public void display(IReport report) { var the_active_report = report.downcast_to<ActiveReport>(); the_active_report.Run(); ux_report_viewer.Document = the_active_report.Document; titled(; }
public void CreateReport() { m_Report = ReportFactory.Create(m_Config.Format, m_Config.Output, m_Config.Layout, m_Config.Template, m_Config.ConfigParams); foreach (PwGroup group in m_Config.Groups) { m_Report.AddGroup(GetGroupPath(group)); foreach (PwEntry entry in group.Entries) { string[] data = new string[m_Config.Layout.Count]; bool rowEnabled = true; for (int i = 0; i < m_Config.Layout.Count; i++) { data[i] = m_Config.Layout[i].EvaluateString(entry); if (m_Config.Layout[i].Filter.Enabled) if (!m_Config.Layout[i].Filter.Evaluate(data[i])) { rowEnabled = false; break; } } if (rowEnabled) m_Report.AddRow(data); } } if (ReportDoneEvent != null) ReportDoneEvent(this, null); m_Report.Close(); }
private ActionResult PrepareFileResult(IReport report, string ext, bool download, byte[] renderedBytes, ReportRegistry.Report reportInfo) { string fileDownloadName; var customFileName = report as ICustomFileName; if (customFileName != null) fileDownloadName = customFileName.GetFileName(); else fileDownloadName = (reportInfo.Title ?? reportInfo.Key) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHss"); fileDownloadName += "." + ext; if (download) { return new FileContentResult(renderedBytes, "application/octet-stream") { FileDownloadName = fileDownloadName }; } var cd = new ContentDisposition { Inline = true, FileName = fileDownloadName }; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", cd.ToString()); return File(renderedBytes, UploadHelper.GetMimeType(fileDownloadName)); }
public EasilyReportLog(string reportExportMode, string objType, string logFileName, IReport rpt) { mReportExportMode = reportExportMode; mObjType = objType; mLogFileName = logFileName; report = rpt; }
private static void Process(IReport report) { string requesterName = report.UserName; string requesterEmail = report.Email ?? "*****@*****.**"; string uploadToken = UploadFile(report.Attachment); string body = "{\"ticket\":{"; body += string.Format("\"subject\": \"{0}\",", Correct(report.Title)); body += Comment(report.Body, uploadToken); body += string.Format("\"requester\": {{\"name\": \"{0}\", \"email\": \"{1}\"}}," , Correct(requesterName), Correct(requesterEmail)); body += string.Format("\"type\": \"{0}\",", report.Type == ReportType.Feedback ? "question" : "incident"); body += string.Format("\"priority\": \"{0}\",", report.Type == ReportType.Crash ? "urgent" : "high"); string tags = "\"tags\": ["; for (int i = 0; i < report.Tags.Length; i++) tags += string.Format("{0}\"{1}\"", i == 0 ? "" : ", ", Correct(report.Tags[i])); tags += "]"; body += tags; body += "}}"; PostRequest(Url + "/api/v2/tickets.json", "application/json", body); }
public IEnumerable<DataCollection> Grab(IReport report) { // define appropriate Cursor for current Report var cursor = _cursorSelector.DefineCursor(report); if (cursor == null) throw new ReportFormatException(); // define appropriate Mapping for current Report from _mappings list var mapping = _mappings.FirstOrDefault(m => { try { return cursor.CheckCondition(m.Match); } catch { return false; } }); if (mapping == null) throw new MappingNotFoundException(); var result = new List<DataCollection>(); while (cursor.MoveNext(mapping.Range)) { // define if current position should be skipped if (mapping.Rules != null) if (mapping.Rules.Any(r => r.Name.ToLower() == "skip" && cursor.CheckCondition(r.Condition))) continue; // get the DataCollection for all the Fields in the Mapping var collection = new DataCollection(mapping.Fields.Select(f => this.GetDataFromField(cursor, f))); if (collection.Values != null && collection.Values.Count > 0) result.Add(collection); } return result; }
public ICursor DefineCursor(IReport report) { ICursor result = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(report.Filename)) { // first, try to define the Cursor by file extension if (report.Filename.EndsWith(".xlsx", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // try to define Cursor by file extension (.xlsx => Excel 2007) if ((result = this.TryExcel2007(report.Data)) != null) return result; } else if (report.Filename.EndsWith(".xls", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // try to define Cursor by file extension (.xls => Excel 2003) if ((result = this.TryExcel2003(report.Data)) != null) return result; } } // if the Cursor is not defined yet than we should loop for all available Cursors if ((result = this.TryExcel2003(report.Data)) != null) return result; if ((result = this.TryExcel2007(report.Data)) != null) return result; return null; }
