コード例 #1
        static public int DrawSquareAnnotation(Form1 Parent)
            if (Parent.m_CurDoc == null)
            IPXC_Pages pages   = Parent.m_CurDoc.Pages;
            IPXC_Page  page    = pages[0];
            PXC_Rect   rcPage  = page.get_Box(PXC_BoxType.PBox_PageBox);
            IPXS_Inst  pxsInst = Parent.m_pxcInst.GetExtension("PXS");
            IAUX_Inst  auxInst = Parent.m_pxcInst.GetExtension("AUX");
            //Getting Square annotation atom for the InsertNewAnnot method
            uint nSquare = pxsInst.StrToAtom("Square");
            //Placing it in the center of page
            double   nCX   = (rcPage.right - rcPage.left) / 2.0;
            double   nCY   = (rcPage.top - rcPage.bottom) / 2.0;
            PXC_Rect rcOut = new PXC_Rect();

            rcOut.left   = nCX - 200;
            rcOut.bottom = nCY - 100;
            rcOut.right  = nCX + 200;
            rcOut.top    = nCY + 100;
            IPXC_Annotation             annot = page.InsertNewAnnot(nSquare, ref rcOut);
            IPXC_AnnotData_SquareCircle aData = annot.Data as IPXC_AnnotData_SquareCircle;

            aData.Opacity = 0.7;
            var color = auxInst.CreateColor(ColorType.ColorType_RGB);

            color.SetRGB(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            aData.Color = color;
            //Setting dashed border pattern
            var border = new PXC_AnnotBorder();

            border.nStyle       = PXC_AnnotBorderStyle.ABS_Dashed;
            border.nWidth       = 4.0f;
            border.DashArray    = new float[10];
            border.DashArray[0] = border.DashArray[1] = 16.0f; //Width of dashes
            border.nDashCount   = 2;                           //Number of dashes
            annot.Data = aData;

コード例 #2
        static public int AddSquareAndCircleAnnotation(Form1 Parent)
            if (Parent.m_CurDoc == null)

            IPXC_UndoRedoData urData    = null;
            IPXC_Pages        pages     = Parent.m_CurDoc.Pages;
            IPXC_Page         firstPage = pages[0];
            PXC_Rect          rcPage    = firstPage.get_Box(PXC_BoxType.PBox_PageBox);

            IPXC_Page page    = pages.InsertPage(0, ref rcPage, out urData);
            IPXS_Inst pxsInst = Parent.m_pxcInst.GetExtension("PXS");
            IAUX_Inst auxInst = Parent.m_pxcInst.GetExtension("AUX");
            //Getting Square and Circle annotations atom for the InsertNewAnnot method
            uint nSquare = pxsInst.StrToAtom("Square");
            uint nCircle = pxsInst.StrToAtom("Circle");

            double   nCX   = (rcPage.right - rcPage.left) / 2.0;
            double   nCY   = (rcPage.top - rcPage.bottom) / 2.0;
            PXC_Rect rcOut = new PXC_Rect();

            rcOut.left   = nCX - 200;
            rcOut.bottom = nCY + 200;
            rcOut.right  = nCX + 200;
            rcOut.top    = nCY + 300;
            IPXC_Annotation             annot = unchecked (page.InsertNewAnnot(nSquare, ref rcOut));
            IPXC_AnnotData_SquareCircle aData = annot.Data as IPXC_AnnotData_SquareCircle;

            aData.Title = "Square annotation 1.";
            annot.Data  = aData;

            rcOut.bottom -= 150;
            rcOut.top    -= 150;
            annot         = unchecked (page.InsertNewAnnot(nSquare, ref rcOut));
            aData         = annot.Data as IPXC_AnnotData_SquareCircle;
            aData.Title   = "Square annotation 2.";
            IColor color = auxInst.CreateColor(ColorType.ColorType_RGB);

            color.SetRGB(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            aData.SColor = color;
            color.SetRGB(0.15f, 0.5f, 0.12f);
            aData.FColor = color;
            annot.Data   = aData;

            rcOut.bottom -= 150;
            rcOut.top    -= 150;
            annot         = unchecked (page.InsertNewAnnot(nCircle, ref rcOut));
            aData         = annot.Data as IPXC_AnnotData_SquareCircle;
            aData.Title   = "Circle annotation 3.";
            color.SetRGB(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            aData.SColor = color;
            color.SetRGB(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            aData.FColor = color;
            //Setting dashed border pattern
            PXC_AnnotBorder border = new PXC_AnnotBorder();

            border.nStyle     = PXC_AnnotBorderStyle.ABS_Dashed;
            border.nWidth     = 4.0f;
            border.DashArray  = new float[] { 10f, 8f, 6f, 4f, 2f, 2f, 4f, 6f, 8f, 10f }; //Width of dashes
            border.nDashCount = 4;                                                        //Number of dashes
            annot.Data = aData;

            rcOut.bottom -= 150;
            rcOut.top    -= 150;
            annot         = unchecked (page.InsertNewAnnot(nCircle, ref rcOut));
            aData         = annot.Data as IPXC_AnnotData_SquareCircle;
            aData.Title   = "Circle annotation 4.";
            color.SetRGB(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            aData.SColor = color;
            color.SetRGB(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            aData.FColor = color;
            //Setting dashed border pattern
            border        = new PXC_AnnotBorder();
            border.nStyle = PXC_AnnotBorderStyle.ABS_Solid;
            border.nWidth = 5.0f;
            annot.Data = aData;
