コード例 #1
        public IEnumerable <Question> SearchByTestId(int testId, string keyword, int currentPage = 0, int take = 50, bool mappedQuestionOnly = false, bool withAnswerOption = false, bool withCorrectAnswerOption = false)
            int          skip  = Convert.ToInt32(currentPage * take);
            const string query = @"SELECT DISTINCT [Q].*,[QC].QuestionCategoryName, [TWQ].TestId, ISNULL(COUNT(*) OVER(),0) AS TotalRecordCount 
                            FROM [dbo].[Question] [Q]
                            LEFT JOIN [dbo].[QuestionCategory] [QC] ON [Q].QuestionCategoryId = [QC].QuestionCategoryId
                            LEFT JOIN (SELECT TWQ.QuestionId,TWQ.TestId FROM  [dbo].[TestWiseQuestion] [TWQ] WHERE  [TWQ].[TestId] =@TestId 
                            )TWQ ON TWQ.QuestionId = Q.QuestionId
                            WHERE 1 = 1
                            AND (@TestId = 0 OR @MappedOnly = 0 OR [TWQ].TestId = (CASE WHEN @MappedOnly = 1 THEN @TestId ELSE [TWQ].TestId END))
                            AND (LOWER([Q].[QuestionText]) LIKE  '%' + LOWER(@Keyword) + '%'
                            OR LOWER([Q].[Tags]) LIKE  '%' + LOWER(@Keyword) + '%'
                            OR LOWER([Q].[Marks]) LIKE  '%' + LOWER(@Keyword) + '%'
                            OR LOWER([Q].[DifficultyLevel]) LIKE  '%' + LOWER(@Keyword) + '%'
                            OR LOWER([QC].[QuestionCategoryName]) LIKE  '%' + LOWER(@Keyword) + '%'
                            OR LOWER([Q].[AnswerExplanation]) LIKE  '%' + LOWER(@Keyword) + '%')
                            ORDER BY [Q].[QuestionId] DESC OFFSET @Skip ROWS FETCH NEXT @Take ROWS ONLY";

            var questionList = _dbContext.SqlConnection.Query <Question>(query, new { TestId = testId, Keyword = keyword, Skip = skip, Take = take, MappedOnly = mappedQuestionOnly?1 : 0 }).ToList();

            if (withAnswerOption)
                if (questionList.Any())
                    for (int i = 0; i < questionList.Count(); i++)
                        var answerOption = _iQuestionAnswerOptionRepository.GetByQuestionId(questionList.ElementAt(i).QuestionId, withCorrectAnswerOption);
                        questionList.ElementAt(i).QuestionAnswerOptionList = answerOption;

コード例 #2
        public Message FinishTest(TestTaken testTaken)
            Message message;

                using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
                    if (testTaken.TakenId == 0)
                        return(SetMessage.SetErrorMessage("Taken Information not found. System unable to process your test result without taken id."));
                    var isExist     = _iTestTakenRepository.Get(testTaken);
                    var affectedRow = 0;

                    isExist.EndTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    var testInformation = _iTestRepository.Get(new Test {
                        TestId = testTaken.TestId
                    var correctAnswer = 0;
                    foreach (var details in testTaken.TestTakenDetails)
                        details.TakenId = isExist.TakenId;
                        details.TestId  = isExist.TestId;

                        var correctAnswerOption = String.Join(",", _iQuestionAnswerOptionRepository.GetByQuestionId(details.QuestionId, true).Where(c => c.IsCorrectAnswer).Select(a => a.AnswerOptionId));
                        var givenAnswerOption   = String.Join(",", testTaken.TestTakenDetails.Where(c => c.QuestionId == details.QuestionId).Select(a => a.AnswerOptionId));

                        if (correctAnswerOption == givenAnswerOption)
                            details.IsCorrectAnswer = true;


                    var totalQuestion = testInformation.NoOfQuestion;
                    var score         = Convert.ToDecimal((correctAnswer * 100.0 / totalQuestion));
                    isExist.Score = score;
                    affectedRow   = _iTestTakenRepository.Update(isExist);

                    var user = _iUserRepository.Get(new User {
                        UserId = isExist.UserId

                    //if (user != null && user.RaasForceUserId != null && user.RaasForceUserId > 0)
                    //    var restClient = new RestClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiUrl"]);
                    //    var request = new RestRequest("api/iTestApp/InsertOrUpdateTestResult?param1=" + user.RaasForceUserId + "&param2=" + testTaken.TestId + "&param3=" + testTaken.TakenId + "&param4=" + score.ToString("#"), Method.GET) { RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json };
                    //    var result = restClient.Execute<HttpResponseMessage>(request);

                    message = affectedRow > 0
                        ? SetMessage.SetSuccessMessage("Information has been saved successfully.")
                        : SetMessage.SetInformationMessage("No data has been saved.");

            catch (Exception exception)