コード例 #1
        public async Task StartPipelineAsync(CancellationToken token)

            // Step 1 - Create our producer as a cold observable
            var source = _dataBusReader.StartConsuming(token, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));

            // Step 2 - Add file writing and decoding stages to our cold observable pipeline
            var writeStream = source.ObserveOn(ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance)
                              .Select(x => Observable.FromAsync(async() =>
                await _messageFileWriter.WriteAsync(x);

            var decodedStream = writeStream.Select(x =>

            // Step 3 - Create a hot observable that acts as a broadcast
            // and allows multiple subscribers without duplicating the work of the producer
            var multiCastStream = Observable.Publish(decodedStream);

            // Step 4 - Create our subscriptions
            // create a subscription to the hot obeservable that buffers in 1 second periods and performs up to 4 concurrent db writes
            var dbPersistenceComplete = false;
            var dbPersistenceSub      = multiCastStream
                                        .Where(messages => messages.Any())
                                        .Select(messages => Observable.FromAsync(async() => await _dbPersister.PersistAsync(messages)))
                                        .Merge(4) // up to 4 concurrent executions of PersistAsync
                (Unit u) => { },
                (Exception ex) => { Console.WriteLine("DB Persistence error: " + ex); },
                () =>
                dbPersistenceComplete = true;
                Console.WriteLine("DB Persistence complete!");

            // create a subscription to the hot obeservable that buffers in 1 second periods and performs sequential processing of each batch
            bool statsFeed1Complete    = false;
            var  oneSecondStatsFeedSub = multiCastStream
                                         .Where(messages => messages.Any())
                                         .Select(messages => Observable.FromAsync(async() => await _statsFeedPublisher.PublishAsync(messages, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))))
                                         .Concat() // one batch at a time
                (Unit u) => { },
                (Exception ex) => { Console.WriteLine("1 Second Stats Feed Error: " + ex); },
                () =>
                statsFeed1Complete = true;
                Console.WriteLine("1 Second Stats Feed Complete!");

            // create a subscription to the hot obeservable that buffers in 30 second periods and performs sequential processing of each batch
            bool statsFeed30Complete      = false;
            var  thirtySecondStatsFeedSub = multiCastStream
                                            .Where(messages => messages.Any())
                                            .Select(messages => Observable.FromAsync(async() => await _statsFeedPublisher.PublishAsync(messages, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))))
                                            .Concat() // one batch at a time
                (Unit u) => { },
                (Exception ex) => { Console.WriteLine("30 Second Stats Feed Error: " + ex); },
                () =>
                statsFeed30Complete = true;
                Console.WriteLine("30 Second Stats Feed Error Complete!");

            // create a subscription to the hot obeservable that sequentially processes one message at a time in order
            bool realTimePubComplete = false;
            var  realTimePubSub      = multiCastStream
                                       .Select(messages => Observable.FromAsync(async() => await _realTimeFeedPublisher.PublishAsync(messages)))
                                       .Concat() // one message at a time
                (Unit u) => { },
                (Exception ex) => { Console.WriteLine("Real-time Pub Error: " + ex); },
                () =>
                realTimePubComplete = true;
                Console.WriteLine("Real-time Pub Complete!");

            // Step 6. Start the producer

            // Step 7. Keep things going until the CancellationToken gets cancelled
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                await Task.Delay(500);

            // Step 8. Safe shutdown of the pipeline
            // Wait for all subscriptions to complete their work
            while (!realTimePubComplete || !dbPersistenceComplete || !statsFeed1Complete || !statsFeed30Complete)
                await Task.Delay(500);

            Console.WriteLine("All subscribers complete!");

            // dispose of all subscriptions

            // safely clean up any other resources, for example, ZeroMQ
コード例 #2
        public async Task StartPipelineAsync(CancellationToken token)

            // Step 1 - Configure the pipeline

            // make sure our complete call gets propagated throughout the whole pipeline
            var linkOptions = new DataflowLinkOptions {
                PropagateCompletion = true

