 = new Regex(@"( )*\["); MatchCollection abiertas = regex.Matches(prevText); Boolean finish = false; int indexStart = 0; int indexBegin = 0; int iAux = -1; while (!finish) { Match match = reg2.Match(prevText, indexBegin); if (match.Success) { iAux = match.Index; } else { iAux = -1; } if ((abiertas.Count == indexStart) || (!match.Success)) { finish = true; } else { if ((iAux < abiertas[indexStart].Index) || (iAux > abiertas[indexStart].Index + abiertas[indexStart].Length)) { finish = true; } else { indexBegin = iAux + 1; indexStart++; } } } string result = reg3.Replace(prevText, " " + item.FullName, 1, iAux + 1); if (iAux != -1) { sitem.Body = reg4.Replace(result, " [", 1, iAux); } sitem.FindPosition = iAux; return(sitem); }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { StoreProcedure item = new StoreProcedure(parent); item.Text = this.Text; item.Status = this.Status; item.Name = this.Name; item.Id = this.Id; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Guid = this.Guid; return item; }
/// <summary> /// Find the first entry with the full name within a function, store, view, trigger or rule. /// Ignore comments. /// </summary> public static SearchItem FindAndNormalizeCreate(ISchemaBase item, string prevText) { var result = FindCreate(prevText) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find the CREATE statement for object '{item.Name}'"); // normalize the object name for better comparison var body = prevText.Substring(0, result.TypeEndPosition + 1) + " " + item.FullName + prevText.Substring(result.NameEndPosition + 1); return(new SearchItem { Body = body, FindPosition = result.CreateBeginPosition }); }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Synonym item = new Synonym(parent); item.Id = this.Id; item.Name = this.Name; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Value = this.Value; item.Guid = this.Guid; return(item); }
public new Rule Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Rule item = new Rule(parent); item.Id = this.Id; item.Name = this.Name; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Text = this.Text; item.Guid = this.Guid; return(item); }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { StoreProcedure item = new StoreProcedure(parent); item.Text = this.Text; item.Status = this.Status; item.Name = this.Name; item.Id = this.Id; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Guid = this.Guid; return(item); }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { FileGroup file = new FileGroup(parent); file.IsDefaultFileGroup = this.IsDefaultFileGroup; file.IsReadOnly = this.IsReadOnly; file.Name = this.Name; file.Id = this.Id; file.Files = this.Files.Clone(file); file.Guid = this.Guid; file.IsFileStream = this.IsFileStream; return file; }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public new XMLSchema Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { XMLSchema item = new XMLSchema(parent); item.Text = this.Text; item.Status = this.Status; item.Name = this.Name; item.Id = this.Id; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Guid = this.Guid; item.Dependencys = this.Dependencys; return item; }
public new PartitionFunction Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { PartitionFunction item = new PartitionFunction(parent); item.Id = this.Id; item.IsBoundaryRight = this.IsBoundaryRight; item.Name = this.Name; item.Precision = this.Precision; item.Scale = this.Scale; item.Size = this.Size; item.Type = this.Type; this.Values.ForEach(value => { item.Values.Add(value); }); return item; }
public IndexColumn Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { IndexColumn column = new IndexColumn(parent); column.Id = this.Id; column.IsIncluded = this.IsIncluded; column.Name = this.Name; column.Order = this.Order; column.Status = this.Status; column.KeyOrder = this.KeyOrder; column.DataTypeId = this.DataTypeId; return(column); }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { FileGroup file = new FileGroup(parent); file.IsDefaultFileGroup = this.IsDefaultFileGroup; file.IsReadOnly = this.IsReadOnly; file.Name = this.Name; file.Id = this.Id; file.Files = this.Files.Clone(file); file.Guid = this.Guid; file.IsFileStream = this.IsFileStream; return(file); }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public new XMLSchema Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { XMLSchema item = new XMLSchema(parent); item.Text = this.Text; item.Status = this.Status; item.Name = this.Name; item.Id = this.Id; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Guid = this.Guid; item.Dependencys = this.Dependencys; return(item); }
