コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Subset (words and occurences etc.) creator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexName">the name of the index</param>
        /// <param name="textFields">the text field where the words and occurences come from, the fields where you have the analyzer_1, analyzer_2...</param>
        /// <param name="interPretedFields">this will be used for the all word occurences only (where the tokencount tokenfilter is)</param>
        /// <param name="nGramCount"></param>
        /// <param name="queryFactory"></param>
        /// <param name="attachmentFields"></param>
        public SubsetCreator(string indexName, List <string> textFields, List <string> interPretedFields, int nGramCount, IQueryFactory queryFactory, List <string> attachmentFields)
            this.attachmentFields = attachmentFields;
            this.queryFactory     = queryFactory;
            _indexName            = indexName;
            _textFields           = textFields;
            _nGramCount           = nGramCount;

            _allWordsOccurences = queryFactory.GetWordQuery(_indexName).GetAllWordsOccurences(interPretedFields, nGramCount);
コード例 #2
        public Subset CreateByTag(string tagId, string tagField)
            var docQuery  = queryFactory.GetDocumentQuery(_indexName);
            var wordQuery = queryFactory.GetWordQuery(_indexName);
            var docs      = docQuery.GetByTagId(tagId, tagField, DocumentQuery.GetDocumentElasticFields(new[] { DocumentElastic.IdField }));

            Func <string, bool> isAttachmentField = (field) => attachmentFields.Any(attachmentField =>
                                                                                    string.Equals(attachmentField, field, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            var fields = _textFields
                         .Select(field => isAttachmentField(field) ? $"{field}.content" : field)

            var wwo = wordQuery.GetWordsWithOccurences(docs.Select(d => d.Id).ToList(), fields, _nGramCount);

            var subset = new Subset
                AllWordsOccurencesSumInCorpus = _allWordsOccurences,
                AllWordsOccurencesSumInTag    = wwo.Sum(w => w.Value.Tag),
                WordsWithOccurences           = wwo

コード例 #3
ファイル: TagService.cs プロジェクト: attilaersek/slamby-api
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the tags.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="withDetails">if set to <c>true</c> [with details].</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Tag> GetTagModels(string dataSetName, bool withDetails)
            var dataSet = DataSet(dataSetName).DataSet;

            var tags           = new List <Tag>();
            var tagElastics    = TagQuery(dataSetName).GetAll().Items;
            var tagElasticsDic = tagElastics.ToDictionary(t => t.Id, t => t);
            var wordQuery      = queryFactory.GetWordQuery(dataSet.Name);

            Dictionary <string, int> docCountDic  = null;
            Dictionary <string, int> wordCountDic = null;

            if (withDetails)
                docCountDic = DocumentQuery(dataSetName).CountForTags(tagElasticsDic.Keys.ToList(), dataSet.TagField);
                // the text field contains the concatenate word also, so we have to use the interpretedfields
                wordCountDic = wordQuery.CountForWord(dataSet.InterpretedFields.Select(Elastic.Queries.DocumentQuery.MapDocumentObjectName).ToList(), 1, tagElasticsDic.Keys.ToList(), Elastic.Queries.DocumentQuery.MapDocumentObjectName(dataSet.TagField));

            foreach (var tagId in tagElasticsDic.Keys)
                var tagElastic = tagElasticsDic[tagId];
                var pathItems  = tagElasticsDic
                                 .Where(d => tagElastic.ParentIdList.Contains(d.Key))
                                 .OrderBy(t => t.Value.Level)
                                 .Select(d => new PathItem {
                    Id = d.Value.Id, Name = d.Value.Name, Level = d.Value.Level
                var wordCount     = 0;
                var documentCount = 0;

                if (withDetails)
                    documentCount = docCountDic[tagId];
                    wordCount     = wordCountDic[tagId];

                var tag = new Tag
                    Id         = tagElastic.Id,
                    Name       = tagElastic.Name,
                    ParentId   = tagElastic.ParentId(),
                    Properties = new TagProperties
                        Paths         = pathItems,
                        IsLeaf        = tagElastic.IsLeaf,
                        Level         = tagElastic.Level,
                        DocumentCount = documentCount,
                        WordCount     = wordCount

            if (withDetails)
                var tagIdsByLevel = TagHelper.GetTagIdsByLevel(tags, p => p.ParentId, i => i.Id);

