コード例 #1
        public void RegisterCollector <TResult>(IResultCollector collector)
            List <IResultCollector> collectors;
            var resultType = typeof(TResult);

            if (!_collectorMap.TryGetValue(resultType, out collectors))
                collectors = new List <IResultCollector>();


            _collectorMap[resultType] = collectors;
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
                CacheFactory cacheFactory = CacheFactory.CreateCacheFactory();

                Cache cache = cacheFactory.SetSubscriptionEnabled(true).AddServer("localhost", 50505).AddServer("localhost", 40404).Create();

                Console.WriteLine("Created the Geode Cache");
                IRegion <string, string> region = cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.CACHING_PROXY).Create <string, string>("partition_region");
                Console.WriteLine("Created the Region");


                for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++)
                    region["KEY--" + i] = "VALUE--" + i;

                object[] routingObj = new object[17];
                int      j          = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                    routingObj[j] = "KEY--" + i;
                Console.WriteLine("routingObj count= {0}.", routingObj.Length);

                bool args0 = true;
                //test data dependant function execution
                //test get function with result
                Execution <object> exc = FunctionService <object> .OnRegion <string, string>(region);

                IResultCollector <object> rc = exc.WithArgs <bool>(args0).WithFilter <object>(routingObj).Execute(getFuncName);
                ICollection <object>      executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();

                List <object> resultList = new List <object>();
                foreach (List <object> item in executeFunctionResult)
                    foreach (object subitem in item)

                Console.WriteLine("on region: result count= {0}.", resultList.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < resultList.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("on region:get:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (string)resultList[i]);

                //test date independant fucntion execution on one server
                //test get function with result
                exc = FunctionService <object> .OnServer(cache);

                ArrayList args1 = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < routingObj.Length; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("routingObj[{0}]={1}.", i, (string)routingObj[i]);
                rc = exc.WithArgs <ArrayList>(args1).Execute(getFuncIName);
                executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();
                Console.WriteLine("on one server: result count= {0}.", executeFunctionResult.Count);
                List <object> resultList1 = new List <object>();

                foreach (List <object> item in executeFunctionResult)
                    foreach (object subitem in item)
                if (resultList1.Count != 17)
                    Console.WriteLine("result count check failed on one server:get:");
                for (int i = 0; i < resultList1.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("on one server:get:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (string)resultList1[i]);

                //test date independant fucntion execution on all servers
                //test get function with result
                exc = FunctionService <object> .OnServers(cache);

                rc = exc.WithArgs <ArrayList>(args1).Execute(getFuncIName);
                executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();
                Console.WriteLine("on all servers: result count= {0}.", executeFunctionResult.Count);

                List <object> resultList2 = new List <object>();

                foreach (List <object> item in executeFunctionResult)
                    foreach (object subitem in item)

                if (resultList2.Count != 34)
                    Console.WriteLine("result count check failed on all servers");
                for (int i = 0; i < resultList2.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("on all servers:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (string)resultList2[i]);

                // Close the Geode Cache.

                Console.WriteLine("Closed the Geode Cache");
            // An exception should not occur
            catch (GeodeException gfex)
                Console.WriteLine("ExecuteFunctions Geode Exception: {0}", gfex.Message);
コード例 #3
        void runWithUserRoot(Cache cache)
            Console.WriteLine("Created the Region Programmatically. 0");
            //user "root" 's credential
            Properties <string, object> credentials = Properties <string, object> .Create <string, object>();

            //user = "******" has permission to do put/get both
            credentials.Insert("security-username", "root");
            credentials.Insert("security-password", "root");

            Console.WriteLine("Created the Region Programmatically. 1");
            // Create user cache by passing credentials
            IRegionService userCache1 = cache.CreateAuthenticatedView(credentials);

            Console.WriteLine("Created the Region Programmatically. 2");
            // Create region using usercache
            IRegion <string, string> userRegion1 = userCache1.GetRegion <string, string>("partition_region");

