コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the desired steering output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The steering input containing relevant information to use when calculating the steering output.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The steering output to be populated.</param>
        public override void GetDesiredSteering(SteeringInput input, SteeringOutput output)
            _lastContainVector = Vector3.zero;

            if (input.grid == null)
                // if off-grid, exit early

            _unitData = input.unit;
            if (!_unitData.isGrounded)
                // while in the air, exit early

            // prepare local variables
            Vector3 selfPos       = _unitData.position;
            Vector3 containVector = Vector3.zero;
            float   selfHeight    = _unitData.basePosition.y;

            // generate positions to the left and right
            Vector3 rightPos = selfPos + (Vector3.right * bufferDistance);
            Vector3 leftPos = selfPos + (Vector3.left * bufferDistance);
            float   rightHeight, leftHeight;

            // sample left and right
            bool rightContain = _heightSampler.TrySampleHeight(rightPos, out rightHeight);
            bool leftContain  = _heightSampler.TrySampleHeight(leftPos, out leftHeight);

            // if cell is missing or drop is more than allowed drop height or climb is more than allowed climb height, then compute an axis-aligned containment vector
            if (!rightContain || (selfHeight - rightHeight > _heightCaps.maxDropHeight) || (rightHeight - selfHeight > _heightCaps.maxClimbHeight))
                containVector = Vector3.left;
            else if (!leftContain || (selfHeight - leftHeight > _heightCaps.maxDropHeight) || (leftHeight - selfHeight > _heightCaps.maxClimbHeight))
                containVector = Vector3.right;

            // generate positions forward and backwards
            Vector3 forwardPos = selfPos + (Vector3.forward * bufferDistance);
            Vector3 backwardPos = selfPos + (Vector3.back * bufferDistance);
            float   forwardHeight, backHeight;

            // sample forward and backwards
            bool forwardContain = _heightSampler.TrySampleHeight(forwardPos, out forwardHeight);
            bool backContain    = _heightSampler.TrySampleHeight(backwardPos, out backHeight);

            // if cell is missing or drop is more than allowed drop height or climb is more than allowed climb height, then compute an axis-aligned containment vector
            if (!forwardContain || (selfHeight - forwardHeight > _heightCaps.maxDropHeight) || (forwardHeight - selfHeight > _heightCaps.maxClimbHeight))
                // we need to check whether containVector has a value beforehand, in which case we need to normalize
                containVector = containVector.sqrMagnitude != 0f ? (containVector + Vector3.back).normalized : Vector3.back;
            else if (!backContain || (selfHeight - backHeight > _heightCaps.maxDropHeight) || (backHeight - selfHeight > _heightCaps.maxClimbHeight))
                // we need to check whether containVector has a value beforehand, in which case we need to normalize
                containVector = containVector.sqrMagnitude != 0f ? (containVector + Vector3.forward).normalized : Vector3.forward;

            if (containVector.sqrMagnitude == 0f)
                // no contain vectors to worry about - no containment necessary

            // Containment vectors are always "full strength"
            Vector3 steeringVector = containVector * input.maxAcceleration;

            _lastContainVector         = steeringVector;
            output.desiredAcceleration = steeringVector;