コード例 #1
ファイル: PlaylistViewModel.cs プロジェクト: hur1can3/Espera
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PlaylistViewModel" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playlist">The playlist info.</param>
        /// <param name="renameRequest">
        /// A function that requests the rename of the playlist. Return true, if the rename is
        /// granted, otherwise false.
        /// </param>
        public PlaylistViewModel(Playlist playlist, Func<string, bool> renameRequest)
            this.playlist = playlist;
            this.renameRequest = renameRequest;

            this.disposable = new CompositeDisposable();

            this.entries = playlist
                .CreateDerivedCollection(entry => new PlaylistEntryViewModel(entry))
            this.entries.ItemsRemoved.Subscribe(x => x.Dispose());

            this.playlist.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).ToUnit()
                .Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateCurrentSong())

            IObservable<List<PlaylistEntryViewModel>> remainingSongs = this.entries.Changed
                .Select(x => Unit.Default)
                .Merge(this.playlist.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).ToUnit())
                .Select(x => this.entries.Reverse().TakeWhile(entry => !entry.IsPlaying).ToList());

            this.songsRemaining = remainingSongs
                .Select(x => x.Count)
                .ToProperty(this, x => x.SongsRemaining)

            this.timeRemaining = remainingSongs
                .Select(x => x.Any() ? x.Select(entry => entry.Duration).Aggregate((t1, t2) => t1 + t2) : (TimeSpan?)null)
                .ToProperty(this, x => x.TimeRemaining)

            this.CurrentPlayingEntry = this.Model.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).Select(x => x == null ? null : this.entries[x.Value]);
コード例 #2
        public OrganizationMenuViewModel(HDPApp _app)
            Title = "Parti";

            Action<OrganizationMenuItemViewModel> gotoCommand = null;
            gotoCommand = new Action<OrganizationMenuItemViewModel> (x => {
                if (x.Model.MenuType == MenuType.View) {
                    var page = x.Model.Page;

                    var vm = new OrganizationPageViewModel();
                    vm.Title = page.Title;
                    vm.Document = page.Document;


                else if (x.Model.MenuType == MenuType.SubMenu)
                    var subMenuItemVM = new OrganizationSubMenuItemViewModel(x.Model, gotoCommand);
                    subMenuItemVM.Title = x.Title;

            OrganizationItems = _app.State.OrganizationMenuItems.CreateDerivedCollection (
                x => new OrganizationMenuItemViewModel (x, gotoCommand));
コード例 #3
        public OrganizationMenuItemViewModel(OrganizationMenuItem model, Action<OrganizationMenuItemViewModel> gotoCommand)
            Model = model;

            ImageName = model.ImageName;
            Name = model.Name;
            Title = model.Name;

            SubMenuItems = model.SubMenuItems.CreateDerivedCollection (x => new OrganizationSubMenuItemViewModel(x, gotoCommand));

            GoToCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create ();
            GoToCommand.Subscribe (x => gotoCommand (this));
コード例 #4
        public ChannelViewModel(string token, string teamId, IScreen screen = null)
            HostScreen = screen ?? Locator.Current.GetService<IScreen>();
            Messages = new ReactiveList<Message>();

            var client = new HttpClient(NetCache.UserInitiated) {
                BaseAddress = new Uri("https://slack.com"),

            var api = RestService.For<ISlackApi>(client);

            LoadChannelToDisplay = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async _ => {
                var channelList = await BlobCache.LocalMachine.GetOrFetchObject("channels_" + teamId, 
                    () => api.GetChannels(token),
                    RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0));

                // Try to find ReactiveUI, then general, then whatever the first one is
                var channel =
                    channelList.channels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name.ToLowerInvariant() == "reactiveui") ??
                    channelList.channels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.name.ToLowerInvariant() == "general") ??

                return channel.id;

            LoadChannelToDisplay.Subscribe(x => VisibleChannel = x);

            LoadMessages = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async _ => {
                var channelToLoad = VisibleChannel;
                if (channelToLoad == null) {
                    channelToLoad = await LoadChannelToDisplay.ExecuteAsync();

                return await api.GetLatestMessages(token, channelToLoad);

            LoadMessages.Subscribe(xs => {

            LoadMessages.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(ex =>
                UserError.Throw("Couldn't load messages for room", ex));

            MessageTiles = Messages.CreateDerivedCollection(
                x => new MessageTileViewModel(x),
                x => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.text),
                (x, y) => x.Model.date.CompareTo(y.Model.date));
コード例 #5
        public CoinListViewModel(IReactiveDerivedList <CoinViewModel> coins)
            Coins = coins;

