public void AddToUndo(IRevertable revertable) { if (undoCollection != null) { if (revertable is IRevertableCollection) { foreach (IRevertable _revertable in ((IRevertableCollection)revertable).GetRevertables()) { undoCollection.Add(_revertable); } } else { undoCollection.Add(revertable); } } else { undoStack.Push(revertable); IsSaved = false; } redoStack.Clear(); }
public bool TryGetRevertable(out IRevertable revertable) { var infos = new List <RevertablePropertyInfo>(); foreach (CapturedProperty cp in capturedProperties) { if (! { infos.Add(new RevertablePropertyInfo(, obj, cp.value)); } } if (infos.Count == 0) { revertable = null; return(false); } if (infos.Count == 1) { revertable = new RevertablePropertyChange(infos[0]); } else { revertable = new RevertableMulityPropertyChange(infos.ToArray()); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// The user has selected an extractable thing in the catalogue and opted to include it in the extraction /// So we have to convert it to an <see cref="ExtractableColumn"/> (which has configuration specific stuff - and lets /// data analyst override stuff for this extraction only) /// /// <para>Then add it to the right hand list</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="columns"></param> private void Include(params IColumn[] columns) { olvSelected.BeginUpdate(); try { //for each column we are adding foreach (IColumn c in columns) { //make sure it is up to date with database IRevertable r = c as IRevertable; //if the column is out of date if (r != null && r.HasLocalChanges().Evaluation == ChangeDescription.DatabaseCopyDifferent) { r.RevertToDatabaseState();//get a fresh copy } //add to the config ExtractableColumn addMe = _config.AddColumnToExtraction(_dataSet, c); //update on the UI olvSelected.AddObject(addMe); } } finally { olvSelected.EndUpdate(); } RefreshDisabledObjectStatus(); SortSelectedByOrder(); Publish(_config); }
private OfferChanceToSaveDialogUI(IRevertable revertable, RevertableObjectReport differences) { _revertable = revertable; InitializeComponent(); if (revertable == null) { return; } Text = "Save changes to " + revertable.GetType().Name + " " + revertable + " (ID = " + revertable.ID + ")"; lblFirstPrompt.Text = "Would you like to save changes to " + revertable.GetType().Name + " '" + revertable + "' (ID=" + revertable.ID + ")"; tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount = differences.Differences.Count; for (int index = 0; index < differences.Differences.Count; index++) { var d = differences.Differences[index]; var toAdd = new RevertablePropertyDifferenceUI(d); toAdd.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(toAdd, 0, index); } for (int i = 0; i < tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Count; i++) { tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles[i].SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize; } }
public void Push(IRevertable cellChangeState) { if (_historyForwardStack.Any()) { _historyForwardStack.Clear(); } _historyBackStack.Push(cellChangeState); }
/// <summary> /// Cache all the revert data. /// </summary> private void saveRevertData() { revertCache.Clear(); // Build the cache of revert info. foreach (MonoBehaviour mb in this.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>()) { IRevertable revertable = mb as IRevertable; if (revertable != null) { revertCache.AddRange(revertable.CacheState()); } } }
public IRevertable Revert(EditorSceneBase scene) { IRevertable[] newRevertables = new IRevertable[revertables.Length]; int _i = 0; for (int i = revertables.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) //Revertables are meant to be reverted in the reverse order (First In Last Out) { newRevertables[_i++] = revertables[i].Revert(scene); } return(new MultiRevertable(newRevertables)); }
/// <summary> /// Shows a yes no to saving and describes differences in an IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable object which suports IRevertable /// </summary> /// <param name="revertable"></param> public static DialogResult?ShowIfRequired(IRevertable revertable) { if (revertable == null) { return(null); } var differences = revertable.HasLocalChanges(); if (differences.Evaluation == ChangeDescription.DatabaseCopyDifferent) { return(new OfferChanceToSaveDialogUI(revertable, differences).ShowDialog()); } return(null); }