            //doing operation on behalf of user "root"
            userRegion1["key-1"] = "val-1";

            string result = userRegion1["key-1"];

            //to execute function on server
            Execution <object> exc = FunctionService <object> .OnServer(userCache1);

            ArrayList args1 = new ArrayList();


            IResultCollector <object> rc = exc.WithArgs <ArrayList>(args1).Execute(getFuncIName);
            ICollection <object>      executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();

            Console.WriteLine("on one server: result count= {0}.", executeFunctionResult.Count);

            List <object> resultList1 = new List <object>();

            foreach (List <object> item in executeFunctionResult)
                foreach (object subitem in item)

            for (int i = 0; i < resultList1.Count; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("on one server:get:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (string)resultList1[i]);

            //to execute Query

            // Get the QueryService from the Cache.
            QueryService <string, string> qrySvc = userCache1.GetQueryService <string, string>();

            Console.WriteLine("Got the QueryService from the user Cache");

            // Execute a Query which returns a ResultSet.
            Query <string>          qry     = qrySvc.NewQuery("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /partition_region");
            ISelectResults <string> results = qry.Execute();

            Console.WriteLine("ResultSet Query returned {0} rows", results.Size);


            Console.WriteLine("User root done put/get ops successfully");
コード例 #4
        public void OnServerHAStepOne()
            Region region = CacheHelper.GetVerifyRegion <object, object>(QERegionName);

            for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++)
                region["KEY--" + i] = "VALUE--" + i;

            object[] routingObj = new object[17];

            ArrayList args1 = new ArrayList();

            int j = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                routingObj[j] = "KEY--" + i;
            Util.Log("routingObj count= {0}.", routingObj.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < routingObj.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("routingObj[{0}]={1}.", i, (string)routingObj[i]);

            //test data independant function execution with result onServer
            Pool /*<TKey, TValue>*/ pool = CacheHelper.DCache.GetPoolManager().Find(poolName);

            Apache.Geode.Client.Execution <object> exc = FunctionService <object> .OnServer(pool);

            Assert.IsTrue(exc != null, "onServer Returned NULL");

            IResultCollector <object> rc = exc.WithArgs <ArrayList>(args1).Execute(OnServerHAExceptionFunction, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));

            ICollection <object> executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();

            List <object> resultList = new List <object>();

            Console.WriteLine("executeFunctionResult.Length = {0}", executeFunctionResult.Count);

            foreach (List <object> item in executeFunctionResult)
                foreach (object item2 in item)

            Util.Log("on region: result count= {0}.", resultList.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue(resultList.Count == 17, "result count check failed");
            for (int i = 0; i < resultList.Count; i++)
                Util.Log("on region:get:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (string)resultList[i]);
                Assert.IsTrue(((string)resultList[i]) != null, "onServer Returned NULL");

            rc = exc.WithArgs <ArrayList>(args1).Execute(OnServerHAShutdownFunction, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));

            ICollection <object> executeFunctionResult1 = rc.GetResult();

            List <object> resultList1 = new List <object>();

            foreach (List <object> item in executeFunctionResult1)
                foreach (object item2 in item)

            Util.Log("on region: result count= {0}.", resultList1.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("resultList1.Count = {0}", resultList1.Count);

            Assert.IsTrue(resultList1.Count == 17, "result count check failed");
            for (int i = 0; i < resultList1.Count; i++)
                Util.Log("on region:get:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (string)resultList1[i]);
                Assert.IsTrue(((string)resultList1[i]) != null, "onServer Returned NULL");

            // Bring down the region
コード例 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Create CacheFactory using the settings from the gfcpp.properties file by default.
                CacheFactory cacheFactory = CacheFactory.CreateCacheFactory();

                Cache cache = cacheFactory.SetSubscriptionEnabled(true)
                              .AddServer("localhost", 40404)
                              .AddServer("localhost", 50505)

                Console.WriteLine("Created the GemFire Cache");