                // Go leaf to root to add child document & word count to parent properties
                if (tagIdsByLevel.Keys.Count > 1)
                    for (int level = tagIdsByLevel.Keys.Count - 2; level > 0; level--)
                        foreach (var tagIdByLevel in tagIdsByLevel[level])
                            var tag = tags.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == tagIdByLevel);
                            if (tag == null)

                            var childTags = tags.Where(t => t.ParentId == tagIdByLevel).ToList();
                            tag.Properties.DocumentCount += childTags.Sum(t => t.Properties.DocumentCount);
                            tag.Properties.WordCount     += childTags.Sum(t => t.Properties.WordCount);

コード例 #4
        public IActionResult Recommend(string id, [FromBody] PrcRecommendationRequest request)
            if (request == null)
                return(new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest));
            // If Id is Alias, translate to Id
            if (GlobalStore.ServiceAliases.IsExist(id))
                id = GlobalStore.ServiceAliases.Get(id);

            if (!GlobalStore.ActivatedPrcs.IsExist(id))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeWithErrorResult(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, string.Format(ServiceResources.ServiceNotExistsOrNotActivated, ServiceTypeEnum.Prc)));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.TagId) && !GlobalStore.ActivatedPrcs.Get(id).PrcsSettings.Tags.Any(t => t.Id == request.TagId))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeWithErrorResult(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, ServiceResources.TheGivenTagIsMissingFromThePRCService));

            var globalStoreDataSet = GlobalStore.DataSets.Get(GlobalStore.ActivatedPrcs.Get(id).PrcsSettings.DataSetName);
            var dataSet            = globalStoreDataSet.DataSet;
            var analyzeQuery       = queryFactory.GetAnalyzeQuery(dataSet.Name);

            var tokens = analyzeQuery.Analyze(request.Text, 1).ToList();
            var text   = string.Join(" ", tokens);

            //tagId meghatározása
            var tagId = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.TagId))
                tagId = request.TagId;
                //ha nincs megadva tagId akkor kiszámoljuk a prc scorer-ekkel
                var allResults = new List <KeyValuePair <string, double> >();
                foreach (var scorerKvp in GlobalStore.ActivatedPrcs.Get(id).PrcScorers)
                    var score = scorerKvp.Value.GetScore(text, 1.7, true);
                    allResults.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, double>(scorerKvp.Key, score));
                var resultsList = allResults.Where(r => r.Value > 0).OrderByDescending(r => r.Value).ToList();
                if (resultsList.Count == 0)
                    return(new OkObjectResult(new List <PrcRecommendationResult>()));
                tagId = resultsList.First().Key;

            var tagsToTest = new List <string>();

            if (request.Filter?.TagIdList?.Any() == true)
                var existingTags = GlobalStore.ActivatedPrcs.Get(id).PrcsSettings.Tags.Select(t => t.Id).Intersect(request.Filter.TagIdList).ToList();
                if (existingTags.Count < request.Filter.TagIdList.Count)
                    var missingTagIds = request.Filter.TagIdList.Except(existingTags).ToList();
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeWithErrorResult(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest,
                                                             string.Format(ServiceResources.TheFollowingTagIdsNotExistInTheDataSet_0, string.Join(", ", missingTagIds))));
                tagsToTest = request.Filter.TagIdList;

            var globalSubset = GlobalStore.ActivatedPrcs.Get(id).PrcSubsets[tagId];

            if (globalSubset.WordsWithOccurences == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeWithErrorResult(StatusCodes.Status406NotAcceptable, ServiceResources.TheGivenTagHasNoWordsInDictionary));

            var wordsInDic = globalSubset.WordsWithOccurences.Keys.Intersect(tokens).ToList();