public void StartTransformAction(AbstractTransformAction transformAction, IRevertable revertable = null) { if (CurrentAction != null || SelectionTransformAction != NoAction) { return; } actionStartCamTarget = control.CameraTarget; if (revertable != null) { BeginUndoCollection(); AddToUndo(revertable); } SelectionTransformAction = transformAction; }
/// <summary> /// The user has selected an extractable thing in the catalogue and opted to include it in the extraction /// So we have to convert it to an ExtractableColumn (which has configuration specific stuff - and lets /// data analyst override stuff for this extraction only) /// /// <para>Then add it to the right hand list</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> private ExtractableColumn AddColumnToExtraction(IColumn item) { IRevertable r = item as IRevertable; //if the column is out of date if (r != null && r.HasLocalChanges().Evaluation == ChangeDescription.DatabaseCopyDifferent) { r.RevertToDatabaseState();//get a fresh copy } ExtractableColumn addMe = _config.AddColumnToExtraction(_dataSet, item); olvSelected.AddObject(addMe); RefreshDisabledObjectStatus(); SortSelectedByOrder(); return(addMe); }
public ConsoleGuiEdit(IBasicActivateItems activator, IRevertable databaseObject) { _activator = activator; DatabaseObject = databaseObject; ColorScheme = ConsoleMainWindow.ColorScheme; collection = TableRepository.GetPropertyInfos(DatabaseObject.GetType()) .Select(p => new PropertyInListView(p, DatabaseObject)).ToList(); list = new ListView(collection) { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(2), Height = Dim.Fill(2) }; list.KeyPress += List_KeyPress; var btnSet = new Button("Set") { X = 0, Y = Pos.Bottom(list), IsDefault = true }; btnSet.Clicked += () => { SetProperty(false); }; var btnClose = new Button("Close") { X = Pos.Right(btnSet), Y = Pos.Bottom(list) }; btnClose.Clicked += () => Application.RequestStop(); this.Add(list); this.Add(btnSet); this.Add(btnClose); }
/// <summary> /// Cache all the revert data. /// </summary> private void saveRevertData() { revertCache.Clear(); { var __array9 = this.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>(); var __arrayLength9 = __array9.Length; for (int __i9 = 0; __i9 < __arrayLength9; ++__i9) { var mb = (MonoBehaviour)__array9[__i9]; { IRevertable revertable = mb as IRevertable; if (revertable != null) { revertCache.AddRange(revertable.CacheState()); } } } } }
protected override void ActivateImpl(object o) { IRevertable m = o as IRevertable; if (o is IMasqueradeAs masq) { if (masq.MasqueradingAs() is IRevertable underlyingObject) { m = underlyingObject; } } if (m != null) { var view = new ConsoleGuiEdit(this, m) { Modal = true }; Application.Run(view); } }
/// <summary> /// Cache all the revert data. /// </summary> private void saveRevertData() { revertCache.Clear(); // Build the cache of revert info. foreach (MonoBehaviour mb in this.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>()) { IRevertable revertable = mb as IRevertable; if (revertable != null) { RevertInfo[] ri = revertable.CacheState(); if (ri == null || ri.Length < 1) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Cinema Director tried to cache the state of {0}, but failed.",; } else { revertCache.AddRange(ri); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Cache all the revert data. /// </summary> private void saveRevertData() { revertCache.Clear(); // Build the cache of revert info. MonoBehaviour[] mbArray = this.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>(); for (int i = 0; i < mbArray.Length; i++) { IRevertable revertable = mbArray[i] as IRevertable; if (revertable != null) { List <RevertInfo> ri = revertable.CacheState(); if (ri == null || ri.Count < 1) { //Debug.Log(HobaString.Format("Cinema Director tried to cache the state of {0}, but failed.", mbArray[i].name)); } else { revertCache.AddRange(ri); } } } }
