コード例 #1
ファイル: ModelReader.cs プロジェクト: t3hm00kz/Assembly
		/// <summary>
		///     Reads the vertex buffers for a model from a stream and passes them to an IModelProcessor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="reader">The stream to read the vertex buffers from.</param>
		/// <param name="model">The model's metadata.</param>
		/// <param name="sectionsToRead">
		///     A BitArray controlling which sections to read. Indices which are set to to true will be
		///     read.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="buildInfo">Information about the cache file's target engine.</param>
		/// <param name="processor">The IModelProcessor to pass the read model data to.</param>
		private static void ReadVertexBuffers(IReader reader, IRenderModel model, BitArray sectionsToRead,
			EngineDescription buildInfo, IModelProcessor processor)
			for (int i = 0; i < model.Sections.Length; i++)
				ReadSectionVertices(reader, model.Sections[i], model.BoundingBoxes[0], buildInfo,
					sectionsToRead[i] ? processor : null);
コード例 #2
        private ActionResult RenderArticleListByCategory(IRenderModel model, string tag, int?p)
            var tagPage = model.Content as TravelBlog.Models.VirtualPage;

            if (tagPage == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The RenderModel.Content instance must be of type " + typeof(VirtualPage));

            //create a master model
            var masterModel = new MasterModel(model.Content);

            var contentByTag = Umbraco.GetContentByTag(masterModel, tagPage.Name, p ?? 1, masterModel.PageSize);

            //this is a special case in the event that a tag contains a '.', when this happens we change it to a '-'
            // when generating the URL. So if the above doesn't return any tags and the tag contains a '-', then we
            // will replace them with '.' and do the lookup again
            if ((contentByTag == null || contentByTag.PostCount == 0) && tagPage.Name.Contains("-"))
                contentByTag = Umbraco.GetContentByTag(
                    tagPage.Name.Replace('-', '.'),
                    p ?? 1, masterModel.PageSize);

            if (contentByTag == null)
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult());

            return(GetPagedListView(masterModel, tagPage, contentByTag.Posts, contentByTag.PostCount, p));
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 ///     Reads the vertex buffers for a model from a stream and passes them to an IModelProcessor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader">The stream to read the vertex buffers from.</param>
 /// <param name="model">The model's metadata.</param>
 /// <param name="sectionsToRead">
 ///     A BitArray controlling which sections to read. Indices which are set to to true will be
 ///     read.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="buildInfo">Information about the cache file's target engine.</param>
 /// <param name="processor">The IModelProcessor to pass the read model data to.</param>
 private static void ReadVertexBuffers(IReader reader, IRenderModel model, BitArray sectionsToRead,
                                       EngineDescription buildInfo, IModelProcessor processor)
     for (int i = 0; i < model.Sections.Length; i++)
         ReadSectionVertices(reader, model.Sections[i], model.BoundingBoxes[0], buildInfo,
                             sectionsToRead[i] ? processor : null);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ModelReader.cs プロジェクト: iBotPeaches/Assembly
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the resource data for a model from a stream and passes it to an IModelProcessor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The stream to read the model data from.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model's metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="sectionsToRead">A BitArray controlling which sections to read. Indices which are set to to true will be read.</param>
        /// <param name="buildInfo">Information about the cache file's target engine.</param>
        /// <param name="processor">The IModelProcessor to pass the read model data to.</param>
        public static void ReadModelData(IReader reader, IRenderModel model, BitArray sectionsToRead, BuildInformation buildInfo, IModelProcessor processor)

            ReadVertexBuffers(reader, model, sectionsToRead, buildInfo, processor);
            ReadIndexBuffers(reader, model, sectionsToRead, buildInfo, processor);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Reads the resource data for a model from a stream and passes it to an IModelProcessor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The stream to read the model data from.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model's metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="sectionsToRead">
        ///     A BitArray controlling which sections to read. Indices which are set to to true will be
        ///     read.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="buildInfo">Information about the cache file's target engine.</param>
        /// <param name="processor">The IModelProcessor to pass the read model data to.</param>
        public static void ReadModelData(IReader reader, IRenderModel model, BitArray sectionsToRead,
                                         EngineDescription buildInfo, IModelProcessor processor)

            ReadVertexBuffers(reader, model, sectionsToRead, buildInfo, processor);
            ReadIndexBuffers(reader, model, sectionsToRead, buildInfo, processor);