public Task<bool> SendReport(IReport report) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); if (MFMailComposeViewController.CanSendMail) { var c = new MFMailComposeViewController(); c.SetSubject(report.Title); c.SetToRecipients(new[] {_settings.DevelopersEmail}); c.SetMessageBody(report.Body, false); NSData data = new NSString(report.Attachment).DataUsingEncoding(NSStringEncoding.UTF8); c.AddAttachmentData(data, "text/xml", "info.xml"); _application.RootController.PresentViewController(c, true, null); c.Finished += (sender, e) => { tcs.SetResult(e.Result == MFMailComposeResult.Sent); e.Controller.DismissViewController(true, null); }; } else { var alert = new UIAlertView("Cannot send report", "E-mail messages not allowed", null, "OK"); alert.Clicked += (sender, args) => tcs.SetResult(false); alert.Show(); } return tcs.Task; }
public LocalPackageRepository(string physicalPath, IReport report, bool enableCaching) : this(new DefaultPackagePathResolver(physicalPath), new PhysicalFileSystem(physicalPath), report, enableCaching) { }
public HttpSource( string baseUri, string userName, string password, IReport report) { _baseUri = baseUri + (baseUri.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/"); _userName = userName; _password = password; _report = report; var proxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxy)) { #if NET45 _client = new HttpClient(); #else _client = new HttpClient(new Microsoft.Net.Http.Client.ManagedHandler()); #endif } else { // To use an authenticated proxy, the proxy address should be in the form of // "http://*****:*****" var proxyUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(proxy); #if NET45 var webProxy = new WebProxy(proxy); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUriBuilder.UserName)) { // If no credentials were specified we use default credentials webProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } else { ICredentials credentials = new NetworkCredential(proxyUriBuilder.UserName, proxyUriBuilder.Password); webProxy.Credentials = credentials; } var handler = new HttpClientHandler { Proxy = webProxy, UseProxy = true }; _client = new HttpClient(handler); #else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUriBuilder.UserName)) { _proxyUserName = proxyUriBuilder.UserName; _proxyPassword = proxyUriBuilder.Password; } _client = new HttpClient(new Microsoft.Net.Http.Client.ManagedHandler() { ProxyAddress = new Uri(proxy) }); #endif } }
public fmEasilyReportDesigner(IReport rpt, IDesignerHost designerHost) { InitializeComponent(); designReport = rpt; tempReport = rpt.Copy(); componentChangeService = designerHost.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)) as IComponentChangeService; }
public string PrintReport(IReport report) { var output = string.Format("##teamcity[buildStatus text='{{build.status.text}}, Build warnings: {0} ({1} unique)']\r\n", report.TotalEntriesCount, report.UniqueEntriesCount); output += string.Format("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='BuildWarnings' value='{0}']\r\n", report.TotalEntriesCount); output += string.Format("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='BuildWarningsUnique' value='{0}']\r\n", report.UniqueEntriesCount); return output; }
public Robot(CommandSet commandSet, IReport reporter, Location bottomLeftBound, Location topRightBound) { _commandSet = commandSet; _reporter = reporter; _bottomLeftBound = bottomLeftBound; _topRightBound = topRightBound; Position = _commandSet.StartPosition; }
/// <summary> /// Generates a report filled with the content supplied by <paramref name="report"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="report">Specifies the report model.</param> public void Generate(IReport report) { var contentBuilder = CreateContent(report); _fileWriter.Write( string.Concat(report.ReflectedAssembly, ".txt"), writer => writer.Write(contentBuilder.ToString())); }
public fmPictureView(IReport rpt, int index) { InitializeComponent(); = rpt; this.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("fmPictureView"); this.pictureBox.Image =[index].Image; }
public void AddReport(IReport report) { if (GetReport(report.Manufacturer, report.Model) != null) { throw new DuplicateEntryException(Constants.DUPLICATE); } Reports.Add(report); }