public Table(ISchemaBase parent) : base(parent, Enums.ObjectType.Table) { dependenciesCount = -1; columns = new Columns <Table>(this); Constraints = new SchemaList <Constraint, Table>(this, ((Database)parent).AllObjects); Options = new SchemaList <TableOption, Table>(this); Triggers = new SchemaList <Trigger, Table>(this, ((Database)parent).AllObjects); CLRTriggers = new SchemaList <CLRTrigger, Table>(this, ((Database)parent).AllObjects); Indexes = new SchemaList <Index, Table>(this, ((Database)parent).AllObjects); Partitions = new SchemaList <TablePartition, Table>(this, ((Database)parent).AllObjects); FullTextIndex = new SchemaList <FullTextIndex, Table>(this); }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { var item = new Database { Assemblies = Assemblies.Clone(this), Tables = Tables.Clone(this), Procedures = Procedures.Clone(this), Functions = Functions.Clone(this), Views = Views.Clone(this), AllObjects = AllObjects }; return(item); }
private SQLScriptList RebuildDependencys(Table table) { var list = new SQLScriptList(); List <ISchemaBase> items = ((Database)table.Parent).Dependencies.Find(table.Id); items.ForEach(item => { ISchemaBase realItem = ((Database)table.Parent).Find(item.FullName); if (realItem.IsCodeType) { list.AddRange(((ICode)realItem).Rebuild()); } }); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Function item = new Function(parent); item.Text = this.Text; item.Status = this.Status; item.Name = this.Name; item.Id = this.Id; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Guid = this.Guid; item.IsSchemaBinding = this.IsSchemaBinding; this.DependenciesIn.ForEach(dep => item.DependenciesIn.Add(dep)); this.DependenciesOut.ForEach(dep => item.DependenciesOut.Add(dep)); return item; }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { FileGroupFile file = new FileGroupFile(parent); file.Growth = this.Growth; file.Id = this.Id; file.IsPercentGrowth = this.IsPercentGrowth; file.IsSparse = this.IsSparse; file.MaxSize = this.MaxSize; file.Name = this.Name; file.PhysicalName = this.PhysicalName; file.Size = this.Size; file.Type = this.Type; return file; }
public new PartitionFunction Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { PartitionFunction item = new PartitionFunction(parent); item.Id = this.Id; item.IsBoundaryRight = this.IsBoundaryRight; item.Name = this.Name; item.Precision = this.Precision; item.Scale = this.Scale; item.Size = this.Size; item.Type = this.Type; this.Values.ForEach(value => { item.Values.Add(value); }); return(item); }
public SqlAction(ISchemaBase item) { if ((item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Column) || (item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Index) || (item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Constraint)) { this.Name = item.Name; } else { this.Name = item.FullName; } this.Action = item.Status; this.Type = item.ObjectType; Childs = new List <SqlAction>(); }
public bool IsMatch(ISchemaBase item) { if (item.ObjectType.Equals(this.ObjectType) && ValueSatisfiesCriteria(item.Name, this.FilterPattern)) { return(true); } else if (this.IsSchemaMatch(item)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Trigger trigger = new Trigger(parent); trigger.Text = this.Text; trigger.Status = this.Status; trigger.Name = this.Name; trigger.IsDisabled = this.IsDisabled; trigger.InsteadOf = this.InsteadOf; trigger.NotForReplication = this.NotForReplication; trigger.Owner = this.Owner; trigger.Id = this.Id; trigger.IsDDLTrigger = this.IsDDLTrigger; trigger.Guid = this.Guid; return trigger; }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { View item = new View(parent); item.Text = this.Text; item.Status = this.Status; item.Name = this.Name; item.Id = this.Id; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.IsSchemaBinding = this.IsSchemaBinding; item.DependenciesIn = this.DependenciesIn; item.DependenciesOut = this.DependenciesOut; item.Indexes = this.Indexes.Clone(item); item.Triggers = this.Triggers.Clone(item); return item; }