コード例 #6
        private ActionResult RenderView(IRenderModel model, int?p = null)
            var listNode = model.Content.Children
                           .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias.InvariantEquals("ArticulateArchive"));

            if (listNode == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("An ArticulateArchive document must exist under the root Articulate document");

            if (p == null || p.Value <= 0)
                p = 1;

            var rootPageModel = new ListModel(model.Content);

            //TODO: I wonder about the performance of this - when we end up with thousands of blog posts,
            // this will probably not be so efficient. I wonder if using an XPath lookup for batches of children
            // would work? The children count could be cached. I'd rather not put blog posts under 'month' nodes
            // just for the sake of performance. Hrm.... Examine possibly too.

            var totalPosts = listNode.Children.Count();
            var pageSize   = rootPageModel.PageSize;
            var totalPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalPosts / pageSize));

            //Invalid page, redirect without pages
            if (totalPages > 0 && totalPages < p)
                return(new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext));

            // Testing
            //UrlRewritingNet.Web.RegExRewriteRule rule = new UrlRewritingNet.Web.RegExRewriteRule();
            //rule.VirtualUrl = "^~/blog/page/(.*)";
            //rule.RewriteUrlParameter = UrlRewritingNet.Web.RewriteUrlParameterOption.ExcludeFromClientQueryString;
            //rule.DestinationUrl = "~/blog?p=$1";
            //rule.IgnoreCase = true;
            //UrlRewritingNet.Web.UrlRewriting.AddRewriteRule("Articulate_Paging", rule);

            var pager = new PagerModel(
                p.Value - 1,
                totalPages > p ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('/') + "page/" + (p + 1) : null,
                p > 1 ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('/') + "page/" + (p - 1) : null);

            var listModel = new ListModel(listNode, pager);

            return(View(PathHelper.GetThemeViewPath(listModel, "List"), listModel));
コード例 #7
ファイル: ModelReader.cs プロジェクト: iBotPeaches/Assembly
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the index buffers for a model from a stream and passes them to an IModelProcessor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The stream to read the index buffers from.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model's metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="sectionsToRead">A BitArray controlling which sections to read. Indices which are set to to true will be read.</param>
        /// <param name="buildInfo">Information about the cache file's target engine.</param>
        /// <param name="processor">The IModelProcessor to pass the read model data to.</param>
        private static void ReadIndexBuffers(IReader reader, IRenderModel model, BitArray sectionsToRead, BuildInformation buildInfo, IModelProcessor processor)
            int baseIndex = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < model.Sections.Length; i++)
                IModelSection section = model.Sections[i];
                ReadSectionIndices(reader, section, baseIndex, buildInfo, sectionsToRead[i] ? processor : null);

                if (sectionsToRead[i])
                    baseIndex += CountVertices(section);
コード例 #8
        private ActionResult RenderView(IRenderModel model, int?p = null)
            var listNode = model.Content.Children
                           .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias.InvariantEquals("ArticulateArchive"));

            if (listNode == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("An ArticulateArchive document must exist under the root Articulate document");

            if (p != null && p.Value == 1)
                return(new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext));

            if (p == null || p.Value <= 0)
                p = 1;

            var rootPageModel = new ListModel(model.Content);

            //TODO: I wonder about the performance of this - when we end up with thousands of blog posts,
            // this will probably not be so efficient. I wonder if using an XPath lookup for batches of children
            // would work? The children count could be cached. I'd rather not put blog posts under 'month' nodes
            // just for the sake of performance. Hrm.... Examine possibly too.

            var totalPosts = listNode.Children.Count();
            var pageSize   = rootPageModel.PageSize;
            var totalPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalPosts / pageSize));

            //Invalid page, redirect without pages
            if (totalPages > 0 && totalPages < p)
                return(new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext));

            var pager = new PagerModel(
                p.Value - 1,
                totalPages > p ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p + 1) : null,
                p > 2 ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p - 1) : p > 1 ? model.Content.Url : null);

            var listModel = new ListModel(listNode, pager);

            return(View(PathHelper.GetThemeViewPath(listModel, "List"), listModel));
コード例 #9
        private ActionResult RenderView(IRenderModel model, int?p = null)
            var listNodes = model.Content.Children("ArticulateArchive").ToArray();

            if (listNodes.Length == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("An ArticulateArchive document must exist under the root Articulate document");

            var master = new MasterModel(model.Content);

