public string GetQualifiedTableNameOrToString() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.WhereCommand)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.OrderByCommand)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.LimitCommand)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.GroupByCommand)) { if (this.FromCommand == "from `" + Strategy.GetDescriptor().GetQualifiedTableName() + "`") { if (this.SelectCommand == Strategy.GetDescriptor().GetSelectAllColumnsText()) { return("`" + Strategy.GetDescriptor().GetQualifiedTableName() + "`"); } } } } } } return("(\n" + this.ToString() + ")"); }
public static double Sum <TElement>(this IQueryStrategy <TElement> Strategy, Expression <Func <TElement, double> > selector) { // // //throw new NotImplementedException("sqlite does not have it yet"); // var body = ((MemberExpression)((LambdaExpression)selector).Body); // do we need to check our db schema or is reflection the schema for us? #region ColumnName var ColumnName = ""; ColumnName = body.Member.Name; #endregion return(((Task <double>)Strategy.GetDescriptor().GetWithConnection()( c => { var state = QueryStrategyExtensions.AsCommandBuilder(Strategy); // override state.SelectCommand = "select sum(`" + ColumnName + "`) "; //var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(state.ToString(), c); var cmd = c.CreateCommand(state.ToString()); foreach (var item in state.ApplyParameter) { item(cmd); } var s = new TaskCompletionSource <double>(); s.SetResult( (double)cmd.ExecuteScalar() ); //var r = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //if (r.NextResult()) //{ // //ex = {"No current row"} // s.SetResult( // r.GetInt64(0) // ); //} return s.Task; } )).Result); }
public static TResult Min <TElement, TResult>(this IQueryStrategy <TElement> Strategy, Expression <Func <TElement, TResult> > selector) { // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\MinMaxAverageExperiment\MinMaxAverageExperiment\ApplicationWebService.cs return(((Task <TResult>)Strategy.GetDescriptor().GetWithConnection()( c => { // // // var body = ((MemberExpression)((LambdaExpression)selector).Body); // do we need to check our db schema or is reflection the schema for us? #region ColumnName var ColumnName = ""; ColumnName = body.Member.Name; #endregion var state = QueryStrategyExtensions.AsCommandBuilder(Strategy); // override state.SelectCommand = "select min(`" + ColumnName + "`) "; //var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(state.ToString(), c); var cmd = c.CreateCommand(state.ToString()); foreach (var item in state.ApplyParameter) { item(cmd); } var s = new TaskCompletionSource <TResult>(); // will it compile to java??? s.SetResult( (TResult)cmd.ExecuteScalar() ); //var r = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //if (r.NextResult()) //{ // //ex = {"No current row"} // s.SetResult( // r.GetInt64(0) // ); //} return s.Task; } )).Result); }
public static IQueryStrategy <TElement> Where <TElement>(this IQueryStrategy <TElement> source, Expression <Func <TElement, bool> > filter) { // which thread are we running on? // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\appengine\AppEngineUserAgentLoggerWithXSLXAsset\AppEngineUserAgentLoggerWithXSLXAsset\ApplicationWebService.cs Console.WriteLine("enter Where"); var xINestedQueryStrategy = source is INestedQueryStrategy; if (!xINestedQueryStrategy) { // lets mark it as nestable, this allows where to know how to aviod name clashes. // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\linq\test\TestGroupByCountViaScalarWhere\TestGroupByCountViaScalarWhere\ApplicationWebService.cs // // first step being immputable for where clauses var that = new WhereQueryStrategy <TElement> { source = source, filter = filter, InternalGetElementType = delegate { return(source.GetElementType()); }, InternalGetDescriptor = () => { // inherit the connection/context from above var StrategyDescriptor = source.GetDescriptor(); return(StrategyDescriptor); } }; MutableWhere( that, filter ); return(that); } MutableWhere( source, filter ); return(source); }
// X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\LINQ\MashableVelocityGraph\MashableVelocityGraph\ApplicationWebService.cs //[Obsolete("this is the first method we made generic. would it work for a group now?")] //public static long Count<TElement>(this IQueryStrategy<TElement> Strategy) public static long Count(this IQueryStrategy Strategy) { return(((Task <long>)Strategy.GetDescriptor().GetWithConnection()( c => { var state = QueryStrategyExtensions.AsCommandBuilder(Strategy); // override state.SelectCommand = "select count(*)"; var cmd = c.CreateCommand(state.ToString()); foreach (var item in state.ApplyParameter) { item(cmd); } var s = new TaskCompletionSource <long>(); s.SetResult((long)cmd.ExecuteScalar()); return s.Task; } )).Result); }