                Region region = cache.CreateRegionFactory(RegionShortcut.CACHING_PROXY)

                Console.WriteLine("Created the partition_region.");

                for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++)
                    region.Put("KEY--" + i, "VALUE--" + i);

                IGFSerializable[] routingObj = new IGFSerializable[17];
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++)
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                    routingObj[j] = new CacheableString("KEY--" + i);
                Console.WriteLine("routingObj count= {0}.", routingObj.Length);

                //test data dependant function execution
                //     test get function with result
                Boolean          getResult = true;
                IGFSerializable  args0     = new CacheableBoolean(true);
                Execution        exc       = FunctionService.OnRegion(region);
                IResultCollector rc        = exc.WithArgs(args0).WithFilter(routingObj).Execute(
                    getFuncName, getResult);
                IGFSerializable[] executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();
                Console.WriteLine("on region: result count= {0}.", executeFunctionResult.Length);

                List <IGFSerializable> resultList = new List <IGFSerializable>();

                for (int pos = 0; pos < executeFunctionResult.Length; pos++)
                    CacheableArrayList resultItem = executeFunctionResult[pos] as CacheableArrayList;
                    foreach (IGFSerializable item in resultItem)
                Console.WriteLine("on region: result count= {0}.", resultList.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < resultList.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("on region:get:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (resultList[i] as CacheableString).Value);

                getResult = true;
                //test date independant fucntion execution on one server
                //     test get function with result
                exc = FunctionService.OnServer(cache);
                CacheableVector args1 = new  CacheableVector();
                for (int i = 0; i < routingObj.Length; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("routingObj[{0}]={1}.", i, (routingObj[i] as CacheableString).Value);
                rc = exc.WithArgs(args1).Execute(
                    getFuncIName, getResult);
                executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();
                Console.WriteLine("on one server: result count= {0}.", executeFunctionResult.Length);

                List <IGFSerializable> resultList1 = new List <IGFSerializable>();
                for (int pos = 0; pos < executeFunctionResult.Length; pos++)
                    CacheableArrayList resultItem = executeFunctionResult[pos] as CacheableArrayList;
                    foreach (IGFSerializable item in resultItem)

                for (int i = 0; i < resultList1.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("on one server:get:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (resultList1[i] as CacheableString).Value);

                //test date independant fucntion execution on all servers
                //     test get function with result
                exc = FunctionService.OnServers(cache);
                rc  = exc.WithArgs(args1).Execute(getFuncIName, getResult);
                executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();
                Console.WriteLine("on all servers: result count= {0}.", executeFunctionResult.Length);

                List <IGFSerializable> resultList2 = new List <IGFSerializable>();
                for (int pos = 0; pos < executeFunctionResult.Length; pos++)
                    CacheableArrayList resultItem = executeFunctionResult[pos] as CacheableArrayList;
                    foreach (IGFSerializable item in resultItem)
                if (resultList2.Count != 34)
                    Console.WriteLine("result count check failed on all servers");
                for (int i = 0; i < resultList2.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("on all servers:result[{0}]={1}.", i, (resultList2[i] as CacheableString).Value);

                //test withCollector
                MyResultCollector myRC = new MyResultCollector();
                rc = exc.WithArgs(args1).WithCollector(myRC).Execute(getFuncIName, getResult);
                executeFunctionResult = rc.GetResult();
                Console.WriteLine("add result count= {0}.", myRC.GetAddResultCount());
                Console.WriteLine("get result count= {0}.", myRC.GetGetResultCount());
                Console.WriteLine("end result count= {0}.", myRC.GetEndResultCount());
                Console.WriteLine("on all servers with collector: result count= {0}.", executeFunctionResult.Length);

                // Close the GemFire Cache.

                Console.WriteLine("Closed the GemFire Cache");
            // An exception should not occur
            catch (GemFireException gfex)
                Console.WriteLine("ExecuteFunctions GemFire Exception: {0}", gfex.Message);