            //Get post count by xpath is much faster than iterating all children to get a count
            var count = Umbraco.GetPostCount(listNodes.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray());

            return(GetPagedListView(master, listNodes[0], listNodes[0].Children, count, p));
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Reads the index buffers for a model from a stream and passes them to an IModelProcessor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The stream to read the index buffers from.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model's metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="sectionsToRead">
        ///     A BitArray controlling which sections to read. Indices which are set to to true will be
        ///     read.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="buildInfo">Information about the cache file's target engine.</param>
        /// <param name="processor">The IModelProcessor to pass the read model data to.</param>
        private static void ReadIndexBuffers(IReader reader, IRenderModel model, BitArray sectionsToRead,
                                             EngineDescription buildInfo, IModelProcessor processor)
            int baseIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < model.Sections.Length; i++)
                IModelSection section = model.Sections[i];
                ReadSectionIndices(reader, section, baseIndex, buildInfo, sectionsToRead[i] ? processor : null);

                if (sectionsToRead[i])
                    baseIndex += CountVertices(section);
コード例 #11
        private ActionResult RenderView(IRenderModel model, int?p = null)
            var listNode = model.Content.Children
                           .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias.InvariantEquals("ArticulateArchive"));

            if (listNode == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("An ArticulateArchive document must exist under the root Articulate document");

            if (p != null && p.Value == 1)
                return(new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext));

            if (p == null || p.Value <= 0)
                p = 1;

            var rootPageModel = new MasterModel(model.Content);

            //get the count with XPath, this will be the fastest
            var totalPosts = Umbraco.GetPostCount(listNode.Id);

            var pageSize   = rootPageModel.PageSize;
            var totalPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalPosts / pageSize));

            //Invalid page, redirect without pages
            if (totalPages > 0 && totalPages < p)
                return(new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext));

            var pager = new PagerModel(
                p.Value - 1,
                totalPages > p ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p + 1) : null,
                p > 2 ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p - 1) : p > 1 ? model.Content.Url : null);

            var listItems = Umbraco.GetPostsSortedByPublishedDate(listNode.Id, pager);

            var listModel = new ListModel(listNode, listItems, pager);

            return(View(PathHelper.GetThemeViewPath(listModel, "List"), listModel));
コード例 #12
        private ActionResult RenderView(IRenderModel model, int? p = null)
            var listNode = model.Content.Children
               .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias.InvariantEquals("ArticulateArchive"));
            if (listNode == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("An ArticulateArchive document must exist under the root Articulate document");

            if (p != null && p.Value == 1)
                return new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext);

            if (p == null || p.Value <= 0)
                p = 1;

            var rootPageModel = new ListModel(model.Content);

            //TODO: I wonder about the performance of this - when we end up with thousands of blog posts,
            // this will probably not be so efficient. I wonder if using an XPath lookup for batches of children
            // would work? The children count could be cached. I'd rather not put blog posts under 'month' nodes
            // just for the sake of performance. Hrm.... Examine possibly too.

            var totalPosts = listNode.Children.Count();
            var pageSize = rootPageModel.PageSize;
            var totalPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalPosts/pageSize));

            //Invalid page, redirect without pages
            if (totalPages > 0 && totalPages < p)
                return new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext);

            var pager = new PagerModel(
                p.Value - 1,
                totalPages > p ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p + 1) : null,
                p > 2 ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p - 1) : p > 1 ? model.Content.Url : null);

            var listModel = new ListModel(listNode, pager);
            return View(PathHelper.GetThemeViewPath(listModel, "List"), listModel);
コード例 #13
        private ActionResult RenderView(IRenderModel model, int? p = null)
            var listNode = model.Content.Children
               .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentTypeAlias.InvariantEquals("ArticulateArchive"));
            if (listNode == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("An ArticulateArchive document must exist under the root Articulate document");

            if (p != null && p.Value == 1)
                return new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext);

            if (p == null || p.Value <= 0)
                p = 1;

            var rootPageModel = new MasterModel(model.Content);

            //get the count with XPath, this will be the fastest
            var totalPosts = Umbraco.GetPostCount(listNode.Id);

            var pageSize = rootPageModel.PageSize;
            var totalPages = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalPosts/pageSize));

