public static PatchList SortAndExtractPatches(UrlDir databaseRoot, IEnumerable <string> modList, IPatchProgress progress) { PatchList list = new PatchList(modList); // Have to convert to an array because we will be removing patches foreach (UrlDir.UrlConfig url in databaseRoot.AllConfigs.ToArray()) { try { if (!url.type.IsBracketBalanced()) { progress.Error(url, "Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):\n" + url.SafeUrl()); url.parent.configs.Remove(url); continue; } Command command = CommandParser.Parse(url.type, out _);; Match firstMatch = firstRegex.Match(url.type); Match finalMatch = finalRegex.Match(url.type); Match beforeMatch = beforeRegex.Match(url.type); Match forMatch = forRegex.Match(url.type); Match afterMatch = afterRegex.Match(url.type); int matchCount = 0; if (firstMatch.Success) { matchCount++; } if (finalMatch.Success) { matchCount++; } if (beforeMatch.Success) { matchCount++; } if (forMatch.Success) { matchCount++; } if (afterMatch.Success) { matchCount++; } if (firstMatch.NextMatch().Success) { matchCount++; } if (finalMatch.NextMatch().Success) { matchCount++; } if (beforeMatch.NextMatch().Success) { matchCount++; } if (forMatch.NextMatch().Success) { matchCount++; } if (afterMatch.NextMatch().Success) { matchCount++; } bool error = false; if (command == Command.Insert && matchCount > 0) { progress.Error(url, $"Error - pass specifier detected on an insert node (not a patch): {url.SafeUrl()}"); error = true; } else if (command == Command.Replace) { progress.Error(url, $"Error - replace command (%) is not valid on a root node: {url.SafeUrl()}"); error = true; } else if (command == Command.Create) { progress.Error(url, $"Error - create command (&) is not valid on a root node: {url.SafeUrl()}"); error = true; } else if (command == Command.Rename) { progress.Error(url, $"Error - rename command (|) is not valid on a root node: {url.SafeUrl()}"); error = true; } else if (command == Command.Paste) { progress.Error(url, $"Error - paste command (#) is not valid on a root node: {url.SafeUrl()}"); error = true; } else if (command == Command.Special) { progress.Error(url, $"Error - special command (*) is not valid on a root node: {url.SafeUrl()}"); error = true; } if (matchCount > 1) { progress.Error(url, $"Error - more than one pass specifier on a node: {url.SafeUrl()}"); error = true; } if (beforeMatch.Success && !beforeMatch.Groups[1].Success) { progress.Error(url, "Error - malformed :BEFORE patch specifier detected: " + url.SafeUrl()); error = true; } if (forMatch.Success && !forMatch.Groups[1].Success) { progress.Error(url, "Error - malformed :FOR patch specifier detected: " + url.SafeUrl()); error = true; } if (afterMatch.Success && !afterMatch.Groups[1].Success) { progress.Error(url, "Error - malformed :AFTER patch specifier detected: " + url.SafeUrl()); error = true; } if (error) { url.parent.configs.Remove(url); continue; } if (command == Command.Insert) { continue; } url.parent.configs.Remove(url); Match theMatch = null; List <UrlDir.UrlConfig> thePass = null; bool modNotFound = false; if (firstMatch.Success) { theMatch = firstMatch; thePass = list.firstPatches; } else if (finalMatch.Success) { theMatch = finalMatch; thePass = list.finalPatches; } else if (beforeMatch.Success) { if (CheckMod(beforeMatch, list.modPasses, out string theMod)) { theMatch = beforeMatch; thePass = list.modPasses[theMod].beforePatches; } else { modNotFound = true; progress.NeedsUnsatisfiedBefore(url); } } else if (forMatch.Success) { if (CheckMod(forMatch, list.modPasses, out string theMod)) { theMatch = forMatch; thePass = list.modPasses[theMod].forPatches; } else { modNotFound = true; progress.NeedsUnsatisfiedFor(url); } } else if (afterMatch.Success) { if (CheckMod(afterMatch, list.modPasses, out string theMod)) { theMatch = afterMatch; thePass = list.modPasses[theMod].afterPatches; } else { modNotFound = true; progress.NeedsUnsatisfiedAfter(url); } } else { thePass = list.legacyPatches; } if (modNotFound) { continue; } UrlDir.UrlConfig newUrl = url; if (theMatch != null) { string newName = url.type.Remove(theMatch.Index, theMatch.Length); ConfigNode newNode = new ConfigNode(newName) { id = }; newNode.ShallowCopyFrom(url.config); newUrl = new UrlDir.UrlConfig(url.parent, newNode); } thePass.Add(newUrl); progress.PatchAdded(); } catch (Exception e) { progress.Exception(url, $"Exception while parsing pass for config: {url.SafeUrl()}", e); } } return(list); }