コード例 #1
        public static TopicViewModel CreateTopicViewModel(Topic topic,
                                                          PermissionSet permission,
                                                          List <Post> posts,
                                                          Post starterPost,
                                                          MembershipUser loggedOnUser,
                                                          Settings settings,
                                                          ITopicNotificationService topicNotificationService,
                                                          IPollAnswerService pollAnswerService,
                                                          IVoteService voteService,
                                                          IFavouriteService favouriteService,
                                                          bool getExtendedData = false)
            var userIsAuthenticated = loggedOnUser != null;

            // Check for online status
            var date = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-AppConstants.TimeSpanInMinutesToShowMembers);

            var viewModel = new TopicViewModel
                Permissions       = permission,
                Topic             = topic,
                Views             = topic.Views,
                DisablePosting    = loggedOnUser != null && loggedOnUser.DisablePosting == true,
                PageIndex         = pageIndex,
                TotalCount        = totalCount,
                TotalPages        = totalPages,
                LastPostPermaLink = string.Concat(topic.NiceUrl, "?", AppConstants.PostOrderBy, "=",
                                                  AppConstants.AllPosts, "#comment-", topic.LastPost.Id),
                MemberIsOnline = topic.User.LastActivityDate > date

            if (starterPost == null)
                starterPost = posts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsTopicStarter);

            // Get votes for all posts
            var postIds = posts.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();


            // Get all votes by post
            var votes = voteService.GetVotesByPosts(postIds);

            // Get all favourites for this user
            var allFavourites = favouriteService.GetByTopic(topic.Id);

            // Map the votes
            var startPostVotes = votes.Where(x => x.Post.Id == starterPost.Id).ToList();
            var startPostFavs  = allFavourites.Where(x => x.Post.Id == starterPost.Id).ToList();

            // Create the starter post viewmodel
            viewModel.StarterPost = CreatePostViewModel(starterPost, startPostVotes, permission, topic, loggedOnUser,
                                                        settings, startPostFavs);

            // Map data from the starter post viewmodel
            viewModel.VotesUp   = startPostVotes.Count(x => x.Amount > 0);
            viewModel.VotesDown = startPostVotes.Count(x => x.Amount < 0);
            viewModel.Answers   = totalCount != null ? (int)totalCount : posts.Count() - 1;

            // Create the ALL POSTS view models
            viewModel.Posts =
                CreatePostViewModels(posts, votes, permission, topic, loggedOnUser, settings, allFavourites);

            // ########### Full topic need everything

            if (getExtendedData)
                // See if the user has subscribed to this topic or not
                var isSubscribed = userIsAuthenticated &&
                                   topicNotificationService.GetByUserAndTopic(loggedOnUser, topic).Any();
                viewModel.IsSubscribed = isSubscribed;

                // See if the topic has a poll, and if so see if this user viewing has already voted
                if (topic.Poll != null)
                    // There is a poll and a user
                    // see if the user has voted or not

                    viewModel.Poll = new PollViewModel
                        Poll = topic.Poll,
                        UserAllowedToVote = permission[SiteConstants.Instance.PermissionVoteInPolls].IsTicked

                    var answers = pollAnswerService.GetAllPollAnswersByPoll(topic.Poll);
                    if (answers.Any())
                        var pollvotes = answers.SelectMany(x => x.PollVotes).ToList();
                        if (userIsAuthenticated)
                            viewModel.Poll.UserHasAlreadyVoted = pollvotes.Count(x => x.User.Id == loggedOnUser.Id) > 0;
                        viewModel.Poll.TotalVotesInPoll = pollvotes.Count();