static DataTable InternalAsDataTable(IQueryStrategy Strategy) { // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\forms\Test\TestSQLiteGroupBy\TestSQLiteGroupBy\ApplicationWebService.cs // will it work for jvm? var st = new StackTrace(0, true); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Console.WriteLine("AsDataTable " + new { Strategy }); if (Strategy == null) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Debugger.Break(); } throw new ArgumentNullException("Strategy"); } //System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assume var value = ((Task <DataTable>)Strategy.GetDescriptor().GetWithConnection()( c => { var state = QueryStrategyExtensions.AsCommandBuilder(Strategy); //var cmd = new SQLiteCommand(state.ToString(), c); var cmd = (DbCommand)c.CreateCommand(); //ex = {"no such column: dealer.Key"} cmd.CommandText = state.ToString(); // foreach (var item in state.ApplyParameter) { item(cmd); } // X:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLib\Shared\BCLImplementation\System\Data\Common\DbDataAdapter.cs // will this work under CLR too? // // // // To issue a multi-statement SQL string, the Execute command must be used. // Some databases may require that the processing of the current result be completed before the next result is returned by NextResult. // // // // // // // One possible solution is to fetch all events, to a ToList() and do the grouping in-memory. // // //var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); ////var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); ////Console.WriteLine( //// new //// { //// reader.Depth, //// reader.FieldCount //// //reader.NextResult //// } ////); //var a = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd); // var a = new __DbDataAdapter { SelectCommand = cmd }; //var a = new SQLiteDataAdapter { SelectCommand = cmd }; //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.fetchPayload(Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.BtCursor pCur, ref int pAmt, ref int outOffset, bool skipKey) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.BtCursor pCur, ref int pAmt, ref int outOffset) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.sqlite3VdbeExec(Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.Vdbe p) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.sqlite3Step(Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.Vdbe p) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.sqlite3_step(Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.Vdbe pStmt) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteStatement(Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.Vdbe pStmt, out int cols, out System.IntPtr pazValue, out System.IntPtr pazColName) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.ReadpVm(Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.Vdbe pVm, int version, System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.SQLiteDataReader(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd, Community.CsharpSqlite.Sqlite3.Vdbe pVm, int version) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, bool want_results, out int rows_affected) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) Unknown //System.Data.XSQLite.dll!System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) Unknown //System.Data.dll!System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader() Unknown //ScriptCoreLib.dll!ScriptCoreLib.Shared.BCLImplementation.System.Data.Common.__DbDataAdapter.Fill(System.Data.DataTable dataTable) Unknown var ss = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Console.WriteLine("before Fill"); var t = new DataTable(); //var ds = new DataSet(); a.Fill(t); // is SQLIte Fill handicapped or what? //a.Fill(ds); //Console.WriteLine("after Fill " + new { ss.ElapsedMilliseconds, t.Rows.Count }); Console.WriteLine("after Fill " + new { ss.ElapsedMilliseconds }); var s = new TaskCompletionSource <DataTable>(); //s.SetResult(ds.Tables[0]); s.SetResult(t); return(s.Task); } )).Result; var caller = st.GetFrame(1); Console.WriteLine( Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString("x4") + ":" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString("x4") + " AsDataTable " + new { sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, Debugger.IsAttached, caller = caller.ToString() }); return(value); }