public Code(ISchemaBase parent, Enums.ObjectType type, Enums.ScripActionType addAction, Enums.ScripActionType dropAction) : base(parent, type) { dependenciesIn = new List <String>(); dependenciesOut = new List <String>(); typeName = GetObjectTypeName(ObjectType); /*Por el momento, solo los Assemblys manejan deep de dependencias*/ if (this.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Assembly) { deepMax = 501; deepMin = 500; } this.addAction = addAction; this.dropAction = dropAction; }
public Code(ISchemaBase parent, Enums.ObjectType type, Enums.ScripActionType addAction, Enums.ScripActionType dropAction) : base(parent, type) { dependenciesIn = new List<String>(); dependenciesOut = new List<String>(); typeName = GetObjectTypeName(ObjectType); /*Por el momento, solo los Assemblys manejan deep de dependencias*/ if (this.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Assembly) { deepMax = 501; deepMin = 500; } this.addAction = addAction; this.dropAction = dropAction; }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { FileGroupFile file = new FileGroupFile(parent); file.Growth = this.Growth; file.Id = this.Id; file.IsPercentGrowth = this.IsPercentGrowth; file.IsSparse = this.IsSparse; file.MaxSize = this.MaxSize; file.Name = this.Name; file.PhysicalName = this.PhysicalName; file.Size = this.Size; file.Type = this.Type; return(file); }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Function item = new Function(parent); item.Text = this.Text; item.Status = this.Status; item.Name = this.Name; item.Id = this.Id; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.Guid = this.Guid; item.IsSchemaBinding = this.IsSchemaBinding; this.DependenciesIn.ForEach(dep => item.DependenciesIn.Add(dep)); this.DependenciesOut.ForEach(dep => item.DependenciesOut.Add(dep)); return(item); }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto Column en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public Column Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Column col; if (parent == null) { col = new Column(this.Parent); } else { col = new Column(parent); } col.ComputedFormula = this.ComputedFormula; col.DataUserTypeId = this.DataUserTypeId; col.Id = this.Id; col.Guid = this.Guid; col.Owner = this.Owner; col.IdentityIncrement = this.IdentityIncrement; col.IdentitySeed = this.IdentitySeed; col.IsIdentity = this.IsIdentity; col.IsIdentityForReplication = this.IsIdentityForReplication; col.IsComputed = this.IsComputed; col.IsRowGuid = this.IsRowGuid; col.IsPersisted = this.IsPersisted; col.IsFileStream = this.IsFileStream; col.IsSparse = this.IsSparse; col.IsXmlDocument = this.IsXmlDocument; col.IsUserDefinedType = this.IsUserDefinedType; col.HasComputedDependencies = this.HasComputedDependencies; col.HasIndexDependencies = this.HasIndexDependencies; col.Name = this.Name; col.IsNullable = this.IsNullable; col.Position = this.Position; col.Precision = this.Precision; col.Scale = this.Scale; col.Collation = this.Collation; col.Size = this.Size; col.Status = this.Status; col.Type = this.Type; col.XmlSchema = this.XmlSchema; col.Default = this.Default.Clone(this); col.Rule = this.Rule.Clone(this); if (this.DefaultConstraint != null) { col.DefaultConstraint = this.DefaultConstraint.Clone(this); } return(col); }