public SecondaryConstraintUI(ICatalogueRepository repository, SecondaryConstraint secondaryConstriant, string[] otherColumns) { const int rowHeight = 30; //the amount of additional space required to accomodate description labels int inflation = 0; _repository = repository; this.SecondaryConstriant = secondaryConstriant; _otherColumns = otherColumns; InitializeComponent(); if (repository == null) { return; } cbxConsequence.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Consequence)); cbxConsequence.SelectedItem = secondaryConstriant.Consequence; //put the name of the secondary constraint into the header this.lblType.Text = SecondaryConstriant.GetType().Name; lblConsequence.Left = lblType.Right + 5; cbxConsequence.Left = lblConsequence.Right + 5; //work out what properties can be set on this constraint and create the relevant controls using reflection _requiredProperties = secondaryConstriant.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanRead && p.CanWrite && p.GetSetMethod(true).IsPublic && p.Name != "Name" &&//skip this one, it is Writeable in order to support XMLSerialization... p.Name != "Consequence" &&//skip this one because it is dealt with explicitly !p.IsDefined(typeof(HideOnValidationUI), true) ).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < _requiredProperties.Length; i++) { var currentRowPanel = new Panel(); currentRowPanel.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, tableLayoutPanel1.Width, rowHeight); currentRowPanel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; currentRowPanel.Margin = Padding.Empty; tableLayoutPanel1.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Inset; tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(currentRowPanel, 0, i + 1); Label lblName = new Label(); lblName.Text = _requiredProperties[i].Name; lblName.AutoSize = true; object currentValue = _requiredProperties[i].GetValue(SecondaryConstriant, null); //Hard Typed properties - Bool if (_requiredProperties[i].PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { CheckBox boolControl = new CheckBox(); boolControl.Text = _requiredProperties[i].Name; boolControl.Tag = i; boolControl.Checked = (bool)currentValue; boolControl.CheckStateChanged += (s, e) => _requiredProperties[(int)boolControl.Tag].SetValue(SecondaryConstriant, boolControl.Checked, null); currentRowPanel.Controls.Add(boolControl); } else if (_requiredProperties[i].PropertyType == typeof(PredictionRule)) //Hard Typed property PredictionRule { //for prediction rules fields ComboBox cbx = new ComboBox(); cbx.Items.AddRange(Validator.GetPredictionExtraTypes()); cbx.Items.Add(""); cbx.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cbx.DisplayMember = "Name"; cbx.Tag = i; cbx.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => _requiredProperties[(int)cbx.Tag].SetValue(SecondaryConstriant, cbx.SelectedItem is Type ? Activator.CreateInstance((Type)cbx.SelectedItem) : null); cbx.Width = 200; //The dropdown box is a list of Types but we are actually instantiating a value when user selects it (for XML Serialization). Consequently we must now get the Type for selection purposes if (currentValue != null) { cbx.SelectedItem = currentValue.GetType(); } currentRowPanel.Controls.Add(lblName); cbx.Left = lblName.Right + 5; currentRowPanel.Controls.Add(cbx); } else { //it's a value control (basically anything that can be represented by text (i.e. not a boolean)) Control valueControl; //if it is expects a column then create a dropdown box if (_requiredProperties[i].IsDefined(typeof(ExpectsColumnNameAsInput), true)) { //for column fields ComboBox cbx = new ComboBox(); cbx.Items.AddRange(_otherColumns); cbx.Items.Add(""); cbx.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cbx.Tag = i; cbx.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => _requiredProperties[(int)cbx.Tag].SetValue(SecondaryConstriant, Convert.ChangeType(cbx.SelectedItem, _requiredProperties[(int)cbx.Tag].PropertyType), null); cbx.Width = 350; valueControl = cbx; } else if (typeof(IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable).IsAssignableFrom(_requiredProperties[i].PropertyType))//it is a Catalogue type { ComboBox dd = new ComboBox(); dd.Tag = i; dd.Width = 350; dd.