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedCoin).Subscribe(async coin =>
                if (coin != null)
                    await Application.Current.Clipboard.SetTextAsync(coin.TransactionId);
                    ClipboardNotificationVisible = true;
                    ClipboardNotificationOpacity = 1;

                    Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(async() =>
                        await Task.Delay(1000);
                        ClipboardNotificationOpacity = 0;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor method.
        /// </summary>
        public TransparencyManagerPanelViewModel(IAppState appState = null)
            _appState = appState ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <IAppState>();

            _processInstances = _appState.GetProcessInstances().CreateDerivedCollection(
                selector: instance => instance

            _processInstances.ItemsAdded.Subscribe(instance =>

            this.WhenAnyValue(@this => @this.TransparencyLevel).Subscribe(alphaLevel =>
                foreach (var instance in _processInstances)
コード例 #7
ファイル: GamesViewModel.cs プロジェクト: xantari/agent
        public GamesViewModel(IDependencyResolver resolver)
            var menuManager = resolver.GetService <IPinballXManager>();
            var gameManager = resolver.GetService <IGameManager>();

            // create platforms, filtered and sorted
            Systems = menuManager.Systems.CreateDerivedCollection(
                system => new SystemItemViewModel(this, system),
                system => system.Enabled,
                (x, y) => string.Compare(x.System.Name, y.System.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)

            // this is the list we only create once
            _allGameViewModels = gameManager.AggregatedGames.CreateDerivedCollection(
                game => new GameItemViewModel(game, resolver)
                IsVisible = IsGameVisible(game)

            // this is the list that gets filtered
            Games = _allGameViewModels.CreateDerivedCollection(
                gameViewModel => gameViewModel,
                gameViewModel => gameViewModel.IsVisible,
                (x, y) => string.Compare(Path.GetFileName(x.Game.FileId), Path.GetFileName(y.Game.FileId), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            _allGameViewModels.ChangeTrackingEnabled = true;

            // update platform filter when platforms change
            .Select(_ => Unit.Default)
            .Subscribe(x => UpdateSystems());

            menuManager.GamesUpdated.Subscribe(x => RefreshGameVisibility());
            this.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.ShowDisabled, vm => vm.ShowHidden).Subscribe(x => RefreshGameVisibility());
            this.WhenAnyValue(vm => vm.StatusFilter).Subscribe(x => RefreshGameVisibility());
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor method.
        /// </summary>
        public ProcessesManagerViewModel(IProcessRepository processesRepository = null, IValidator <IProcessViewModel> processViewModelaValidator = null)
            _processesRepository = processesRepository ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <IProcessRepository>();
            _formDataValidator   = processViewModelaValidator ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <IValidator <IProcessViewModel> >();

            // Lists
            _processesSource = new ReactiveList <ProcessEntity>()
                ChangeTrackingEnabled = true
            _processesList = _processesSource.CreateDerivedCollection(
                selector: entity => Mapper.Map <IProcessViewModel>(entity),
                filter: entity => FilterEntity(entity),
                signalReset: this.ObservableForProperty(@this => @this.FilterText).Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(175), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)

            // Add
            _addProcessCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => AddProcessCommandAction());

            // Edit
            this.WhenAnyValue(viewModel => viewModel.SelectedProcess)
            .Where(option => option != null)
            .Subscribe(process => EditProcessCommandAction(process));

            // Save
            _saveProcessCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => SaveProcessAction());

            // Cancel
            _cancelFormCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => CancelFormCommandAction());

            // Delete
            _deleteProcessCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => DeleteProcessCommandAction());

            // Load Processess
            _loadProcessesCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async() => await LoadProcessesCommandAction());
            _loadProcessesCommand.IsExecuting.BindTo(this, @this => @this.IsLoadingProcesses);
            _loadProcessesCommand.Subscribe(entities => LoadProcessesCommandHandler(entities));
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor method.
        /// </summary>
        public ConsolesPanelViewModel(
            IAppState appState                          = null,
            IProcessFactory processFactory              = null,
            IProcessesTracker processesTracker          = null,
            IProcessRepository processesRepository      = null,
            IProcessesInteropAgent consolesInteropAgent = null,
            ISnackbarMessageQueue snackbarMessageQueue  = null)
            _appState             = appState ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <IAppState>();
            _processFactory       = processFactory ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <IProcessFactory>();
            _processesTracker     = processesTracker ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <IProcessesTracker>();
            _processesRepository  = processesRepository ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <IProcessRepository>();
            _consolesInteropAgent = consolesInteropAgent ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <IProcessesInteropAgent>();
            _snackbarMessageQueue = snackbarMessageQueue ?? Locator.CurrentMutable.GetService <ISnackbarMessageQueue>();

