public NetResponse pushMultipartData(String strUrl, MultipartItem oItem, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable <String, String> pHeaders) { Vector <MultipartItem> arItems = new Vector <MultipartItem>(); arItems.addElement(oItem); return(pushMultipartData(strUrl, arItems, oSession, pHeaders)); }
public NetResponse pushData(String strUrl, String strBody, IRhoSession oSession) { m_bCancel = false; if (RHODESAPP().isRhodesAppUrl(strUrl)) { return(RHODESAPP().processCallback(strUrl, strBody)); } return(doRequest("POST", strUrl, strBody, oSession, null)); }
void handleCookie(IRhoSession oSession) { if (oSession != null) { String strSession = oSession.getSession(); LOG.INFO("Cookie : " + (strSession != null ? strSession : "")); if (strSession != null && strSession.length() > 0 && !strSession.equals("rho_empty")) { m_webRequest.CookieContainer.SetCookies(new Uri(m_strUrl), strSession); } } }
public NetResponse doRequest(String strMethod, String strUrl, String strBody, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable <String, String> headers) { m_respWaitEvent.WaitOne(); m_respWaitEvent.Reset(); m_oSession = oSession; m_strBody = strBody; m_strUrl = strUrl; m_headers = headers; m_bCancel = false; m_webRequest = WebRequest.Create(strUrl) as HttpWebRequest; LOG.INFO("connection done"); m_webRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); handleCookie(oSession); if (strBody != null && strBody.length() > 0) { if (oSession != null) { m_webRequest.ContentType = oSession.getContentType(); } else { m_webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } writeHeaders(headers); LOG.INFO("writeHeaders done"); m_webRequest.Method = strMethod; m_webRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(GetRequestStreamCallback, null); m_reqWaitEvent.Reset(); m_reqWaitEvent.WaitOne(); } else { writeHeaders(headers); m_webRequest.Method = strMethod; } m_webRequest.BeginGetResponse(GetResponseCallback, null); m_respWaitEvent.Reset(); m_respWaitEvent.WaitOne(); return(makeResponse(m_strRespBody, m_code)); }
public NetResponse pullFile(String strUrl, String strFileName, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable <String, String> headers) { NetResponse resp = null; m_isPullFile = true; m_bCancel = false; try{ if (!strFileName.startsWith("file:")) { try{ strFileName = CFilePath.join(CRhodesApp.getRhoRootPath(), strFileName); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.ERROR("getDirPath failed.", e); } } m_pulledFile = RhoClassFactory.createFile();, CRhoFile.EOpenModes.OpenForReadWrite); m_pulledFile.setPosTo(m_pulledFile.size()); do { resp = doRequest("GET", strUrl, null, oSession, headers, m_pulledFile.size()); }while(!m_bCancel && (resp == null || resp.isOK()) && m_nCurDownloadSize > 0); }finally{ if (m_pulledFile != null) { try { m_pulledFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.ERROR("file closing failed.", e); } m_pulledFile = null; } } copyHashtable(m_OutHeaders, headers); m_isPullFile = false; m_nCurDownloadSize = 0; return(resp != null && !m_bCancel ? resp : makeResponse("", Convert.ToInt32(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError))); }
public NetResponse pullFile(String strUrl, String strFileName, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable <String, String> headers) { /* IRAFile file = null; * NetResponse resp = null; * * m_nMaxPacketSize = RhoClassFactory.getNetworkAccess().getMaxPacketSize(); * m_bFlushFileAfterWrite = RhoConf.getInstance().getBool("use_persistent_storage"); * m_bCancel = false; * * try{ * * if (!strFileName.startsWith("file:")) { * try{ * strFileName = FilePath.join(RhoClassFactory.createFile().getDirPath(""), strFileName); * } catch (IOException x) { * LOG.ERROR("getDirPath failed.", x); * throw x; * } * } * * file = RhoClassFactory.createFSRAFile(); *, "rw"); *; * * do{ * resp = pullFile1( strUrl, file, file.size(), oSession, headers ); * }while( !m_bCancel && (resp == null || resp.isOK()) && m_nCurDownloadSize > 0 && m_nMaxPacketSize > 0 ); * * }finally{ * if ( file != null ) * { * file.close(); * file = null; * } * } * * copyHashtable(m_OutHeaders, headers); * * return resp != null && !m_bCancel ? resp : makeResponse("", IHttpConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR );*/ return(makeResponse("", 200)); }