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems; dd.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest; var entities = _repository.GetAllObjects(_requiredProperties[i].PropertyType).ToArray(); if (!entities.Any()) { if (_requiredProperties[i].PropertyType == typeof(StandardRegex)) { MessageBox.Show("You currently do not have any standard regex concepts in your database. These can be created from the Table(Advanced) collection.", "No StandardRegex configured in your Catalogue"); } else { MessageBox.Show("You currently do not have any " + _requiredProperties[i].PropertyType + " in your database", "Catalogue Entity Collection Empty"); } } else { dd.Items.Add("<<Clear>>"); dd.Items.AddRange(entities); dd.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => _requiredProperties[(int)dd.Tag].SetValue(SecondaryConstriant, dd.SelectedItem as IMapsDirectlyToDatabaseTable, null); } //See if it has a value IRevertable v = _requiredProperties[i].GetValue(SecondaryConstriant, null) as IRevertable; //It has a value, this is a dropdown control right here though so if the revertable state out of date then it means someone else made a change to the database while we were picking columns if (v != null) { v.RevertToDatabaseState(); } valueControl = dd; } else //otherwise create a textbox { //for string fields valueControl = new TextBox(); //if they edit this then write it to the SecondaryConstraint... we can't put i in directly because it goes out of scope so instead we stuff it into Tag and then //get it back at delegate execution time when they change the text. valueControl.Tag = i; valueControl.TextChanged += setTextOrParseableProperty; if (_requiredProperties[i].IsDefined(typeof(ExpectsLotsOfText), true)) { valueControl.Width = 300; } } if (currentValue != null) { valueControl.Text = _requiredProperties[i].GetValue(SecondaryConstriant, null).ToString().Replace("00:00:00", ""); } currentRowPanel.Controls.Add(lblName); valueControl.Left = lblName.Right + 5; currentRowPanel.Controls.Add(valueControl); } var desc = _requiredProperties[i].GetCustomAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>(); if (desc != null) { var lbl = new Label(); lbl.AutoSize = true; lbl.Text = desc.Description; lbl.Font = new Font(lbl.Font, FontStyle.Italic); //make some space for it inflation += lbl.Height - 7; lbl.Top = rowHeight - 7; currentRowPanel.Controls.Add(lbl); currentRowPanel.Height = rowHeight + lbl.Height; } } //first row tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles[0].SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize; Height = (_requiredProperties.Length * rowHeight) + 35 + inflation; loadingComplete = true; }
/// <summary> /// Bake the Mecanim preview data. /// </summary> public void Bake() { if (Actor == null || Application.isPlaying) { return; } Animator animator = Actor.GetComponent <Animator>(); if (animator == null) { return; } List <RevertInfo> revertCache = new List <RevertInfo>(); // Build the cache of revert info. foreach (MonoBehaviour mb in this.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>()) { IRevertable revertable = mb as IRevertable; if (revertable != null) { revertCache.AddRange(revertable.CacheState()); } } Vector3 position = Actor.transform.localPosition; Quaternion rotation = Actor.transform.localRotation; Vector3 scale = Actor.transform.localScale; float frameRate = 30; int frameCount = (int)((Cutscene.Duration * frameRate) + 2); animator.StopPlayback(); animator.recorderStartTime = 0; animator.StartRecording(frameCount); base.SetRunningTime(0); for (int i = 0; i < frameCount - 1; i++) { foreach (TimelineTrack track in GetTracks()) { if (!(track is DialogueTrack)) { track.UpdateTrack(i * (1.0f / frameRate), (1.0f / frameRate)); } } animator.Update(1.0f / frameRate); } animator.recorderStopTime = frameCount * (1.0f / frameRate); animator.StopRecording(); animator.StartPlayback(); hasBeenBaked = true; // Return the Actor to his initial position. Actor.transform.localPosition = position; Actor.transform.localRotation = rotation; Actor.transform.localScale = scale; foreach (RevertInfo revertable in revertCache) { if (revertable != null) { if ((revertable.EditorRevert == RevertMode.Revert && !Application.isPlaying) || (revertable.RuntimeRevert == RevertMode.Revert && Application.isPlaying)) { revertable.Revert(); } } } base.Initialize(); }