            var baseSubset = new Cerebellum.Subset
                AllWordsOccurencesSumInCorpus = globalSubset.AllWordsOccurencesSumInCorpus,
                AllWordsOccurencesSumInTag    = globalSubset.AllWordsOccurencesSumInTag,
                WordsWithOccurences           = wordsInDic.ToDictionary(w => w, w => globalSubset.WordsWithOccurences[w])
            var baseDic = new Cerebellum.Dictionary.TwisterAlgorithm(baseSubset, true, false).GetDictionary();

            var globalScorer = GlobalStore.ActivatedPrcs.Get(id).PrcScorers[tagId];
            var baseScorer   = new Cerebellum.Scorer.PeSScorer(new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <string, double> > {
                { 1, baseDic }

            var baseScore   = baseScorer.GetScore(text, 1.7);
            var globalScore = globalScorer.GetScore(text, 1.7);

            var results = new List <PrcRecommendationResult>();

            if (baseScore == 0 || globalScore == 0)
                return(new OkObjectResult(results));

            var filterQuery = request.Filter?.Query?.Trim();
            var query       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterQuery) ? string.Empty : $"({filterQuery}) AND ";

            // '+ 1' because we give score between 0 and 1 but in elasticsearch that means negative boost
            query = string.Format("{0}({1})", query, string.Join(" ", baseDic.Select(k => $"{k.Key}^{k.Value + 1}")));

            string shouldQuery = null;

            // weighting
            if (request.Weights?.Any() == true)
                shouldQuery = string.Join(" ", request.Weights.Select(k => $"({k.Query})^{k.Value}"));

            var fieldsForRecommendation = GlobalStore.ActivatedPrcs.Get(id).PrcsSettings.FieldsForRecommendation;

            var documentQuery    = queryFactory.GetDocumentQuery(dataSet.Name);
            var documentElastics = new List <DocumentElastic>();
            var scrollResult     = documentQuery
                                           null, false,
                                           DocumentService.GetFieldFilter(globalStoreDataSet, new List <string> {
                request.NeedDocumentInResult ? "*" : globalStoreDataSet.DataSet.IdField
                                           null, null, null,


            var docIdsWithScore = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, double>(new Dictionary <string, double>());
            var wordQuery       = queryFactory.GetWordQuery(dataSet.Name);

            Func <string, bool> isAttachmentField = (field) => globalStoreDataSet.AttachmentFields.Any(attachmentField =>
                                                                                                       string.Equals(attachmentField, field, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            Parallel.ForEach(documentElastics, parallelService.ParallelOptions(), docElastic =>
                var fieldList = fieldsForRecommendation
                                .Select(field => isAttachmentField(field) ? $"{field}.content" : field)

                var wwo = wordQuery.GetWordsWithOccurences(new List <string> {
                }, fieldList, 1);
                var actualCleanedText = string.Join(" ", wwo.Select(w => string.Join(" ", Enumerable.Repeat(w.Key, w.Value.Tag))));

                var actualBaseScore = baseScorer.GetScore(actualCleanedText, 1.7);
                if (actualBaseScore == 0)

                var actualGlobalScore = globalScorer.GetScore(actualCleanedText, 1.7);
                if (actualGlobalScore == 0)

                var finalScore = (actualBaseScore / baseScore) / (actualGlobalScore / globalScore);
                docIdsWithScore.TryAdd(docElastic.Id, finalScore);

            var resultDic = docIdsWithScore.OrderByDescending(rd => rd.Value).ToList();

            if (request.Count != 0 && resultDic.Count > request.Count)
                resultDic = resultDic.Take(request.Count).ToList();

            var docsDic = request.NeedDocumentInResult
                ? resultDic.Select(r => documentElastics.First(d => d.Id == r.Key)).ToDictionary(d => d.Id, d => d)
                : null;

            return(new OkObjectResult(resultDic.Select(kvp => new PrcRecommendationResult
                DocumentId = kvp.Key,
                Score = kvp.Value,
                Document = request.NeedDocumentInResult ? docsDic[kvp.Key].DocumentObject : null