            // Lists
            _consoleProcessEntities = new ReactiveList <ProcessEntity>()
                ChangeTrackingEnabled = false
            _consolesList = _consoleProcessEntities.CreateDerivedCollection(
                selector: process => Mapper.Map <IProcessViewModel>(process)

            // Load Processess
            _loadConsolesCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(async() => await LoadConsolesCommandAction());
            _loadConsolesCommand.IsExecuting.BindTo(this, @this => @this.IsLoadingConsoles);
            _loadConsolesCommand.Subscribe(entities => LoadConsolesCommandHandler(entities));

            // Create Instances
            _startConsoleProcessCommandFactory = () =>
                var command = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask <IProcessViewModel, IProcessInstanceViewModel>(async(option) => await StartConsoleProcessCommandAction(option));
                command.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(@exception => StartConsoleProcessCommandError(@exception));
                command.Subscribe(instance => StartConsoleProcessCommandHandler(instance));
コード例 #10
        public MainViewModel()
            this.activator = new ViewModelActivator();
            this.dinosaurModels = new ReactiveList<Data.Dinosaur>(
            this.dinosaurs = this
                    selector: dinosaur => new DinosaurViewModel(dinosaur.Name));

                    disposables =>
                            .Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), RxApp.MainThreadScheduler)
                            .Do(_ => MakeRandomChange())
コード例 #11
 public CoinListViewModel(IReactiveDerivedList <CoinViewModel> coins)
     Coins = coins;
コード例 #12
ファイル: PlaylistViewModel.cs プロジェクト: yongjan/Espera
        public PlaylistViewModel(Playlist playlist, Library library, Guid accessToken, CoreSettings coreSettings)
            if (playlist == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(playlist));

            if (library == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(library));

            if (coreSettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(coreSettings));

            this.playlist = playlist;
            this.library  = library;

            this.disposable = new CompositeDisposable();

            this.entries = playlist
                           .CreateDerivedCollection(entry => new PlaylistEntryViewModel(entry), x => x.Dispose())

            this.playlist.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).ToUnit()
            .Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateCurrentSong())

            IObservable <List <PlaylistEntryViewModel> > remainingSongs = this.entries.Changed
                                                                          .Select(x => Unit.Default)
                                                                          .Merge(this.playlist.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).ToUnit())
                                                                          .Select(x => this.entries.Reverse().TakeWhile(entry => !entry.IsPlaying).ToList());

            this.songsRemaining = remainingSongs
                                  .Select(x => x.Count)
                                  .ToProperty(this, x => x.SongsRemaining)

            this.timeRemaining = remainingSongs
                                 .Select(x => x.Any() ? x.Select(entry => entry.Duration).Aggregate((t1, t2) => t1 + t2) : (TimeSpan?)null)
                                 .ToProperty(this, x => x.TimeRemaining)

            this.CurrentPlayingEntry = this.Model.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).Select(x => x == null ? null : this.entries[x.Value]);

            this.canAlterPlaylist = this.library.LocalAccessControl.HasAccess(coreSettings.WhenAnyValue(x => x.LockPlaylist), accessToken)
                                    .ToProperty(this, x => x.CanAlterPlaylist)

            // We re-evaluate the selected entries after each up or down move here, because WPF
            // doesn't send us proper updates about the selection
            var reEvaluateSelectedPlaylistEntry = new Subject <Unit>();

            this.MovePlaylistSongUpCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedEntries)
                                                                    .Merge(reEvaluateSelectedPlaylistEntry.Select(_ => this.SelectedEntries))
                                                                    .Select(x => x != null && x.Count() == 1 && x.First().Index > 0)
                                                                    .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CanAlterPlaylist), (canMoveUp, canAlterPlaylist) => canMoveUp && canAlterPlaylist));
            this.MovePlaylistSongUpCommand.Subscribe(_ =>
                int index = this.SelectedEntries.First().Index;
                this.library.MovePlaylistSong(index, index - 1, accessToken);

            this.MovePlaylistSongDownCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedEntries)
                                                                      .Merge(reEvaluateSelectedPlaylistEntry.Select(_ => this.SelectedEntries))
                                                                      .Select(x => x != null && x.Count() == 1 && x.First().Index < this.Songs.Count - 1)
                                                                      .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CanAlterPlaylist), (canMoveDown, canAlterPlaylist) => canMoveDown && canAlterPlaylist));
            this.MovePlaylistSongDownCommand.Subscribe(_ =>
                int index = this.SelectedEntries.First().Index;
                this.library.MovePlaylistSong(index, index + 1, accessToken);

            this.MovePlaylistSongCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedEntries)
                                                                  .Merge(reEvaluateSelectedPlaylistEntry.Select(_ => this.SelectedEntries))
                                                                  .Select(x => x != null && x.Count() == 1)
                                                                  .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CanAlterPlaylist), (canMoveUp, canAlterPlaylist) => canMoveUp && canAlterPlaylist));
            this.MovePlaylistSongCommand.Subscribe(x =>
                int fromIndex = this.SelectedEntries.First().Index;
                int toIndex   = (int?)x ?? this.Songs.Last().Index + 1;

