public void DoTurn(IPirateGame game) { List <Pirate> full_ships = game.MyPiratesWithTreasures(); List <Pirate> empty_ships = game.MyPiratesWithoutTreasures(); List <Treasure> current_treasures = game.Treasures(); int min = game.Distance(empty_ships[0], current_treasures[0]); Pirate S = empty_ships[0]; Treasure T = current_treasures[0]; int steps = 6; bool valid = false; if (full_ships != null) { foreach (Pirate s in full_ships) { game.SetSail(s, game.GetSailOptions(s, s.InitialLocation, 1)[0]); steps--; } } if (current_treasures != null && empty_ships != null) { while (steps != 0) { foreach (Pirate s in empty_ships) { if (s.ReloadTurns != 0) { empty_ships.Remove(S); continue; } valid = true; foreach (Treasure t in current_treasures) { if (game.Distance(s, t) < min && game.Distance(s, t) != 0) { min = game.Distance(s, t); S = s; T = t; } } } if (valid) { game.SetSail(S, game.GetSailOptions(S, T, (steps < min) ? steps : min)[0]); steps -= min; empty_ships.Remove(S); } } } }
public void DoTurn(IPirateGame state) { // Initing stuff List <Island> islands = state.NotMyIslands(); List <Pirate> myPirates = state.MyPirates(); List <Pirate> copyPirates = new List <Pirate>(myPirates); Dictionary <Pirate, Island> pirateToIsland = new Dictionary <Pirate, Island>(); for (int i = 0; i < islands.Count; i++) { Pirate closestPirate = GetClosestPirate(state, islands[i], myPirates); //state.Debug($"closest: {closestPirate.Id.ToString()} to island: {islands[i]}"); if (closestPirate != null) { myPirates.Remove(closestPirate); pirateToIsland.Add(closestPirate, islands[i]); } } copyPirates.ForEach(pirate => { if (pirateToIsland.ContainsKey(pirate) && pirateToIsland[pirate] != null) { Island island = pirateToIsland[pirate]; state.Debug($"Pirate {pirate.Id.ToString()} to island {island.Id.ToString()}"); List <Direction> movingDirections = state.GetDirections(pirate, island); if (movingDirections.Count > 0 && !pirate.IsLost) { state.Debug($"Pirate: {pirate.Id.ToString()}"); movingDirections.ForEach(direc => { state.Debug($"{direc}"); }); state.SetSail(pirate, movingDirections[0]); } } else // Bot that has no island { state.Debug($"Nothing {pirate.Id.ToString()}"); Island closestIsland = GetClosestIsland(state, pirate, state.NotMyIslands()); if (closestIsland != null) { List <Direction> movingDirections = state.GetDirections(pirate, closestIsland); state.SetSail(pirate, movingDirections[0]); } } }); }
} // calculates the closest powerups to ps[i] // can we move the given Pirate to the given Location according to the number of moves? // if so --> move it! private static int move(PirateContainer p, Location t, int moves, IPirateGame game, bool dontHitEnemies = false) { if (moves == 0 || (!p.AVALIBLE && p.S != PirateContainer.State.moved) || p.P.Location.Equals(t)) { return(0); } var X = from l in game.GetSailOptions(p.P, t, moves) where (!QueuedMotion.isOccupied(l, game, dontHitEnemies) && p.move1(l, game, moves)) select l; if (X.Count() > 0) {; Location loc = X.ElementAt(rand.Next(X.Count())); game.SetSail(p.P, loc); new QueuedMotion(p.P, loc); return(game.Distance(p.P, loc)); } game.Debug("Failed to find a move for " + p.P.Id + " to " + t); return(0); }
private void TakeAction(IPirateGame game, PirateTactics tactics) { if (TryDefend(game, tactics.Pirate) == true) { return; } if (TryAttack(game, tactics.Pirate) == true) { return; } game.SetSail(tactics.Pirate, tactics.TempDestination); }
public void DoTurn(IPirateGame game) { int reamaining = 6; Pirate[] ps = new Pirate[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ps[i] = game.GetMyPirate(i); } List <Pirate> ltp = game.MyPiratesWithTreasures(); reamaining -= ltp.Count; foreach (Pirate p in ltp) { game.SetSail(p, game.GetSailOptions(p, p.InitialLocation, 1)[0]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!ps[i].HasTreasure) { Treasure cull = null; int minD = int.MaxValue; foreach (Treasure t in game.Treasures()) { if (game.Distance(ps[i], t) < minD) { minD = game.Distance(ps[i], t); cull = t; } } game.SetSail(ps[i], game.GetSailOptions(ps[i], cull, reamaining)[0]); reamaining = 0; break; } } }
private static bool move(Pirate p, Location t, int moves, IPirateGame game) { foreach (Location l in game.GetSailOptions(p, t, moves)) { if (!game.IsOccupied(l)) { game.SetSail(p, l); return(true); } } game.Debug("Failed to find a move for " + p.Id); return(false); }