public NetResponse pullCookies(String strUrl, String strBody, IRhoSession oSession) { Hashtable <String, String> headers = new Hashtable <String, String>(); m_bCancel = false; NetResponse resp = doRequest/*Try*/ ("POST", strUrl, strBody, oSession, headers); if (resp.isOK()) { String strCookie = resp.getCookies(); if (strCookie == null || strCookie.length() == 0) { strCookie = "rho_empty"; } resp.setCharData(strCookie); LOG.INFO("pullCookies: " + resp.getCharData()); } return(resp); }
public NetResponse pushMultipartData(String strUrl, MultipartItem oItem, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable<String,String> pHeaders) { Vector<MultipartItem> arItems = new Vector<MultipartItem>(); arItems.addElement(oItem); return pushMultipartData(strUrl, arItems, oSession, pHeaders); }
public NetResponse pushData(String strUrl, String strBody, IRhoSession oSession) { m_bCancel = false; if ( RHODESAPP().isRhodesAppUrl(strUrl) ) return RHODESAPP().processCallback(strUrl, strBody); return doRequest("POST", strUrl, strBody, oSession, null); }
public NetResponse doRequest(String strMethod, String strUrl, String strBody, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable<String, String> headers, long nRangePos = -1) { LOG.INFO("Url: " + strUrl + "; Body: " + strBody); m_respWaitEvent.WaitOne(); m_respWaitEvent.Reset(); m_oSession = oSession; m_strBody = strBody; m_strUrl = addUniqueParam(strUrl); m_headers = headers; m_bCancel = false; closeConnection(); m_webRequest = WebRequest.Create(m_strUrl) as HttpWebRequest; m_webRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); handleCookie(oSession); if ((strBody != null && strBody.length() > 0) || m_isPullFile || m_isMultiPart) { if (oSession != null) m_webRequest.ContentType = oSession.getContentType(); else if (m_isMultiPart) m_webRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------A6174410D6AD474183FDE48F5662FCC5"; else if (m_isPullFile) { if (nRangePos > 0) m_webRequest.Headers["Range"] = "bytes=" + nRangePos.ToString() + "-"; } else m_webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; writeHeaders(headers); m_webRequest.Method = strMethod; if (!m_isPullFile) { m_webRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(GetRequestStreamCallback, null); m_reqWaitEvent.Reset(); m_reqWaitEvent.WaitOne(); } }else { writeHeaders(headers); m_webRequest.Method = strMethod; } if(!m_isPullFile) m_webRequest.BeginGetResponse(GetResponseCallback, null); else m_webRequest.BeginGetResponse(GetPullFileCallback, null); m_respWaitEvent.Reset(); m_respWaitEvent.WaitOne(); m_isMultiPart = false; return makeResponse(m_strRespBody, m_code); }
void handleCookie(IRhoSession oSession) { if ( oSession != null ) { String strSession = oSession.getSession(); LOG.INFO("Cookie : " + (strSession != null ? strSession : "") ); if (strSession != null && strSession.length() > 0 && !strSession.equals("rho_empty")) m_webRequest.CookieContainer.SetCookies(new Uri(m_strUrl), strSession); } }
public NetResponse pullData(String strUrl, IRhoSession oSession) { return(doRequest("GET", strUrl, "", oSession, null)); }