private void treeView1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { ISchemaBase item = ((ISchemaBase)e.Node.Tag); if (item != null) { if (item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Table) { ReadPropertys(item.GetType(), e.Node.Nodes, item); } if (OnSelectItem != null) { OnSelectItem(item.FullName); } } }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { FullTextIndex index = new FullTextIndex(parent); index.ChangeTrackingState = this.ChangeTrackingState; index.FullText = this.FullText; index.Name = this.Name; index.FileGroup = this.FileGroup; index.Id = this.Id; index.Index = this.Index; index.IsDisabled = this.IsDisabled; index.Status = this.Status; index.Owner = this.Owner; index.Columns = this.Columns; this.ExtendedProperties.ForEach(item => index.ExtendedProperties.Add(item)); return index; }
public static string FormatCreate(string ObjectType, string body, ISchemaBase item) { try { string prevText = (string)body.Clone(); prevText = FindCreate(ObjectType, item, prevText).Body; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(prevText)) prevText = body; prevText = CleanLast(prevText); return SmartGO(prevText); } catch { return SmartGO(CleanLast(body)); } }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Trigger trigger = new Trigger(parent); trigger.Text = this.Text; trigger.Status = this.Status; trigger.Name = this.Name; trigger.IsDisabled = this.IsDisabled; trigger.InsteadOf = this.InsteadOf; trigger.NotForReplication = this.NotForReplication; trigger.Owner = this.Owner; trigger.Id = this.Id; trigger.IsDDLTrigger = this.IsDDLTrigger; trigger.Guid = this.Guid; return(trigger); }
public void Add(ISchemaBase item) { if (objectTypes.ContainsKey(item.FullName.ToUpper())) objectTypes.Remove(item.FullName.ToUpper()); objectTypes.Add(item.FullName.ToUpper(), item.ObjectType); if ((item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Constraint) || (item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Index) || (item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Trigger) || (item.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.CLRTrigger)) { if (objectParent.ContainsKey(item.FullName.ToUpper())) objectParent.Remove(item.FullName.ToUpper()); objectParent.Add(item.FullName.ToUpper(), item.Parent.FullName); if (objectId.ContainsKey(item.Id)) objectId.Remove(item.Id); objectId.Add(item.Id, item.FullName); } }
private void ReadProperties(Type item, TreeNodeCollection nodes, ISchemaBase schema) { PropertyInfo[] pi = item.GetProperties(); nodes.Clear(); foreach (PropertyInfo p in pi) { object[] attrs = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ShowItemAttribute), true); if (attrs.Length > 0) { ShowItemAttribute show = (ShowItemAttribute)attrs[0]; TreeNode node = nodes.Add(p.Name, show.Name); node.ImageKey = "Folder"; ReadPropertyDetail(node, p, schema, show); } } }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { View item = new View(parent); item.Text = this.Text; item.Status = this.Status; item.Name = this.Name; item.Id = this.Id; item.Owner = this.Owner; item.IsSchemaBinding = this.IsSchemaBinding; item.DependenciesIn = this.DependenciesIn; item.DependenciesOut = this.DependenciesOut; item.Indexes = this.Indexes.Clone(item); item.Triggers = this.Triggers.Clone(item); return(item); }
public static string alter(ISchemaBase target, string connectionString) { var db = target.RootParent as IDatabase; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { if (db != null && DialogResult.Yes != MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Alter {0} {1} in {2}..{3}?\n(WARNING: No automatic backup is made!)", target.ObjectType, target.Name, connection.DataSource, connection.Database), "ALTER Destination?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Hand, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2)) { return("Cancelled."); } string result = string.Empty; SQLScriptList SqlDiff = target.ToSqlDiff(new List <ISchemaBase>()); string[] splitOn = { "GO" }; string[] tempList = SqlDiff.ToSQL().Split(splitOn, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List <string> scripts = new List <string>(tempList); foreach (string sql in scripts) { string script = sql; //script = script.Replace("\r", ""); //script = script.Replace("\t", ""); //script = script.Replace("\n", " "); if (target.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.StoredProcedure) { script = sql.Replace("CREATE PROCEDURE", "ALTER PROCEDURE"); } SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(script, connection); try { connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { result += target.Name + ": " + e.Message + "\n\n"; connection.Close(); } } return(result); } }
