コード例 #1
        public static IEnumerable <AffiliateApplication> FindByContact(string contact = DEFAULT_CONTACT_INFO)
            if (contact.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contact));
            var mapper = new ISSOMapper2();
            // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/biztalk/core/how-to-change-the-behavior-of-a-single-sign-on-interface
            var    propBag        = (IPropertyBag)mapper;
            object appFilterFlags = (uint)(AffiliateApplicationType.ConfigStore | AffiliateApplicationType.All);

            propBag.Write("AppFilterFlags", ref appFilterFlags);
            object appFilterFlagMask = (uint)SSOFlag.SSO_FLAG_APP_FILTER_BY_TYPE;

            propBag.Write("AppFilterFlagMask", ref appFilterFlagMask);

            mapper.GetApplications2(out var applications, out var descriptions, out var contacts, out var userAccounts, out var adminAccounts, out _);
            return(Enumerable.Range(0, applications.Length)
                   .Where(i => contact == ANY_CONTACT_INFO || contacts[i].Equals(contact, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                       i => new AffiliateApplication {
                Name = applications[i],
                Description = descriptions[i],
                Contact = contacts[i],
                AdministratorGroup = adminAccounts[i],
                UserGroup = userAccounts[i]
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of SSO applications. Only the application metadata information is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of SSO applications.</returns>
        public static List <SSOAppInfo> GetApplications()
            ISSOMapper2  ssoMapper = new ISSOMapper2();
            IPropertyBag propBag   = ssoMapper as IPropertyBag;

            // prepare filter to only include config store application
            uint   appFilterFlagMask    = SSOFlag.SSO_FLAG_APP_FILTER_BY_TYPE;
            uint   appFilterFlags       = (uint)AffiliateApplicationType.ConfigStore;
            object appFilterFlagsObj    = (object)appFilterFlags;
            object appFilterFlagMaskObj = (object)appFilterFlagMask;

            // set filter in the mapper
            propBag.Write("AppFilterFlags", ref appFilterFlagsObj);
            propBag.Write("AppFilterFlagMask", ref appFilterFlagMaskObj);

            // declare output arrays
            string[] applications  = null;
            string[] descriptions  = null;
            string[] contactInfo   = null;
            string[] userAccounts  = null;
            string[] adminAccounts = null;
            int[]    flags         = null;

            // get applications
            ssoMapper.GetApplications2(out applications, out descriptions, out contactInfo, out userAccounts, out adminAccounts, out flags);

            List <SSOAppInfo> applicationList = new List <SSOAppInfo>();

            for (int index = 0; index < applications.Length; ++index)
                // include only applications created by this tool
                if (SSOManager.DefaultContact.Equals(contactInfo[index], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true)
                    SSOAppInfo appInfo = new SSOAppInfo()
                        Name          = applications[index],
                        Description   = descriptions[index],
                        AdminAccounts = adminAccounts[index],
                        UserAccounts  = userAccounts[index],
                        Contact       = contactInfo[index],
                        Flags         = flags[index],
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the Config Store from the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO).
 /// </summary>
 internal void Load()
         // provision the dictionary with the names of all the properties that are defined at the affiliate application level
         var mapper = new ISSOMapper2();
         mapper.GetFieldInfo(_affiliateApplicationName, out var labels, out _);
         // skip contact, which is a dummy 1st field
         labels.Where(l => l != AffiliateApplication.DEFAULT_CONTACT_INFO).ForEach(l => Properties.Add(l, default));
         // populate dictionary with all the property values that have been set
         var configStore = new ISSOConfigStore();
         configStore.GetConfigInfo(_affiliateApplicationName, _identifier, SSOFlag.SSO_FLAG_RUNTIME, this);
     catch (COMException exception) when((uint)exception.ErrorCode == (uint)HResult.ErrorMappingNonExistent)
        internal ConfigStoreCollection(AffiliateApplication affiliateApplication)
            if (affiliateApplication == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(affiliateApplication));
            var mapper = new ISSOMapper2();
            var applicationMappings    = mapper.GetMappingsForExternalUser(affiliateApplication.Name, null);
            var configStoreIdentifiers = applicationMappings.Cast <ISSOMapping>()
                                         .Where(m => m.WindowsDomainName == "$ConfigStore$")
                                         .Select(m => m.WindowsUserName)
                                         // ensure the default ConfigStore identifier is in the list of configStore's id to instantiate
                                         .Union(Enumerable.Repeat(DEFAULT_CONFIG_STORE_IDENTIFIER, affiliateApplication.HasOwnership ? 1 : 0));

            _configStoreDictionary = configStoreIdentifiers
                                     .Select(id => new ConfigStore(affiliateApplication.Name, id))
                                     .ToDictionary(cs => cs.Identifier);