            //Invalid page, redirect without pages
            if (totalPages > 0 && totalPages < p)
                return new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext);

            var pager = new PagerModel(
                p.Value - 1,
                totalPages > p ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p + 1) : null,
                p > 2 ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p - 1) : p > 1 ? model.Content.Url : null);

            var listItems = Umbraco.GetPostsSortedByPublishedDate(listNode.Id, pager);

            var listModel = new ListModel(listNode, listItems, pager);
            return View(PathHelper.GetThemeViewPath(listModel, "List"), listModel);
コード例 #14
        private ActionResult RenderView(IRenderModel model, int?p = null)
            var archive = new MasterModel(model.Content);

            // redirect to root node when "redirectArchive" is configured
            if (archive.RootBlogNode.GetPropertyValue <bool>("redirectArchive"))

            //Get post count by xpath is much faster than iterating all children to get a count
            var count = Umbraco.GetPostCount(archive.Id);

            int pageSize;

            if (!Int32.TryParse(archive.RootBlogNode.GetPropertyValue <string>("pageSize"), out pageSize))
                pageSize = 10;

            var posts = Umbraco.GetRecentPostsByArchive(archive, 1, pageSize);

            return(GetPagedListView(archive, archive, posts, count, null));
コード例 #15
ファイル: Model_md5.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        public override IRenderModel InstantiateDynamicModel(RenderEntity ent, ViewDef view, IRenderModel cachedModel)
            int i, surfaceNum; MD5Mesh mesh; RenderModelStatic staticModel;

            if (cachedModel != null && !r_useCachedDynamicModels.Bool)
                cachedModel = null;

            if (purged)
                common.DWarning($"model {Name} instantiated while purged"); LoadModel();

            if (ent.joints == null)
                common.Printf($"RenderModelMD5::InstantiateDynamicModel: null joints on renderEntity for '{Name}'\n");
            else if (ent.numJoints != joints.Length)
                common.Printf($"RenderModelMD5::InstantiateDynamicModel: renderEntity has different number of joints than model for '{Name}'\n");


            if (cachedModel != null)
                Debug.Assert(cachedModel is RenderModelStatic);
                Debug.Assert(string.Equals(cachedModel.Name, MD5_SnapshotName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                staticModel = (RenderModelStatic)cachedModel;
                staticModel = new RenderModelStatic();


            if (r_showSkel.Integer != 0)
                if (view != null && (!r_skipSuppress.Bool || ent.suppressSurfaceInViewID == 0 || ent.suppressSurfaceInViewID != view.renderView.viewID))
                    DrawJoints(ent, view);                                                                                                                                      // only draw the skeleton
                if (r_showSkel.Integer > 1)
                    staticModel.InitEmpty(MD5_SnapshotName); return(staticModel);
                }                                                                                            // turn off the model when showing the skeleton

            // create all the surfaces
            for (i = 0; i < meshes.Length; i++)
                mesh = meshes[i];

                // avoid deforming the surface if it will be a nodraw due to a skin remapping. FIXME: may have to still deform clipping hulls
                var shader = mesh.shader;

                shader = R_RemapShaderBySkin(shader, ent.customSkin, ent.customShader);

                if (shader == null || (!shader.IsDrawn && !shader.SurfaceCastsShadow))
                    staticModel.DeleteSurfaceWithId(i); mesh.surfaceNum = -1; continue;

                ModelSurface surf;
                if (staticModel.FindSurfaceWithId(i, out surfaceNum))
                    mesh.surfaceNum = surfaceNum;
                    surf            = staticModel.surfaces[surfaceNum];
                    // Remove Overlays before adding new surfaces

                    mesh.surfaceNum = staticModel.NumSurfaces;
                    surf            = staticModel.surfaces.Alloc();
                    surf.geometry   = null;
                    surf.shader     = null;
                    surf.id         = i;

                mesh.UpdateSurface(ent, ent.joints, surf);


コード例 #16
        private ActionResult RenderByTagOrCategory(IRenderModel model, int? p, string tagGroup, string baseUrl)
            var tagPage = model.Content as ArticulateVirtualPage;
            if (tagPage == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The RenderModel.Content instance must be of type " + typeof(ArticulateVirtualPage));