private void ReadPropertyDetail(TreeNode node, PropertyInfo p, ISchemaBase schema, ShowItemAttribute attr) { Color NodeColor = Color.Black; IList items = (IList)p.GetValue(schema, null); node.Nodes.Clear(); int itemChkCount = 0; foreach (ISchemaBase item in items) { if (CanNodeAdd(item)) { itemChkCount += 1; TreeNode subnode = node.Nodes.Add(item.Id.ToString(), (attr.IsFullName ? item.FullName : item.Name)); if (item.Status == Enums.ObjectStatusType.DropStatus) { subnode.ForeColor = Color.Red; NodeColor = (NodeColor == Color.Black || NodeColor == Color.Red ? Color.Red : Color.Plum); } if (item.Status == Enums.ObjectStatusType.CreateStatus) { subnode.ForeColor = Color.Green; NodeColor = (NodeColor == Color.Black || NodeColor == Color.Green ? Color.Green : Color.Plum); } if ((item.HasState(Enums.ObjectStatusType.AlterStatus)) || (item.HasState(Enums.ObjectStatusType.DisabledStatus))) { subnode.ForeColor = Color.Blue; NodeColor = (NodeColor == Color.Black || NodeColor == Color.Blue ? Color.Blue : Color.Plum); } if (item.HasState(Enums.ObjectStatusType.AlterWhitespaceStatus)) { subnode.ForeColor = Color.DarkGoldenrod; NodeColor = (NodeColor == Color.Black || NodeColor == Color.DarkGoldenrod ? Color.DarkGoldenrod : Color.Plum); } if (item.HasState(Enums.ObjectStatusType.RebuildStatus)) { subnode.ForeColor = Color.Purple; NodeColor = (NodeColor == Color.Black || NodeColor == Color.Purple ? Color.Purple : Color.Plum); } subnode.Tag = item; subnode.ImageKey = attr.Image; subnode.SelectedImageKey = attr.Image; } } node.Text = node.Text + " (" + itemChkCount + ")"; node.ForeColor = NodeColor; }
public static string rebuild(ISchemaBase target, string connectionString) { SQLScriptList SqlDiff = target.ToSqlDiff(); string[] splitOn = { "GO" }; string[] tempList = SqlDiff.ToSQL().Split(splitOn, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List <string> scripts = new List <string>(tempList); string result = string.Empty; string script = scripts[0]; if (target.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.Table) { script = script.Replace("CREATE TABLE", "ALTER TABLE"); } MessageBox.Show(script); return(result); }
public static string alter(ISchemaBase target, string connectionString) { var db = target.RootParent as Database; if (db != null && DialogResult.Yes != MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Alter {0} {1} in {2}..{3}?\n(WARNING: No automatic backup is made!)", target.ObjectType, target.Name, db.Info.Server, db.Info.Database), "ALTER Destination?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Hand, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2)) { return "Cancelled."; } string result = string.Empty; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SQLScriptList SqlDiff = target.ToSqlDiff(); string[] splitOn = {"GO"}; string[] tempList = SqlDiff.ToSQL().Split(splitOn, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List<string> scripts = new List<string>(tempList); foreach (string sql in scripts) { string script = sql; //script = script.Replace("\r", ""); //script = script.Replace("\t", ""); //script = script.Replace("\n", " "); if (target.ObjectType == Enums.ObjectType.StoreProcedure) { script = sql.Replace("CREATE PROCEDURE", "ALTER PROCEDURE"); } SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(script, connection); try { connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } catch(Exception e) { result += target.Name + ": " + e.Message + "\n\n"; connection.Close(); } } return result; }
public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Assembly item = new Assembly(parent) { Id = this.Id, Name = this.Name, Owner = this.Owner, Visible = this.Visible, Text = this.Text, PermissionSet = this.PermissionSet, CLRName = this.CLRName, Guid = this.Guid, Files = this.Files }; this.DependenciesOut.ForEach(dep => item.DependenciesOut.Add(dep)); this.ExtendedProperties.ForEach(ep => item.ExtendedProperties.Add(ep)); return item; }
