コード例 #1
        private float Fade(int index)
            float time        = _timeParameter.GetValue(index);
            float targetValue = (_targetValueParameter != null) ? _targetValueParameter.GetValue(index) : 1;

            return(Fade(time, targetValue));
コード例 #2
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnInitializeParticles(int startIndex, int count, object emitter)
            if (_linearSpeedParameter == null ||
                _directionParameter == null ||
                _biasVelocityParameter == null)

            Vector3[] directions = _directionParameter.Values;
            float[]   speeds     = _linearSpeedParameter.Values;
            Vector3[] biases     = _biasVelocityParameter.Values;

            if (directions != null && speeds != null && biases != null)
                // Optimized case: Direction, Speed, and Acceleration are varying parameters.
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    Vector3 velocity = directions[i] * speeds[i];
                    velocity += biases[i] * Strength;
                    speeds[i] = velocity.Length;
                    if (!Numeric.IsZero(speeds[i]))
                        directions[i] = velocity / speeds[i];
            else if (directions != null && speeds != null)
                // Optimized case: Direction and Speed are varying parameters, Bias is uniform.
                Vector3 bias = _biasVelocityParameter.DefaultValue * Strength;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    Vector3 velocity = directions[i] * speeds[i];
                    velocity += bias;
                    speeds[i] = velocity.Length;
                    if (!Numeric.IsZero(speeds[i]))
                        directions[i] = velocity / speeds[i];
            else if (directions != null || speeds != null)
                // General case: Either Direction or Speed is varying parameter.
                // This path does not make sense much sense. - But maybe someone has an idea how to use it.
                Vector3 bias = _biasVelocityParameter.DefaultValue * Strength;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    Vector3 velocity = _directionParameter.GetValue(i) * _linearSpeedParameter.GetValue(i);
                    velocity += bias;
                    var newSpeed = velocity.Length;
                    _linearSpeedParameter.SetValue(i, newSpeed);
                    if (!Numeric.IsZero(newSpeed))
                        _directionParameter.SetValue(i, velocity / newSpeed);
コード例 #3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnUpdateParticles(TimeSpan deltaTime, int startIndex, int count)
            if (_valueParameter == null ||
                _startParameter == null ||
                _endParameter == null ||
                _factorParameter == null)

            Vector3[] values = _valueParameter.Values;
            if (values == null)
                // Value is a uniform parameter. Uniform parameters are handled in OnBeginUpdate().

            // Value is a varying parameter.
            Vector3[] starts  = _startParameter.Values;
            Vector3[] ends    = _endParameter.Values;
            float[]   factors = _factorParameter.Values;

            if (starts != null && ends != null && factors != null)
                // Optimized case: Start, End, and Factor are varying parameters.
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    var f = factors[i];
                    values[i] = (1 - f) * starts[i] + f * ends[i];
            else if (starts == null && ends == null && factors != null)
                // Optimized case: Start and End are uniform parameters, Factor is varying parameter.
                Vector3 startValue = _startParameter.DefaultValue;
                Vector3 endValue   = _endParameter.DefaultValue;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    var f = factors[i];
                    values[i] = (1 - f) * startValue + f * endValue;
                // General case:
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    var f = _factorParameter.GetValue(i);
                    values[i] = (1 - f) * _startParameter.GetValue(i) + f * _endParameter.GetValue(i);
コード例 #4
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnUpdateParticles(TimeSpan deltaTime, int startIndex, int count)
            if (_linearSpeedParameter == null ||
                _positionParameter == null ||
                _directionParameter == null)

            var positions = _positionParameter.Values;

            if (positions == null)
                // Position is a uniform parameter. Uniform parameters are handled in OnBeginUpdate().