public void Notify(IReport report) { IReportObserver observer; foreach (Object obj in _observers) { observer = (IReportObserver)obj; observer.Update(report); } }
/// <summary> /// The contructor function of frmProgress /// </summary> /// <param name="title">The title of the form</param> /// <param name="reportExport">The reportExport component to use</param> public fmProgress(string title, IReportExport reportExport, IReport rpt) { InitializeComponent(); iReportExport = reportExport; td = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Begin)); execSuccess = false; = rpt; }
public void AddReport(IReport report) { if (this.Reports.Contains(report)) { throw new DuplicateEntryException(Constants.DuplicateEntry); } this.Reports.Add(report); }
public PackageFolder( string physicalPath, IReport report) { _repository = new LocalPackageRepository(physicalPath) { Report = report }; _report = report; }
public fmReportExport(IReport rpt) { InitializeComponent(); designReport = rpt; tempReport = rpt.Copy(); //ERptMultiLanguage.clientLanguageNum = 0; InitLanguage(); InitComponentValue(); }
public void AddReport(IReport report) { string key = this.ConcatStrings(report.Manufacturer, report.Model); if (this.Reports.ContainsKey(key)) { throw new DuplicateEntryException(Constants.Duplicate); } this.Reports.Add(key, report); }
public static IReport CreateModel(IReport r) { return new { ReportID = (uint)r.ReportID, ReportName = System.Enum.GetName(typeof(ReportType), r.ReportID), Report = GetReport(r), ParametersView = GetParametersViewName((ReportType)r.ReportID), SerializedChild = r.SerializedChild, FilterString = r.FilterString }.ActLike<IReport>(); }
public ProfiledVirtualUserNetwork(RequestCommand command) : base(command) { if (command.Reporting == null) command.Reporting = Report.Null; totalRequests = command.Requests.Count; report = command.Reporting; period = new ConcurrentBag<ProfileItem>(); periodPending = new ConcurrentDictionary<IRestRequest, RequestItem>(); signal = new AutoResetEvent(false); }
/// <summary> /// Transforms the specified report into a pre-determined format and /// then stores the output in the stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="report">The report.</param> /// <param name="fileWriter"> /// The delegate that is used to write the given stream to a file /// with the specified name. /// </param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown when <paramref name="report"/> is <see langword="null" />. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown when <paramref name="fileWriter"/> is <see langword="null" />. /// </exception> public void Transform(IReport report, Action<string, Stream> fileWriter) { { Lokad.Enforce.Argument(() => report); Lokad.Enforce.Argument(() => fileWriter); } var reportSection = CreateReportSectionXml(report); var reportTemplate = EmbeddedResourceExtracter.LoadEmbeddedTextFile( Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), @"Sherlock.Shared.Core.Reporting.Templates.ReportTemplate.xml"); var builder = new StringBuilder(reportTemplate); { builder.Replace(@"${REPORT_VERSION}$", "1.0"); builder.Replace(@"${HOST_NAME}$", EscapeTextForUseInXml(report.Header.HostName)); builder.Replace(@"${USER_NAME}$", EscapeTextForUseInXml(report.Header.UserName)); builder.Replace(@"${SHERLOCK_VERSION}$", EscapeTextForUseInXml(report.Header.SherlockVersion.ToString())); // Write the time in a round-trip fashion. Specify the 'o' formatter for this builder.Replace(@"${TEST_START_TIME}$", EscapeTextForUseInXml(report.Header.StartTime.ToString("o", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); builder.Replace(@"${TEST_END_TIME}$", EscapeTextForUseInXml(report.Header.EndTime.ToString("o", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); builder.Replace(@"${PRODUCT_NAME}$", EscapeTextForUseInXml(report.Header.ProductName)); builder.Replace(@"${PRODUCT_VERSION}$", EscapeTextForUseInXml(report.Header.ProductVersion.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); builder.Replace(@"${DESCRIPTION}$", EscapeTextForUseInXml(report.Header.Description)); builder.Replace(@"${TEST_RESULT}$", DetermineTestPassOrFail(report)); builder.Replace(@"${TEST_SECTIONS}$", reportSection); } // Write the data to an internal stream first. We do this because the // StreamWriter will close the stream when it gets disposed. When that happens // we won't be able to do anything with the output stream anymore (the stream // data will be flushed but that's no good if we're working with a memory stream). var resultStream = new MemoryStream(); var internalStream = new MemoryStream(); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(internalStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { writer.Write(builder.ToString()); writer.Flush(); // Reset the stream position so that we can pump it. internalStream.Position = 0; internalStream.CopyTo(resultStream); resultStream.Position = 0; } fileWriter("", resultStream); }