/// <summary> /// Busca la primer entrada con el nombre completo dentro de una funcion, store, vista, trigger o rule. /// Ignora los comentarios. /// </summary> private static SearchItem FindCreate(string ObjectType, ISchemaBase item, string prevText) { SearchItem sitem = new SearchItem(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"((/\*)(\w|\s|\d|\[|\]|\.)*(\*/))|((\-\-)(.)*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex reg2 = new Regex(@"CREATE( )+" + ObjectType + @"(\s|\r|\n|\t|\w|\/|\*|-|@|_|&|#)*((\[)?" + item.Owner + @"(\])?((\s)*)?\.)?((\s)*)?(\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", (RegexOptions)((int)RegexOptions.IgnoreCase + (int)RegexOptions.Multiline)); //Regex reg2_1 = new Regex(@"CREATE( )+" + ObjectType + @"(\s|\r|\n|\t|\w|\/|\*|-|@|_|&|#)*((\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", (RegexOptions)((int)RegexOptions.IgnoreCase + (int)RegexOptions.Multiline)); Regex reg3 = new Regex(@"((\[)?" + item.Owner + @"(\])?\.)?((\s)+\.)?(\s)*(\[)?" + item.Name + @"(\])?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Regex reg4 = new Regex(@"( )*\["); MatchCollection abiertas = regex.Matches(prevText); Boolean finish = false; int indexStart = 0; int indexBegin = 0; int iAux = -1; while (!finish) { Match match = reg2.Match(prevText, indexBegin); if (match.Success) iAux = match.Index; else iAux = -1; if ((abiertas.Count == indexStart) || (!match.Success)) finish = true; else { if ((iAux < abiertas[indexStart].Index) || (iAux > abiertas[indexStart].Index + abiertas[indexStart].Length)) finish = true; else { indexBegin = iAux + 1; indexStart++; } } } string result = reg3.Replace(prevText, " " + item.FullName, 1, iAux + 1); if (iAux != -1) sitem.Body = reg4.Replace(result, " [", 1, iAux); sitem.FindPosition = iAux; return sitem; }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto Column en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { Constraint col = new Constraint(parent); col.Id = this.Id; col.Name = this.Name; col.NotForReplication = this.NotForReplication; col.RelationalTableFullName = this.RelationalTableFullName; col.Status = this.Status; col.Type = this.Type; col.WithNoCheck = this.WithNoCheck; col.OnDeleteCascade = this.OnDeleteCascade; col.OnUpdateCascade = this.OnUpdateCascade; col.Owner = this.Owner; col.Columns = this.Columns.Clone(); col.Index = (Index)this.Index.Clone(parent); col.IsDisabled = this.IsDisabled; col.Definition = this.Definition; col.Guid = this.Guid; return col; }
/// <summary> /// Clona el objeto Column en una nueva instancia. /// </summary> public override ISchemaBase Clone(ISchemaBase parent) { var item = new UserDataType(parent) { Name = Name, Id = Id, Owner = Owner, Guid = Guid, AllowNull = AllowNull, Precision = Precision, Scale = Scale, Size = Size, Type = Type, Default = Default.Clone(this), Rule = Rule.Clone(this), Dependencys = Dependencys, IsAssembly = IsAssembly, AssemblyClass = AssemblyClass, AssemblyId = AssemblyId, AssemblyName = AssemblyName }; return item; }
public static string addNew(ISchemaBase target, string connectionString) { string result = string.Empty; string script = target.ToSqlAdd(); script = script.Replace("GO", ""); //script = script.Replace("\r", ""); //script = script.Replace("\t", ""); //script = script.Replace("\n", ""); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(script, connection); try { connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { result = e.Message + "\n"; } return result; }
private void ReadPropertys(Type item, TreeNodeCollection nodes, ISchemaBase schema) { PropertyInfo[] pi = item.GetProperties(); nodes.Clear(); foreach (PropertyInfo p in pi) { object[] attrs = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ShowItemAttribute), true); if (attrs.Length > 0) { ShowItemAttribute show = (ShowItemAttribute)attrs[0]; TreeNode node = nodes.Add(p.Name, show.Name); node.ImageKey = "Folder"; ReadPropertyDetail(node, p, schema, show); } } }