コード例 #1
        public MinimapFormViewModel(IReadOnlyApplicationModel model, Dispatcher dispatcher)
            this.model          = model;
            this.dispatcher     = dispatcher;
            this.startPositions = CreateStartPositionsArray();

            // set up basic properties as observables
            var minimapVisible = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.MinimapVisible, nameof(model.MinimapVisible));
            var map            = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.Map, nameof(model.Map));
            var minimap        = map.Select(x => x.Match(
                                                y => y.PropertyAsObservable(z => z.Minimap, nameof(y.Minimap)),
                                                () => Observable.Return <Bitmap>(null)))

            // set up observables for property change notifications
            var mapChanged            = model.PropertyChangedObservable(nameof(model.Map));
            var viewportWidthChanged  = model.PropertyChangedObservable(nameof(model.ViewportWidth));
            var viewportHeightChanged = model.PropertyChangedObservable(nameof(model.ViewportHeight));
            var minimapChanged        = map.Select(
                x => x.Match(
                    y => y.PropertyChangedObservable(nameof(y.Minimap)),
                    Observable.Empty <Unit>))
            var viewportLocationChanged = map.Select(
                x => x.Match(
                    y => y.PropertyChangedObservable(nameof(y.ViewportLocation)),
                    Observable.Empty <Unit>))

            var startPositionChanged = map.Select(
                x => x.Match(
                    y => Observable
                    .FromEventPattern <StartPositionChangedEventArgs>(
                        e => y.StartPositionChanged += e,
                        e => y.StartPositionChanged -= e)
                    .Select(z => z.EventArgs.Index),
                    Observable.Empty <int>))

            // wire up the simple properties
            minimapVisible.Subscribe(x => this.MinimapVisible = x);
            minimap.Subscribe(x => this.MinimapImage          = Maybe.From(x));

            // listen for changes that affect the minimap viewport rectangle
            mapChanged.Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateMinimapRectangle());
            mapChanged.Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateStartPositions());

            minimapChanged.Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateMinimapRectangle());
            viewportLocationChanged.Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateMinimapRectangle());
            viewportWidthChanged.Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateMinimapRectangle());
            viewportHeightChanged.Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateMinimapRectangle());


            // do the initial rect update
コード例 #2
        public MapViewViewModel(IReadOnlyApplicationModel model, Dispatcher dispatcher, FeatureService featureService)
            var heightmapVisible = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.HeightmapVisible, nameof(model.HeightmapVisible));
            var voidsVisible     = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.VoidsVisible, nameof(model.VoidsVisible));
            var gridVisible      = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.GridVisible, nameof(model.GridVisible));
            var gridColor        = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.GridColor, nameof(model.GridColor));
            var gridSize         = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.GridSize, nameof(model.GridSize));
            var featuresVisible  = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.FeaturesVisible, nameof(model.FeaturesVisible));
            var map = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.Map, nameof(model.Map));

            var mapWidth  = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.MapWidth, "MapWidth", 0);
            var mapHeight = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.MapHeight, "MapHeight", 0);

            this.ViewportLocation = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(
                x => x.ViewportLocation,

            gridVisible.Subscribe(x => this.grid.Enabled = x);
            gridColor.Subscribe(x => this.grid.Color     = x);

            // FIXME: this should not ignore height
            gridSize.Subscribe(x => this.grid.CellSize = x.Width);
            voidsVisible.Subscribe(x => this.voidLayer.Value.Enabled = x);
            featuresVisible.Subscribe(x => this.featuresVisible      = x);

            this.CanvasSize = mapWidth.CombineLatest(mapHeight, (w, h) => new Size(w * 32, h * 32));
                x =>
                this.guides.AddHorizontalGuide(x.Height - 128);
                this.guides.AddVerticalGuide(x.Width - 32);

            map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.SelectedTile, "SelectedTile", null)
            .Subscribe(_ => this.RefreshSelection());
            map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.SelectedStartPosition, "SelectedStartPosition", null)
            .Subscribe(_ => this.RefreshSelection());