                // If we move a song from the front of the playlist to the back, we want it move be
                // in front of the target song
                if (fromIndex < toIndex)

                this.library.MovePlaylistSong(fromIndex, toIndex, accessToken);

            this.RemoveSelectedPlaylistEntriesCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedEntries, x => x.CanAlterPlaylist,
                                                                                                 (selectedPlaylistEntries, canAlterPlaylist) => selectedPlaylistEntries != null && selectedPlaylistEntries.Any() && canAlterPlaylist));
            this.RemoveSelectedPlaylistEntriesCommand.Subscribe(x => this.library.RemoveFromPlaylist(this.SelectedEntries.Select(entry => entry.Index), accessToken));
コード例 #13
 private static void CleanReactiveBuySell <T>(ref CompositeDisposable subscribsion, ref IReactiveDerivedList <T> reaciveList)
     if (subscribsion != null)
         subscribsion = null;
         reaciveList = null;
コード例 #14
        void SubscribeToEntryOrderRelatedEvents()
            var bsThrottleTimeSpan    = 0.1.FromSeconds();
            var cpThrottleTimeSpan    = 0.25.FromSeconds();
            var buySelPropsExceptions = new[] { "CanTradeEx", "IsGhost" };
            Func <IReactivePropertyChangedEventArgs <SuppRes>, bool> buySellPropsFilter = _ => !buySelPropsExceptions.Contains(_.PropertyName);

            //ISubject<Action> fxWraper = new Subject<Action>();
            //fxWraper.ObserveOn(TradesManagerStatic.TradingScheduler).Subscribe(a => a(), () => { Debugger.Break(); });

            #region SetTradeNet
            Action <Trade, double, double> SetTradeNet = (trade, limit, stop) => {
                //fxWraper.OnNext(() => {
                var fw = TradesManager;
                if (!limit.IsNaN())
                    try {
                        if (fw.GetNetOrderRate(Pair, false).Abs(limit) > InPoints(1))
                            //Log = new Exception("FixOrderSetLimit:" + new { trade.Pair, limit = limit.Round(Digits()) });
                            fw.FixOrderSetLimit(trade.Id, limit, "");
                    } catch (Exception exc) { Log = exc; }
                if (!stop.IsNaN())
                    try {
                        if (fw.GetNetOrderRate(Pair, true).Abs(stop) > InPoints(1))
                            //Log = new Exception("FixOrderSetStop:" + new { trade.Pair, stop = stop.Round(Digits()) });
                            fw.FixOrderSetStop(trade.Id, stop, "");
                    } catch (Exception exc) { Log = exc; }
                TradeLastChangeDate = DateTime.Now;
            Action <Trade, double> SetTradeNetLimit = (trade, limit) => SetTradeNet(trade, limit, double.NaN);
            Action <Trade, double> SetTradeNetStop  = (trade, stop) => SetTradeNet(trade, double.NaN, stop);
            Action CloseAllNetLimits = () => Trades.Take(1).ForEach(trade => SetTradeNetLimit(trade, 0));
            Action CloseAllNetStops  = () => Trades.Take(1).ForEach(trade => SetTradeNetStop(trade, 0));

            #region startBuySellLevelsTracking
            Action startBuySellLevelsTracking = () => {
                #region updateEntryOrders
                Action <string> updateEntryOrders = (reason) => {
                    try {
                        var buySellLevels = new[] { BuyLevel, SellLevel };
                        GetEntryOrders().GroupBy(eo => eo.IsBuy).SelectMany(eog => eog.Skip(1)).ForEach(OnDeletingOrder);
                        Func <SuppRes, bool> canTrade = (sr) =>/* IsTradingHour() &&*/
                                                        sr.CanTrade && sr.TradesCount <= 0 &&
                        Func <bool, int> lotSize = isBuy =>
                                                   (buySellLevels.Where(sr => sr.IsBuy == isBuy).Any(canTrade) ? (isBuy ? LotSizeByLossBuy : LotSizeByLossSell) : 0)
                                                   + (TradesManager.GetNetOrderRate(Pair, true) > 0 ? 0 : Trades.IsBuy(!isBuy).Lots());
                        buySellLevels.Select(sr => new { sr.IsBuy, sr.Rate, lotSize = lotSize(sr.IsBuy) })
                        .Do(sr => GetEntryOrders(sr.IsBuy).Where(a => sr.lotSize == 0).ForEach(OnDeletingOrder))
                        .Where(sr => sr.lotSize > 0 && !GetEntryOrders(sr.IsBuy).Any())
                        .ForEach(level => OnCreateEntryOrder(level.IsBuy, level.lotSize, level.Rate));