protected virtual void OnUndo(IRevertable revertable) { }
/// <summary> /// Bake the Mecanim preview data. /// </summary> public void Bake() { #if PROFILE_FILE Profiler.BeginSample("CharacterTrackGroup.Bake"); #endif // PROFILE_FILE if (Actor == null || Application.isPlaying) { #if PROFILE_FILE Profiler.EndSample(); #endif // PROFILE_FILE return; } Animator animator = Actor.GetComponent <Animator>(); if (animator == null) { #if PROFILE_FILE Profiler.EndSample(); #endif // PROFILE_FILE return; } List <RevertInfo> revertCache = new List <RevertInfo>(); // Build the cache of revert info. var comps = this.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>(); for (var i = 0; i < comps.Length; ++i) { MonoBehaviour mb = comps[i]; IRevertable revertable = mb as IRevertable; if (revertable != null) { revertCache.AddRange(revertable.CacheState()); } } Vector3 position = Actor.transform.localPosition; Quaternion rotation = Actor.transform.localRotation; Vector3 scale = Actor.transform.localScale; float frameRate = 30; int frameCount = (int)((Cutscene.Duration * frameRate) + 2); animator.StopPlayback(); animator.recorderStartTime = 0; animator.StartRecording(frameCount); base.SetRunningTime(0); for (int i = 0; i < frameCount - 1; i++) { var tracks = GetTracks(); for (int j = 0; j < tracks.Length; ++j) { TimelineTrack track = tracks[j]; if (!(track is DialogueTrack)) { track.UpdateTrack(i * (1.0f / frameRate), (1.0f / frameRate)); } } animator.Update(1.0f / frameRate); } animator.recorderStopTime = frameCount * (1.0f / frameRate); animator.StopRecording(); animator.StartPlayback(); hasBeenBaked = true; // Return the Actor to his initial position. Actor.transform.localPosition = position; Actor.transform.localRotation = rotation; Actor.transform.localScale = scale; for (int i = 0; i < revertCache.Count; ++i) { RevertInfo revertable = revertCache[i]; if (revertable != null) { if ((revertable.EditorRevert == RevertMode.Revert && !Application.isPlaying) || (revertable.RuntimeRevert == RevertMode.Revert && Application.isPlaying)) { revertable.Revert(); } } } base.Initialize(); #if PROFILE_FILE Profiler.EndSample(); #endif // PROFILE_FILE }
protected virtual void OnSubmitUndoable(IRevertable revertable) { }
protected override void OnUndo(IRevertable revertable) { }
public DoubleRevertable(IRevertable first, IRevertable second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; }
protected override void OnSubmitUndoable(IRevertable revertable) { }
/// <summary> /// Bake the Mecanim preview data. /// </summary> public void Bake() { if (Actor == null || Application.isPlaying) { return; } Animator animator = Actor.GetComponent <Animator>(); if (animator == null) { return; } List <RevertInfo> revertCache = new List <RevertInfo>(); { var __array1 = this.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>(); var __arrayLength1 = __array1.Length; for (int __i1 = 0; __i1 < __arrayLength1; ++__i1) { var mb = (MonoBehaviour)__array1[__i1]; { IRevertable revertable = mb as IRevertable; if (revertable != null) { revertCache.AddRange(revertable.CacheState()); } } } } Vector3 position = Actor.transform.localPosition; Quaternion rotation = Actor.transform.localRotation; Vector3 scale = Actor.transform.localScale; float frameRate = 30; int frameCount = (int)((Cutscene.Duration * frameRate) + 2); animator.StopPlayback(); animator.recorderStartTime = 0; animator.StartRecording(frameCount); base.SetRunningTime(0); for (int i = 0; i < frameCount - 1; i++) { { var __array2 = GetTracks(); var __arrayLength2 = __array2.Length; for (int __i2 = 0; __i2 < __arrayLength2; ++__i2) { var track = (TimelineTrack)__array2[__i2]; { if (!