            .Where(x => x.IsSome)
            .Select(x => x.UnsafeValue)     // will never be null due to where clause
            .Select(x => x.SelectedFeatures)
            .Subscribe(x => x.CollectionChanged += this.SelectedFeaturesCollectionChanged);

                x => x.Match <AbstractLayer>(
                    y => new VoidLayer(y)
                Enabled = model.VoidsVisible
                    () => new DummyLayer()))

            this.model      = model;
            this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
            this.featureService = featureService;
コード例 #3
        public MainFormViewModel(IReadOnlyApplicationModel model, Dispatcher dispatcher)
            var map            = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.Map, nameof(model.Map));
            var mapOpen        = map.Select(x => x.IsSome);
            var isDirty        = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.IsMarked, "IsMarked", true).Select(x => !x);
            var filePath       = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.FilePath, "FilePath", null);
            var isFileReadOnly = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.IsFileReadOnly, "IsFileReadOnly", false);

            this.CanUndo          = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.CanUndo, nameof(UndoableMapModel.CanUndo), false);
            this.CanRedo          = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.CanRedo, nameof(UndoableMapModel.CanRedo), false);
            this.CanCut           = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.CanCut, nameof(UndoableMapModel.CanCut), false);
            this.CanCopy          = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.CanCopy, nameof(UndoableMapModel.CanCopy), false);
            this.CanPaste         = map.Select(x => x.IsSome);
            this.CanFill          = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.CanCopy, nameof(UndoableMapModel.CanFill), false);
            this.GridVisible      = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.GridVisible, "GridVisible");
            this.GridSize         = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.GridSize, "GridSize");
            this.HeightmapVisible = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.HeightmapVisible, "HeightmapVisible");
            this.VoidsVisible     = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.VoidsVisible, nameof(model.VoidsVisible));
            this.FeaturesVisible  = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.FeaturesVisible, nameof(model.FeaturesVisible));
            this.MinimapVisible   = model.PropertyAsObservable(x => x.MinimapVisible, nameof(model.MinimapVisible));
            this.SeaLevel         = map.ObservePropertyOrDefault(x => x.SeaLevel, "SeaLevel", 0);

            this.CanSaveAs                     = mapOpen;
            this.CanCloseMap                   = mapOpen;
            this.CanImportMinimap              = mapOpen;
            this.CanExportMinimap              = mapOpen;
            this.CanImportHeightmap            = mapOpen;
            this.CanExportHeightmap            = mapOpen;
            this.CanImportCustomSection        = mapOpen;
            this.CanExportMapImage             = mapOpen;
            this.CanGenerateMinimap            = mapOpen;
            this.CanGenerateMinimapHighQuality = mapOpen;
            this.CanOpenAttributes             = mapOpen;
            this.CanChangeSeaLevel             = mapOpen;

            // set up CanSave observable
            var canSave = Observable.CombineLatest(
                filePath.Select(x => x != null),
                isFileReadOnly.Select(x => !x))
                          .Select(x => x.All(y => y))

            this.CanSave = canSave;

            // set up TitleText observable
            var cleanFileName = filePath.Select(x => (x ?? "Untitled"));
            var dirtyFileName = cleanFileName.Select(x => x + "*");

            var fileName = isDirty
                           .Select(x => x ? dirtyFileName : cleanFileName)
            var readOnlyFileName = fileName.Select(y => y + " [read only]");

            var fileNameTitle = isFileReadOnly
                                .Select(x => x ? readOnlyFileName : fileName)

            var defaultTitle  = Observable.Return(ProgramName);
            var openFileTitle = fileNameTitle.Select(y => y + " - " + ProgramName);
            var titleText     = mapOpen
                                .Select(x => x ? openFileTitle : defaultTitle)


            this.TitleText = titleText;

            this.dispatcher = dispatcher;