                        Action <Order> changeLimit = eo => TradesManager.YieldIf(!IsInVirtualTrading && eo.Lot.Ratio(lotSize(eo.IsBuy)) > 1.025)
                                                     .ForEach(fw => {
                            //Log = new Exception("ChangeEntryOrderLot:" + reason);
                            fw.ChangeEntryOrderLot(eo.OrderID, lotSize(eo.IsBuy));

                        Func <bool, double> orderRate  = isBuy => buySellLevels.Where(sr => sr.IsBuy == isBuy).First().Rate;
                        Action <Order>      changeRate = eo => TradesManager.YieldIf(!IsInVirtualTrading && eo.Rate.Abs(orderRate(eo.IsBuy)) > PointSize)
                                                         .ForEach(fw => {
                            //Log = new Exception("ChangeEntryOrderRate:" + reason);
                            fw.ChangeEntryOrderRate(eo.OrderID, orderRate(eo.IsBuy));

                        GetEntryOrders().ForEach(eo => {
                    } catch (Exception exc) { Log = exc; }
                _reactiveBuySellLevels = new[] { BuyLevel, SellLevel, BuyCloseLevel, SellCloseLevel }.CreateDerivedCollection(sr => sr);
                _reactiveBuySellLevels.ChangeTrackingEnabled = true;
                _reactiveBuySellLevelsSubscribtion           = (CompositeDisposable)
                                                               //.Do(_ => Log = new Exception(new { Name = "startBuySellLevelsTracking", _.PropertyName, Value = _.Value + "" } + ""))
                                                               .Select(_ => _.Sender.IsBuy ? "Buy" + (_.Sender.IsExitOnly ? "Close" : "") + "Level" : "Sell" + (_.Sender.IsExitOnly ? "Close" : "") + "Level")
                                                               .Merge(ReactiveTrades.ItemChanged.Where(_ => _.PropertyName == "Stop").Select(_ => _.Sender.IsBuy ? "BuyTrade" : "SellTrade"))
                                                               .Merge(Observable.FromEventPattern <EventHandler <OrderEventArgs>, OrderEventArgs>(
                                                                          h => TradesManager.OrderAdded += h, h => TradesManager.OrderAdded -= h).Select(e => "OrderAdded"))
                                                               .Merge(Observable.FromEventPattern <EventHandler <OrderEventArgs>, OrderEventArgs>(
                                                                          h => TradesManager.OrderChanged += h, h => TradesManager.OrderChanged -= h).Select(e => "OrderChanged"))
                                                               .Merge(Observable.FromEvent <OrderRemovedEventHandler, Order>(h => TradesManager.OrderRemoved += h, h => TradesManager.OrderRemoved -= h).Select(_ => "OrderRemoved"))
                                                               .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CurrentPrice, tm => "CurrentPrice").Sample(cpThrottleTimeSpan))
                                                               .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CanDoEntryOrders, tm => "CanDoEntryOrders"))
                                                               .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CanDoNetStopOrders, tm => "CanDoNetStopOrders"))
                                                               .Subscribe(reason => _updateEntryOrdersBuffer.Push(() => updateEntryOrders(reason)));
                updateEntryOrders("Start Tracking");
            #region startBuySellCloseLevelsTracking
            #region Net Update Implementations
            var    bsCloseLevels          = MonoidsCore.ToFunc(() => new[] { BuyCloseLevel, SellCloseLevel }.Where(sr => sr != null));
            Action updateTradeLimitOrders = () => {
                Func <Trade, double[]> levelRate  = trade => bsCloseLevels().Where(sr => sr.IsBuy == !trade.IsBuy).Select(sr => sr.Rate).Take(1).ToArray();
                Action <Trade>         changeRate = trade => levelRate(trade)
                                                    .Where(_ => !IsInVirtualTrading)
                                                    .Where(lr => trade.Limit.Abs(lr) > PointSize)
                                                    .ForEach(lr => SetTradeNetLimit(trade, lr));
            Func <Trade, double[]> getDefaultStop = trade => // Take care of reversed corridor