public NetResponse pushMultipartData(String strUrl, Vector<MultipartItem> arItems, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable<String,String> headers) { /* String strRespBody = null; InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; int code = -1; m_bCancel = false; try{ closeConnection(); m_connection = RhoClassFactory.getNetworkAccess().connect(strUrl, false); handleCookie(oSession); m_connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive"); m_connection.setRequestProperty("content-type", szMultipartContType); writeHeaders(headers); m_connection.setRequestMethod(IHttpConnection.POST); //PUSH specific processMultipartItems( arItems ); os = m_connection.openOutputStream(); //write all items for( int i = 0; i < (int)arItems.size(); i++ ) { MultipartItem oItem = (MultipartItem)arItems.elementAt(i); os.write(oItem.m_strDataPrefix.getBytes(), 0, oItem.m_strDataPrefix.length()); if ( oItem.m_strFilePath.length() > 0 ) { SimpleFile file = null; InputStream fis = null; try{ file = RhoClassFactory.createFile();, true, true); if ( !file.isOpened() ){ LOG.ERROR("File not found: " + oItem.m_strFilePath); throw new RuntimeException("File not found:" + oItem.m_strFilePath); } fis = file.getInputStream(); byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[1024*4]; int nRead = 0; do{ nRead =; if ( nRead > 0 ) os.write(byteBuffer, 0, nRead); }while( nRead > 0 ); }finally{ if (fis != null) try{ fis.close(); }catch(IOException e){} if ( file != null ) try{ file.close(); }catch(IOException e){} } }else { os.write(oItem.m_strBody.getBytes(), 0, oItem.m_strBody.length()); } } os.write(szMultipartPostfix.getBytes(), 0, szMultipartPostfix.length()); //os.flush(); //PUSH specific is = m_connection.openInputStream(); code = m_connection.getResponseCode(); LOG.INFO("getResponseCode : " + code); readHeaders(headers); copyHashtable(m_OutHeaders, headers); if (code >= 400 ) { LOG.ERROR("Error retrieving data: " + code); if (code == IHttpConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) { LOG.ERROR("Unauthorize error.Client will be logged out"); oSession.logout(); } //if ( code != IHttpConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR ) strRespBody = readFully(is, getResponseEncoding()); LOG.TRACE("Response body: " + strRespBody ); }else { long len = m_connection.getLength(); LOG.INFO("fetchRemoteData data size:" + len ); strRespBody = readFully(is, getResponseEncoding()); LOG.INFO("fetchRemoteData data readFully."); } }finally{ try{ if ( is != null ) is.close(); if (os != null) os.close(); closeConnection(); }catch(IOException exc2){} } return makeResponse(strRespBody, code ); */ return makeResponse("", 200 ); }
public NetResponse pullFile( String strUrl, String strFileName, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable<String, String> headers ) { NetResponse resp = null; m_isPullFile = true; m_bCancel = false; try{ if (!strFileName.startsWith("file:")) { try{ strFileName = CFilePath.join(CRhodesApp.getRhoRootPath(), strFileName); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.ERROR("getDirPath failed.", e); } } m_pulledFile = RhoClassFactory.createFile();, CRhoFile.EOpenModes.OpenForReadWrite); m_pulledFile.setPosTo(m_pulledFile.size()); do{ resp = doRequest("GET", strUrl, null, oSession, headers, m_pulledFile.size()); }while( !m_bCancel && (resp == null || resp.isOK()) && m_nCurDownloadSize > 0); }finally{ if (m_pulledFile != null) { try { m_pulledFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.ERROR("file closing failed.", e); } m_pulledFile = null; } } copyHashtable(m_OutHeaders, headers); m_isPullFile = false; m_nCurDownloadSize = 0; return resp != null && !m_bCancel ? resp : makeResponse("", Convert.ToInt32(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)); }
public NetResponse pullCookies(String strUrl, String strBody, IRhoSession oSession) { Hashtable<String,String> headers = new Hashtable<String,String>(); m_bCancel = false; NetResponse resp = doRequest/*Try*/("POST", strUrl, strBody, oSession, headers); if ( resp.isOK() ) { String strCookie = resp.getCookies(); if ( strCookie == null || strCookie.length() == 0 ) strCookie = "rho_empty"; resp.setCharData(strCookie); LOG.INFO("pullCookies: " + resp.getCharData() ); } return resp; }