            //create a blog model of the main page
            var rootPageModel = new MasterModel(model.Content.Parent);

            var contentByTag = Umbraco.GetContentByTag(rootPageModel, tagPage.Name, tagGroup, baseUrl);

            //this is a special case in the event that a tag contains a '.', when this happens we change it to a '-'
            // when generating the URL. So if the above doesn't return any tags and the tag contains a '-', then we
            // will replace them with '.' and do the lookup again
            if (contentByTag == null && tagPage.Name.Contains("-"))
                contentByTag = Umbraco.GetContentByTag(
                    tagPage.Name.Replace('-', '.'),

            if (contentByTag == null)
                return new HttpNotFoundResult();

            if (p != null && p.Value == 1)
                return new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext);

            if (p == null || p.Value <= 0)
                p = 1;

            //TODO: I wonder about the performance of this - when we end up with thousands of blog posts,
            // this will probably not be so efficient. I wonder if using an XPath lookup for batches of children
            // would work? The children count could be cached. I'd rather not put blog posts under 'month' nodes
            // just for the sake of performance. Hrm.... Examine possibly too.

            var totalPosts = contentByTag.PostCount;
            var pageSize = rootPageModel.PageSize;
            var totalPages = totalPosts == 0 ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalPosts / pageSize));

            //Invalid page, redirect without pages
            if (totalPages < p)
                return new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content.Parent, UmbracoContext);

            var pager = new PagerModel(
                p.Value - 1,
                totalPages > p ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p + 1) : null,
                p > 2 ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p - 1) : p > 1 ? model.Content.Url : null);

            var listModel = new ListModel(tagPage, contentByTag.Posts, pager);

            return View(PathHelper.GetThemeViewPath(listModel, "List"), listModel);
コード例 #17
 public virtual IRenderModel InstantiateDynamicModel(RenderEntity ent, ViewDef view, IRenderModel cachedModel);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Model_sprite.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        public override IRenderModel InstantiateDynamicModel(RenderEntity ent, ViewDef view, IRenderModel cachedModel)
            RenderModelStatic staticModel;
            SrfTriangles      tri;
            ModelSurface      surf;

            if (cachedModel != null && !r_useCachedDynamicModels.Bool)
                cachedModel.Dispose(); cachedModel = null;

            if (ent == null || view == null)
                cachedModel.Dispose(); cachedModel = null;

            if (cachedModel != null)
                Debug.Assert(cachedModel is RenderModelStatic);
                Debug.Assert(string.Equals(cachedModel.Name, sprite_SnapshotName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                staticModel = (RenderModelStatic)cachedModel;
                surf        = staticModel.Surface(0);
                tri         = surf.geometry;
                staticModel = new RenderModelStatic();

                tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
                R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts(tri, 4);
                R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes(tri, 6);

                tri.verts[0].normal.Set(1f, 0f, 0f);
                tri.verts[0].tangents0.Set(0f, 1f, 0f);
                tri.verts[0].tangents1.Set(0f, 0f, 1f);
                tri.verts[0].st.x = 0f;
                tri.verts[0].st.y = 0f;

                tri.verts[1].normal.Set(1f, 0f, 0f);
                tri.verts[1].tangents0.Set(0f, 1f, 0f);
                tri.verts[1].tangents1.Set(0f, 0f, 1f);
                tri.verts[1].st.x = 1f;
                tri.verts[1].st.y = 0f;

                tri.verts[2].normal.Set(1f, 0f, 0f);
                tri.verts[2].tangents0.Set(0f, 1f, 0f);
                tri.verts[2].tangents1.Set(0f, 0f, 1f);
                tri.verts[2].st.x = 1f;
                tri.verts[2].st.y = 1f;

                tri.verts[3].normal.Set(1f, 0f, 0f);
                tri.verts[3].tangents0.Set(0f, 1f, 0f);
                tri.verts[3].tangents1.Set(0f, 0f, 1f);
                tri.verts[3].st.x = 0f;
                tri.verts[3].st.y = 1f;

                tri.indexes[0] = 0;
                tri.indexes[1] = 1;
                tri.indexes[2] = 3;
                tri.indexes[3] = 1;
                tri.indexes[4] = 2;
                tri.indexes[5] = 3;

                tri.numVerts   = 4;
                tri.numIndexes = 6;

                surf          = new();
                surf.geometry = tri;
                surf.id       = 0;
                surf.shader   = tr.defaultMaterial;

