コード例 #1
 public TelemetryController(
     ISatnogsDbApi satnogsDbApi,
     ISatnogsNetworkApi satnogsNetworkApi,
     IMemoryCache memoryCache,
     ApplicationSettings settings)
     this.satnogsDbApi      = satnogsDbApi;
     this.satnogsNetworkApi = satnogsNetworkApi;
     this.memoryCache       = memoryCache;
     this.settings          = settings;
コード例 #2
        public static async Task <List <ObservationEntry> > GetAllObservations(this ISatnogsNetworkApi api, int satelliteId, string vettedStatus = null, IEnumerable <ObservationEntry> previousObservations = null, int maxPages = 1024, int concurrentPages = 32)
            // There are two ways to retrieve all observations:
            // * One at a time.
            //   After each observation is fetched, the "link" header can be checked for a rel= "next" link which will give the next page.
            //   This will give all pages until the last page is reached, and no rel= "next" link is provided.
            //   This is the "cleanest" method supported by the API.
            // * Multithreaded
            //   Attempt to get an entire batch of observations, all simultaneously at once.
            //   Continue grabbing entire batches until we hit a 404 Not Found (or we could technically check for missing rel= "next" link but doesn't make much difference).
            //   We can also save a cache of previous Observation Ids, and then stop as soon as we hit one (since we've "caught up" to the latest data").
            //   This is fast and it works, but it's technically not a supported way to use the API.
            // We use Multithreaded because it's so, so much faster.

            SortedDictionary <long, ObservationEntry> observations = new SortedDictionary <long, ObservationEntry>();
            HashSet <long> previousObservationIds = previousObservations == null ? null : new HashSet <long>(previousObservations.Select(oe => oe.Id));

            if (previousObservations != null)
                foreach (var thisPreviousObservation in previousObservations)
                    observations[thisPreviousObservation.Id] = thisPreviousObservation;

            for (int i = 1; i < maxPages; i += concurrentPages)
                var tasks = new List <Task <List <ObservationEntry> > >();

                for (int j = 0; j < concurrentPages; j++)
                    var task = api.GetObservations(null, satelliteId, vettedStatus, i + j);

                bool end = false;

                foreach (var task in tasks)
                        List <ObservationEntry> observationsPage = await task;
                        foreach (var thisObservation in observationsPage)
                            observations[thisObservation.Id] = thisObservation;

                        if (previousObservationIds != null)
                            // Check cache for observation.
                            // If we hit one, it indicates that we have "caught up" to the previous cache.
                            foreach (var observation in observationsPage)
                                if (previousObservationIds.Contains(observation.Id))
                                    end = true;
                    catch (ApiException ex) when(ex.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                        end = true;

                if (end)