public NetResponse pushMultipartData(String strUrl, Vector <MultipartItem> arItems, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable <String, String> headers) { m_arItems = arItems; m_isMultiPart = true; processMultipartItems(arItems); return(doRequest("POST", strUrl, null, oSession, headers)); }
public NetResponse doRequest(String strMethod, String strUrl, String strBody, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable <String, String> headers, long nRangePos = -1) { LOG.INFO("Url: " + strUrl + "; Body: " + strBody); m_respWaitEvent.WaitOne(); m_respWaitEvent.Reset(); m_oSession = oSession; m_strBody = strBody; m_strUrl = addUniqueParam(strUrl); m_headers = headers; m_bCancel = false; closeConnection(); m_webRequest = WebRequest.Create(m_strUrl) as HttpWebRequest; m_webRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); handleCookie(oSession); if ((strBody != null && strBody.length() > 0) || m_isPullFile || m_isMultiPart) { if (oSession != null && !m_isPullFile && !m_isMultiPart) { m_webRequest.ContentType = oSession.getContentType(); } else if (m_isMultiPart) { m_webRequest.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=----------A6174410D6AD474183FDE48F5662FCC5"; } else if (m_isPullFile) { if (nRangePos > 0) { m_webRequest.Headers["Range"] = "bytes=" + nRangePos.ToString() + "-"; } } else { m_webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } writeHeaders(headers); m_webRequest.Method = strMethod; if (!m_isPullFile) { m_webRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(GetRequestStreamCallback, null); m_reqWaitEvent.Reset(); m_reqWaitEvent.WaitOne(); } } else { writeHeaders(headers); m_webRequest.Method = strMethod; } if (!m_isPullFile) { m_webRequest.BeginGetResponse(GetResponseCallback, null); } else { m_webRequest.BeginGetResponse(GetPullFileCallback, null); } m_respWaitEvent.Reset(); m_respWaitEvent.WaitOne(); m_isMultiPart = false; return(makeResponse(m_strRespBody, m_code)); }
public NetResponse pullFile( String strUrl, String strFileName, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable<String, String> headers ) { /* IRAFile file = null; NetResponse resp = null; m_nMaxPacketSize = RhoClassFactory.getNetworkAccess().getMaxPacketSize(); m_bFlushFileAfterWrite = RhoConf.getInstance().getBool("use_persistent_storage"); m_bCancel = false; try{ if (!strFileName.startsWith("file:")) { try{ strFileName = FilePath.join(RhoClassFactory.createFile().getDirPath(""), strFileName); } catch (IOException x) { LOG.ERROR("getDirPath failed.", x); throw x; } } file = RhoClassFactory.createFSRAFile();, "rw");; do{ resp = pullFile1( strUrl, file, file.size(), oSession, headers ); }while( !m_bCancel && (resp == null || resp.isOK()) && m_nCurDownloadSize > 0 && m_nMaxPacketSize > 0 ); }finally{ if ( file != null ) { file.close(); file = null; } } copyHashtable(m_OutHeaders, headers); return resp != null && !m_bCancel ? resp : makeResponse("", IHttpConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR );*/ return makeResponse("",200); }
public NetResponse pushMultipartData(String strUrl, Vector<MultipartItem> arItems, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable<String,String> headers) { m_arItems = arItems; m_isMultiPart = true; processMultipartItems( arItems ); return doRequest("POST", strUrl, null, oSession, headers); }