            // Value is a varying parameter.
            Vector3[] directions = _directionParameter.Values;
            float[]   speeds     = _linearSpeedParameter.Values;
            float     dt         = (float)deltaTime.TotalSeconds;

            if (directions != null && speeds != null)
                // Optimized case: Direction and Speed are varying parameters.
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    positions[i] += directions[i] * speeds[i] * dt;
            else if (directions != null)
                // Optimized case: Direction is varying parameter and Speed is uniform parameter.
                Debug.Assert(speeds == null);
                float speed = _linearSpeedParameter.DefaultValue;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    positions[i] += directions[i] * speed * dt;
                // General case:
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    positions[i] += _directionParameter.GetValue(i) * _linearSpeedParameter.GetValue(i) * dt;
コード例 #5
        // This method is called each frame to update particles.
        protected override void OnUpdateParticles(TimeSpan deltaTime, int startIndex, int count)
            // Abort if we are missing particle parameters.
            if (_positionParameter == null ||
                _linearSpeedParameter == null ||
                _directionParameter == null)

            // Get the direction and linear speed particle parameter arrays.
            for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                // Get the particle position and check if the position is behind the plane.
                Vector3 position = _positionParameter.GetValue(i);
                if (Vector3.Dot(position, _plane.Normal) > _plane.DistanceFromOrigin)

                // Get the linear velocity of the particle.
                Vector3 velocity = _directionParameter.GetValue(i) * _linearSpeedParameter.GetValue(i);

                // Check if the particle is moving into the plane or away.
                float normalSpeed = Vector3.Dot(velocity, _plane.Normal);
                if (normalSpeed > 0)

                // Get the restitution. If there is no restitution particle parameter, we use a default value.
                float restitution = (_restitutionParameter != null) ? _restitutionParameter.GetValue(i) : 0.5f;

                // Change the velocity to let the particle bounce off.
                velocity = velocity - (1 + restitution) * _plane.Normal * normalSpeed;

                // Update LinearSpeed and Direction from the velocity vector.
                // The speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector.
                var newSpeed = velocity.Length;
                _linearSpeedParameter.SetValue(i, newSpeed);

                // Direction stores the normalized direction of the velocity vector.
                if (!Numeric.IsZero(newSpeed))
                    _directionParameter.SetValue(i, velocity / newSpeed);
コード例 #6
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnUpdateParticles(TimeSpan deltaTime, int startIndex, int count)
            if (_linearSpeedParameter == null ||
                _directionParameter == null ||
                _linearAccelerationParameter == null)

            // Update varying parameters.
            Vector3[] directions    = _directionParameter.Values;
            float[]   speeds        = _linearSpeedParameter.Values;
            Vector3[] accelerations = _linearAccelerationParameter.Values;
            float     dt            = (float)deltaTime.TotalSeconds;

            if (directions != null && speeds != null && accelerations != null)
                // Optimized case: Direction, Speed, and Acceleration are varying parameters.
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    Vector3 velocity = directions[i] * speeds[i];
                    velocity += accelerations[i] * dt;
                    speeds[i] = velocity.Length;
                    if (!Numeric.IsZero(speeds[i]))
                        directions[i] = velocity / speeds[i];
            else if (directions != null && speeds != null)
                // Optimized case: Direction and Speed are varying parameters, Acceleration is uniform.
                Vector3 acceleration = _linearAccelerationParameter.DefaultValue;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    Vector3 velocity = directions[i] * speeds[i];
                    velocity += acceleration * dt;
                    speeds[i] = velocity.Length;
                    if (!Numeric.IsZero(speeds[i]))
                        directions[i] = velocity / speeds[i];
            else if (directions != null || speeds != null)
                // General case: Either Direction or Speed is varying parameter.
                // This path does not make sense much sense. - But maybe someone has an idea how to use it.
                Vector3 acceleration = _linearAccelerationParameter.DefaultValue;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + count; i++)
                    Vector3 velocity = _directionParameter.GetValue(i) * _linearSpeedParameter.GetValue(i);
                    velocity += acceleration * dt;
                    var newSpeed = velocity.Length;
                    _linearSpeedParameter.SetValue(i, newSpeed);
                    if (!Numeric.IsZero(newSpeed))
                        _directionParameter.SetValue(i, velocity / newSpeed);
コード例 #7
        private float Rotate(int index, float deltaTime, float angle)
            float speed = _angularSpeedParameter.GetValue(index);

            return(Rotate(deltaTime, angle, speed));