            var red   = (byte)MathX.FtoiFast(ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_RED] * 255f);
            var green = (byte)MathX.FtoiFast(ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_GREEN] * 255f);
            var blue  = (byte)MathX.FtoiFast(ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_BLUE] * 255f);
            var alpha = (byte)MathX.FtoiFast(ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_ALPHA] * 255f);

            var right = new Vector3(0f, ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_SPRITE_WIDTH] * 0.5f, 0f);
            var up    = new Vector3(0f, 0f, ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_SPRITE_HEIGHT] * 0.5f);

            tri.verts[0].xyz    = up + right;
            tri.verts[0].color0 = red;
            tri.verts[0].color1 = green;
            tri.verts[0].color2 = blue;
            tri.verts[0].color3 = alpha;

            tri.verts[1].xyz    = up - right;
            tri.verts[1].color0 = red;
            tri.verts[1].color1 = green;
            tri.verts[1].color2 = blue;
            tri.verts[1].color3 = alpha;

            tri.verts[2].xyz    = -right - up;
            tri.verts[2].color0 = red;
            tri.verts[2].color1 = green;
            tri.verts[2].color2 = blue;
            tri.verts[2].color3 = alpha;

            tri.verts[3].xyz    = right - up;
            tri.verts[3].color0 = red;
            tri.verts[3].color1 = green;
            tri.verts[3].color2 = blue;
            tri.verts[3].color3 = alpha;


            staticModel.bounds = tri.bounds;

コード例 #19
        => true;        // don't ever need to load

        public override IRenderModel InstantiateDynamicModel(RenderEntity ent, ViewDef view, IRenderModel cachedModel)
            RenderModelStatic staticModel; SrfTriangles tri; ModelSurface surf;

            if (cachedModel != null)
                cachedModel = null;

            if (ent == null || view == null)

            if (cachedModel != null)
                Debug.Assert(cachedModel is RenderModelStatic);
                Debug.Assert(string.Equals(cachedModel.Name, beam_SnapshotName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                staticModel = (RenderModelStatic)cachedModel;
                surf        = staticModel.Surface(0);
                tri         = surf.geometry;
                staticModel = new RenderModelStatic();

                tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
                R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts(tri, 4);
                R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes(tri, 6);

                tri.verts[0].Clear(); tri.verts[0].st.x = 0; tri.verts[0].st.y = 0;
                tri.verts[1].Clear(); tri.verts[1].st.x = 0; tri.verts[1].st.y = 1;
                tri.verts[2].Clear(); tri.verts[2].st.x = 1; tri.verts[2].st.y = 0;
                tri.verts[3].Clear(); tri.verts[3].st.x = 1; tri.verts[3].st.y = 1;

                tri.indexes[0] = 0; tri.indexes[1] = 2; tri.indexes[2] = 1; tri.indexes[3] = 2; tri.indexes[4] = 3; tri.indexes[5] = 1;

                tri.numVerts   = 4;
                tri.numIndexes = 6;

                surf          = new();
                surf.geometry = tri;
                surf.id       = 0;
                surf.shader   = tr.defaultMaterial;

            Vector3 target = reinterpret.cast_vec3(ent.shaderParms, IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_BEAM_END_X);

            // we need the view direction to project the minor axis of the tube as the view changes
            var modelMatrix = stackalloc float[16];

            R_AxisToModelMatrix(ent.axis, ent.origin, modelMatrix);
            R_GlobalPointToLocal(modelMatrix, view.renderView.vieworg, out var localView);
            R_GlobalPointToLocal(modelMatrix, target, out var localTarget);

            Vector3 major = localTarget;
            Vector3 minor = default;

            Vector3 mid = 0.5f * localTarget;
            Vector3 dir = mid - localView;

            minor.Cross(major, dir);
            if (ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_BEAM_WIDTH] != 0f)
                minor *= ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_BEAM_WIDTH] * 0.5f;

            var red   = (byte)MathX.FtoiFast(ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_RED] * 255f);
            var green = (byte)MathX.FtoiFast(ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_GREEN] * 255f);
            var blue  = (byte)MathX.FtoiFast(ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_BLUE] * 255f);
            var alpha = (byte)MathX.FtoiFast(ent.shaderParms[IRenderWorld.SHADERPARM_ALPHA] * 255f);

