public void Drop() { IPickable pickable = _grabing.GetComponent(typeof(IPickable)) as IPickable; pickable.Drop(); _grabing = null; }
void dropItem() { if (isHolding) { IPickable pickable = _heldItem.GetComponent <IPickable>(); if (pickable != null) { pickable.Drop(); } _heldItem = null; } }
private void HandlePickUp(InputAction.CallbackContext context) { var interactable = _interactableController.CurrentInteractable; // empty hands, try to pick if (_currentPickable == null) { _currentPickable = interactable as IPickable; if (_currentPickable != null) { animator.SetBool(_hasPickupHash, true); this.PlaySoundTransition(pickupAudio); _currentPickable.Pick(); _interactableController.Remove(_currentPickable as Interactable); _currentPickable.gameObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(slot.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); _currentPickable.gameObject.transform.SetParent(slot); return; } // Interactable only (not a IPickable) _currentPickable = interactable?.TryToPickUpFromSlot(_currentPickable); if (_currentPickable != null) { animator.SetBool(_hasPickupHash, true); this.PlaySoundTransition(pickupAudio); } _currentPickable?.gameObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation( slot.position, Quaternion.identity); _currentPickable?.gameObject.transform.SetParent(slot); return; } // we carry a pickable, let's try to drop it (we may fail) // no interactable in range or at most a Pickable in range (we ignore it) if (interactable == null || interactable is IPickable) { animator.SetBool(_hasPickupHash, false); this.PlaySoundTransition(dropAudio); _currentPickable.Drop(); _currentPickable = null; return; } // we carry a pickable and we have an interactable in range // we may drop into the interactable // Try to drop on the interactable. It may refuse it, e.g. dropping a plate into the CuttingBoard, // or simply it already have something on it //Debug.Log($"[PlayerController] {} trying to drop into {} "); bool dropSuccess = interactable.TryToDropIntoSlot(_currentPickable); if (!dropSuccess) { return; } animator.SetBool(_hasPickupHash, false); this.PlaySoundTransition(dropAudio); _currentPickable = null; }
void Update() { ray = playerCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); IUserInteraction hitInteraction = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, interactRadio) ? hit.transform.GetComponent <IUserInteraction>() : null; bool realizedHit = hitInteraction != null; if (pointer != null) { if (realizedHit) { pointer.sprite = objectInHand != null ? ocupiedPointer : hitInteraction.canInteract ? activePointer : passivePointer; } else { pointer.sprite = objectInHand != null ? ocupiedPointer : passivePointer; } } if (InteractTimer >= 0.6f && objectInHand == null) { if (realizedHit) { IPickable objectToPick = hit.transform.GetComponent <IPickable>(); if (objectToPick != null && objectToPick.canInteract) { objectInHand = objectToPick; objectToPick.Pick(hit.point); } } } if (objectInHand != null) { if (Vector3.Distance(playerCamera.transform.position, objectInHand.transform.position) > interactRadio * 2) { objectInHand.Drop(); InteractTimer = 0; objectInHand = null; } else { objectInHand.Pick(transform.position + playerCamera.transform.forward * interactRadio); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown(interactionInput)) { if (selectedGridObject) { placeObject = placeObject == null?Instantiate(selectedGridObject.gameObject) : placeObject; } else if (realizedHit && hitInteraction.canInteract && hitInteraction.gameObject.GetComponent <GridObject>()) { hitInteraction.Interact(hit.point, gameObject); } if (objectInHand != null) { InteractTimer = 0; objectInHand.Drop(); objectInHand = null; } } if (Input.GetButton(interactionInput) && objectInHand == null) { if (realizedHit && hitInteraction.canInteract && placeObject) { hitInteraction.Interact(hit.point, placeObject.gameObject, null); } InteractTimer += Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetButtonUp(interactionInput) && objectInHand == null) { InteractTimer = 0; if (realizedHit && InteractTimer < 0.6f) { if (hitInteraction.gameObject.GetComponent <ITrigger>() != null) { hitInteraction.gameObject.GetComponent <ITrigger>().delegates[0].Invoke(); } if (hitInteraction.canInteract && placeObject) { hitInteraction.Interact(hit.point, placeObject.gameObject); } } else { Destroy(placeObject); } } }