コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes an observer from the payment queue.
 /// If there are no observers attached to the queue,
 /// the payment queue does not synchronize its list of pending transactions with the Apple App Store,
 /// because there is no observer to respond to updated transactions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="observer">The observer to remove.</param>
 public static void RemoveTransactionObserver(ISN_iSKPaymentTransactionObserver observer)
     if (m_observers.Count == 0)
         //we have no observer's atm, have to disable observation on a native side
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an observer to the payment queue.
 /// Your application should add an observer to the payment queue during application initialization.
 /// If there are no observers attached to the queue, the payment queue does not synchronize its list
 /// of pending transactions with the Apple App Store,
 /// because there is no observer to respond to updated transactions.
 /// If an application quits when transactions are still being processed,
 /// those transactions are not lost. The next time the application launches,
 /// the payment queue will resume processing the transactions.
 /// Your application should always expect to be notified of completed transactions.
 /// If more than one transaction observer is attached to the payment queue,
 /// no guarantees are made as to the order they will be called in.
 /// It is safe for multiple observers to call <see cref="FinishTransaction"/>, but not recommended.
 /// It is recommended that you use a single observer to process and finish the transaction.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="observer">The observer to add to the queue.</param>
 public static void AddTransactionObserver(ISN_iSKPaymentTransactionObserver observer)
     if (m_observers.Count == 1)
         //we have atleas one observer atm, so let's enable observation on a native side