コード例 #1
 public IActionResult Items(int id, int quantity)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         //checks to make sure user selected order quantity is below the database inventory
         if (quantity > _repoStoreItem.GetStoreItemByStoreItemId(id).StoreItemInventory.itemInventory || quantity <= 0)
             HttpContext.Session.SetString("itemError", "Selected amount is invalid, please try again");
             //need to make it so that this can direct user to view with error message displayed
             return(RedirectToAction("Items", new { id = _repoStoreLocation.GetStoreLocationFromItem(id).StoreLocationId }));
         bool x = false;
         if (HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("currentOrder") == null)
             _logger.LogInformation(string.Format("User added item id: {0} and quantity: {1} to order", id, quantity));
             //adds user order to the database
             var userName = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Name);
             _repoUserOrder.AddUserOrder(userName, id);
             //stores the order id that was just added to the database to session
             HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("currentOrder", _repoUserOrder.GetAllOrders().Last().UserOrderId);
             x = true;
         var orderId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("currentOrder");
         if (x)
             //creates an instance that contain information of the item id, order id, and quantity
             var listOfItemsOrdered = _serviceHome.ServItemPost(id, orderId, quantity);
             //listOfItemsOrdered is saved into session as cookie until user decides to purchase
             HttpContext.Session.SetComplexData("listOfItems", listOfItemsOrdered);
             //creates a list that includes the instance of UserOrderItemStoredList(contains information of item ordered)
             //this list are made so that the new ordered item adds onto the session that holds the items ordered.
             List <UserOrderItemStoredList> listOfItemsOrdered = HttpContext.Session
                                                                 .GetComplexData <List <UserOrderItemStoredList> >("listOfItems");
             //creates an instance that contain information of the item id, order id, and quantity
             var storedList = _serviceHome.ServItemPostElse(id, orderId, quantity);
             //add additionally ordered item into the ordered item list
             //stored into session as a cookie until user is ready to purchase
             HttpContext.Session.SetComplexData("listOfItems", listOfItemsOrdered);
         //erases the error message
         HttpContext.Session.SetString("itemError", "Item added to the cart");
         //direct user back to the store item view
         return(RedirectToAction("Items", new { id = _repoStoreLocation.GetStoreLocationFromUserOrder(orderId).StoreLocationId }));
     return(RedirectToAction("Items", new { id = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("selectedLocationId") }));
コード例 #2
        //store all location and orders instantiating them into an object that will display orders by location
        public OrdersByLocationModel ServOrderHistoryByLocation(string location)
            //storing all location names
            var locations = _repoStoreLocation.GetAllStoreLocations().Select(x => x.Location);
            //storing all orders
            var userOrders = _repoUserOrder.GetAllOrders();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                //if user selects a location, get all the order of that location
                userOrders = _repoUserOrder.GetAllOrderByLocation(location);
            //this model helps the view to make a order by location filter
            OrdersByLocationModel order = new OrdersByLocationModel
                //displays all the location in a drop down list
                storeLocations = new SelectList(locations.ToList()),
                //display user order in a list
                userOrders = userOrders.ToList()