            tri.verts[0].xyz = minor; tri.verts[0].color0 = red; tri.verts[0].color1 = green; tri.verts[0].color2 = blue; tri.verts[0].color3 = alpha;
            tri.verts[1].xyz = -minor; tri.verts[1].color0 = red; tri.verts[1].color1 = green; tri.verts[1].color2 = blue; tri.verts[1].color3 = alpha;
            tri.verts[2].xyz = localTarget + minor; tri.verts[2].color0 = red; tri.verts[2].color1 = green; tri.verts[2].color2 = blue; tri.verts[2].color3 = alpha;
            tri.verts[3].xyz = localTarget - minor; tri.verts[3].color0 = red; tri.verts[3].color1 = green; tri.verts[3].color2 = blue; tri.verts[3].color3 = alpha;


            staticModel.bounds = tri.bounds;

コード例 #20
ファイル: Model_prt.cs プロジェクト: bclnet/DroidNet
        public override IRenderModel InstantiateDynamicModel(RenderEntity ent, ViewDef view, IRenderModel cachedModel)
            idRenderModelStatic *staticModel;

            if (cachedModel && !r_useCachedDynamicModels.GetBool())
                delete cachedModel;
                cachedModel = NULL;

            // this may be triggered by a model trace or other non-view related source, to which we should look like an empty model
            if (renderEntity == NULL || viewDef == NULL)
                delete cachedModel;

            if (r_skipParticles.GetBool())
                delete cachedModel;

             * // if the entire system has faded out
             * if ( renderEntity->shaderParms[SHADERPARM_PARTICLE_STOPTIME] && viewDef->renderView.time * 0.001f >= renderEntity->shaderParms[SHADERPARM_PARTICLE_STOPTIME] ) {
             *      delete cachedModel;
             *      return NULL;
             * }

            if (cachedModel != NULL)
                assert(dynamic_cast <idRenderModelStatic *>(cachedModel) != NULL);
                assert(idStr::Icmp(cachedModel->Name(), parametricParticle_SnapshotName) == 0);

                staticModel = static_cast <idRenderModelStatic *>(cachedModel);
                staticModel = new idRenderModelStatic;

            particleGen_t g;

            g.renderEnt  = renderEntity;
            g.renderView = &viewDef->renderView;

            for (int stageNum = 0; stageNum < particleSystem->stages.Num(); stageNum++)
                idParticleStage *stage = particleSystem->stages[stageNum];

                if (!stage->material)
                if (!stage->cycleMsec)
                if (stage->hidden)
                {                       // just for gui particle editor use

                idRandom steppingRandom, steppingRandom2;

                int stageAge   = g.renderView->time + renderEntity->shaderParms[SHADERPARM_TIMEOFFSET] * 1000 - stage->timeOffset * 1000;
                int stageCycle = stageAge / stage->cycleMsec;

                // some particles will be in this cycle, some will be in the previous cycle
                steppingRandom.SetSeed(((stageCycle << 10) & idRandom::MAX_RAND) ^ (int)(renderEntity->shaderParms[SHADERPARM_DIVERSITY] * idRandom::MAX_RAND));
                steppingRandom2.SetSeed((((stageCycle - 1) << 10) & idRandom::MAX_RAND) ^ (int)(renderEntity->shaderParms[SHADERPARM_DIVERSITY] * idRandom::MAX_RAND));

                int count = stage->totalParticles * stage->NumQuadsPerParticle();

                int             surfaceNum;
                modelSurface_t *surf;

                if (staticModel->FindSurfaceWithId(stageNum, surfaceNum))
                    surf = &staticModel->surfaces[surfaceNum];
                    surf           = &staticModel->surfaces.Alloc();
                    surf->id       = stageNum;
                    surf->shader   = stage->material;
                    surf->geometry = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
                    R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts(surf->geometry, 4 * count);
                    R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes(surf->geometry, 6 * count);
                    R_AllocStaticTriSurfPlanes(surf->geometry, 6 * count);

                int         numVerts = 0;
                idDrawVert *verts    = surf->geometry->verts;

                for (int index = 0; index < stage->totalParticles; index++)
                    g.index = index;