public fmSaveAsTemplate(IReport report, bool designTime) { InitializeComponent(); dbGateway = new DBGateway(report); if (!designTime) { btOK.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("btOK"); btCancel.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("btCancel"); this.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("fmSaveAsTemplate"); lbFileName.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("lbTemplateName"); } }
private static string CreateContent(IReport report) { var reportBuilder = new StringBuilder(); WriteHeader(report, reportBuilder); foreach (var concern in report) { WriteConcern(concern, reportBuilder); } return reportBuilder.ToString(); }
//private List<DictionaryEntry> pictureList = new List<DictionaryEntry>(); //private DataTable dtImageList; public fmPictures(IReport rpt) { InitializeComponent(); #region Init Language this.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("fmPictures"); this.btAdd.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("btAdd"); this.btRemove.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("btRemove"); this.btChange.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("btChange"); this.btSelect.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("btSelect"); this.lbPictures.Text = ERptMultiLanguage.GetLanValue("lbPictures"); #endregion = rpt; }
public void FootTheBill(IInvoice invoice) { if (clients.Find(x=> x.Name == invoice.Patient.Name)!=null) { report = new Report() { Id = invoice.Id, Date = DateTime.Now, Status = true }; Console.WriteLine("The bill is paid"); if (Report != null) { Report(this, new ReportEventArgs(report)); } } else { report = new Report() { Id = invoice.Id, Date = DateTime.Now, Status = false }; Console.WriteLine("The invoice is not paid, we do not have such a client"); if (Report != null) { Report(this, new ReportEventArgs(report)); } } }
public PdfReportExporter(IReport rpt, ExportMode eMode, bool dMode) { report = rpt; exportMode = eMode; designMode = dMode; log = new EasilyReportLog("Pdf Report", this.GetType().FullName, LogFileInfo.logFileName, rpt); if (rpt.Format.PageHeight != 0.0) { exportByHeight = true; } else { exportByHeight = false; } }
protected override void SetDocumentSource(IReport report) { DocumentViewer.DocumentSource = report; DocumentViewer.ZoomMode = ZoomMode; }
static async Task MainAsync() { IList <WikimediaEntity> files = new List <WikimediaEntity>(); SearchFiles = new SearchFiles(); DownloadMultipleFiles = new DownloadMultipleFiles(); DecompressFiles = new DecompressFiles(); ProccessData = new ProccessData(); Report = new Report(); //var folderDetails = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); files = SearchFiles.GetLastFiles(3); var resultDownload = await DownloadMultipleFiles.DownloadMultipleFilesAsync(files); DecompressFiles.DecompressFilesByExtension(".gz"); Console.WriteLine("Procesando información , espere un momento por favor"); var data = await ProccessData.ProcessDataByDomainLanguage(resultDownload); var reportLanguageDomain = Report.GetReportByLanguageDomain(data); int cont = 0; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); foreach (var item in reportLanguageDomain) { if (cont == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Period Language Domain ViewCount"); } Console.WriteLine(item.period + " " + item.language + " " + item.domain + " " + item.viewCount); cont++; } Console.WriteLine("Procesando información del siguiente reporte, espere un momento por favor......."); var dataPage = await ProccessData.ProcessDataByPage(resultDownload); var reportPage = Report.GetReportByPage(dataPage); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); cont = 0; foreach (var item in reportPage) { if (cont == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Period Page ViewCount"); } Console.WriteLine(item.period + " " + + " " + item.viewCount); cont++; } //Reports.ForEach(report => Console.WriteLine(report)); Console.ReadLine(); }
protected abstract void SetDocumentSource(IReport report);