(track is DialogueTrack)) { track.UpdateTrack(i * (1.0f / frameRate), (1.0f / frameRate)); } } } } animator.Update(1.0f / frameRate); } animator.recorderStopTime = frameCount * (1.0f / frameRate); animator.StopRecording(); animator.StartPlayback(); hasBeenBaked = true; // Return the Actor to his initial position. Actor.transform.localPosition = position; Actor.transform.localRotation = rotation; Actor.transform.localScale = scale; { var __list3 = revertCache; var __listCount3 = __list3.Count; for (int __i3 = 0; __i3 < __listCount3; ++__i3) { var revertable = (RevertInfo)__list3[__i3]; { if (revertable != null) { if ((revertable.EditorRevert == RevertMode.Revert && !Application.isPlaying) || (revertable.RuntimeRevert == RevertMode.Revert && Application.isPlaying)) { revertable.Revert(); } } } } } base.Initialize(); }
public void StartTransformAction(AbstractTransformAction transformAction, int part = -1, IRevertable revertable = null) { if (revertable != null) { BeginUndoCollection(); AddToUndo(revertable); } if (part != -1) { HoveredPart = part; ExclusiveAction = transformAction; } else { CurrentAction = transformAction; } }
public void StartTransformAction(LocalOrientation localOrientation, DragActionType dragActionType, int part = -1, IRevertable revertable = null) { AbstractTransformAction transformAction; Vector3 pivot; draggingDepth = control.PickingDepth; if (part != -1) { pivot = localOrientation.Origin; } else { BoundingBox box = BoundingBox.Default; foreach (IEditableObject obj in GetObjects()) { obj.GetSelectionBox(ref box); } pivot = box.GetCenter(); if (box == BoundingBox.Default) { return; } } switch (dragActionType) { case DragActionType.TRANSLATE: transformAction = new TranslateAction(control, control.GetMousePos(), pivot, draggingDepth); break; case DragActionType.ROTATE: transformAction = new RotateAction(control, control.GetMousePos(), pivot, draggingDepth); break; case DragActionType.SCALE: transformAction = new ScaleAction(control, control.GetMousePos(), pivot); break; case DragActionType.SCALE_INDIVIDUAL: transformAction = new ScaleActionIndividual(control, control.GetMousePos(), localOrientation); break; default: return; } StartTransformAction(transformAction, part, revertable); }
/// <summary> /// Bake the Mecanim preview data. /// </summary> public void Bake() { if (Actor == null || Application.isPlaying) { return; } Animator animator = Actor.GetComponent <Animator>(); if (animator == null) { return; } AnimatorCullingMode cullingData = animator.cullingMode; animator.cullingMode = AnimatorCullingMode.AlwaysAnimate; List <RevertInfo> revertCache = new List <RevertInfo>(); // Build the cache of revert info. MonoBehaviour[] mb = this.GetComponentsInChildren <MonoBehaviour>(); for (int i = 0; i < mb.Length; i++) { IRevertable revertable = mb[i] as IRevertable; if (revertable != null) { revertCache.AddRange(revertable.CacheState()); } } Vector3 position = Actor.transform.localPosition; Quaternion rotation = Actor.transform.localRotation; Vector3 scale = Actor.transform.localScale; Cutscene cutScene = GetCutScene(); float frameRate = 30; int frameCount = (int)((cutScene.Duration * frameRate) + 2); animator.StopPlayback(); animator.recorderStartTime = 0; animator.StartRecording(frameCount); base.SetRunningTime(0); for (int i = 0; i < frameCount - 1; i++) { List <TimelineTrack> tracks = GetTracks(); for (int j = 0; j < tracks.Count; j++) { tracks[j].UpdateTrack(i * (1.0f / frameRate), (1.0f / frameRate)); } animator.Update(1.0f / frameRate); } animator.recorderStopTime = frameCount * (1.0f / frameRate); animator.StopRecording(); animator.StartPlayback(); hasBeenBaked = true; // Return the Actor to his initial position. Actor.transform.localPosition = position; Actor.transform.localRotation = rotation; Actor.transform.localScale = scale; for (int i = 0; i < revertCache.Count; i++) { RevertInfo revertable = revertCache[i]; if (revertable != null) { if ((revertable.EditorRevert == RevertMode.Revert && !Application.isPlaying) || (revertable.RuntimeRevert == RevertMode.Revert && Application.isPlaying)) { revertable.Revert(); } } } animator.cullingMode = cullingData; base.Initialize(); }
public RevertedEventArgs(IRevertable revertable) { Revertable = revertable; }
public void AppendOperation(IRevertable revertable) { Operations.Add(revertable); Save(); }