                                                    .Where(_ => SellLevel.Rate > BuyLevel.Rate)
                                                    .Where(bs => bs.IsBuy != trade.IsBuy)
                                                    .Select(bs => trade.Open.Abs(bs.Rate) * 2)
                                                    .Select(stop => trade.IsBuy ? -stop : stop)
                                                    .Select(stop => trade.Open + stop)
            Action updateTradeStopOrders = () => {
                var bsLevels = new[] { BuyLevel, SellLevel }.Where(sr => sr != null);
                Func <Trade, IEnumerable <double> > levelRate = trade =>
                                                                        .Where(sr => sr.IsBuy == !trade.IsBuy && (!CanDoEntryOrders || !sr.CanTrade))
                                                                        .Select(t => t.Rate)
                Action <Trade> changeRate = trade => TradesManager.YieldNotNull(levelRate(trade).Any(rate => trade.Stop.Abs(rate) > PointSize))
                                            .ForEach(fw => levelRate(trade).ForEach(rate => SetTradeNetStop(trade, rate)));
            // New Limit
            Action startBuySellCloseLimitTracking = () => {
                _reactiveBuySellLimitLevels = new[] { BuyCloseLevel, SellCloseLevel, BuyLevel, SellLevel }
                .CreateDerivedCollection(sr => sr);
                _reactiveBuySellLimitLevels.ChangeTrackingEnabled = true;
                _reactiveBuySellCloseLimitSubscribtion            = (CompositeDisposable)_reactiveBuySellLimitLevels
                                                                    //.Do(_ => Log = new Exception(new { Name = "startBuySellCloseLevelsTracking", _.PropertyName, Value = _.Value + "" } + ""))
                                                                    .Select(_ => _.Sender.IsBuy ? "Buy(Close)Level" : "Sell(Close)Level")
                                                                    .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CurrentPrice, tm => "CurrentPrice").Sample(cpThrottleTimeSpan))
                                                                    .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CanDoEntryOrders, tm => "CanDoEntryOrders"))
                                                                    .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CanDoNetStopOrders, tm => "CanDoNetStopOrders"))
                                                                    .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.IsTrader, tm => "IsTrader"))
                                                                    .Subscribe(_ => {
                    if (CanDoNetLimitOrders)
            // New Stop
            Action startBuySellCloseStopTracking = () => {
                _reactiveBuySellStopLevels = new[] { BuyCloseLevel, SellCloseLevel, BuyLevel, SellLevel }
                .CreateDerivedCollection(sr => sr);
                _reactiveBuySellStopLevels.ChangeTrackingEnabled = true;
                _reactiveBuySellCloseStopSubscribtion            = (CompositeDisposable)_reactiveBuySellStopLevels
                                                                   //.Do(_ => Log = new Exception(new { Name = "startBuySellCloseLevelsTracking", _.PropertyName, Value = _.Value + "" } + ""))
                                                                   .Select(_ => _.Sender.IsBuy ? "Buy(Close)Level" : "Sell(Close)Level")
                                                                   .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CurrentPrice, tm => "CurrentPrice").Sample(cpThrottleTimeSpan))
                                                                   .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CanDoEntryOrders, tm => "CanDoEntryOrders"))
                                                                   .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.CanDoNetStopOrders, tm => "CanDoNetStopOrders"))
                                                                   .Merge(this.WhenAny(tm => tm.IsTrader, tm => "IsTrader"))
                                                                   .Subscribe(_ => {
                    if (CanDoNetStopOrders)