                    // bump the random

                    // calculate local age for this index
                    int bunchOffset = stage->particleLife * 1000 * stage->spawnBunching * index / stage->totalParticles;

                    int particleAge   = stageAge - bunchOffset;
                    int particleCycle = particleAge / stage->cycleMsec;
                    if (particleCycle < 0)
                        // before the particleSystem spawned
                    if (stage->cycles && particleCycle >= stage->cycles)
                        // cycled systems will only run cycle times

                    if (particleCycle == stageCycle)
                        g.random = steppingRandom;
                        g.random = steppingRandom2;

                    int inCycleTime = particleAge - particleCycle * stage->cycleMsec;

                    if (renderEntity->shaderParms[SHADERPARM_PARTICLE_STOPTIME] &&
                        g.renderView->time - inCycleTime >= renderEntity->shaderParms[SHADERPARM_PARTICLE_STOPTIME] * 1000)
                        // don't fire any more particles

                    // supress particles before or after the age clamp
                    g.frac = (float)inCycleTime / (stage->particleLife * 1000);
                    if (g.frac < 0.0f)
                        // yet to be spawned
                    if (g.frac > 1.0f)
                        // this particle is in the deadTime band

                    // this is needed so aimed particles can calculate origins at different times
                    g.originalRandom = g.random;

                    g.age = g.frac * stage->particleLife;

                    // if the particle doesn't get drawn because it is faded out or beyond a kill region, don't increment the verts
                    numVerts += stage->CreateParticle(&g, verts + numVerts);

                // numVerts must be a multiple of 4
                assert((numVerts & 3) == 0 && numVerts <= 4 * count);

                // build the indexes
                int        numIndexes = 0;
                glIndex_t *indexes    = surf->geometry->indexes;
                for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i += 4)
                    indexes[numIndexes + 0] = i;
                    indexes[numIndexes + 1] = i + 2;
                    indexes[numIndexes + 2] = i + 3;
                    indexes[numIndexes + 3] = i;
                    indexes[numIndexes + 4] = i + 3;
                    indexes[numIndexes + 5] = i + 1;
                    numIndexes += 6;

                surf->geometry->tangentsCalculated   = false;
                surf->geometry->facePlanesCalculated = false;
                surf->geometry->numVerts             = numVerts;
                surf->geometry->numIndexes           = numIndexes;
                surf->geometry->bounds = stage->bounds;                     // just always draw the particles

コード例 #21
        private ActionResult RenderByTagOrCategory(IRenderModel model, int?p, string tagGroup, string baseUrl)
            var tagPage = model.Content as ArticulateVirtualPage;

            if (tagPage == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The RenderModel.Content instance must be of type " + typeof(ArticulateVirtualPage));

            //create a blog model of the main page
            var rootPageModel = new MasterModel(model.Content.Parent);

            var contentByTag = Umbraco.GetContentByTag(rootPageModel, tagPage.Name, tagGroup, baseUrl);

            //this is a special case in the event that a tag contains a '.', when this happens we change it to a '-'
            // when generating the URL. So if the above doesn't return any tags and the tag contains a '-', then we
            // will replace them with '.' and do the lookup again
            if (contentByTag == null && tagPage.Name.Contains("-"))
                contentByTag = Umbraco.GetContentByTag(
                    tagPage.Name.Replace('-', '.'),

            if (contentByTag == null)
                return(new HttpNotFoundResult());

            if (p != null && p.Value == 1)
                return(new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content, UmbracoContext));

            if (p == null || p.Value <= 0)
                p = 1;

            //TODO: I wonder about the performance of this - when we end up with thousands of blog posts,
            // this will probably not be so efficient. I wonder if using an XPath lookup for batches of children
            // would work? The children count could be cached. I'd rather not put blog posts under 'month' nodes
            // just for the sake of performance. Hrm.... Examine possibly too.

            var totalPosts = contentByTag.PostCount;
            var pageSize   = rootPageModel.PageSize;
            var totalPages = totalPosts == 0 ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((double)totalPosts / pageSize));

            //Invalid page, redirect without pages
            if (totalPages < p)
                return(new RedirectToUmbracoPageResult(model.Content.Parent, UmbracoContext));

            var pager = new PagerModel(
                p.Value - 1,
                totalPages > p ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p + 1) : null,
                p > 2 ? model.Content.Url.EnsureEndsWith('?') + "p=" + (p - 1) : p > 1 ? model.Content.Url : null);

            var listModel = new ListModel(tagPage, contentByTag.Posts, pager);

            return(View(PathHelper.GetThemeViewPath(listModel, "List"), listModel));