public int DoTurn(IPirateGame game) { int movesConsumed = 0; var pirates = game.MyPirates().Where(pirate => pirate.Id % 2 == 0).ToArray(); var firingPirates = new HashSet<Pirate>(); var firedUponTargets = new HashSet<Pirate>(); var shootingTuples = from pirate in pirates from enemy in game.EnemyPiratesWithTreasures() where pirate.ReloadTurns == 0 where pirate.TurnsToSober == 0 where enemy.TurnsToSober == 0 where game.Distance(pirate, enemy) <= 4 select new { Pirate = pirate, Target = enemy }; if (shootingTuples.Any()) { foreach (var shootingTuple in shootingTuples) { if (!firingPirates.Contains(shootingTuple.Pirate) && !firedUponTargets.Contains(shootingTuple.Target)) { firingPirates.Add(shootingTuple.Pirate); firedUponTargets.Add(shootingTuple.Target); game.Attack(shootingTuple.Pirate, shootingTuple.Target); movesConsumed++; } } } var piratesAndEnemies = pirates.Except(firingPirates).Select(pirate => Tuple.Create(pirate, game.GetEnemyPirate(pirate.Id))).ToList(); if (piratesAndEnemies.Any()) { // if any pirate needs to move, move only the first pirate var movingTuple = piratesAndEnemies.Where(pair => game.Distance(pair.Item1, pair.Item2.InitialLocation) > 2).FirstOrDefault(); if (movingTuple != null) { var movingPirate = movingTuple.Item1; var enemyHomeBase = movingTuple.Item2.InitialLocation; int distance = Math.Min(4, game.Distance(movingPirate, enemyHomeBase) - 2); var sailOptions = game.GetSailOptions(movingPirate, enemyHomeBase, distance); game.SetSail(movingPirate, sailOptions[random.Next(sailOptions.Count)]); movesConsumed += distance; } } return movesConsumed; }
// can we move the given Pirate to the given Location according to the number of moves? // if so --> move it! private static int move(PirateContainer p, Location t, int moves, IPirateGame game, bool dontHitEnemies = false) { if (moves == 0 || !p.AVALIBLE || p.P.Location.Equals(t)) { return(0); } // calculate the best route /*foreach (Location l in game.GetSailOptions(p.P, t, moves)) * { * if (!QueuedMotion.isOccupied(l, game, dontHitEnemies) && p.move(l, game)) * return game.Distance(p.P, l); * }*/ var X = from l in game.GetSailOptions(p.P, t, moves) where (!QueuedMotion.isOccupied(l, game, dontHitEnemies) && p.move1(l, game)) select l; if (X.Count() > 0) {; Location loc = X.ElementAt(rand.Next(X.Count())); game.SetSail(p.P, loc); new QueuedMotion(p.P, loc); return(game.Distance(p.P, loc)); } else if (X.Count() == 0) { if (PirateContainer.GetRemainingMoves() > 2) { Location loc = p.P.Location; p.move(loc, game); } } game.Debug("Failed to find a move for " + p.P.Id + " to " + t); return(0); }
public bool move(Location l, IPirateGame game) { if (s != State.none && s != State.treasure) { game.Debug("State on Pirate " + P.Id + " cannot shift from " + s.ToString() + " to moved!"); return(false); } int d = game.Distance(P, l); if (d > remainingMoves || (P.HasTreasure && d > 1)) { game.Debug("Pirate " + P.Id + " cannot move, not enough moves!"); return(false); } free.Remove(this); s = State.moved; game.SetSail(P, l); new QueuedMotion(P, l); return(true); }
private void MoveToBase(IPirateGame game, Pirate pirate) { game.Debug("Move pirate {0} home", pirate.Id); List<Location> possibleLocations = game.GetSailOptions(pirate, pirate.InitialLocation, 1); game.SetSail(pirate, possibleLocations[0]); }
private void MoveToTreasure(IPirateGame game, PirateAndCandidate candiadte, int moves) { if (candiadte.Treasure == null) { return; } List<Location> possibleLocations = game.GetSailOptions(candiadte.Pirate, candiadte.Treasure.Location, moves); game.Debug("Move pirate {0} to treasure {1} with {2}", candiadte.Pirate.Id, candiadte.Treasure.Id, moves); game.SetSail(candiadte.Pirate, possibleLocations[0]); }
public void DoTurn(IPirateGame game) { int remaining = 6; Pirate[] ps = new Pirate[4]; Location[] l = new Location[4]; int[] ds = new int[4]; List <int> dss = new List <int>(); // should always be size 4 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { ps[i] = game.GetMyPirate(i); ds[i] = int.MaxValue; foreach (Treasure t in game.Treasures()) { if (game.Distance(ps[i], t) < ds[i]) { ds[i] = game.Distance(ps[i], t); l[i] = t.Location; } } } // sort the ds into the dss { bool add; do { add = false; int min = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Length; i++) { if (!dss.Contains(i)) { if (min == -1 || ds[i] <= ds[min]) { min = i; add = true; } } } if (add) { dss.Add(min); } } while (add); } List <Pirate> ltp = game.MyPiratesWithTreasures(); remaining -= ltp.Count; foreach (Pirate p in ltp) { game.SetSail(p, game.GetSailOptions(p, p.InitialLocation, 1)[0]); } if (game.Treasures().Count == 0) { return; } for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { int i = dss[j]; if (!ps[i].HasTreasure) { bool attacked = false; if (ps[i].ReloadTurns == 0) { foreach (Pirate e in game.EnemySoberPirates()) { if (game.InRange(ps[i], e)) { game.Attack(ps[i], e); attacked = true; break; } } } if (!attacked && ps[i].TurnsToSober == 0 && ps[i].TurnsToRevive == 0) { game.SetSail(ps[i], game.GetSailOptions(ps[i], /*cull*/ l[i], remaining)[0]); remaining = 0; } } } }