            #region Init BuySellLevels
            this.WhenAny(tm => tm.Strategy
                         , tm => tm.TrailingDistanceFunction
                         , tm => tm.HasBuyLevel
                         , tm => tm.HasSellLevel
                         , tm => tm.CanDoEntryOrders
                         , tm => tm.CanDoNetLimitOrders
                         , tm => tm.MustStopTrading
                         , (s, t, eo, no, ta, bl, sl) =>
                         Strategy == Strategies.Universal && HasBuyLevel && HasSellLevel && CanDoEntryOrders && !MustStopTrading && !IsInVirtualTrading
            .Subscribe(st => { // Turn on/off live entry orders
                try {
                    if (st)    // Subscribe to events in order to update live entry orders
                    //Log = new Exception("startBuySellLevelsTracking");
                    else if (_reactiveBuySellLevelsSubscribtion != null)
                        try {
                            GetEntryOrders().ToList().ForEach(order => OnDeletingOrder(order.OrderID));
                        } catch (Exception exc) { Log = exc; }
                        CleanReactiveBuySell(ref _reactiveBuySellLevelsSubscribtion, ref _reactiveBuySellLevels);
                } catch (Exception exc) { Log = exc; }
            #region Init BuySellCloseLevels
            //    tm => tm.BuyCloseLevel
            //  , tm => tm.SellCloseLevel
            //  , tm => tm.CanDoNetLimitOrders
            //  , tm => tm.CanDoNetStopOrders
            //  , tm => tm.CanDoEntryOrders
            //  , (b, s, non, nos, eo) =>
            //    BuyCloseLevel != null && SellCloseLevel != null && CanDoNetOrders && !IsInVitualTrading)
            //    .DistinctUntilChanged()
            //    .Sample(bsThrottleTimeSpan)
            //    .Subscribe(st => {// Turn on/off live net orders
            //      try {
            //        CleanReactiveBuySell(ref _reactiveBuySellCloseLevelsSubscribtion, ref _reactiveBuySellCloseLevels);
            //        if (!CanDoNetLimitOrders) CloseAllNetLimits();
            //        if (!CanDoNetStopOrders) CloseAllNetStops();
            //        if (st) {// (Re)Subscribe to events in order to update live net orders
            //          Log = new Exception("startBuySellCloseLevelsTracking");
            //          startBuySellCloseLevelsTracking();
            //        }
            //      } catch (Exception exc) { Log = exc; }
            //    });
            // New Limit
                tm => tm.HasBuyCloseLevel
                , tm => tm.HasSellCloseLevel
                , tm => tm.CanDoNetLimitOrders
                , (b, s, non) =>
                HasBuyCloseLevel && HasSellCloseLevel && CanDoNetLimitOrders && !IsInVirtualTrading)
            .Subscribe(st => {// Turn on/off live net orders
                try {
                    CleanReactiveBuySell(ref _reactiveBuySellCloseLimitSubscribtion, ref _reactiveBuySellLimitLevels);
                    if (!CanDoNetLimitOrders)
                        //Log = new Exception("Stop Limit Tracking");
                    if (st)// (Re)Subscribe to events in order to update live net orders
                    //Log = new Exception("Start Limit Tracking");
                } catch (Exception exc) { Log = exc; }
            // Net Stop
                tm => tm.HasBuyCloseLevel
                , tm => tm.HasSellCloseLevel
                , tm => tm.CanDoNetStopOrders
                , (b, s, non) =>
                HasBuyCloseLevel && HasSellCloseLevel && CanDoNetStopOrders && !IsInVirtualTrading)
            .Subscribe(st => {// Turn on/off live net orders
                try {
                    CleanReactiveBuySell(ref _reactiveBuySellCloseStopSubscribtion, ref _reactiveBuySellStopLevels);
                    if (!CanDoNetStopOrders)
                        //Log = new Exception("Stop Stop Tracking");
                    if (st)// (Re)Subscribe to events in order to update live net orders
                    //Log = new Exception("Start Stop Tracking");
                } catch (Exception exc) { Log = exc; }
コード例 #15
        public PlaylistViewModel(Playlist playlist, Library library, Guid accessToken, CoreSettings coreSettings)
            if (playlist == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("playlist");

            if (library == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("library");

            if (coreSettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("coreSettings");

            this.playlist = playlist;
            this.library = library;

            this.disposable = new CompositeDisposable();

            this.entries = playlist
                .CreateDerivedCollection(entry => new PlaylistEntryViewModel(entry), x => x.Dispose())

            this.playlist.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).ToUnit()
                .Subscribe(_ => this.UpdateCurrentSong())

            IObservable<List<PlaylistEntryViewModel>> remainingSongs = this.entries.Changed
                .Select(x => Unit.Default)
                .Merge(this.playlist.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).ToUnit())
                .Select(x => this.entries.Reverse().TakeWhile(entry => !entry.IsPlaying).ToList());

            this.songsRemaining = remainingSongs
                .Select(x => x.Count)
                .ToProperty(this, x => x.SongsRemaining)

            this.timeRemaining = remainingSongs
                .Select(x => x.Any() ? x.Select(entry => entry.Duration).Aggregate((t1, t2) => t1 + t2) : (TimeSpan?)null)
                .ToProperty(this, x => x.TimeRemaining)

            this.CurrentPlayingEntry = this.Model.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CurrentSongIndex).Select(x => x == null ? null : this.entries[x.Value]);

            this.canAlterPlaylist = this.library.LocalAccessControl.HasAccess(coreSettings.WhenAnyValue(x => x.LockPlaylist), accessToken)
                .ToProperty(this, x => x.CanAlterPlaylist)

