public IActionResult AddRide(Ride ride) { if (ride != null) { var model = _IRideService.AddRide(ride); } return(RedirectToAction("GetRides")); }
public IActionResult CreateRide([FromBody] RidesRequestData RequestData) { if (!_service.IsAuthorizedRider(RequestData)) { return(Unauthorized()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { // convert time back to local time, RequestData.RideStart = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(RequestData.RideStart, TimeZoneInfo.Local); var ride = _service.AddRide(RequestData); return(Accepted(ride)); } return(Unauthorized()); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] EmployeeRideEditDto ride) { try { try { return(Ok(rideService.AddRide(ride))); } catch { return(BadRequest()); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(500)); throw; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPost(Ride ride) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Page()); } Car car = carService.GetCar(ride.CarID); if (ride.SeatsAvailable <= car.NumberOfSeats) { rideService.AddRide(ride); return(RedirectToPage("GetRides")); } else { var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User); registeredCars = new SelectList(rideService.GetRegisteredCars(user.Id), "CarID", "NumberPlate"); Message = "The seats available cannot exceed the number of seats in your car."; return(Page()); } }
public IActionResult OnPost() { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(Page()); } userDot.ZuberUserID = User.User.Id; if (User.User.DotId.HasValue) { dService.UpdateDot(userDot); } else { dService.AddDot(userDot); Dot d = dService.GetDotByUserId(User.User.Id); uService.GiveUserDot(User.User, d.Id); User.Login(uService.GetZuberUserById(User.User.Id)); } if (User.IsDriver) { userRide.DriverId = User.User.Id; if (User.User.RideId.HasValue) { rService.UpdateRide(userRide); } else { rService.AddRide(userRide); Ride r = rService.GetRideByUserId(User.User.Id); User.User.RideId = r.Id; uService.UpdateZuberUser(User.User); User.Login(uService.GetZuberUserById(User.User.Id)); } } return(RedirectToPage("Index")); }
public void OfferRide() { int choice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Are you sure you want to offer a ride? >> 1. Yes 2. No : "); choice = commonMethods.IsValidChoice(choice); if (choice == 2) { commonMethods.FurtherAction(1); } Ride ride = new Ride(); ride.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ride.PickUp = commonMethods.ReadString("Enter your source of ride : "); ride.Drop = commonMethods.ReadString("Enter your destination of ride : "); ride.Date = ReadDateTime(); ride.PublisherId = LoginActions.currentUser.Id; List <VehicleType> vehicleTypes = vehicleTypeService.GetAllTypes(); int count = 0; Console.WriteLine("Serial Number | Type \t | Maximum Fare | Maximum Seats"); foreach (VehicleType vehicleType in vehicleTypes) { ++count; Console.WriteLine(count + "\t" + vehicleType.Type + "" + vehicleType.MaximumFare + "\t" + vehicleType.MaximumSeats); } int vehicleTypeChoice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Choose your vehicle type from above types : "); while (vehicleTypeChoice < 0 || vehicleTypeChoice > count) { vehicleTypeChoice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Please enter a valid choice : "); } ride.VehicleType = vehicleTypes[vehicleTypeChoice - 1]; ride.NumberOfSeats = commonMethods.ReadInt("Enter the number of seats available for the ride : "); while (ride.NumberOfSeats > ride.VehicleType.MaximumSeats || ride.NumberOfSeats < 1) { if (ride.NumberOfSeats < 1) { Console.WriteLine("There should be atleast one seat in the ride"); } else { Console.WriteLine("You cannot have more than " + ride.VehicleType.MaximumSeats + " seats"); } ride.NumberOfSeats = commonMethods.ReadInt(" Please enter valid number of seats : "); } ride.AvailableSeats = ride.NumberOfSeats; int autoApprove = commonMethods.ReadInt("Auto-approve the bookings ? 1. Yes 2. No >> "); autoApprove = commonMethods.IsValidChoice(autoApprove); ride.AutoApproveRide = (autoApprove == 1) ? true : false; ride.Price = commonMethods.ReadDouble("Enter the price of the ride : "); while (ride.Price > ride.VehicleType.MaximumFare) { Console.WriteLine("Fare for the ride should not be greater than " + ride.VehicleType.MaximumFare); ride.Price = commonMethods.ReadDouble("Please enter a valid price : "); } ride.Status = (RideStatus)0; List <Vehicle> vehicles = vehicleService.GetVehiclesByUserId(LoginActions.currentUser.Id); if (vehicles.Count == 1) { Console.WriteLine(" Vehicle Model : " + vehicles[0].Model); choice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Do you want to offer ride with above vehicle : 1. Yes 2. No >> "); choice = commonMethods.IsValidChoice(choice); if (choice == 1) { ride.Vehicle = vehicles[0]; } else { ride.Vehicle = vehicleActions.AddVehicle(); } } else if (vehicles.Count == 0) { ride.Vehicle = vehicleActions.AddVehicle(); } else { int optionNumber = 1; foreach (Vehicle vehicle in vehicles) { Console.WriteLine(optionNumber + ". Vehicle Model : " + vehicle.Model); } choice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Do you want to use any of the above vehicles : 1. Yes 2. No >> "); choice = commonMethods.IsValidChoice(choice); if (choice == 1) { int vehicleChoice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Enter the vehicle number you want to choose : "); while (vehicleChoice < 1 || vehicleChoice > optionNumber) { vehicleChoice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Please enter a valid option : "); } ride.Vehicle.Id = vehicles[optionNumber - 1].Id; } else { Console.WriteLine("Enter your new vehicle data"); ride.Vehicle = vehicleActions.AddVehicle(); } } rideService.AddRide(ride); int viaPointsChoice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Do you want to add Via Points ? 1.Yes 2. No >> "); viaPointsChoice = commonMethods.IsValidChoice(viaPointsChoice); int viaPointCount = 1; string viaPoint; ride.ViaPoints = new List <string>(); while (viaPointsChoice == 1) { viaPoint = commonMethods.ReadString("Via Point " + viaPointCount + " : "); if (ride.ViaPoints.Contains(viaPoint)) { Console.WriteLine("You have already added this via point!!"); } else { ride.ViaPoints.Add(viaPoint); } viaPointsChoice = commonMethods.ReadInt("Add one more Via Point ? 1.Yes 2. No >> "); viaPointsChoice = commonMethods.IsValidChoice(viaPointsChoice); viaPointCount += 1; } Console.WriteLine("Ride added successfully!!"); commonMethods.FurtherAction(1); }