private void OnEnable() { _settings = Resources.Load <AtlasToolSettings>("AtlasToolSettings"); _sceneReport = new SceneReport(); _applicationReport = new ApplicationReport(_settings); }
public SimpleStudentReportBuilder() { report = new Report(); }
public virtual string GetReport(IReport report) { return(account.GetReport(report)); }
public RestoreOperations(IReport report) { _report = report; }
public SketchWatcher(IReport log, IFileSystem fileSystem) { _fileSystem = fileSystem; _logger = new SketchLogWrapper(_logMessages, log); _converter = Factory.CreateConverterWithSymbolsUxBuilder(_logger); }
protected Upload(IUrl url, IReport report) { _url = new Lazy <IUrl>(() => url); _report = new Lazy <IReport>(() => report); }
public CodecovFallbackUploader(IUrl url, IReport report) : base(url, report) { }
public AzureProvider(string key, IReport reportComparer) { SubscriptionKey = key; ReportComparer = reportComparer; }
public bool SaveReport <T>(IReport <T> report, string location) { return(WriteToFile(report.ToString(), location)); }
public IBankProduct Accept(IReport report) { return(report.Visit(this)); }
public ReportController(IReport Report) { _IReport = Report; }
public void AddReport(IReport report) { m_reports.Add(report); }
static Report() { Null = new NullReport(); }
public Uploads(IUrl url, IReport report) { _uploaders = new Lazy <IEnumerable <IUpload> >(() => SetUploaders(url, report)); }
protected void BindLocalReport(MsLocalReport localReport, IReport report) { ILocalReportProcessingLocation location = (ILocalReportProcessingLocation)report.ReportProcessingLocation; localReport.LoadReportDefinition(ReportDefinitionCache.GetReportDefinition(location.File).GetReportStream()); localReport.EnableHyperlinks = true; localReport.EnableExternalImages = true; localReport.SetBasePermissionsForSandboxAppDomain(new System.Security.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.Unrestricted)); if (localReport.IsDrillthroughReport) { localReport.SetParameters(localReport.OriginalParametersToDrillthrough); } else { IList <MsReportParameter> parameters = new List <MsReportParameter>(); foreach (IReportParameter parameter in report.ReportParameters) { parameters.Add(new MsReportParameter(parameter.Name, GetParameterValue(parameter))); } localReport.SetParameters(parameters); } localReport.DataSources.Clear(); foreach (IReportDataCommandTemplate reportDataCommandTemplate in report.ReportDataCommandTemplates) { DictionaryDataParameterValue parameterValues = new DictionaryDataParameterValue(); foreach (var dataParameterTemplate in reportDataCommandTemplate.Parameters) { var parameter = (IReportParameter)dataParameterTemplate; if (localReport.IsDrillthroughReport) { parameterValues[parameter.Name] = GetParameterValue(parameter, localReport.OriginalParametersToDrillthrough); } else { parameterValues[parameter.Name] = GetParameterValue(parameter); } } var dataCommandTemplate = reportDataCommandTemplate as ReportDataCommandTemplate; if (dataCommandTemplate != null) { using (IDataConnection connection = SimpleQuery.ConfigurationManagerConnection(dataCommandTemplate.DataSourceName)) { if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Open(); } DataTable table = null; Boolean isOlap = ChangeOlapParameter(dataCommandTemplate.DataSourceName, parameterValues); if (reportDataCommandTemplate.Name.Equals("DealerGroupID")) { continue; } if (isOlap) { table = ReportAnalyticsClient.GetReportData <DataTable>(GetParameterList(parameterValues)); } if (table == null) { using (IDataCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(reportDataCommandTemplate, parameterValues.DataParameterValue)) { command.CommandTimeout = 200; using (IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { table = (isOlap.Equals(true) ? DataTableMapper.ToOlapDataTable(reader, reportDataCommandTemplate.DataMap, new DataTableCallback()) : DataTableMapper.ToDataTable(reader, reportDataCommandTemplate.DataMap, new DataTableCallback())); } } } localReport.DataSources.Add(new MsReportDataSource(reportDataCommandTemplate.Name, table)); } } } localReport.Refresh(); }
public ReportService(IReport report) { _report = report; }
public bool SaveReport <T>(IReport <T> report) { return(SaveReport(report, _appSettings.ReportFilesLocation)); }
public void RemoveReport(IReport report) => this.Reports[report.Manufacturer].Remove(report);