            // We re-evaluate the selected entries after each up or down move here, because WPF
            // doesn't send us proper updates about the selection
            var reEvaluateSelectedPlaylistEntry = new Subject<Unit>();
            this.MovePlaylistSongUpCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedEntries)
                .Merge(reEvaluateSelectedPlaylistEntry.Select(_ => this.SelectedEntries))
                .Select(x => x != null && x.Count() == 1 && x.First().Index > 0)
                .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CanAlterPlaylist), (canMoveUp, canAlterPlaylist) => canMoveUp && canAlterPlaylist));
            this.MovePlaylistSongUpCommand.Subscribe(_ =>
                int index = this.SelectedEntries.First().Index;
                this.library.MovePlaylistSong(index, index - 1, accessToken);

            this.MovePlaylistSongDownCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedEntries)
                .Merge(reEvaluateSelectedPlaylistEntry.Select(_ => this.SelectedEntries))
                .Select(x => x != null && x.Count() == 1 && x.First().Index < this.Songs.Count - 1)
                .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CanAlterPlaylist), (canMoveDown, canAlterPlaylist) => canMoveDown && canAlterPlaylist));
            this.MovePlaylistSongDownCommand.Subscribe(_ =>
                int index = this.SelectedEntries.First().Index;
                this.library.MovePlaylistSong(index, index + 1, accessToken);

            this.MovePlaylistSongCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedEntries)
                .Merge(reEvaluateSelectedPlaylistEntry.Select(_ => this.SelectedEntries))
                .Select(x => x != null && x.Count() == 1)
                .CombineLatest(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CanAlterPlaylist), (canMoveUp, canAlterPlaylist) => canMoveUp && canAlterPlaylist));
            this.MovePlaylistSongCommand.Subscribe(x =>
                int fromIndex = this.SelectedEntries.First().Index;
                int toIndex = (int?)x ?? this.Songs.Last().Index + 1;

                // If we move a song from the front of the playlist to the back, we want it move be
                // in front of the target song
                if (fromIndex < toIndex)

                this.library.MovePlaylistSong(fromIndex, toIndex, accessToken);

            this.RemoveSelectedPlaylistEntriesCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedEntries, x => x.CanAlterPlaylist,
                (selectedPlaylistEntries, canAlterPlaylist) => selectedPlaylistEntries != null && selectedPlaylistEntries.Any() && canAlterPlaylist));
            this.RemoveSelectedPlaylistEntriesCommand.Subscribe(x => this.library.RemoveFromPlaylist(this.SelectedEntries.Select(entry => entry.Index), accessToken));
コード例 #16
ファイル: GamesViewModel.cs プロジェクト: freezy/vpdb-agent
        public GamesViewModel(IDependencyResolver resolver)
            _platformManager = resolver.GetService<IPlatformManager>();
            var gameManager = resolver.GetService<IGameManager>();

            // setup init listener
            gameManager.Initialized.Subscribe(_ => SetupTracking());

            // create platforms, filtered and sorted
            Platforms = _platformManager.Platforms.CreateDerivedCollection(
                platform => platform,
                platform => platform.IsEnabled,
                (x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal)

            // push all games into AllGames as view models and sorted
            _allGames = gameManager.Games.CreateDerivedCollection(
                game => new GameItemViewModel(game, resolver) { IsVisible = IsGameVisible(game) },
                gameViewModel => true,
                (x, y) => string.Compare(x.Game.Id, y.Game.Id, StringComparison.Ordinal)

            // push filtered game view models into Games
            Games = _allGames.CreateDerivedCollection(
                gameViewModel => gameViewModel,
                gameViewModel => gameViewModel.IsVisible);

            // todo check if we can simplify this.
            IdentifyAll.Subscribe(_ => {

                    .Where(g => g.ShowIdentifyButton)
                    .StepInterval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)) // don't DOS the server...
                    .Select(g => Observable.DeferAsync(async token =>
                        Observable.Return(await System.Windows.Application.Current. // must be on main thread
                            Dispatcher.Invoke(async () => new { game = g, result = await g.IdentifyRelease.ExecuteAsyncTask() }))))
                    .Subscribe(x => {
                        if (x.result.Count == 0) {
                            System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate {

                    .Where(g => !g.HasExecuted && !g.Game.HasRelease && !g.IsExecuting)
                    .StepInterval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)) // don't DOS the server...
                    .Subscribe(g => {
                        System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async () => {
                            var result = await g.IdentifyRelease.ExecuteAsyncTask();
                            if (result.Count == 0) {