            // create our block configurations
            var largeBufferOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions()
                BoundedCapacity = 600000
            var smallBufferOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions()
                BoundedCapacity = 1000
            var realTimeBufferOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions()
                BoundedCapacity = 6000
            var parallelizedOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions()
                BoundedCapacity = 1000, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4
            var batchOptions = new GroupingDataflowBlockOptions()
                BoundedCapacity = 1000

            // define each block
            var writeRawMessageBlock = new TransformBlock <RawBusMessage, RawBusMessage>(async(RawBusMessage msg) =>
                await _messageFileWriter.WriteAsync(msg);
            }, largeBufferOptions);

            var decoderBlock = new TransformManyBlock <RawBusMessage, DecodedMessage>(
                (RawBusMessage msg) => _decoder.Decode(msg), largeBufferOptions);

            var broadcast = new BroadcastBlock <DecodedMessage>(msg => msg);

            var realTimeFeedBlock = new ActionBlock <DecodedMessage>(async
                                                                         (DecodedMessage msg) => await _realTimeFeedPublisher.PublishAsync(msg), realTimeBufferOptions);

            var oneSecondBatchBlock    = new BatchBlock <DecodedMessage>(3000);
            var thirtySecondBatchBlock = new BatchBlock <DecodedMessage>(90000);
            var batchBroadcastBlock    = new BroadcastBlock <DecodedMessage[]>(msg => msg);

            var oneSecondStatsFeedBlock = new ActionBlock <DecodedMessage[]>(async
                                                                                 (DecodedMessage[] messages) => await _statsFeedPublisher.PublishAsync(messages.ToList(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)), smallBufferOptions);

            var dbPersistenceBlock = new ActionBlock <DecodedMessage[]>(async
                                                                            (DecodedMessage[] messages) => await _dbPersister.PersistAsync(messages.ToList()), smallBufferOptions);
            var thirtySecondStatsFeedBlock = new ActionBlock <DecodedMessage[]>(async
                                                                                    (DecodedMessage[] messages) => await _statsFeedPublisher.PublishAsync(messages.ToList(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)), smallBufferOptions);

            // link the blocks to together
            writeRawMessageBlock.LinkTo(decoderBlock, linkOptions);
            decoderBlock.LinkTo(broadcast, linkOptions);
            broadcast.LinkTo(realTimeFeedBlock, linkOptions);
            broadcast.LinkTo(oneSecondBatchBlock, linkOptions);
            broadcast.LinkTo(thirtySecondBatchBlock, linkOptions);
            oneSecondBatchBlock.LinkTo(batchBroadcastBlock, linkOptions);
            batchBroadcastBlock.LinkTo(oneSecondStatsFeedBlock, linkOptions);
            batchBroadcastBlock.LinkTo(dbPersistenceBlock, linkOptions);
            thirtySecondBatchBlock.LinkTo(thirtySecondStatsFeedBlock, linkOptions);

            // Step 2 - Start consuming the machine bus interface (the producer)
            var consumerTask = _dataBusReader.StartConsuming(writeRawMessageBlock, token, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000), FlowControlMode.LoadShed);

            // Step 3 - Keep going until the CancellationToken is cancelled or a leaf block is the the completed state either due to a fault or the completion of the pipeline.
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested &&
                   !realTimeFeedBlock.Completion.IsCompleted &&
                   !oneSecondStatsFeedBlock.Completion.IsCompleted &&
                   !dbPersistenceBlock.Completion.IsCompleted &&
                await Task.Delay(500);

            // Step 4 - the CancellationToken has been cancelled and our producer has stopped producing
            // call Complete on the first block, this will propagate down the pipeline

            // wait for all leaf blocks to finish processing their data
            await Task.WhenAll(realTimeFeedBlock.Completion,

            // clean up any other resources like ZeroMQ for example