public static int Run(List <string> args) { var fuse = FuseApi.Initialize("Fuse", args); Log = fuse.Report; Log.Info("Version " + fuse.Version); if (args.Contains("--version")) { Console.Out.WriteVersion(fuse.Version); return(0); } // Launch services adds -psn_something to the programs argument list // After moving an app from a dmg, and then starting the app var psnArgIdx = args.FindIndex(str => str.StartsWith("-psn")); if (psnArgIdx >= 0) { args.RemoveAt(psnArgIdx); } if (Platform.OperatingSystem == OS.Mac) { SetMinimumThreads(6); // For faster task creation in Mono. Mono doesn't have a good task system } var shell = new Shell(); if (fuse.IsInstalled && shell.IsInsideRepo(AbsoluteDirectoryPath.Parse(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()))) { Log.Error("Please don't run installed Fuse from inside the Fuse repository. It will get confused by .unoconfigs.", ReportTo.LogAndUser); return(1); } var program = new CliProgram( Log, ColoredTextWriter.Out, ColoredTextWriter.Error, FuseCommandName, () => { MoveSdkConfigTmpBackCompatibleThing(shell); }, DashboardCommand.CreateDashboardCommand(), OpenCommand.CreateOpenCommand(), new LazyCliCommand("daemon", "Start the fuse daemon", false, () => DaemonCommand.CreateDaemonCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("daemon-client", "Create a connection to a daemon.", false, () => DaemonClientCommand.Create()), new LazyCliCommand("preview", "Preview an app", false, () => PreviewCommand.CreatePreviewCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("build", "Build a project for a given target", false, () => BuildCommand.CreateBuildCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("create", "Create a project or file from a template", false, () => CreateCommand.CreateCreateCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("install", "Install an external component", false, () => InstallCommand.CreateInstallCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("event-viewer", "Dump all events", true, () => EventViewerCommand.CreateEventViewerCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("tutorial", "Go to tutorials and guides", false, () => TutorialCommand.CreateTutorialCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("import", "Import a file to your fuse project", false, () => ImportCommand.CreateImportCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("reset-preview", "Causes all active previews to reset to the default state.", true, () => ResetPreviewCliCommand.CreateResetPreviewCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("kill-all", "Kill all Fuse processes (even the daemon)", false, () => KillAllCommand.CreateKillAllCommand()), new LazyCliCommand("unoconfig", "Print uno config", false, () => UnoConfigCommand.CreateUnoConfigCommand())); var ctSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, eventArgs) => ctSource.Cancel(); return(program.Main(args.ToArray(), ctSource.Token)); }
public ReportController() { processInst = new Report <TReport, TParam>(); ReportPath = GetReportPath(); }
protected void addItem(ref IList <string> columns, ref ReportDataRow reportDataRow, ref IList <IReportRow> reportRows, IReport item) { foreach (var column in columns) { ReportDataCell reportDataCell = new ReportDataCell(); Tuple <ReportColumnType, object> field = item.getVirtualColumnValue(column.Replace(this.Parent.Name + "$" + this.Name + ".", "")); ReportColumnType type = field.Item1; switch (type) { case ReportColumnType.Integer: reportDataCell.GenericValue = Convert.ToInt32(field.Item2); break; case ReportColumnType.String: reportDataCell.GenericValue = Convert.ToString(field.Item2); break; case ReportColumnType.DateTime: reportDataCell.GenericValue = Convert.ToDateTime(field.Item2); break; case ReportColumnType.Boolean: reportDataCell.GenericValue = Convert.ToBoolean(field.Item2); break; } reportDataRow.Cells.Add(reportDataCell); } reportRows.Add(reportDataRow); }
public MnemonicSevice(IReport rep) { report = rep; inputService = new InputService(); calc = new EllipticCurveCalculator(); }
public ArmoryService(IReport rep) { report = rep; inputService = new InputService(); }
public void Accept(IReport report) { report.Visit(this); }
public ReportService(IReport report) { this._report = report; }
public Uploads(IUrl url, IReport report, IEnumerable <string> features) { _uploaders = new Lazy <IEnumerable <IUpload> >(() => SetUploaders(url, report, features)); }
/// <summary> /// Render report to source C# code /// </summary> /// <param name="report"></param> /// <param name="streams"></param> public void Render(IReport report, StreamProvider streams) { Render(report, streams, null); }