public NetResponse pushMultipartData(String strUrl, Vector <MultipartItem> arItems, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable <String, String> headers) { /* String strRespBody = null; * InputStream is = null; * OutputStream os = null; * int code = -1; * * m_bCancel = false; * * try{ * closeConnection(); * m_connection = RhoClassFactory.getNetworkAccess().connect(strUrl, false); * * handleCookie(oSession); * * m_connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive"); * m_connection.setRequestProperty("content-type", szMultipartContType); * writeHeaders(headers); * m_connection.setRequestMethod(IHttpConnection.POST); * * //PUSH specific * processMultipartItems( arItems ); * os = m_connection.openOutputStream(); * //write all items * for( int i = 0; i < (int)arItems.size(); i++ ) * { * MultipartItem oItem = (MultipartItem)arItems.elementAt(i); * os.write(oItem.m_strDataPrefix.getBytes(), 0, oItem.m_strDataPrefix.length()); * * if ( oItem.m_strFilePath.length() > 0 ) * { * * SimpleFile file = null; * InputStream fis = null; * * try{ * file = RhoClassFactory.createFile(); *, true, true); * * if ( !file.isOpened() ){ * LOG.ERROR("File not found: " + oItem.m_strFilePath); * throw new RuntimeException("File not found:" + oItem.m_strFilePath); * } * * fis = file.getInputStream(); * byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[1024*4]; * int nRead = 0; * do{ * nRead =; * if ( nRead > 0 ) * os.write(byteBuffer, 0, nRead); * }while( nRead > 0 ); * }finally{ * if (fis != null) * try{ fis.close(); }catch(IOException e){} * * if ( file != null ) * try{ file.close(); }catch(IOException e){} * } * * }else * { * os.write(oItem.m_strBody.getBytes(), 0, oItem.m_strBody.length()); * } * } * os.write(szMultipartPostfix.getBytes(), 0, szMultipartPostfix.length()); * //os.flush(); * //PUSH specific * * is = m_connection.openInputStream(); * code = m_connection.getResponseCode(); * * LOG.INFO("getResponseCode : " + code); * * readHeaders(headers); * copyHashtable(m_OutHeaders, headers); * * if (code >= 400 ) * { * LOG.ERROR("Error retrieving data: " + code); * if (code == IHttpConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) * { * LOG.ERROR("Unauthorize error.Client will be logged out"); * oSession.logout(); * } * * //if ( code != IHttpConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR ) * strRespBody = readFully(is, getResponseEncoding()); * LOG.TRACE("Response body: " + strRespBody ); * * }else * { * long len = m_connection.getLength(); * LOG.INFO("fetchRemoteData data size:" + len ); * * strRespBody = readFully(is, getResponseEncoding()); * * LOG.INFO("fetchRemoteData data readFully."); * } * * }finally{ * try{ * if ( is != null ) * is.close(); * if (os != null) * os.close(); * * closeConnection(); * * }catch(IOException exc2){} * } * * return makeResponse(strRespBody, code ); */ return(makeResponse("", 200)); }
public NetResponse pullData(String strUrl, IRhoSession oSession ) { return doRequest("GET", strUrl, "", oSession, null); }
public NetResponse doRequest(String strMethod, String strUrl, String strBody, IRhoSession oSession, Hashtable<String, String> headers ) { m_respWaitEvent.WaitOne(); m_respWaitEvent.Reset(); m_oSession = oSession; m_strBody = strBody; m_strUrl = strUrl; m_headers = headers; m_bCancel = false; m_webRequest = WebRequest.Create(strUrl) as HttpWebRequest; LOG.INFO("connection done"); m_webRequest.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); handleCookie(oSession); if ( strBody != null && strBody.length() > 0 ) { if ( oSession != null ) m_webRequest.ContentType = oSession.getContentType(); else m_webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; writeHeaders(headers); LOG.INFO("writeHeaders done"); m_webRequest.Method = strMethod; m_webRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(GetRequestStreamCallback, null); m_reqWaitEvent.Reset(); m_reqWaitEvent.WaitOne(); }else { writeHeaders(headers); m_webRequest.Method = strMethod; } m_webRequest.BeginGetResponse(GetResponseCallback, null); m_respWaitEvent.Reset(); m_respWaitEvent.WaitOne(); return makeResponse(m_strRespBody, m_code); }