コード例 #1
        public void TestListSkus()
            using (MockContext context = MockContext.Start(this.GetType()))
                var computeClient = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GetComputeManagementClient(context,
                                                                                              new RecordedDelegatingHandler {
                    StatusCodeToReturn = HttpStatusCode.OK

                IPage <ResourceSku> skus = computeClient.ResourceSkus.List();
                Assert.True(skus.Any(), "Assert that the array of skus has at least 1 member.");
                Assert.True(skus.Any(sku => sku.ResourceType == "availabilitySets"), "Assert that the sku list at least contains" +
                            "one availability set.");
                Assert.True(skus.Any(sku => sku.ResourceType == "virtualMachines"), "Assert that the sku list at least contains" +
                            "one virtual machine.");
                Assert.True(skus.Any(sku => sku.LocationInfo != null), "Assert that the sku list has non null location info in it.");
                Assert.True(skus.All(sku => sku.LocationInfo.Count == 1), "There should be exactly one location info per entry.");
                Assert.True(skus.Any(sku => sku.LocationInfo[0].Location.Equals("westus", StringComparison.Ordinal)), "Assert that it has entry for one of the CRP regions (randomly picked).");

                // EastUS2EUAP is one of the regions where UltraSSD is enabled, hence verifying that CRP and ARM are returning correct
                // properties related to UltraSSD in the SKUs API
                var vmSkusInEastUS2Euap = skus.Where(
                    s => s.Locations[0].Equals("eastus2euap", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && s.ResourceType == "virtualMachines").ToList();

                var ultraSSDSupportingSku    = vmSkusInEastUS2Euap.First(s => s.Name == "Standard_B2s");
                var nonUltraSSDSupportingSku = vmSkusInEastUS2Euap.First(s => s.Name == "Standard_A7");

                Assert.Equal(1, ultraSSDSupportingSku.LocationInfo.Count);
                Assert.Equal(1, ultraSSDSupportingSku.LocationInfo[0].ZoneDetails.Count);
                Assert.Equal(1, ultraSSDSupportingSku.LocationInfo[0].ZoneDetails[0].Capabilities.Count);
                Assert.Equal("UltraSSDAvailable", ultraSSDSupportingSku.LocationInfo[0].ZoneDetails[0].Capabilities[0].Name);
                Assert.Equal("True", ultraSSDSupportingSku.LocationInfo[0].ZoneDetails[0].Capabilities[0].Value);

                // ZoneDetails should not be set for a SKU which does not support ultraSSD. This is because we do not have any
                // other zonal capability currently.
                Assert.Equal(0, nonUltraSSDSupportingSku.LocationInfo[0].ZoneDetails.Count);
コード例 #2
        public void TestListSkus()
            using (MockContext context = MockContext.Start(this.GetType().FullName))
                var computeClient = ComputeManagementTestUtilities.GetComputeManagementClient(context,
                                                                                              new RecordedDelegatingHandler {
                    StatusCodeToReturn = HttpStatusCode.OK

                IPage <ResourceSku> skus = computeClient.ResourceSkus.List();
                Assert.True(skus.Any(), "Assert that the array of skus has at least 1 member.");
                Assert.True(skus.Any(sku => sku.ResourceType == "availabilitySets"), "Assert that the sku list at least contains" +
                            "one availability set.");
                Assert.True(skus.Any(sku => sku.ResourceType == "virtualMachines"), "Assert that the sku list at least contains" +
                            "one virtual machine.");
                Assert.True(skus.Any(sku => sku.LocationInfo != null), "Assert that the sku list has non null location info in it.");
                Assert.True(skus.All(sku => sku.LocationInfo.Count == 1), "There should be exactly one location info per entry.");
                Assert.True(skus.Any(sku => sku.LocationInfo[0].Location.Equals("westus", StringComparison.Ordinal)), "Assert that it has entry for one of the CRP regions (randomly picked).");